Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering [v13]

2020-06-29 Thread Kevin Rushforth
On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 21:50:50 GMT, Kevin Rushforth  wrote:

>> Frederic Thevenet has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   Fill test image with a bilinear gradient instead of random noise.
> I think I found the problem in the tiling logic that leads to the macOS 
> failures. You need to check that the remainder
> width or height is > 0. Also, it looks like you have the "B" and "R" loops 
> backwards, which is a bit confusing.

Actually, it also fails the same way on Ubuntu 20.04 as it does on macOS if I 
force HW acceleration on Ubuntu. It's off
by default when running in a VM, so is using the SW pipeline, which doesn't 
have a hard limit (so that could explain
the heap problem you were facing).

Ensuring that the tile size is > 0 fixes it on Linux and Mac.



Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering [v13]

2020-06-29 Thread Kevin Rushforth
On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 16:27:19 GMT, Frederic Thevenet 

>> Issue JDK-8088198, where an exception would be thrown when trying to capture 
>> a snapshot whose final dimensions would be
>> larger than the running platform's maximum supported texture size, was 
>> addressed in openjfx14. The fix, based around
>> the idea of capturing as many tiles of the maximum possible size and 
>> re-compositing the final snapshot out of these, is
>> currently only attempted after the original, non-tiled, strategy has already 
>> failed. This was decided to avoid any risk
>> of regressions, either in terms of performances and correctness, while still 
>> offering some relief to the original
>> issue.  This follow-on issue aims to propose a fix to the original issue, 
>> that is able to correctly decide on the best
>> snapshot strategy (tiled or not) to adopt before applying it and ensure best 
>> performances possible when tiling is
>> necessary while still introducing no regressions compared to the original 
>> solution.
> Frederic Thevenet has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   Fill test image with a bilinear gradient instead of random noise.

I think I found the problem in the tiling logic that leads to the macOS 
failures. You need to check that the remainder
width or height is > 0. Also, it looks like you have the "B" and "R" loops 
backwards, which is a bit confusing.

 line 1612:

> 1611: int bTileHeight = tileHeight;
> 1612: while (bTileHeight == tileHeight && bOffset < 
> h) {
> 1613: renderTile(x, xOffset, y, bOffset, 
> mTileWidth, bTileHeight, buffer, rf, tileRttCache,
> pImage);

It looks like the "B" and the "R" loops are reversed. This isn't causing any 
actual problems, but is confusing since it
doesn't match the comment or the diagram above. The comment for this block says 
"B" tiles, but actually, it is the "R"
tiles in the diagram that this is looping over. At the end of the main loop, 
`mTileWIdth` and `mTileHeight` will be set
to the size of the corner tile. Given this, the tiles of `mTileWidth` X 
`tileHeight` will be the right hand column.

Once you fix this, you will need to surround this `while` loop in a check for 
`if (mTileWidth > 0)`

 line 1620:

> 1619: int rTileWidth = tileWidth;
> 1620: while (rTileWidth == tileWidth && rOffset < w) {
> 1621: renderTile(x, rOffset, y, yOffset, 
> rTileWidth, mTileHeight, buffer, rf, tileRttCache,
> pImage);

Similarly, you will need to surround this `while` loop in a check for `if 
(mTileHeight > 0)`

 line 1626:

> 1625: // Render corner "C" tile if needed
> 1626: if (bOffset > 0 && rOffset > 0) {
> 1627: renderTile(x, rOffset, y, bOffset, 
> rTileWidth, bTileHeight, buffer, rf, tileRttCache,
> pImage);

I might recommend to also add a check for `mTileWidth > 0 && mTileHeight > 0`



Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering [v5]

2020-06-29 Thread Kevin Rushforth
On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 16:41:53 GMT, Frederic Thevenet 

