On Thu, May 03, 2007, Doug Summers wrote:

>  I'm not sure how to submit changes as I've just started working with the CVS
>  branches. I wanted to make the following changes:
>  Add --with-authenticate option for AIX. This seems to work much better than
>  PAM.
>  #   package options
>  %option       with_aixauth  no
>  #   add to end of configure line
>  %if "%{with_aixauth}" == "yes"
>          --with-authenticate \
>  %endif

Well, --with-authenticate is really an AIX specific option. So adding a
generic "with_aixauth" seems to be strange. All OpenPKG package options
should be cross-platform ones. But this is usually no problem for you as
you are already using the OpenPKG development environment. Just reduce
this change to the simple addition of --with-authenticate and "maintain"
this change locally by merging our upstream changes and this trivial
local change with "cvs up" from time to time. Add an organization suffix
like ".foo" to your Release header in this package so you easily can
recognize that this package is a locally modified one.

>  This package (like many others) assumes IBM's XLC compiler and fails unless
>  -Duse_cc=gcc is used. This should be forced for AIX.

Hmmm... this unfortunately is a problem. If we force it to use GCC
this means all AIX users have to be a vendor GCC installed. Although I
think this might be the case anyway, it at least is a strange external
dependency. Perhaps it is better to just locally ensure that the OpenPKG
"gcc" package is always present in your instances under AIX?

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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