[tickets] [opensaf:tickets] #2468 amf: amfd asserts while decrementing opensaf NoRed SI assignment counter during fail-over.

2017-05-25 Thread Praveen
- **Version**: 5.2 --> 5.1
- **Comment**:

Observed in 5.1.


** [tickets:#2468] amf: amfd asserts while decrementing opensaf NoRed SI 
assignment counter during fail-over.**

**Status:** unassigned
**Milestone:** 5.17.06
**Created:** Thu May 25, 2017 08:46 AM UTC by Praveen
**Last Updated:** Thu May 25, 2017 11:19 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Ticket is based on a issue reported via user list mail dated: 22-May-17, 
subject  "[users] osafamfd coredump issue.

Here is syslog when the issue occurred:

2017-05-01T07:52:57.714906-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Resetting link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.5:bond0>, peer not responding

2017-05-01T07:52:57.714935-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.5:bond0> on network plane A

2017-05-01T07:52:57.714939-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost contact with <1.1.5>

2017-05-01T07:52:57.716788-04:00 scm2 osafimmd[3009]: NO MDS event from svc_id 
25 (change:4, dest:287038266327043)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.717304-04:00 scm2 osafclmd[4259]: NO Node 66831 went down. 
Not sending track callback for agents on that node

2017-05-01T07:52:57.719178-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Global discard node 
received for nodeId:1050f pid:15395

2017-05-01T07:52:57.719233-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer 
disconnected 104 <0, 1050f(down)> (MsgQueueService66831)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.721345-04:00 scm2 osafamfd[4277]: NO Node 'PLD0105' left 
the cluster

2017-05-01T07:52:57.722778-04:00 scm2 log_demo[6160]: [0.I.Proc]: FYI state 
change notification from NTF, entity PLD0105 now has new state DISABLED (Oper 
state safAmfNode=PLD0105,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster changed)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.732796-04:00 scm2 osafamfd[4277]: su.cc:2006: 
dec_curr_act_si: Assertion 'saAmfSUNumCurrActiveSIs > 0' failed.

2017-05-01T07:52:57.778777-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Resetting link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.6:bond0>, peer not responding

2017-05-01T07:52:57.778827-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.6:bond0> on network plane A

2017-05-01T07:52:57.778833-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost contact with <1.1.6>

2017-05-01T07:52:57.777979-04:00 scm2 osafimmd[3009]: NO MDS event from svc_id 
25 (change:4, dest:288139774320643)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.717343-04:00 scm2 osafclmd[4259]: NO Node 66831 went down. 
Not sending track callback for agents on that node

2017-05-01T07:52:57.779373-04:00 scm2 osafclmd[4259]: NO Node 67087 went down. 
Not sending track callback for agents on that node

2017-05-01T07:52:57.780552-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Global discard node 
received for nodeId:1060f pid:17439

2017-05-01T07:52:57.780607-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer 
disconnected 106 <0, 1060f(down)> (MsgQueueService67087)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.810785-04:00 scm2 osafamfnd[5281]: WA AMF director 
unexpectedly crashed

2017-05-01T07:52:57.810839-04:00 scm2 osafamfnd[5281]: Rebooting OpenSAF NodeId 
= 69647 EE Name = , Reason: local AVD down(Adest) or both AVD down(Vdest) 
received, OwnNodeId = 69647, SupervisionTime = 0

2017-05-01T07:52:57.810978-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer locally 
disconnected. Marking it as doomed 105 <29, 1100f> (safAmfService)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.812582-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer 
disconnected 105 <29, 1100f> (safAmfService)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.950567-04:00 scm2 opensaf_reboot: Rebooting local node; 

2017-05-01T07:52:58.084968-04:00 scm2 atwdog[28335]: rebooting (-f) local node


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[tickets] [opensaf:tickets] #2461 imm: Adm Impl continuation and Search Impl continuation are not discarded when peer IMMND is down

2017-05-25 Thread Hung Nguyen
- **summary**: imm: AdmOp continuation is not discarded when peer IMMND is down 
--> imm: Adm Impl continuation and Search Impl continuation are not discarded 
when peer IMMND is down
- Description has changed:


--- old
+++ new
@@ -9,3 +9,5 @@
 13:06:30 SC-2 osafimmnd[224]: ER Problem in sending to peer IMMND over MDS. 
Discarding admin op reply.
 13:06:30 SC-2 osafimmnd[224]: WA Error code 2 returned for message type 21 - 
+This ticket also fix the familiar problem with Search Impl continuation.