>> I have changed the test setup to fill up the scene with a gradient instead 
>> of random noise; it should be as able to
>> catch misalignment, while not looking like something's gone horribly wrong.
> Also, while running the tests again on a ubuntu 20.04 VM, I encountered 2 
> occurences where one of the tests failed, out
> of ~8 runs in total. In one case, the error where similar to yours:
>> Task :systemTests:test
> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test > testSnapshot2x2TilesSameSizeImm[3] FAILED
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unrecognized image loader: null
> at 
> at 
> at
> at
> at
> at 
> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test.lambda$doTestTiledSnapshotImm$12(
> 148 tests completed, 1 failed
> While in the other, it pointed to an Out Of Memory Error:
>  Task :systemTests:test
> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test > testSnapshot2x2TilesSameHeightDefer[3] 
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
> at java.base/java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.(
> at java.base/java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(
> at 
> at
> at 
> at 
> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test.doTestTiledSnapshotDefer(
> at 
> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test.testSnapshot2x2TilesSameHeightDefer(
> 148 tests completed, 1 failed
> Again, in my environment, it only failed one test, and not all the time, but 
> this could be the same root cause. Two
> ways we could find out would be by either increasing the max heap size for 
> the test runner or use a smaller image and
> force the prism.maxTextureSize property to something less than 4096 to 
> trigger tiling anyway. Unfortunately, I could
> not find out how to achieve either of these (simply passing the properties to 
> the JVM running the Gradle wrapper seem
> to have no effect).

It runs fine for me on Ubuntu 20.04 (VM) and Windows 10.

I also see the failures on macOS. This isn't related to heap size. The failures 
are consistent, and hit virtually all
of the tests whose dimensions are larger than 4096. Also, I modified the test 
to `@Ignore` all but one of the failing
tests, and that test still fails.

I instrumented the code, and from one of the failing tests I see this:

renderToImage: need to tile image, size = 18000 x 90
renderTile: 4096 x 90
renderTile: 4096 x 90
renderTile: 4096 x 90
renderTile: 4096 x 90
renderTile: 1616 x 90
renderTile: 4096 x 0

This last tile is an illegal tile size (so you're probably just getting lucky 
that it isn't causing problems on Windows
or Linux). I would check the tiling logic.



Re: RFR: 8201568: zForce touchscreen input device fails when closed and immediately reopened

2020-06-29 Thread John Neffenger
The message from this sender included one or more files
which could not be scanned for virus detection; do not
open these files unless you are certain of the sender's intent.

On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 11:26:50 GMT, Johan Vos  wrote:

>> Fixes [JDK-8201568](
> The rationale makes sense (open/open/close) instead of (open/close/open)

Based on my notes below, I believe this change is safe for any Linux input 
device driver because the driver shouldn't
receive the intermediate *open* and *close* calls at all.

Nonetheless, it would be reassuring if someone could try [this 
just once on a mainstream device, such as the Raspberry Pi with a touchscreen 
LCD panel. I only have six obscure ARM
devices and a headless QEMU ARM virtual machine for testing. @johanvos or 
@dellgreen - Is that something you could
test? If you think it's overkill and not worth it, that's fine, too.


The Linux kernel documentation about [opening and
 input devices

> Note that input core keeps track of number of users for the device and makes 
> sure that dev->open() is called only when
> the first user connects to the device and that dev->close() is called when 
> the very last user disconnects. Calls to
> both callbacks are serialized.

Also, the Linux Programmer's Manual for the *close* system call (`man 2 close`) 

> If *fd* is the last file descriptor referring to the underlying open file 
> description (see **open**(2)), the resources
> associated with the open file description are freed.

Running a JavaFX program with `strace -f -e trace=open,close -o strace.log` 
shows the one *open* for the *event0*
keyboard, and the *open, open, close* for the *event1* touchscreen:

5847  open("/dev/input/event0", O_RDONLY) = 11
5847  open("/dev/input/event1", O_RDONLY) = 12
5847  open("/dev/input/event1", O_RDONLY) = 13
5847  close(13) = 0

Both devices are actually closed by the kernel when the JavaFX program ends.



Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering [v5]

2020-06-29 Thread Frederic Thevenet
On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 16:16:58 GMT, Frederic Thevenet 

>> Thanks for your review.
>> I don't have access to a Mac so I can't check that directly.
>> The tests pass on both my Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 environments and the 
>> stack isn't very helpful (it simply
>> indicates the renderImage method returned null).
>> Running the test with the unpatched version of the 
>> `QuantumToolkit::renderToImage` method would typically result in
>> such a stack, but there are many other possible reasons.
>> With regard to the choice of random noise for the test image, my idea was to 
>> be able to catch any misalignment caused
>> by tiling in the final snapshot: using a single color or a simple pattern 
>> would not necessarily help catching such
>> errors. Using a complex image could do the trick, and avoid the broken 
>> aspect you mentioned, but it would need to be
>> very large (>4096x4096), and I was not sure it would be wise to add such a 
>> large binary resource to the repo. So I
>> settled for random noise, since it was the simplest way to generate an image 
>> which guaranties any misalignment would be
>> caught by comparing pixels 1 to 1.
> I have changed the test setup to fill up the scene with a gradient instead of 
> random noise; it should be as able to
> catch misalignment, while not looking like something's gone horribly wrong.

Also, while running the tests again on a ubuntu 20.04 VM, I encountered 2 
occurences where one of the tests failed, out
of ~8 runs in total. In one case, the error where similar to yours:
> Task :systemTests:test

test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test > testSnapshot2x2TilesSameSizeImm[3] FAILED
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unrecognized image loader: null

148 tests completed, 1 failed
While in the other, it pointed to an Out Of Memory Error:

 Task :systemTests:test

test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test > testSnapshot2x2TilesSameHeightDefer[3] FAILED
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.base/java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.(
at java.base/java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(

148 tests completed, 1 failed

Again, in my environment, it only failed one test, and not all the time, but 
this could be the same root cause. Two
ways we could find out would be by either increasing the max heap size for the 
test runner or use a smaller image and
force the prism.maxTextureSize property to something less than 4096 to trigger 
tiling anyway. Unfortunately, I could
not find out how to achieve either of these (simply passing the properties to 
the JVM running the Gradle wrapper seem
to have no effect).



Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering [v5]

2020-06-29 Thread Frederic Thevenet
On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 14:35:00 GMT, Frederic Thevenet 

>> I observed that the added tests are failing on mac machine(Mojave 10.14.6), 
>> but they do pass on windows10. Can you
>> please verify ? Timeout and Unrecognized Image loader errors from the log,
>> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test > testSnapshot2x2TilesSameWidthImm[0] FAILED
>>     java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unrecognized image loader: null
>>         at 
>>         at 
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at 
>> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test.lambda$doTestTiledSnapshotImm$12(
>> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test > testSnapshot2x1TilesSameSizeDefer[0] FAILED
>>     junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Timeout waiting for snapshot 
>> callback
>>         at 
>> test.javafx.scene.SnapshotCommon.runDeferredSnapshotWait(
>>         at 
>> test.javafx.scene.SnapshotCommon.runDeferredSnapshotWait(
>>         at 
>> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test.doTestTiledSnapshotDefer(
>>         at 
>> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test.testSnapshot2x1TilesSameSizeDefer(
>> I would suggest to fill the image with a single or preferably some pattern 
>> of multiple recognizable colors instead of
>> noise. The noise gives a broken feel. It might confuse the verifications of 
>> any future fixes in this area. A well
>> defined color would be nice.
> Thanks for your review.
> I don't have access to a Mac so I can't check that directly.
> The tests pass on both my Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 environments and the 
> stack isn't very helpful (it simply
> indicates the renderImage method returned null).
> Running the test with the unpatched version of the 
> `QuantumToolkit::renderToImage` method would typically result in
> such a stack, but there are many other possible reasons.
> With regard to the choice of random noise for the test image, my idea was to 
> be able to catch any misalignment caused
> by tiling in the final snapshot: using a single color or a simple pattern 
> would not necessarily help catching such
> errors. Using a complex image could do the trick, and avoid the broken aspect 
> you mentioned, but it would need to be
> very large (>4096x4096), and I was not sure it would be wise to add such a 
> large binary resource to the repo. So I
> settled for random noise, since it was the simplest way to generate an image 
> which guaranties any misalignment would be
> caught by comparing pixels 1 to 1.

