Re: OpenSSL error: sslv3 alert bad record mac (fwd)

2004-05-13 Thread David Maurus
this (openssl-dev) is indeed the wrong list. openssl-users might be 
better suited, but your problem seems to be application / configuration 

imapd-ssl: couriertls: read: error:140943FC:SSL routines:
SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad record mac
I've had 'bad record mac' errors when I've tried to connect to an SSL v3 

- for the long story, see among others[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg11211.html
- or search for 'bad record mac' in the archive to see all related messages[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
From the error message you've mentioned, your problem might be similar. 
If so, it might help to look into the config files of your imap server 
and pine, and make sure that you use TLS / SSL v3.1, and not limit usage 
to SSLv3. And make sure to forbid the usage of SSL v2.0, as its usage 
should be avoided (there are some attacks known against SSL v2.0).

Best Regards  Good luck,
David Maurus
Jason A. Pfeil wrote:
Greetings List!
My apologies for cross-posting this request, however since I have
receved exactly zero replies to this or my previous message, I fear that
my choice of list to send this to was wrong.  To try and correct that
if necessary, and to hopefully receive some information, I have posted
this message to this list.
Please accept my apology if this message is not germane to this list,
but I have absolutely no idea what can cause this error, nor how to
remedy the problem.  If anyone on this list can provide some information
or direction, I will be eternally grateful.
I wish everyone a pleasant day!

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AES counter mode

2003-06-27 Thread David Maurus
Michael Sierchio wrote:

Completely.  If we have confidence in the cipher and the secrecy
of the key, make the nonce all zeroes.  There's good reason for not
doing this in the case of IPsec,  but not for SSL/TLS. 
In theory, you may be right ;-). But: For one, I think that it can't 
hurt NOT to have complete confidence in the cipher. I prefer to err on 
the safe side. E.G. if an attack profits from having the same plaintext 
encrypted twice with different cipher texts, we would encounter these 
conditions a lot in http over SSL/TLS. This would be avoided by a nonce 
in the IV.

And also, we should take into account that a lot of people use OpenSSL's 
crypto routines in another context than SSL/TLS.

Best Regards,
OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AES counter mode

2003-06-26 Thread David Maurus

Stephen Sprunk wrote:

Thus spake David Maurus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I assume that 'number /nonce/' should mean the result of the
concatenated parts of the IV.

No, in the proposal to NIST (by Lipmaa, Rogaway and Wagner), 'nonce' refers
to the top 64 bits and 'ctr' refers to the lower 64 bits.
Where did you find that? Is it possible that you've got an older version?

In Nist's sp800-38a,
available at
the corresponding paragraph concerning counter mode with nonces reads 
(page 19):

A second approach to satisfying the uniqueness property across messages 
is to assign to each
message a unique string of b/2 bits (rounding up, if b is odd), in other 
words, a message nonce,
and to incorporate the message nonce into every counter block for the 
message. The leading b/2
bits (rounding up, if b is odd) of each counter block would be the 
message nonce, and the
standard incrementing function would be applied to the remaining m bits 
to provide an index to
the counter blocks for the message. Thus, if N is the message nonce for 
a given message, then
the jth counter block is given by Tj = N | [j]m, for j = 1n. The number 
of blocks, n, in any
message must satisfy n  2m. A procedure should be established to ensure 
the uniqueness of the
message nonces.

In the middle of this quotation you'll find the sentence: 'The leading 
b/2 bits (rounding up, if b is odd) of each counter block would be the 
message nonce, and the standard incrementing function would be applied 
to the remaining m bits to provide an index to the counter blocks for 
the message.

I think this is clear on the fact that e.g. with a 128 bit 'counter 
block' / IV, you'd use the leading 64 bits for the nonce (I'd interpret 
'leading' as the Most Significant Bits, if the bits would represent a 
number), while the remaining 64 bits of the 'counter block' / IV are the 
bits that are actually counting up, i.e. get incremented.

Unfortunately, the current API has no way to report no more encryption
possible, you must rekey.
Given this limitation, two silent failure modes are possible: either wrap
and reuse ctr values, or don't wrap and use nonce values the user didn't
As I pointed out (I think), if you let the user provide an IV, let's say 
a 128 bit IV, and make clear in the documentation that the best way to 
use it would be to fill the highest 64 bit with a unique nonce, and 
clear the lowest 64 bits, as they will be used as a counter, there will 
be no problem. We could word the usage instructions even more general, 
saying that the lowest bits get used as counter, and that no more blocks 
should be encrypted with the same key and that counter, as the bits used 
as counter allow.