- **status**: review --> fixed
- **Comment**:

5.17.08 (develop) [code:40b8e4]
commit 40b8e4a53b9de7efbda2e7eb141da4701df7
Author: Hung Nguyen 
Date:   Wed May 17 14:10:16 2017 +0700

imm: Discard Adm Impl continuation and Search Impl continuation when peer 
IMMND is down [#2461]

Discard Adm Impl continuation and Search Impl continuation when peer IMMND 
is down.

5.17.06 (release) [code:8ef603]
commit 8ef603fd8d48016493df3c3fb9d3cba22078aece
Author: Hung Nguyen 
Date:   Wed May 17 14:10:16 2017 +0700

imm: Discard Adm Impl continuation and Search Impl continuation when peer 
IMMND is down [#2461]

Discard Adm Impl continuation and Search Impl continuation when peer IMMND 
is down.


** [tickets:#2461] imm: Adm Impl continuation and Search Impl continuation are 
not discarded when peer IMMND is down**

**Status:** fixed
**Milestone:** 5.17.06
**Created:** Mon May 15, 2017 06:46 AM UTC by Hung Nguyen
**Last Updated:** Wed May 17, 2017 08:03 AM UTC
**Owner:** Hung Nguyen

Reproduce steps:
\- OI is on SC-2
\- OM client on SC-1 invokes an admin operation
\- Before OI sends admin operation response to IMMND on SC-2, bring IMMND on 
SC-1 down
\- The admop continuation (**sAdmImplContinuationMap**) on SC-2 is not 
discarded and when receiving the response, it fails to send to IMMND on SC-1 
because **mReply_dest** is not correct anymore.

13:06:30 SC-2 osafimmnd[224]: WA MDS Send Failed to service:IMMND rc:2
13:06:30 SC-2 osafimmnd[224]: ER Problem in sending to peer IMMND over MDS. 
Discarding admin op reply.
13:06:30 SC-2 osafimmnd[224]: WA Error code 2 returned for message type 21 - 

This ticket also fix the familiar problem with Search Impl continuation.


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[tickets] [opensaf:tickets] #2418 imm: Info of dead IMMND remains in standby IMMD

2017-05-25 Thread Hung Nguyen
- **status**: review --> fixed
- **Comment**:

5.17.08 (develop) [code:ff044b]
commit ff044b93c3182997cbe9ab318245846c876ecd02
Author: Hung Nguyen 
Date:   Mon May 15 14:09:06 2017 +0700

imm: Clear dead IMMND info before switching to ACTIVE role [#2418]

During cold-sync, standby IMMD may receive info of dead IMMND.
Before switching to active, the IMMD should clear those dead IMMND info.

5.17.06 (release) [code:b6d724]
commit b6d724a849988ef91dcfad4c0267df7a8ea96e4b
Author: Hung Nguyen 
Date:   Mon May 15 14:09:06 2017 +0700

imm: Clear dead IMMND info before switching to ACTIVE role [#2418]

During cold-sync, standby IMMD may receive info of dead IMMND.
Before switching to active, the IMMD should clear those dead IMMND info.


** [tickets:#2418] imm: Info of dead IMMND remains in standby IMMD**

**Status:** fixed
**Milestone:** 5.17.06
**Created:** Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:23 AM UTC by Hung Nguyen
**Last Updated:** Wed May 17, 2017 08:12 AM UTC
**Owner:** Hung Nguyen

- [log.tgz](https://sourceforge.net/p/opensaf/tickets/2418/attachment/log.tgz) 
(149.4 kB; application/x-compressed)

When Standby IMMD is up at the same time with a IMMND exiting, the info of that 
IMMND might not be removed from **immnd_tree** of the Standby IMMD.