I have changed the test setup to fill up the scene with a gradient instead of 
random noise; it should be as able to
catch misalignment, while not looking like something's gone horribly wrong.



Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering [v13]

2020-06-29 Thread Frederic Thevenet
> Issue JDK-8088198, where an exception would be thrown when trying to capture 
> a snapshot whose final dimensions would be
> larger than the running platform's maximum supported texture size, was 
> addressed in openjfx14. The fix, based around
> the idea of capturing as many tiles of the maximum possible size and 
> re-compositing the final snapshot out of these, is
> currently only attempted after the original, non-tiled, strategy has already 
> failed. This was decided to avoid any risk
> of regressions, either in terms of performances and correctness, while still 
> offering some relief to the original
> issue.  This follow-on issue aims to propose a fix to the original issue, 
> that is able to correctly decide on the best
> snapshot strategy (tiled or not) to adopt before applying it and ensure best 
> performances possible when tiling is
> necessary while still introducing no regressions compared to the original 
> solution.

Frederic Thevenet has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
additional commit since the last revision:

  Fill test image with a bilinear gradient instead of random noise.


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 16 lines in 1 file changed: 11 ins; 0 del; 5 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/112/head:pull/112


Integrated: 8240264: iOS: Unnecessary logging on every pulse when GL context changes

2020-06-29 Thread Jose Pereda
On Wed, 8 Apr 2020 08:37:27 GMT, Jose Pereda  wrote:

> This PR comments out too verbose console logging, as it has been done with 
> some other fprintf calls.
> As a follow up of this PR, a custom directive that enables this output if 
> needed can be considered.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 15f97ed4
Author:Jose Pereda 
Stats: 28 lines in 3 files changed: 0 ins; 26 del; 2 mod

8240264: iOS: Unnecessary logging on every pulse when GL context changes

Reviewed-by: kcr, jvos



Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering [v5]

2020-06-29 Thread Frederic Thevenet
On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 14:02:11 GMT, Ambarish Rapte  wrote:

>> I went ahead and wrote a bunch of tests that:
>> 1. Setup a scene to display an `ImageView` of a selected dimensions chosen 
>> to trigger tiling in different ways when
>> taking snapshots. 2. Fill up the image with noise.
>> 3. Take a snapshot and do a pixel-wise comparison with the original image.
>> I've added the new tests to the existing ``.
> I observed that the added tests are failing on mac machine(Mojave 10.14.6), 
> but they do pass on windows10. Can you
> please verify ? Timeout and Unrecognized Image loader errors from the log,
> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test > testSnapshot2x2TilesSameWidthImm[0] FAILED
>     java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unrecognized image loader: null
>         at 
>         at 
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at 
> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test.lambda$doTestTiledSnapshotImm$12(
> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test > testSnapshot2x1TilesSameSizeDefer[0] FAILED
>     junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Timeout waiting for snapshot 
> callback
>         at 
> test.javafx.scene.SnapshotCommon.runDeferredSnapshotWait(
>         at 
> test.javafx.scene.SnapshotCommon.runDeferredSnapshotWait(
>         at 
> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test.doTestTiledSnapshotDefer(
>         at 
> test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test.testSnapshot2x1TilesSameSizeDefer(
> I would suggest to fill the image with a single or preferably some pattern of 
> multiple recognizable colors instead of
> noise. The noise gives a broken feel. It might confuse the verifications of 
> any future fixes in this area. A well
> defined color would be nice.