32bit counters can wrap in under a minute; IPsec clearly has a pressing
problem, but I'm not sure how to code to support both without giving up and
making the ctr-increment function a user parameter.
You're right. While as Lee Dilkie pointed out, the IPSec message format 
will not allow that this 32 bit counter will overflow, I'd like to 
refrain from my previous recommendation to 'follow the IPSec draft as 
close as possible' in this issue, since 32 bit are obiously not enough 
for SSL.

Per the NIST spec, the next nonce chosen will be the old nonce plus one, so
the user's choice will always be unlucky.
Again, in the version of the NIST document I've linked to above, I can't 
find a statment that the nonce is to be incremented. I can only find the 
requirement that the nonce must be unique for the encryption key.

The easiest way to go about it would be to increment the user supplied
IV by 1 for each encrypted block, and leave it to the user of this
function to make sure that no overflow in the counter can occur. This
obligation to the programmer should be written somewhere in big letters
THAN 2**32 [or 2**64, depending on the counter size] BLOCKS
WITH THE SAME KEY!). Higher level routines, i.e. the SSL BIO,
should avoid counter overflows automatically for the user by initiating a

While this option is tempting, and the user does have access to the counter
at all times to check for impending overflow, experience shows that
programmers ignore such warnings more often than not.
Of course I'd be glad if we could check the counter and throw an 
exception when it overflows, but the interface for the low level crypto 
routines doesn't seem to accommodate that. All functions return a 
'void', e.g. nothing. I assume we cannot change that. (without breaking 
other parts).

Best Regards,
- David
OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AES counter mode

2003-06-26 Thread David Maurus
Gtz Babin-Ebell wrote:

The application specifies 4 datas:
1. a step size
2. a bit mask.
3. a (optional) pointer to a function that is called if the
step bits that are not in the bit mask:
4. a (optional) pointer to a function doing the counting;
 if (pCounter-Range)
 return pCounter-Range(pCounter);
 return Range_restart(pCounter);
The quoted code would restart counting when the counter overflows. That 
would open up a predictable opportunity for attack. I am still convinced 
that the default behaviour should be to report an error, and if this is 
not possible, increment over the bit-bound of the counter (increment the 
nonce), as this would cause the least damage.

The idea to have a function pointer for the increment function has the 
advantage that one could implement a counter function that would 
actually not count incrementally, but otherwise unique, as alluded to in 
the NIST recommendation (also page 19):
This recommendation permits the use of any other incrementing function 
that generates n unique
strings of m bits in succession from the allowable initial strings. For 
example, if the initial string
of m bits is not the zero string, i.e., if it contains at least one 
1 bit, then an incrementing
function can be constructed from a linear feedback shift register that 
is specialized to ensure a
sufficiently large period; see Ref. [5] for information about linear 
feedback shift registers.

But then, a mask based range check would not be sufficient, since you 
can't rely on any overflows.

In general, I'd prefer a more simple approach, like taking the counter 
bits as a parameter, and returning an int code ERR_LIB_NONE (?) if 
everything's OK, and an something like ERR_AES_CTR_OVERFLOW when the 
counter overflows...

- David

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AES counter mode

2003-06-24 Thread David Maurus
Stephen Sprunk wrote:

In the specification of CTR mode, as proposed for AES, you will find the
statement The number /nonce/ is incremented following each encryption.  I
interpreted this to mean that the top 2^64 bits are to be incremented for
each successive block, and this is how I implemented the code.
I assume that 'number /nonce/' should mean the result of the 
concatenated parts of the IV. In case of the AES-CTR IPSec draft, you 
get the IV by concatenating a msg number, a nonce, and the counter (at 
start initialized to 0). You can then safely incerement the 128 bit IV, 
*unless* you overflow the counter part (the lower 32 bits of the IV, 
according to the AES-CTR IPSec draft).

