Re: [osol-discuss] How do I get maximum TCP buffer size without _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF on Solaris

2007-10-05 Thread Shao Wu
I understand these and use them myself. _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF allows me to know 
reliably what the current maximum socket buffer size is. There are several uses 
with this little knowledge set the desire buffer size to the maximum 
without trial and error... channel efficiency analysis, etc...
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Re: [osol-discuss] How do I get maximum TCP buffer size without _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF on Solaris

2007-10-05 Thread Shao Wu
You are right about _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF is not being listed in unistd.h and is not 
listed as one of name's for fpathconf. However Single Unix Spec is pretty 
clear about its usage.  Here are the quotes from SVSv3 (2004 edition)...

The maximum value for the option for a socket may be obtained by the use of 
the fpathconf() function, using the value _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF.

The SO_SNDBUF option requests that the buffer space allocated for send 
operations on this socket be set to the value, in bytes, of the option value. 
The default value for the SO_SNDBUF option value is implementation-defined, and 
may vary by protocol. The maximum value for the option for a socket may be 
obtained by the use of the fpathconf() function, using the value 

I'm going to send an inquiry to Open Groups' discussion group tonight (can't 
use personal mail account from work).
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[osol-discuss] How do I get maximum TCP buffer size without _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF on Solaris 10?

2007-10-04 Thread Shao Wu

I would like to obtain the maximum socket buffer size. Solaris seems to not 
support _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF for function fpathconf().  _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF is defined 

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[osol-discuss] Re: DTrace: How to print string in C++

2006-12-01 Thread Shao Wu
two ways:

1. C++ way:
   #include iostream
   inside your function
  std::cout  ret =   a;

2.  the good-old C way:
 printf(ret = %s, a.c_str());
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[osol-discuss] Re: Question about VMware and Solaris

2006-11-26 Thread Shao Wu
If you don't need a support contract from RedHat, you can get Enterprise 
Linux for free by downloading the Community Enterprise Linux (a.k.a CENTOS) 
from here:

Centos is build based on the same rhel without the commercial brand. It's fully 
binary, source, and rpm compatible with the rhel releases.  In fact, you can 
download centos rpms to upgrade your rhel or download the rhel source rpms to 
upgrade/update your centos installation.  centos is free without support 
(community support, that is...) and without the rh branding.

You can also use VMWARE Server (free, but not open source) and/or Vmware Player 
(which is also free).
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[osol-discuss] Re: Re: Translated Solaris documentation in Chinese

2006-11-19 Thread Shao Wu
Wow, the book is very cheap in China 49 Yuan (about US$6.28). It's an 
excellent site for technical books for people who can read Chinese. You can 
join them as a member for discounts, and free delivery for 21 universities 
Oh, wait, 21 universities in China, that's.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: are there any hardware instructions for byte swaps in sparc?

2006-10-19 Thread Shao Wu
A gentlemen from Sun sent me an email and pointed out the samething with the 
actual implementation (md5). And that is exactly what I want to do with 
accessing the data.  The email was sent to my account which I cann't 
access from work...

One issue though, if the instruction for loading little-endian data requires 
memory addresses to be aligned, that could be be a problem because data are 
stored in compressed form without proper address alignment.  I suppose I will 
have to resort to byte shifting ...

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: are there any hardware instructions for byte swaps in sparc?

2006-10-19 Thread Shao Wu
Interesting... but how does it work for generic application data?  the way my 
application work is to encode the file to indicate data are stored in 
little-endian or big-endian format. The program accessing the data will do 
endian convertion if necessary (there is a data dictionary encoding the real 
type), or simply mmap if they both have the same byte-ordering.
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[osol-discuss] Re: are there any hardware instructions for byte swaps in sparc?

2006-10-19 Thread Shao Wu
cool thanks. Intel x86 (and AMD) processors have hardware instructions to 
perform byteswap and you can easily put an inline assembly instruction to do 
just that. The next best solution is to do byte shifting and or'ing bytes/bits 
to do endian conversions.  Because the volume of data, anything that is faster 
than shifting/or'ing would improve the program performance significantly.
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[osol-discuss] are there any hardware instructions for byte swaps in sparc?