Thanks for your review.

I don't have access to a Mac so I can't check that directly.
The tests pass on both my Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 environments and the 
stack isn't very helpful (it simply
indicates the renderImage method returned null).
Running the test with the unpatched version of the 
`QuantumToolkit::renderToImage` method would typically result in
such a stack, but there are many other possible reasons.

With regard to the choice of random noise for the test image, my idea was to be 
able to catch any misalignment caused
by tiling in the final snapshot: using a single color or a simple pattern would 
not necessarily help catching such
errors. Using a complex image could do the trick, and avoid the broken aspect 
you mentioned, but it would need to be
very large (>4096x4096), and I was not sure it would be wise to add such a 
large binary resource to the repo. So I
settled for random noise, since it was the simplest way to generate an image 
which guaranties any misalignment would be
caught by comparing pixels 1 to 1.



Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering [v5]

2020-06-29 Thread Ambarish Rapte
On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 11:33:27 GMT, Frederic Thevenet 

>>> [...] I'd like to see some additional system tests that cover all of the 
>>> cases of X and Y fitting/not-fitting exactly
>>> (and if you stick with your current approach, X or Y as the inner loop).
>> What kind of tests do you have in mind? More specifically do you mean simply 
>> adding tests that expand on the existing
>> `doTestSnapshotScaleNodeDefer`and `doTestSnapshotScaleNodeImm` (which 
>> basically just prove that taking a snapshot
>> returns a non-null image of the expected size)? Or do you think we need to 
>> include a test that proves the snapshot
>> produced by tiling is entirely faithful to the original, pixel-wise?
> I went ahead and wrote a bunch of tests that:
> 1. Setup a scene to display an `ImageView` of a selected dimensions chosen to 
> trigger tiling in different ways when
> taking snapshots. 2. Fill up the image with noise.
> 3. Take a snapshot and do a pixel-wise comparison with the original image.
> I've added the new tests to the existing ``.

I observed that the added tests are failing on mac machine(Mojave 10.14.6), but 
they do pass on windows10. Can you
please verify ? Timeout and NPE exception from the log,

test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test > testSnapshot2x2TilesSameWidthImm[0] FAILED
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unrecognized image loader: null

test.javafx.scene.Snapshot2Test > testSnapshot2x1TilesSameSizeDefer[0] FAILED
    junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Timeout waiting for snapshot callback

I would suggest to fill the image with a single or preferably some pattern of 
multiple recognizable colors instead of
noise. The noise gives a broken feel. It might confuse the verifications of any 
future fixes in this area. A well
defined color would be nice.



Re: RFR: 8240264: iOS: Unnecessary logging on every pulse when GL context changes [v3]

2020-06-29 Thread Kevin Rushforth
The message from this sender included one or more files
which could not be scanned for virus detection; do not
open these files unless you are certain of the sender's intent.

On Sun, 28 Jun 2020 18:34:01 GMT, Jose Pereda  wrote:

>> This PR comments out too verbose console logging, as it has been done with 
>> some other fprintf calls.
>> As a follow up of this PR, a custom directive that enables this output if 
>> needed can be considered.
> Jose Pereda has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Restore initial printout

Marked as reviewed by kcr (Lead).



Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering

2020-06-29 Thread thevenet . fred

Hi Ambarish,
Thanks for your review.

I don't have access to a Mac so I can't check that directly.
The tests pass on both my Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 environments
and the stack isn't very helpful (it simply indicates the 
renderImage method returned null).
There could be many reasons for that, but this is what would 
happen when running the test with the unpatched version of the 
QuantumToolkit::renderToImage method. 
Maybe double-check the pull applied cleanly on your clone?