Further review has indicated everyone else seems to think this means the
nonce is incremented only between streams and it's the counter that is
incremented between blocks; 

If you have a message number in the IV, you'd naturally incement the 
message number for each message (each message consisting of an arbitrary 
number of blocks), but then you'd also clear the counter to 0 and maybe 
even choose a new random nonce part. In the Schneier / Fergusson 
example, a 48 bit message number, a 16 bit  random part and a 64 bit 
counter are used. When you start a new message, from my understanding 
you'd clear bits 0-63, and increment the msg number spanning bits 
80-127. Probably, if your protocol or format allows for it, you'd also 
choose a new nonce (i.e. fill bits 64-79 with new random data). Since 
the recepient of the encryptded data can't guess the 16 bit random part 
if it changes, it is necessary to prepend the new IV, and accomodate for 
that in the message format or communication protocol. For online 
transmissions, it would be reasonable to start a re-keying handshake for 

On the matter of overflowing the lower 64 bits, this is not specifically
addressed in the submission (I think they assumed nobody would exceed 2^64
blocks per stream, which is reasonable) and thus I think wrapping is the
correct failure.  

I'm not sure what you mean with 'the correct failure', but the clean way 
to handle a counter overflow would be to fail / report an error, instead 
of continuing to encrypt. But this is also a matter of interoperability. 
Since you should not wrap the counter around (as it would offer a 
weakness for attackers), nobody who is trying to decrypt the data would 
expect to allow for wrapping. On the other hand, the same function is 
used for decrypting and encrypting, and when decrypting, failing might 
be worse than continuing.

This discussion is academic for 64 bit counters, of course, as you 
probably won't see a 64 bit counter wrap very often. With a 32 bit 
counter however, the risk is a lot higher. Unfortunately, the current 
basic crypto functions offered by OpenSSL don't support returning an 
error condition, so 'failing' is not an option anyway.

To increment the nonce introduces a more insidious failure
mode where the user unintentionally reuses nonces.
It is debatable whether wrapping the counter would be less bad than 
incrementing the nonce part. A wrapping counter is more predictable for 
an attacker (as it would occur *always* when the communication exceeds 
2**32 or 2 **64 blocks) than an unlucky nonce choice. In other words: If 
we let the counter wrap, the user is always affected when the counter 
overflows, and the weak spot is predictable. If we allow to increment 
the nonce instead of wrapping the counter, the user is only affected 
when the counter overflows, *and* he continues to reuse the same key but 
chooses a new nonce, *and* the choosen nonce value collides with the 
incremented nonce.

Other specifications have suggested that nonce be of unspecified length, not
exactly 64 bits; this implies that the lower bits wrap in an overflow
condition, otherwise there would be no need to specify a boundary between
the different parts of counter at all.
I think the intention of the boundary for the counter part is NOT to 
allow for wrapping, but to have a mechanism in place to ensure that a 
single IV (nonce + counter) is not used twice. If you just seeded the 
whole 128 bits with random data, and incremented them as if the counter 
was 128 bit, *and* you were using the same symmetric key for more than 
one message / transmission, you could be unlucky (most likely if your 
PRNG is suboptimal) and generate an IV that you've used already because 
of the counting. Separating the counter and the nonce leads to having a 
minimum distance of 32 or 64 bits between IVs, when you are careful to 
always use a fresh random nonce part. Implementing a mechanism to avoid 
collisions of IVs would be cumbersome otherwise.

Unfortunately, implementing this (as
has been requested) would require more significant changes to the API than I
know how to make,as passing parameters to a mode doesn't appear to be
supported today.
The easiest way to go about it would be to increment the user supplied 
IV by 1 for each 