2006-10-18 Thread Shao Wu
I wonder are there any hardware instructions to perform byte swaps (endian 
conversions) in SPARC?  For example, if I open a data file that is stored in 
little-endian format, I would like to be able to read and convert the data as 
efficiently as possible.  It would be very nice if I can mmap the data regions 
(as it were in big endian) and monkey with the data natives but that is too 
much to ask

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[osol-discuss] Re: [osol-code] Will SunPCI II drivers be available in source form?

2005-11-25 Thread Shao Wu
Sounds like a good idea. May be some of us will make it work with Linux or 
Solaris x86 and that will be an excellent thing for software testing one 
physical box, multiple physical machines sounds like a dream to me.
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[osol-discuss] Re: Re: [approach-discuss] Re: ioctl SIOCGENADDR returns ENOENT

2005-11-23 Thread Shao Wu
I was referring to SIOCGIFHWADDR or SIOCGENADDR ioctl should work for non-root 
users, too... well, assuming it gets implemented.
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[osol-discuss] Re: Re: [approach-discuss] Re: ioctl SIOCGENADDR returns ENOENT

2005-11-23 Thread Shao Wu
That is the tradition of ifconfig. arp gives you MAC addresses without 
being root. Programmatically, you can retrieve MAC by poking the ARP. It's a 
bit ugly since you have to know the IP of the nic to do that and it works for 
UP interfaces only.
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[osol-discuss] Re: Is 'forking' inevitable here too?

2005-11-23 Thread Shao Wu
I think having different distrobutions of OpenSolaris is not a bad thing as 
long as each distro agrees on some basic frameworks: binary compatibilities 
with each other, common libraries, common kernel, common X window, common 

At the user level, it shouldn't matter if someone makes a Linux-like Solaris, 
BSD-like Solaris, or Windows-like (with WINE??) Solaris. Since we are talking 
about Open, I can see that everyone starts with replacing close-source stuff 
with open source stuff. and that is perfectly reasonable to me.
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[osol-discuss] Re: Re: Is 'forking' inevitable here too?

2005-11-23 Thread Shao Wu
May be he meant BSD stem from System 5. SVR4 was a result of combining System 
5, BSD (SunOS 4), and some of its new develoopments On the other hand, 
there is only one truly successful Unix derived from SVR4, and it's Solaris. 
All other Unix derived from SVR4 are either RIP or in their sunset days 
Linux will replace them in a few years.
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[osol-discuss] Re: Re: Is 'forking' inevitable here too?

2005-11-23 Thread Shao Wu
 Clearly?  If you discount the inventions done for
 SunOS at Sun, I don't
 think there's that much to show: sockets, reliable
 signal handling,
 r* commands.

I thought sockets and reliable signals were originated from Berkley. Sun 
invented NFS, and the biggest take from SunOS were the virtual memory, virtual 
file system stuff (VOP_* stuff), and NFS. ATT (USL) were pushing their own 
streams interface instead of the BSD socket API.

 I think it's safer to say that there's common
 ancestry and that the
 torch of development passed from ATT to BSD to Sun
 (and that's where
 it still is, if you ask me :-)

What about SCO?  They invented Unix.  Opsss
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[osol-discuss] Re: ioctl SIOCGENADDR returns ENOENT

2005-11-09 Thread Shao Wu
This ioctl function did not work with Solaris 8 either.  

I fish out the mac address from ARP for now. Although I have strong preference 
on using standard interfaces (i.e. system calls), but I like your solution #1 
better. Thanks. BTW, in the code, a file descriptor leaks whenever you retrieve 
the MAC successfully -- the fd should be closed before a successful return.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] ioctl SIOCGENADDR returns ENOENT

2005-10-27 Thread Shao Wu
I would like to retrieve the MAC address for a given NIC by using the 
SIOCGENADDR ioctl, but keep getting errno 2 (ENOENT).  Do I miss something or 
this ioctl is broken?  My next question is, how can I retrieve the MAC address 
of different kinds of NIC cards?


Here is the code fragment I use:

#ifdef  SIOCGENADDR /* Solaris: ethernet MAC addr */
if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGENADDR, ifr) == 0) {
memcpy(nic-m_haddr, ifr.ifr_enaddr, 6);
nic-m_hlen = 6;
#endif  /* SIOCGNADDR */
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