With regard to the choice of random noise for the test image,
my idea was to be able to catch any misalignment caused by tiling
in the final snapshot: using a single color or a simple pattern
would not necessarily help catching such errors.
Using a complex image could do the trick, and avoid the broken aspect 
you mentioned, but it would need to be very large (>4096x4096), 
and I was not sure it would be wise to add such a large binary resource
to the repo.
So I settled for random noise, since it was the simplest way to generate 
an image with 100% guaranties any misalignment would be caught by
comparing pixels 1 to 1.

PS: I cc'ing the mailing list, so that the skara bot will hopefully pick 
it up and add it to the PR, so we can resume the discussion there once 
Github is up again.

-- Fred.

- Mail original -
De: "Ambarish Rapte" 
À: "Kevin Rushforth" , "thevenet fred" 

Envoyé: Lundi 29 Juin 2020 13:12:47
Objet: RE: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering

Looks like github is down, Unable to do a fresh login OR post a comment on the 
PR from already logged in session.
Here is my comment about the tests,

I observed that the added tests are failing on mac machine(Mojave 10.14.6), but 
they do pass on windows10. Can you please verify ? Attached mac test execution 

I would suggest to fill the image with a single or preferably some pattern of 
multiple recognizable colors instead of noise. The noise gives a broken feel. 
It might confuse the verifications of any future fixes in this area. A well 
defined color would be nice.


-Original Message-
From: Kevin Rushforth 
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2020 1:27 AM
Cc: Ambarish Rapte 
Subject: Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot rendering

No worries.

I hope to finish the review on Monday or Tuesday. I ran a full test on Windows 
today and it looks good. I have some more testing to do and then I will sanity 
test it on other platforms. I took a quick look at the code changes since last 
time, and didn't spot any issues. I'll do a more careful review Monday. The new 
tests look good, but I haven't looked carefully at the code yet.

-- Kevin

On 6/26/2020 8:28 AM, wrote:
>> I didn't copy openjfx-dev, so there is no way my reply could have 
>> been forwarded to either the list or the PR (else it would have been).
> Yes, of course: I realized that immediately *after* I pressed the send 
> button...
>> I don't see any duplication of your message. There is exactly one 
>> reply to the list, which was forwarded to the PR (as expected). The 
>> Skara bot will forward comments made in the GitHub PR as a reply to 
>> the RFR email and vice-versa.
>> If you want to make a comment on the mailing list related to your PR, 
>> but don't want that to show up in the PR, the easiest way is to start 
>> a new message thread rather than doing a reply.
> Indeed, there's no need to overthink it.
> Thank you, and my apologies for being a little dense today ;-)
> -- Fred
>> -- Kevin
>> On 6/26/2020 7:57 AM, wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin, thank you for that.
>>> As an unrelated side question: my original email to the list got 
>>> picked up by a bot and pushed to the PR, and then pushed back onto 
>>> the list,adding even more noise.
>>> Meanwhile your reply didn't; why is that?
>>> Do you know where I can find the rules used by the gh bot to pick-up 
>>> messages from the list, so I can avoid tripping one of them 
>>> unintentionally?
>>> Thanks.
>>> -- Fred
>>> - Mail original -
>>> De: "Kevin Rushforth" 
>>> À: "thevenet fred" 
>>> Cc: "Ambarish Rapte" 
>>> Envoyé: Vendredi 26 Juin 2020 15:39:56
>>> Objet: Re: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot 
>>> rendering
>>> Thanks for the reminder. Ambarish and I spoke yesterday and both of 
>>> us will review it.
>>> -- Kevin
>>> On 6/26/2020 2:13 AM, wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I think this is now ready for another (and hopefully final) round of 


 -- Fred

 - Mail original -
 De: "Frederic Thevenet" 
 À: "openjfx-dev" 
 Envoyé: Vendredi 28 Février 2020 18:58:00
 Objet: RFR: 8238954: Improve performance of tiled snapshot 

 Issue JDK-8088198, where an exception would be thrown when trying 

Re: RFR: 8248381: Create a daemon thread for MonocleTimer

2020-06-29 Thread Johan Vos
The message from this sender included one or more files
which could not be scanned for virus detection; do not
open these files unless you are certain of the sender's intent.