Re: AES counter mode

2003-06-23 Thread David Maurus
Thierry Boivin [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
Thierry.Boivin My understanding of this one is (in a practical perspective) is : 
Thierry.Boivin calling programs maintain a 64 bit long nonce counter. 
This is not correct - to quote from the (btw excellent) new book from Bruce 
Schneier and Neils Fergusson ('Practical Cryptography'), Page 75:
'CTR [Counter Mode] uses a remarkably simple method to generate the key stream. It 
concatenates the nonce with the counter value, and encrypts it to form a single block 
of the key stream. This requires that the counter and the nonce fit in a single block, 
but with the modern 128-bit block sizes, this is rarely a problem. Oviously, the nonce 
must be smaller than a single block, as there needs to be room for the counter value 
i. A typical setup might use a 48-bit message number, 16 bits of additional nonce 
data, and 64 bits for the counter i. This limits the system to encrypting 2**48 
different messages using a single key, and limits eacht message to 2**68 bytes'
So apparently, the trick would be to leave the nonce untouched in the higher 64 bits, and increment the 64 lower bits. Instead of overflowing to bit 65 after 2**64 message blocks, the sensible option would be to stop the encryption with this key, and choose a new one. If we would continue counting despite the overflow into the nonce, we would risk to use (or better: have no mechanism in  place to avoid using) the same key with the same 128 bit nonce/counter value twice, which would generate the same cipher output block again, which would mean that we would XOR different parts of the plain text with the same cipher bits, opening an opportunity for attack (albeit a very small one).

Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:

And when should the increment by 2^64 occur?  Is that something that
the application should make sure happens with some kind of call to the
currently non-existing functino AES_incr_ctr() (perhaps done in
If everyone can agree on such an interpretation, I have no problems
changing it, as long as it also makes the implement crunch the
available test vectors properly.

Well, incrementing by 2**64 would only be reasonable if the nonce would 
be in the lower 64 bits of the 128 bit nonce/counter value.

Best Regards,
OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AES counter mode

2003-06-23 Thread David Maurus
Michael Sierchio wrote:

Using AES Counter Mode With IPsec ESP - This mandates a 32-bit counter,
requiring rekeying after 2^48 octets of stream material.
Ah, this is interesting. Considering that OpenSSL is not only used for 
SSL / TLS encryption, and the mentioned RFC proposes to use a 32 bit 
counter and a 96 bit nonce, whereas other specs (NIST SP 800-38A) as you 
mention propose a 64 bit counter and a 64 bit nonce, it might be good to 
expose these differences in the interface of the crypto function and 
leave this choice to the caller.

There also should be an error condition indicating that no further 
plaintext can be encoded unless a new key and nonce were generated (i.e. 
in an SSL/TLS context, a new handshake is required).

Using AES Counter Mode With IPsec ESP - This mandates a 32-bit counter,
requiring rekeying after 248 octets of stream material.
The counter would overflow after the transmission of 2**32 blocks, a 
block being 2**4 octets (128 bits, 16 octets), so rekeying should be 
necessary after 2**36 octets (= 64 GB).

Argument:  let's write an Internet draft that describes the use
of AES CTR mode in SSLv3/TLSv1.  We can do it however we like, modulo
the usual criticism and review in the IETF working group(s). 
I'd support that, too. If this is done, I would propose to follow the 
ipsec draft as much as possible (and RFC 3268 of course, which extended 
TLS/SSL for AES originally - There 
is no need to reinvent the wheel, and the 96 bit nonce / 32 bit counter 
is indeed appropriate for the bulk of actual communication - it would be 
a very rare exception that even a 32 bit counter would overflow.

- David

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Stratus OpenSSL diffs and test results.

2002-04-18 Thread David Maurus

Disclaiemr: I can't by any means give an authorative answer, since I am not part
of the development team

But I think you should consider the following:

- if you are in the US, you should send every source code contribution in CC to
- I think that it's not so nice to include your own copyright notice in the
diffs where you essentially changed openssl example source code (if that is the
case - it seems to be so from what I gather by looking at the diff briefly). If
you want to officially contribute this port, you should be aware that OpenSSL is
licensed with an Apache Style license.
- In case this port is appreciated by the developers (can't speak for them), a
patch against 0.9.7 might be useful, since 0.9.6d won't be change much as it is
now in beta

Best Regards,

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Stratus OpenSSL diffs and test results.

2002-04-18 Thread David Maurus

Disclaiemr: I can't by any means give an authorative answer, since I am not part
of the development team

But I think you should consider the following:

- if you are in the US, you should send every source code contribution in CC to
- I think that it's not so nice to include your own copyright notice in the
diffs where you essentially changed openssl example source code (if that is the
case - it seems to be so from what I gather by looking at the diff briefly). If
you want to officially contribute this port, you should be aware that OpenSSL is
licensed with an Apache Style license.
- In case this port is appreciated by the developers (can't speak for them), a
patch against 0.9.7 might be useful, since 0.9.6d won't be change much as it is
now in beta

Best Regards,

Sundaram, Mani wrote:

 We ported OpenSSL to our operating system VOS that has a POSIX API. In
 addition to OpenSSL, we have successfully ported other open source software
 such as Gnu gcc, gdb, Gnu tools(bash, gmake, ...), Apache, Samba, Perl,
 Python. OpenSSL was relatively easy port.

