Re: To Be Or Not To Be (Native), was:Look and feel mechanism?

2013-12-09 Thread Rick Walker
There are a few critical elements that must conform to
platform-specific look and feel:

- app installer
- management of app icons
- system dialogs: file open, save and save, print
- os x system menu bar

Apart from these elements, native look and feel should be optional.

On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Felix Bembrick wrote:
 Stephen, I thoroughly agree that JavaFX is by far the best choice for 
 non-native apps/widgets which is precisely my point. They are the kind of 
 apps perfect for using JavaFX.

 But you refer to giving people the choice to go native where appropriate. How 
 can I exercise that choice? Where is the support for native widgets in JavaFX?

 And isn't the real Holy Grail being able to mix native and non-native widgets 
 in the same app with all features of Node being available to every widget, 
 with all the effects and transforms, all the CSS/styling and with all the 

 Could JavaFX ever be such a toolkit?

 On 10 Dec 2013, at 2:24, Stephen F Northover 

 Here are my thoughts on the matter.  Give people the choice of whether to 
 use native or non-native components.  In some applications, everything will 
 be non-native.  In others, only the main content area will be non-native and 
 the rest will be native. In some mobile applications, perhaps the preference 
 pages will be native and other parts will not.

 JavaFX is the best choice for non-native widgets and we are committed to 
 making it the best toolkit all around.


 On 2013-12-09 9:49 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:
 I agree that perfect sync with native look and feels is not what is 
 required and not worth the effort.  I do think though that major concepts 
 in the platform's look and feel should (must!) be followed or the user 
 experience is ruined.

 The example of the order of the ok and cancel buttons has been brought up 
 already.  But that isn't even the most important one.

 Things like shortcut keys. CTRL-C to copy on windows, Command-C to copy on 
 Mac.  Standard menu layouts, right-click behaviour and standard context 
 menus.  They just have to be in the right place.  That they look different 
 doesn't matter as much. And this doesn't mean that you can't try new ideas 
 for UI.  But basic things that users expect to work should still work. E.g. 
 Command-Q on OS X better quit the app :-)

 As noted already with my reference to Office and browsers.. Fully native 
 apps can be non-compliant with the platforms look and feel.  So this isn't 
 really a Java-specific issue.


 On Dec 9, 2013, at 4:24 AM, Felix Bembrick 

 Spoiler: This is something I have become intensely passionate about so 
 this is likely to be a long post...

 OK, so this (hijacked) thread started out as a discussion of options in 
 JavaFX for implementing Look and Feel.  I think everyone agrees that 
 even with CSS and skins, JavaFX lacks the built-in ability to define a 
 true Look *and* Feel.  Further to this, there has been discussion on 
 Twitter and elsewhere regarding *native* Look and Feel and the merits of 
 attempting such an animal with JavaFX.

 It is on this topic that I would like to add my 2 bits (as I am known to 
 do)!  I was going to use my blog but decided I 
 would be much more likely to be able to engage fellow JavaFX developers in 
 a positive, polite and respectful conversation here.

 First, anyone who may follow me on Twitter, in this forum or when I post 
 in other forums (anyone?) will probably be a little bit confused as to 
 where I actually stand on this issue.  Well, this stems from the fact that 
 I have been giving confusing (if not conflicting) input into various 
 threads on this topic for quite a while.


 Well, because until very recently, I myself was completely torn on the 
 subject of native Look and Feel.  In fact, I seemed to oscillate on an 
 almost daily basis from thinking it's a great, achievable idea to 
 dismissing such an idea on various grounds.  I am swaying so much because 
 I have so much riding on successful ports of JavaFX to iOS and Android and 
 because those ports depend heavily on resolving this issue once and for 

 Now I have had something of an epiphany and reached a conclusion.  I now 
 do not believe that pouring large (massive?) amounts of resources into the 
 painstaking task of building a fully compliant, fully performant native 
 Look and Feel is justifiable or worth the effort.  And let's be clear 
 about this: it is a *lot* of effort!

