Hi community,

I have 3 different community boards with Mali-400 on them, and have yet to get 
the satisfaction of a simple GLESv2 app rendering without X11 in the way. 
Perhaps this is because I am a library guy (not a kernel guy), perhaps it is 
due to the emphasis on X11 in the distros, perhaps this is because I have not 
found the right magic incantation.

So I am looking for some help.

I need some suggestions on what I am missing in setup on the boards I do have, 
and/or suggestions on the community board (easily available without NDA) I 
should be getting.

I have:

 *      Arndale Board-K
     o fails to boot Linaro distro (and the instructions don't match the sample 
 *      Odroid-U3
     o forums say that direct framebuffer is not implemented
 *      A20-OlinuXino-Micro
     o forums say it should work with sunxi drivers, but I have yet to find a 
sample image/driver combo that does not have version issues.

 Like Freescale, the Mali implementation requires a different library 
configuration for X11 versus direct to framebuffer rendering.


David Hill <david.h...@oracle.com>
Java Embedded Development

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
-- Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), (attributed)

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