[no subject]

2002-10-13 Thread Maya

I am using smime-tool for creating SMIME messages. I found and 
option which I can use to extract signer's certificate when verifying the 
How I can extract encryption Certificates used to encrypt the 
I found how to extract issuer_and_serial from PKCS7 structure, 
but I still cannot extract Certificates used to encrypt the 
(PKCS7_RECIP_INFO *ri;) I tried to get the value of 
ri->cert, but unfortunately it didn't work.
Are encryption Certificates included in SMIME message, or just 
information about them is included - like issuer name and serial 

CPU usage and SMIME?

2002-07-28 Thread Maya

I use Openssl 0.9.6c on Windows 2000.
I use SMIME functions available and created my ATL COM which 
has 2 main functions :Encode and Decode.
When I Sign or Encrypt messages with size about 3MB , the CPU 
usage goes up to 100%.
Is it possible something to be done about this? Even if it 
will slow the process a little bit?
Thanks !

SMIME question

2002-07-24 Thread Maya

I used SMIME command tool to create some SMIME 
I can create signed, encrypted message and to verify and 
decrypt them with my functions.
Now I want to make this messages fully 
compliant with existing mail clients:
1. My functions to can verify and decrypt message created by 
other mail clients.
2. Messages created by my functions to can be verifed and 
decripted from other mail clients (e.g Outlook Express).
When I create signed or encrypted message, 
I get as input param SMTP header + MIME message.
Do I have to signed and encrypt both (SMTP header + MIME 
message) or just the second part?
What should be the SMTP header of the Signed or(and) Encrypted 
I'll be very happy If someone can help me?

Getting DN from x509 Certificate

2002-02-22 Thread Maya

I have a question.
I have certificate request generated by new Java 
keytool, which can assign UTF8 strings as DN. I have signed it with openssl x509 
tool version 0.9.6a. As a result the certificate is properly displayed 
under Win 2000.
When I try to extract the DN from the certificate I 
It should be equal to 
/CN=¸¶¾ß Àϸ®¿¡¹Ù
or ¸¶  should be =  \xEB\xA7\x88 .
This is strange because I think "¸¶ "  has to encoded with 2 
bytes, but
My problem is that I cannot convert " \xEB\xA7\x88" to "¸¶"
If somebody can tell me what exactly is the relation between the string 
which I get from openssl tool and the real name, please do it!!!
Maya Ilieva

Where can I get the the 0.9.7 version?

2002-01-10 Thread Maya

I want to use "req" with UTF8?
From the dociment it's seems that UTF8 can be used 
only with 0.9.7 version.
So I wonder where I can get it?

Can I use Korean when I specify a distinguished name for some request? OS: Won 2000

2002-01-10 Thread Maya

OS: win 2000
Can I use Korean when I specify a distinguished 
name for some request?
If I create the request with differen tool and is 
CN=¸¶¾ß, but not openssl req commandt ool,
then the request is signed by openssl x509 
When I use the command openssl x509 -subject, It 
and actually it is really the hexadeciaml 
representation of ¸¶¾ß.
When I for the request creation openssl req and 
specify the same DN, the request is also normaly signed
but after execution of openssl x509 -subject, I get 
And this is not the hexadecimal rerpresentation of 
¸¶¾ß,  but some unpritable string.

No Subject

2001-09-14 Thread Maya

Is it possible to add some new purpose to the 
alredy created certificate request???
For example Certificate purpose CodeSigning with 
I hope somebody can help me?