Details of the problem is explained in the sequence diagram below

SC-5 was Active, SC-2 was Standby, IMMND on SC-1 was exiting

18:35:03 SC-1 osafimmnd[441]: exiting for shutdown

18:35:03 SC-2 osafrded[413]: NO RDE role set to STANDBY
18:35:03 SC-2 osafimmd[430]: NO MDS event from svc_id 25 (change:3, 
18:35:03 SC-2 osafimmd[430]: NO MDS event from svc_id 25 (change:3, 
18:35:03 SC-2 osafimmd[430]: NO MDS event from svc_id 25 (change:3, 
18:35:03 SC-2 osafimmd[430]: NO MDS event from svc_id 25 (change:3, 

18:35:03 SC-5 osafimmd[433]: NO MDS event from svc_id 25 (change:4, 

Down event for IMMND@SC-1 was received on SC-5 but not on SC-2.

**The symptoms:**

1. If the down IMMND is the corrdinator, that results in when that Standby IMMD 
becomes Active, it fails to elect new coordinator as there's already a 
coordinator in the **immnd_tree**.
18:35:11 SC-2 osafimmd[430]: WA IMMND coordinator at 2050f apparently crashed 
=> electing new coord
No more logs about newly elected coordinator were printed out.

2. When IMMND@SC-1 is up again, it will fail to introduce to IMMD because the 
IMMD already have IMMND@SC-1 in **immnd_tree** with a wrong epoch.

18:35:29 SC-1 osafimmnd[441]: NO SERVER STATE: IMM_SERVER_ANONYMOUS --> 
18:35:29 SC-1 osafimmnd[441]: NO This IMMND is now the NEW Coord
18:35:29 SC-1 osafimmnd[441]: ER 3 > 0, exiting


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[tickets] [opensaf:tickets] #2467 amfd: Unnesssary log warning when recreates SUSI after SC Absence stage

2017-05-25 Thread Minh Hon Chau
- **status**: accepted --> review


** [tickets:#2467] amfd: Unnesssary log warning when recreates SUSI after SC 
Absence stage**

**Status:** review
**Milestone:** 5.17.06
**Created:** Thu May 25, 2017 02:33 AM UTC by Minh Hon Chau
**Last Updated:** Thu May 25, 2017 02:33 AM UTC
**Owner:** Minh Hon Chau

When AMFD starts from SC Absence period, AMFD will recreate SUSI which are sent 
from all PLs as sync info. AMFD has to recreates those SUSI to IMM because 
those SUSI might be missed in IMM just before SC went down. In most of the 
cases, those SUSI should be present in IMM, and AMFD will get error 14 
(EXISTED) when recreate those SUSI.
AMFD should ignore and not to log this warning

2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfnd[274]: NO Sending node up due to NCSMDS_UP
2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: NO Received node_up from 2010f: msg_id 1
2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: WA saImmOiRtObjectCreate_2 of 
className:'SaAmfSIAssignment', parentName:'safSi=NoRed4,safApp=OpenSAF', failed 
with 14
2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: WA saImmOiRtObjectCreate_2 of 
parentName:'safSi=AmfDemoTwonDep2,safApp=AmfDemoTwon', failed with 14
2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: WA saImmOiRtObjectCreate_2 of 
parentName:'safSi=AmfDemoTwonDep1,safApp=AmfDemoTwon', failed with 14
2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: WA saImmOiRtObjectCreate_2 of 
parentName:'safSi=AmfDemoTwon,safApp=AmfDemoTwon', failed with 14
2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: WA saImmOiRtObjectCreate_2 of 
className:'SaAmfSIAssignment', parentName:'safSi=NoRed3,safApp=OpenSAF', failed 
with 14
2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: WA saImmOiRtObjectCreate_2 of 
parentName:'safSi=AmfDemoTwonDep2,safApp=AmfDemoTwon', failed with 14
2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: WA saImmOiRtObjectCreate_2 of 
parentName:'safSi=AmfDemoTwonDep1,safApp=AmfDemoTwon', failed with 14
2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: WA saImmOiRtObjectCreate_2 of 
parentName:'safSi=AmfDemoTwon,safApp=AmfDemoTwon', failed with 14
2017-05-25 12:27:06 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: WA saImmOiRtObjectCreate_2 of 
className:'SaAmfSIAssignment', parentName:'safSi=NoRed5,safApp=OpenSAF', failed 
with 14
2017-05-25 12:27:07 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: NO Enter restore headless cached RTAs 
from IMM
2017-05-25 12:27:07 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: NO Leave reading headless cached RTAs 
2017-05-25 12:27:07 SC-1 osafamfd[259]: NO Node 'SC-1' joined the cluster
2017-05-25 12:27:07 SC-1 osafamfnd[274]: NO 
'safSu=SC-1,safSg=2N,safApp=OpenSAF' Presence State UNINSTANTIATED => 


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[tickets] [opensaf:tickets] #2468 amf: amfd asserts while decrementing opensaf NoRed SI assignment counter during fail-over.