 Ben Laurie suggested that we send our OpenSSL diffs to the developers for
 review.  We would like to call our port as VOS OpenSSL; we request your
 permission to use the OpenSSL name.

 Our changes include adding header files to compile on VOS - mostly
 sys/types.h and sys/select.h. This is because on the Linux OpenSSL code
 base, time.h includes types.h and select.h whereas in VOS it does not.
 There are two other changes that we did to the code:

 1. VOS doesn't support getrusage( ) or ftime( ). However, we do support
 gettimeofday( ) and times( ). We had to write a new else condition in
 speed.c to handle this case. We haven't modified the functionality of the
 2. gcc -Wall warns when sprintf (foo, %d, foobar) is called (foobar is a
 long datatype). We fixed this.

 We believe that these changes are platform specific only and no
 functionality of the product has been compromised. We didn't delete any
 source code.

 We are enclosing the diff and the self-test results. We would appreciate
 your prompt reply with the approval of our changes and the use of the
 OpenSSL name. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further

 We thank you once again in developing OpenSSL.

 Bose (Engineering Manager)
 Mani (Software Engineer)

 Here is the diff and the OpenSSL self-test results. The porting base was
 revision 0.9.6; please note that we have patched md_rand.c with the security
 fix posted on your website.

 diff -r -x Makefile* /p/openssl/dev.0.9/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/app_rand.c
  #ifdef VOS_DEBUG
printf(\n file = %s, file);
  #endif /* VOS */
 diff -r -x Makefile* /p/openssl/dev.0.9/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/dh.c
  #ifdef __VOS__
  #include sys/types.h
 diff -r -x Makefile* /p/openssl/dev.0.9/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/dhparam.c
  #ifdef __VOS__
  #include sys/types.h
 diff -r -x Makefile* /p/openssl/dev.0.9/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/dsa.c
  #ifdef __VOS__
  #include sys/types.h
 diff -r -x Makefile* /p/openssl/dev.0.9/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/dsaparam.c
  #ifdef __VOS__
  #include sys/types.h
 diff -r -x Makefile* /p/openssl/dev.0.9/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/openssl.cnf
  dir= ./demoCA# Where everything is kept
  dir   = ./demoCA  # Where everything is kept
  database   = $dir/index.txt   # database index file.
  new_certs_dir = $dir/newcerts # default place for new certs.
  database  = $dir/index.txt# database index file.
  new_certs_dir = $dir/newcerts # default place for new certs.
 diff -r -x Makefile* /p/openssl/dev.0.9/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/pkcs7.c
  #ifdef __VOS__
  #include sys/types.h
 diff -r -x Makefile* /p/openssl/dev.0.9/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/req.c
  #ifdef __VOS__
  #include sys/types.h
 diff -r -x Makefile* /p/openssl/dev.0.9/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/rsa.c
  #ifdef __VOS__
  #include sys/types.h
 diff -r -x Makefile* /p/openssl/dev.0.9/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/s_client.c
  #ifdef __VOS__
  #include sys/types.h
  #include sys/select.h
  #ifdef VOS_DEBUG
   printf(\n WIDTH = %d\n, width);
  #ifdef VOS_DEBUG

Re: OpenSSL/Java JSSE Handshake problem...

2002-04-15 Thread David Maurus

Andreas Sterbenz wrote:

 For the Sun JSSE provider, the default enabled protocols are SSLv3,
 TLSv1, and the pseudo protocol SSLv2Hello. The latter means that client
 hello messages are sent/ accepted in SSLv2 format. This is for better
 error diagnostic when talking to SSLv2 only implementations.

After revisiting Eric Rescorla's SSL and TLS, I come to the conclusion that
for the client, starting with a SSLv2 ClientHello msg would also be useful to
talk to a server that might be a version 2 server. At least in SSLv3 it was
specified for the server to continue with a v3 handshake, if it was able to
support the version number sent be the client (see page 135 of SSL and TLS).

