On Wed, 28 Dec 2005 09:40:20 -0800
Erast Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 2005-12-28 at 05:31 -0800, Roman wrote:
> > OpenSolaris is pretty much useless on desktop if you can't run your
> > favourite web browser, email client, etc. There are a few sites that offer
> > precompiled Solaris native packages, but they are not as good as pkgsrc.
> > Also Solaris native packaging system sucks, compared to pkgsrc.
> Actually, native Solaris's PKG system is quite advanced but not eye
> candy and hard to use. But today OpenSolaris users has another option
> besides pkgsrc. Its Debian's based Nexenta OS with 18000+ packages
> avaialable in source form and 3000+ in binary form. (as of today). And
> number packages is growing. Debian repository has everything
> latest/greates. And pretty much all of available Debian packages
> compiles on NexentaOS quite easily. (remember that Debian is
> platform-independent technology, i.e. it has ports on Linux, FreeBSD,
> Darwin and now SunOS).
> Its actually really cool to find out that on the second day after new
> version of mplayer is released, corresponding Debian package gets
> updated to the latest.
> Check out http://www.gnusolaris.org

Does this mean I have to install Nexenta, or I could keep on running Sun's
Solaris and simply adopt your package framework?

Also, how do you build packages from source? Are there options for using SunPro
compilers and custom optimisation flags?
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