2017-05-25 Thread Minh Hon Chau
2017-05-01T07:52:57.732796-04:00 scm2 osafamfd[4277]: su.cc:2006: 
dec_curr_act_si: Assertion 'saAmfSUNumCurrActiveSIs > 0' failed.

AMFD looks not the latest version, we have recently changed the assert to log 


** [tickets:#2468] amf: amfd asserts while decrementing opensaf NoRed SI 
assignment counter during fail-over.**

**Status:** unassigned
**Milestone:** 5.17.06
**Created:** Thu May 25, 2017 08:46 AM UTC by Praveen
**Last Updated:** Thu May 25, 2017 08:46 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Ticket is based on a issue reported via user list mail dated: 22-May-17, 
subject  "[users] osafamfd coredump issue.

Here is syslog when the issue occurred:

2017-05-01T07:52:57.714906-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Resetting link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.5:bond0>, peer not responding

2017-05-01T07:52:57.714935-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.5:bond0> on network plane A

2017-05-01T07:52:57.714939-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost contact with <1.1.5>

2017-05-01T07:52:57.716788-04:00 scm2 osafimmd[3009]: NO MDS event from svc_id 
25 (change:4, dest:287038266327043)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.717304-04:00 scm2 osafclmd[4259]: NO Node 66831 went down. 
Not sending track callback for agents on that node

2017-05-01T07:52:57.719178-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Global discard node 
received for nodeId:1050f pid:15395

2017-05-01T07:52:57.719233-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer 
disconnected 104 <0, 1050f(down)> (MsgQueueService66831)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.721345-04:00 scm2 osafamfd[4277]: NO Node 'PLD0105' left 
the cluster

2017-05-01T07:52:57.722778-04:00 scm2 log_demo[6160]: [0.I.Proc]: FYI state 
change notification from NTF, entity PLD0105 now has new state DISABLED (Oper 
state safAmfNode=PLD0105,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster changed)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.732796-04:00 scm2 osafamfd[4277]: su.cc:2006: 
dec_curr_act_si: Assertion 'saAmfSUNumCurrActiveSIs > 0' failed.

2017-05-01T07:52:57.778777-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Resetting link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.6:bond0>, peer not responding

2017-05-01T07:52:57.778827-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.6:bond0> on network plane A

2017-05-01T07:52:57.778833-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost contact with <1.1.6>

2017-05-01T07:52:57.777979-04:00 scm2 osafimmd[3009]: NO MDS event from svc_id 
25 (change:4, dest:288139774320643)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.717343-04:00 scm2 osafclmd[4259]: NO Node 66831 went down. 
Not sending track callback for agents on that node

2017-05-01T07:52:57.779373-04:00 scm2 osafclmd[4259]: NO Node 67087 went down. 
Not sending track callback for agents on that node

2017-05-01T07:52:57.780552-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Global discard node 
received for nodeId:1060f pid:17439

2017-05-01T07:52:57.780607-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer 
disconnected 106 <0, 1060f(down)> (MsgQueueService67087)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.810785-04:00 scm2 osafamfnd[5281]: WA AMF director 
unexpectedly crashed

2017-05-01T07:52:57.810839-04:00 scm2 osafamfnd[5281]: Rebooting OpenSAF NodeId 
= 69647 EE Name = , Reason: local AVD down(Adest) or both AVD down(Vdest) 
received, OwnNodeId = 69647, SupervisionTime = 0

2017-05-01T07:52:57.810978-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer locally 
disconnected. Marking it as doomed 105 <29, 1100f> (safAmfService)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.812582-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer 
disconnected 105 <29, 1100f> (safAmfService)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.950567-04:00 scm2 opensaf_reboot: Rebooting local node; 

2017-05-01T07:52:58.084968-04:00 scm2 atwdog[28335]: rebooting (-f) local node


Sent from sourceforge.net because opensaf-tickets@lists.sourceforge.net is 
subscribed to https://sourceforge.net/p/opensaf/tickets/

To unsubscribe from further messages, a project admin can change settings at 
https://sourceforge.net/p/opensaf/admin/tickets/options.  Or, if this is a 
mailing list, you can unsubscribe from the mailing list.--
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
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Opensaf-tickets mailing list

[tickets] [opensaf:tickets] #2468 amf: amfd asserts while decrementing opensaf NoRed SI assignment counter during fail-over.