 But before I proceed I just want to say categorically how much I admire 
 the thoroughly awesome work/efforts of the likes of Pedro DV, Claudine 
 Zillmann, Hendrik Ebbers et. al. in (trying ever so hard) to bring native 
 Look and Feel to various OS/platforms with JavaFX.  I cannot put in words 
 how much I am in awe of the commitment, the attention to detail, the 
 technical prowess, the artistry 

Re: JavaFX on iOS and Android: The real problem and challenge

2013-11-09 Thread Rick Walker
There is more to this issue than simply JavaFX, iOS and Android. There
is a bigger picture here that involves the complex relationships
between Oracle, Apple and Google.

I think it is fair to say that we all have enormous respect for
Richard Bair and his team. It seems to me we should listen to Richard.
If I understand his postings correctly, he is saying that we, the
community, should create a new OpenJDK project which, if it used
the OpenJDK class libraries would let his team put support directly
into the OpenJFX build system for building FX and running FX apps ...
directly on RoboVM.

It seems to me that the message here is that Oracle is totally willing
and able to support RoboVM as an OpenJDK project. Niklas - are you up
for it? The optics here are important. The project must be created by
the community (NOT BY ORACLE).

from Richard's post of October 22:

Personally I'm interested in RoboVM on Android, so that there is a
single VM across both iOS and Android. Also if RoboVM supported the
OpenJDK class libraries, it would make this so much simpler for us and
provide a consistent story. For example, the OpenJFX project is an
OpenJDK project and we really can't be officially promoting a VM that
doesn't implement the Java standard. It puts us in a very awkward
position. If RoboVM used the OpenJDK class libraries instead of the
Android class libraries, not only could I push it at conferences like
JavaOne, but I could also put support directly into the OpenJFX build
system for building FX and running FX apps (like Hello*, Modena,
Ensemble, etc) directly on RoboVM without developers having to setup
anything special. This would be huge for making it easy for people to
contribute iOS fixes to OpenJFX. But I can't do that if RoboVM doesn't
actually implement Java.

and, from November 8:

Totally, I think the normal process for this is to create a new
OpenJDK project, is it not? Can you take a look at the OpenJDK bylaws
and report back on the process? I think it would be awesome to do a
port. Note that there are a few OpenJDK ports already which have ARM
support, you might want to look there as a starting point?

On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
 I'm sure the javafx team is doing a great job. My intention was not to put
 that in question but to try to contribute further to this discussion.

 Yes indeed oracle javafx team has fewer resources than what should be
 preferred. We need to harvest the power of the community in the best way we
 can to further expand the this resources.

 In that sense I think the best to do is to get better organized at doing
 Instead of a man for himself kind of effort we should have a kind of
 corporate like structure with the intricacies of being a group of
 On Nov 9, 2013 1:21 PM, Felix Bembrick wrote:

 What we do know is that Oracle are working on something and that RoboVM
 is already out there.  We also know that RoboVM has serious limitations
 such as being based on the Android class library, not supporting JDK 8 or
 OpenJDK or invokedynamic etc. so is not really a viable solution at this
 stage.  This is not to say that the work of Niklas is not first-class as it
 clearly is an awesome technology even in its current form.

 I think the key factor we need to consider here is that RoboVM is
 essentially a one person project and even the JavaFX team at Oracle itself
 is not that large.  Although it's difficult to gauge exactly how many are
 on the team, I would say from the various names that pop-up on the OpenJFK
 list and in private conversations we are possibly looking at a dozen or
 less active staff and possibly a total head count of developers in single

 Clearly then, with such a small pool of talent, it is not practical to
 dilute the effort over more than one project.  In an ideal world where we
 had two or more projects backed by large corporations with infinite
 resources then the more competition would be helpful for long term
 viability and quality.  But our world is hardly ideal and it makes sense to
 have everyone on the same page.

 To this end I tend to agree with Pedro DV in that we need Oracle to come
 clean and open up the porting of JavaFX to iOS, Android and any other
 potential OS.  I am not going to comment on whether Oracle are doing a
 good/bad job as I am sure there are many more factors and issues that we
 are not privy to that prevents them from doing exactly what we would like
 them to do.  They are not out to derail JavaFX and in fact are very much
 behind it being viable on mobiles and tablets.

 I know Richard Bair and I have to say that he is one of the most
 passionate developers and believers in Java and JavaFX there is so I am
 sure he is keener than anyone for it to succeed on all platforms.

 Perhaps we have to approach Oracle with positivity and a willingness to
 help and hope that they are in a position (technically/legally/etc.)