 The result is that with the default settings a V2 client hello message
 requesting TLS 1.0 is sent.

...which is the most compatible way to speak to any unknown SSL/TLS server.
Shouldn't OpenSSL answer this v2 ClientHello with SSL-version no. 3.1 by
continuing with a TLS handshake? Or was this compatibility option left out in
OpenSSL by purpose?

RFC2246 ( ) states (Page 65):
TLS 1.0 clients that support SSL Version 2.0 servers must send SSL
 Version 2.0 client hello messages [SSL2]. TLS servers should accept
 either client hello format if they wish to support SSL 2.0 clients on
 the same connection port. The only deviations from the Version 2.0
 specification are the ability to specify a version with a value of
 three and the support for more ciphering types in the CipherSpec.

Warning: The ability to send Version 2.0 client hello messages will be
phased out with all due haste. Implementors should make every
effort to move forward as quickly as possible. Version 3.0
provides better mechanisms for moving to newer versions.

Best Regards,
David Maurus

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PKI and sockets

2002-04-09 Thread David Maurus

Mark W. Webb wrote:

 I am working on an application that will implement PKI between a server
 and a client.

That sentence is somewhat wrong: between clients and servers (i.e. 2
computers) you will need to use a protocol they adhere to when speaking to
each other. PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is not a protocol. I assume you
want to secure the communication between the server and the client. SSL is
a protocol that can achieve that, and incidentely OpenSSL provides the
necessary functionality.

 Can someone tell me where I might get some sample code
 (C) or a tutorial on how to do it.

If you download and unpack the source code of OpenSSL, there is plenty of
sample source. You can find the latest version of the OpenSSL source code
at . There is however not much documentation for
programmers besides the source code itself.

 I have looked at Eric Rescorla's but I am not sure how to create my own
 certificates to get that tutorial work,

Rescorla's book is excellent, you should read it some more.

You can get free trial certificates from verisign, however they are only
valid for some days.

Alternatively, you can generate your own certificates with openssl, if you
download the source code and compile it. You can use the openssl program
via the commandline to do so, documentation can be found at
Look for the subcommands
genrsa (to generate a RSA public/private keypair)
req (to generate a certificate requet)
x509 (to create a certificate)

 I can use the sample
 certificates he provides, but that would not be good for production.

This is correct - using sample certificates in a production environment
would be dangerous if they come with a know private key, and useless if
they don't.

  Plus I would rather use PKI than certificates.

As mentioned above, this is nor either/or choice. PKI relies on
certificates. Sorry ;-).

- David

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OpenSSL/Java JSSE Handshake problem...

2002-04-09 Thread David Maurus
 8E DF DD   5B 9B 22 4C 51 8E E8 DA  r.6.[.LQ...
 0010: ED BE A5 0F 53 S
 main, READ:  SSL v3.1 Application Data, length = 21
 Plaintext after DECRYPTION:  len = 21
 : 6C FF C7 5B 71 3F 71 BF   02 1A 64 DF F4 6D AC A3  l..[q?q...d..m..
 0010: 93 43 00 73 1C .C.s.
 main, READ:  SSL v3.1 Application Data, length = 21
 Plaintext after DECRYPTION:  len = 21
 : 64 AE 26 F2 DF A7 9F D6   E4 79 59 7B D2 77 FC 24  d...yY..w.$
 0010: 08 2F A2 3C EB ./..


 Kevin Regan wrote:
  I've run into the handshake problem with OpenSSL and Java JSSE. If I
  the method used to create the SSL context from TLSv1_server_method to
  SSLv23_server_method, the problem is fixed.

 Which version of JSSE are you using, and can you provide debug output?

 You can get excellent verbose debug output in JSSE if you use this command
 line switch:,handshake,data,trustmanager when calling
 your java application, i.e. in windows java.exe,handshake,data,trustmanager MyClass

 Recently - in a rather painful process - I found the cause for a BAD RECORD
 MAC SSL error sent in the server hello msg, after my JSSE SSL client sent an
 incorrect finish msg...

 Best Regards,
 David Maurus

 Kevin Regan
 Technical Lead
 Houston UNIX Team
 Office: 2200
 Phone: 713-548-1767

 OpenSSL Project
 Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OpenSSL/Java JSSE Handshake problem...