2017-05-25 Thread Praveen


** [tickets:#2468] amf: amfd asserts while decrementing opensaf NoRed SI 
assignment counter during fail-over.**

**Status:** unassigned
**Milestone:** 5.17.06
**Created:** Thu May 25, 2017 08:46 AM UTC by Praveen
**Last Updated:** Thu May 25, 2017 08:46 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Ticket is based on a issue reported via user list mail dated: 22-May-17, 
subject  "[users] osafamfd coredump issue.

Here is syslog when the issue occurred:

2017-05-01T07:52:57.714906-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Resetting link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.5:bond0>, peer not responding

2017-05-01T07:52:57.714935-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.5:bond0> on network plane A

2017-05-01T07:52:57.714939-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost contact with <1.1.5>

2017-05-01T07:52:57.716788-04:00 scm2 osafimmd[3009]: NO MDS event from svc_id 
25 (change:4, dest:287038266327043)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.717304-04:00 scm2 osafclmd[4259]: NO Node 66831 went down. 
Not sending track callback for agents on that node

2017-05-01T07:52:57.719178-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Global discard node 
received for nodeId:1050f pid:15395

2017-05-01T07:52:57.719233-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer 
disconnected 104 <0, 1050f(down)> (MsgQueueService66831)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.721345-04:00 scm2 osafamfd[4277]: NO Node 'PLD0105' left 
the cluster

2017-05-01T07:52:57.722778-04:00 scm2 log_demo[6160]: [0.I.Proc]: FYI state 
change notification from NTF, entity PLD0105 now has new state DISABLED (Oper 
state safAmfNode=PLD0105,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster changed)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.732796-04:00 scm2 osafamfd[4277]: su.cc:2006: 
dec_curr_act_si: Assertion 'saAmfSUNumCurrActiveSIs > 0' failed.

2017-05-01T07:52:57.778777-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Resetting link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.6:bond0>, peer not responding

2017-05-01T07:52:57.778827-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost link 
<1.1.16:eth2-1.1.6:bond0> on network plane A

2017-05-01T07:52:57.778833-04:00 scm2 kernel: tipc: Lost contact with <1.1.6>

2017-05-01T07:52:57.777979-04:00 scm2 osafimmd[3009]: NO MDS event from svc_id 
25 (change:4, dest:288139774320643)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.717343-04:00 scm2 osafclmd[4259]: NO Node 66831 went down. 
Not sending track callback for agents on that node

2017-05-01T07:52:57.779373-04:00 scm2 osafclmd[4259]: NO Node 67087 went down. 
Not sending track callback for agents on that node

2017-05-01T07:52:57.780552-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Global discard node 
received for nodeId:1060f pid:17439

2017-05-01T07:52:57.780607-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer 
disconnected 106 <0, 1060f(down)> (MsgQueueService67087)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.810785-04:00 scm2 osafamfnd[5281]: WA AMF director 
unexpectedly crashed

2017-05-01T07:52:57.810839-04:00 scm2 osafamfnd[5281]: Rebooting OpenSAF NodeId 
= 69647 EE Name = , Reason: local AVD down(Adest) or both AVD down(Vdest) 
received, OwnNodeId = 69647, SupervisionTime = 0

2017-05-01T07:52:57.810978-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer locally 
disconnected. Marking it as doomed 105 <29, 1100f> (safAmfService)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.812582-04:00 scm2 osafimmnd[3020]: NO Implementer 
disconnected 105 <29, 1100f> (safAmfService)

2017-05-01T07:52:57.950567-04:00 scm2 opensaf_reboot: Rebooting local node; 

2017-05-01T07:52:58.084968-04:00 scm2 atwdog[28335]: rebooting (-f) local node


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