Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris and installing Glassfish web space server

2009-06-13 Thread Wes Williams
You have to start the Glassfish server manually after installation.
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[osol-discuss] Re: Noob with a couple questions

2007-04-19 Thread Wes Williams
My personal preference and suggestion for a Solaris Desktop for novice users 
would be the Solaris Express Developer Editions (SXDE) as they are quite stable 
and incorporate many new easier-to-use features not currently in Solaris 10.  
However, if you connect direct to the internet (not behind a home 
router/firewall) you may prefer the latest Solaris 10 build since, at present, 
the SXDE does not get security patches - but still [u]greatly [/u]safer than a 
fully patched Windows box IMHO.
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[osol-discuss] Re: GPLv3?

2007-01-31 Thread Wes Williams
 More importantly I see no statement of what problem
 we are actually 
 trying to solve by using a license other than the
 CDDL.   Exactly how is 
 the CDDL not working for us ?  What do we really
 expect to gain by using 
 a GPL license as well as or instead of CDDL ?
 Darren J Moffat

Here, here!

As Darren already stated, [b]what's the problem with the CDDL and what does the 
OpenSolaris project hope to accomplish by changing the current license? [/b] 

As the common quote goes, Solaris isn't Linux, so why try to hide this wolf 
in a sheep's clothing?  

What specifically is to be gained by adopting licenses with other GPL projects?

Simplicity?  Is that it?  If that is the case, this reminds me why I prefer 
Solaris to that other popular GPL OS...simple is often dumb.
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[osol-discuss] Re: better Solaris Nevada scedule needed

2006-12-06 Thread Wes Williams
In addition to the above request for build number identified on Solaris Express 
download page, I'd really like to be able to subscribe to a Solaris Express 
email list that notifies subscribers when the new Solaris Express build is 
posted and available for download.
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[osol-discuss] Re: Re: New to OpenSolaris, need help?

2006-12-06 Thread Wes Williams
To summarize my experience and what others have alluded to, my suggestion is to 
start with Nexenta since you are used to apt-get and Linux.  However, much like 
most Linux folks don't start with Gentoo but end up there, keep you eye on 
learning enough to migrate to a more production-like [Open]Solaris proper like 
Solaris Express or the upcoming commercially supported Solaris 10 11/06 

Then, if either of those two bore you, hop into the fresh OpenSolairs code you 
build yourself.
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[osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris desktop background image

2006-06-05 Thread Wes Williams
  This image is actually a
 rop of a much larger image at 4096x3072 pixels.  Then
 I cropped out the
 1600x1200 section here and that bland column really
 sticks out.

How about a widescreen 1920x1200 version to fit natively on Sun's largest LCD?  
Consideration would then have to be made for different aspect ratio displays 
cropped content.

Also, what about having the transparency object much brighter, luminescent, and 
more diamond-like in material?  Frankly, the current lighting doesn't yet 
reflect the bright, clean, and exceptionally strong nature of Solaris.  ;)

What program did you render this with?  Blender?

Would you consider open-sourcing your data file for further development and/or 

-Wes Williams
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[osol-discuss] Re: Adobe Acrobat for Solaris x86

2006-05-27 Thread Wes Williams
 An older version (4?) of Acrobat Reader is available
 for SOlaris x86,
 but you need to get it via Adobe's FTP site IIRC.  I
 have a copy here,
 but I doubt I'm allowed to redistribute it...
 Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Likewise, I've also requested this recompile via Adobe's suggestions page, 
but not so much as an email reply that Adobe's considering it has been 

Sure, version Acrobat Reader version 4 for Solaris x86 is available, but it's 
largely useless since it doesn't support all of the new features that modern 
Acrobat files now are often created with.  By useless, I mean the files are 
often completely unreadable.  =(

The entire situation is unfortunate since I [i]used [/i]to like the Acrobat 
format - that is, until I realize that it's no longer very cross platform 
compatible.  I have a hard time imaging why Adobe is so reluctant to just 
recompile their Acrobat Reader for virtually any modern platform.  Anymore, ODF 
sounds like a better file format for mass dissemination.

Thumbs down to Adobe on this issue thus far.


Wes Williams
x86 Solaris/OpenSolaris user
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[osol-discuss] Re: How Do You Use OpenSolaris?

