- **summary**: Support for broadcastless cluster formation --> dtm: Support for 
broadcastless cluster formation
- **status**: review --> fixed
- **Comment**:

commit 1e62fa7bf9f3c5b4a6116cba6507cf679b268392 (HEAD -> develop, 
Author: Anders Widell <a...@..com>
Date:   Fri Oct 13 12:38:57 2017 +0200

    dtm: Add support for using IP unicast to discover nodes [#991]
    In addition to IP broadcast and IP multicast for DTM node discovery, add 
    for IP unicast to a list of peer IP addresses. The list of IP addresses is 
    when DTM starts, either from a file or using a DNS query.

commit 4ea8741b52153728e30e11c42aa120db12d7aae8
Author: Anders Widell <a...@..com>
Date:   Thu Oct 12 22:13:32 2017 +0200

    dtm: Extract Multicast class for node discovery message handling [#991]
    Extract a class with the name Multicast, that handles send and receive of 
    node discovery datagram messages. The underlying protocol can be IP 
    IP multicast, and - implemented in this ticket: IP unicast.
    Note that this refactoring isn't complete - the new class has private 
    that are in fact more or less unmodified copies of the old C functions.


** [tickets:#991] dtm: Support for broadcastless cluster formation**

**Status:** fixed
**Milestone:** 5.17.10
**Created:** Mon Aug 18, 2014 04:57 AM UTC by Mathi Naickan
**Last Updated:** Fri Oct 06, 2017 01:02 PM UTC
**Owner:** Anders Widell



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