On Sun, 28 Jun 2020 01:56:26 GMT, John Neffenger 

>>> OK, that seems fine then. I'll take a closer look and then finish my review.
>> Actually, I think you may be right, though. Sorry for replying before 
>> looking into it. I now think the
>> `ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor` should be shut down, but let me look into it a 
>> bit more this afternoon before your final
>> review. Thanks! The new `ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor` is ~complicated~ 
>> flexible! 
> I think the code in the `_stop` method is correct after all.
> The `MonocleTimer` class is written to allow for multiple calls to the pair 
> of `_start` and `_stop` methods (even
> though I don't think that ever happens), and the static 
> `ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor`, named `scheduler`, is created
> only once and reused on subsequent calls.  Changing the `_stop` method to 
> call `task.cancel(true)` still leaves the
> timer thread running, which prevents the JavaFX application from exiting when 
> the timer thread is a user thread.
> Furthermore, whether it's a user or daemon thread, if the call to 
> `task.cancel(true)` happens to run exactly when the
> periodic task is *in progress*, the `timerRunnable` lambda in 
> `QuantumToolkit` prints the stack trace when it catches
> the `InterruptedException`.  java.lang.InterruptedException:
>   at
>   at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter
>   at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask
>   at 
> java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask
>   at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
>   at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker
>   at java.base/java.lang.Thread
> So the call to `task.cancel(false)` is correct.
> Changing the `_stop` method to shut down the `scheduler` will terminate the 
> associated thread, regardless of its daemon
> status, but a subsequent call to `_start` will throw a 
> `RejectedExecutionException` when trying to schedule the timer
> task:  java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException:
>   Task 
> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask@b1fe89
>   [Not completed, task = 
> java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter@1f85c96
>   [Wrapped task = 
>   rejected from java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@55f462
>   [Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed 
> tasks = 0]
>   at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$AbortPolicy
>   at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
>   at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
>   at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
>   at
>   at
>   at
>   at
>   at
>   at
>   at
>   at java.base/java.lang.Thread
> So if we want `MonocleTimer` to reuse a single `ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor` 
> object, I think the only way to make sure
> that its timer thread exits when the application exits is to set its daemon 
> status to `true`.

While the PR should indeed fix the original issue, I'm unsure about the 
behavior of multiple invocations of start/stop
rather than using the (nop) pause method. However, it seems this behavior is 
similar on other platforms, so I assume it
is by design.



Re: RFR: 8201570: Get two bytes for the Linux input event type, not four

2020-06-29 Thread Johan Vos
On Sat, 27 Jun 2020 00:12:41 GMT, John Neffenger 

> Fixes [JDK-8201570](

This fixes a bug that currently didn't cause any harm
( , 
but it's better to fix it now.


Marked as reviewed by jvos (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8201568: zForce touchscreen input device fails when closed and immediately reopened

2020-06-29 Thread Johan Vos
On Sat, 27 Jun 2020 00:21:06 GMT, John Neffenger 

> Fixes [JDK-8201568](

The rationale makes sense (open/open/close) instead of (open/close/open)


Marked as reviewed by jvos (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8244212: Optionally download media and webkit libraries from latest openjfx EA build

2020-06-29 Thread Johan Vos
The message from this sender included one or more files
which could not be scanned for virus detection; do not
open these files unless you are certain of the sender's intent.

On Thu, 30 Apr 2020 18:56:40 GMT, Jesper Skov 

> I have tested on Linux (Fedora 31) only.
> It works as intended (with one test failure due to 15-ea+4 being too old now).
> UPDATE_STUB_CACHE suggests there is some magic available to help manage the 
> stub cache.
> But as I could not find anything about it, that section in the documentation 
> may need some love.

Marked as reviewed by jvos (Reviewer).