2006-05-15 Thread Wes Williams
General productivity workstation desktop (XMMS, StarOffice, email/web), ZFS 
home data NFS  Samba exports to LAN, Java Studio Creator2  corresponding app 
servers, PostgreSQL, mathematical analysis,  some Apache2 web serving in a few 

I'm also trying various configurations to try and combine the Solaris 
Enterprise Stack and Xex/BrandZ support for Linux/Windows into a one-box server 
setup ideally suitable for small to mid-sized businesses.
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[osol-discuss] Re: Sun HW developer discounts

2006-05-13 Thread Wes Williams
Although not a absolute answer to you main concern, here are a few money-saving 


Perhaps a call to Sun is in order to discuss this privately?
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[osol-discuss] Re: sata or pata on older sparc/pci workstations ?

2006-05-10 Thread Wes Williams
 If these limit apply to both, is there a
 better release to use on this particular machine for
ZFS is such a great feature, I'd suggest grabbing SX (Solairs Express) and use 
ZFS now, or you can wait until June when Solaris 10 update 2 should be out, and 
include ZFS.  You can't, yet, boot from ZFS, so simply make available another 
non-boot partition or disk(s) available for your music data.

 made with that use in mind.   I don't seem to have a
 copy of sol 9 on hand and off hand don't know where
 to get one.]
Good.  Skip Solairs 9 and focus on either Solaris 10 or OpenSolaris.  For most 
non-developer users, Solairs Express is the easiest way to attain and use the 
OpenSolairs features.  

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[osol-discuss] Re: OpenSound and Solaris 10 01/06

2006-04-28 Thread Wes Williams
Perhaps your best bet is the OpenSound developers at

I've approached the 4Front Tech. once in the past and had been impressed by 
their overall audio software knowledge and level of support for their products.
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[osol-discuss] Re: got $$ to burn-- what machine should i buy for opensolaris and linux?

2006-04-25 Thread Wes Williams
Of course this add depends on your use and preference, but I'm partial to the 
wickedly fast Ultra 20 and Ultra 40.
Perhaps even a Ultra 20 band/b a Ferrari for about $4k?
N1 grid engine is free so you could pool those btwo/b systems if you wanted.
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[osol-discuss] Re: Re: Features found in other OS you'd like to see in

2006-03-24 Thread Wes Williams
  On Wed, 22 Mar 2006, Bill Rushmore wrote:
  OK, not really a feature necessarily of Solaris but
  more of an application.  I really want VMware (or its
  equivalent), especially since the SUNpci card is becoming
  obsolete on Sparc and there really isn't an
  alternative on x64 yet.  BrandZ is a nice idea but
  I need to run a popular non-Unix like OS.
 Hmmm.  A Windoze Branded Zone on a smokin' fast
 Opetron server seems to me
 like an ideal way to run the occassional Windoze app.
  My SUn PCi IIpro
 ard is starting to show its age: running it across
 the network is kinda
 Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Since VMware will allow for a Linux host and Brandz supports Linux, I plan to 
try to install a VMware host in a Brandz environment.  Although I haven't yet 
attempted this, perhaps it's worth a try for the occasional 'doz app?  

Another alternative I've considered is something like CodeWeavers CrossOver 
Office in a Brandz Linux zone.  I don't know for certain, but I'd imagine this 
solution is basically WINE on Linux with Solaris x86 supports, so this may be 
less beneficial.
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[osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris Hardware donations? *** Free Hardware! ***

2006-03-24 Thread Wes Williams
 Soon I will likely have a Sun workstation I'd be
 willing to donate to an developer or

The hardware is now available.  

I'm no packrat so I'll only hold for about a month or so before donating to 
another project.

Direct inquiries to:  wes AT classiarius DOT com
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[osol-discuss] OpenSolaris Hardware donations [ page]?

2006-03-20 Thread Wes Williams
Soon I will likely have a Sun workstation I'd be willing to donate to an 
OpenSolaris developer or contributor.

Is there any chance for a donation want list page on the OpenSolaris website 
akin to the one at FreeBSD (]?

Workstation available for donation:
Sun Blade100
# 500MHz UltraSPARC IIe
# 512MB RAM(2*256MB Sun original X6992A Modules)
# 15GB Seagate IDE Hard Drive
# Expert3D Lite PCI Frame Buffer
# Smart Card Reader
# Floppy Drive
# Special Anti-Theft feet

All Sun OEM hardware (less security feet).

Priority given to active contributors/developers.
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[osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris Hardware donations [

2006-03-20 Thread Wes Williams
 I guess there would be some lightweight decision
 process for who would 
 get the donated do other communities
 handle that?
When I've donated hardware in the past to FreeBSD you basically just email the 
donation liaison officer and they simply select a worthy candidate and submit 
an email back with a willing recipient address to ship to. Alternatively, 
FreeBSD also has the page linked above where you can directly donate hardware 
to the donator’s choice.

I don't really care where this hardware goes as long as it would be used in a 
capacity to further OpenSolaris.
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