2002-04-03 Thread David Maurus

Kevin Regan wrote:

 I've run into the handshake problem with OpenSSL and Java JSSE.  If I change
 the method used to create the SSL context from TLSv1_server_method to
 SSLv23_server_method, the problem is fixed.

Which version of JSSE are you using, and can you provide debug output?

You can get excellent verbose debug output in JSSE if you use this command line
when calling your java application, i.e. in windows

java.exe,handshake,data,trustmanager MyClass

Recently - in a rather painful process - I found the cause for a BAD RECORD MAC
SSL error sent in the server hello msg, after my JSSE SSL client sent an
incorrect finish msg...

Best Regards,
David Maurus

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Where can I get SSL library file (ssl.lib or

2002-04-03 Thread David Maurus

Connie Wu wrote:

 I have download the openssl. I can not compile any file that in the
 demos directory since can not find libssl.a and libcrypto.a. Do you
 know where or how to get those library files?

After unpacking, you'll first have to ./configure openssl, then make and
make install it. Then you'll find these libraries in the lib
subdirectory of your ssl install directory (you can set this directory
with the --prefix option of ./configure)

Best Regards,
David Maurus

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: *.pem files

2000-10-05 Thread David Maurus

Leonid Frog wrote:

 I am trying to run test.bat file and I am getting error messages which
 refer to *.pem files in CERT folder.
 Do you have any idea where I can find names of PEM files which has to be in
 CERT folder so I can compare it to what I have? Thanks a lot for your

The CERTS folder (note the s) in openssl.0.9.6.tar.gz contains the following

03.12.99  01:53  1.986 ca-cert.pem
21.12.98  11:52  2.307 dsa-ca.pem
21.12.98  11:52  2.723 dsa-pca.pem
21.12.98  11:52874 factory.pem
21.12.98  11:56  3.004 ICE-CA.pem
21.12.98  11:56  2.362 ICE-root.pem
21.12.98  11:56  3.303 ICE-user.pem
21.12.98  11:56480 ICE.crl
21.12.98  11:52916 nortelCA.pem
03.12.99  01:53  1.986 pca-cert.pem
21.12.98  11:52  1.036 rsa-cca.pem
21.12.98  11:52  1.050 rsa-ssca.pem
21.12.98  11:52  1.146 thawteCb.pem
21.12.98  11:52  1.174 thawteCp.pem
21.12.98  11:52769 timCA.pem
21.12.98  11:52886 tjhCA.pem
21.12.98  12:00  1.001 vsign1.pem
21.12.98  12:00  1.007 vsign2.pem
21.12.98  12:00  1.007 vsign3.pem
21.12.98  12:00993 vsignss.pem
21.12.98  12:00  1.102 vsigntca.pem

also, there's a subfolder EXPIRED which contains the following files:

21.12.98  12:00  3.004 ICE-CA.pem
21.12.98  12:00  2.362 ICE-root.pem
21.12.98  12:00  3.303 ICE-user.pem
21.12.98  12:00480 ICE.crl


OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: WIN32 Source Compile with Microsoft VC 6.0

2000-09-26 Thread David Maurus

Jeff Roberts wrote:

 Can anybody direct me to the steps required to ftp, install, compile and use OpenSSL 
in the Microsoft Windows 32 bit environment ?

Go to

and search a mirror near you, save the archive to your harddisk and then use winzip to 
extract it. If you don't have perl, you can use
Active State Perl:

You can get the Microsoft Macro Assembler for free at Microsoft

You don't need it to compile openssl, but it runs faster when you use masm. However 
you have to have the Visual Studio Service Pack 4
installed, which you can find here:

Since Vs-Sp4 is a 129MB download, you can find an older version of masm in the win98 
(I haven't tried this myself)

If you have Visual C installed, you can continue by opening a command prompt and 
starting \Visual Studio\vc98\bin\vcvars32.exe to set
the compiler environment. This done, follow the steps in the file install.w32 that you 
find in the OpenSSL-Directory (type "perl
Configure VC-WIN32" at the command prompt, etc.).

You can find some documentation on how to use OpenSSL here:

There's a lot you can do with the commandline utility openssl, and even more when you 
link to the libraries.

- David Maurus

PS: I`ve got the binaries up at

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]