On 01/09/2021 17:17, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:

--On Wednesday, September 1, 2021 2:07 PM +0100 Mark Cairney
<mark.cair...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:


I've been out the LDAP loop for a bit but the recent discussion of the
memberof overlay on 2.5 piqued my curiosity. Having upgraded a Dev box,
removed the memberof elements from the database and replaced the
memberof overlay with dynlist the queries appear to work as expected but
are both a) slow and b) heavily CPU-intensive on the LDAP server.

As an aside, I would note that you appear to be indexing "pres"
unnecessarily.  Please read

If the group object is large you may be having slow searches due to indices
being collapsed to a range.  You would need to run the search with trace
logging to determine if that's the case as was recently discussed on the



We are also observing very long query time involving memberOf when using 
dynlist migrating a 2.4 OpenLDAP docker install to 2.5.11. We have followed 
community recommendation and replaced the deprecated memberOf overlay with 
dynlist to calculate memberOf attributes, and removed the memberof elements 
from the data before importing it.

Using dynlist, we have noticed an important drop of performance in queries 
involving the memberOf attributes on (relatively) large database (about 36000 
users and 9000 groups dispatched in 150 branches) compared to 2.4: Queries on 
memberOf attributes that used to be processed in 0.200 seconds now takes about 
6-7 seconds. In the example below, the search base is a branch with a 
relatively small number of users (about 350) and the targeted group contains 
260 users:

time ldapsearch -x -h -D "cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=com" -w "secret" -b 
"ou=people,dc=branch,dc=domain,dc=com" "(memberof=cn=dev,ou=groups,dc=branch,dc=domain,dc=com)" uid

real    0m6,358s
user    0m0,024s
sys     0m0,020s

If the group used in memberOf has 1200 members, the query takes over 30 
seconds. These results are obtained using an OpenLDAP running in a simple 
docker container on a host with 8CPU/16GB RAM.

When using the memberOf overlay instead of dynlist to calculate memberOf, the 
performance are back to what is used to be in 2.4 (< 0.200 second for the above 

We believe our config to be very standard: member attribute is indexed and 
dynlist is loaded and configured as below

dn: olcOverlay={3}dynlist,olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectClass: olcDynListConfig
olcOverlay: {3}dynlist
olcDynListAttrSet: {0}groupOfURLs memberURL member+memberOf@groupOfNames

Are this performance issues an expected side-effect of switching to dynlist - 
as the memberOf attributes are now dynamically calculated while the memberOf 
overlay used to writes these attributes - or something is more likely wrong 
with our install or could be tuned to improve these performances?

Some organizations have applications that relies on memberOf queries to be 
fast, and expects to keep these performances when upgrading to 2.5. From what 
we observed, we can only advise them to stick with the legacy memberOf overlay 
if they need these queries to stay fast, or rethink their approach to avoid 
querying memberOf on large databases.


Soisik Froger

Worteks | https://www.worteks.com

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