Re: [openssl-dev] How to get SSL version from SSL_SESSION using OpenSSL-1.1.x?

2016-05-26 Thread TJ Saunders

On Thu, May 26, 2016, at 14:52, Matt Caswell wrote:

> > One of the modules maintains the server-side SSL session cache,
> > comprised of SSL_SESSION objects.  For debugging purposes, there's a
> > tool to dump out the sessions in the cache.  I had initially used
> > SSL_SESSION_print() for this dump utility, but that prints out more of
> > the session data (e.g. the master key) than I'd wanted.  Thus I ended up
> > writing my own code for printing out the fields of the SSL_SESSION which
> > I thought would be of interest -- including the protocol version of the
> That sounds fairly reasonable. I suggest raising a github pull request
> to add the accessor (or just an issue if you prefer).

Done; see:


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Re: [openssl-dev] How to get SSL version from SSL_SESSION using OpenSSL-1.1.x?

2016-05-26 Thread TJ Saunders

> > I'm currently working on updating proftpd and its various modules to
> > work with the changed APIs in OpenSSL-1.1.x.  My current obstacle(?) is
> > to determine the SSL protocol version, given an SSL_SESSION pointer.
> > 
> > Using OpenSSL-1.0.x, I currently use:
> > 
> >   ssl_version = sess->ssl_version;
> > 
> > However, I don't see an equivalent accessor in the 1.1.x APIs.  Have I
> > missed something, or does such a thing not exist yet?
> I don't think such a thing exists at the moment. Out of interest why do
> you need it?

One of the modules maintains the server-side SSL session cache,
comprised of SSL_SESSION objects.  For debugging purposes, there's a
tool to dump out the sessions in the cache.  I had initially used
SSL_SESSION_print() for this dump utility, but that prints out more of
the session data (e.g. the master key) than I'd wanted.  Thus I ended up
writing my own code for printing out the fields of the SSL_SESSION which
I thought would be of interest -- including the protocol version of the

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[openssl-dev] How to get SSL version from SSL_SESSION using OpenSSL-1.1.x?

2016-05-26 Thread TJ Saunders

I'm currently working on updating proftpd and its various modules to
work with the changed APIs in OpenSSL-1.1.x.  My current obstacle(?) is
to determine the SSL protocol version, given an SSL_SESSION pointer.

Using OpenSSL-1.0.x, I currently use:

  ssl_version = sess->ssl_version;

However, I don't see an equivalent accessor in the 1.1.x APIs.  Have I
missed something, or does such a thing not exist yet?

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[openssl-dev] [ #4327] SSL_CTX_use_serverinfo_file() causes issues for SSL_CTX with multiple certs

2016-02-20 Thread TJ Saunders via RT

When the SSL_CTX_use_serverinfo_file() function is used to configure
custom TLS extension data (e.g. for SCT data), AND the SSL_CTX in
question is configured for multiple server certificates, the SSL/TLS
handshake can fail unexpectedly, and will not return the configured TLS
extension data properly.



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[openssl-dev] [ #4205] Improve the default TLS session ticket key

2015-12-26 Thread TJ Saunders via RT

The default TLS session ticket key used by OpenSSL uses
AES128-CBC-SHA256; considering the security offered by newer
ciphersuites, the TLS session ticket key algorithm should be
updated/improved, at least to AES256-CBC-SHA256.  See:


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Re: Session resumption

2011-10-05 Thread TJ Saunders

 How long is SSL/TLS session information cached before it is invalidated 
 (i.e. not acceptable for use in future resumption attempts)?  Is this 
 value configurable?

It's configurable, yes.  See the documentation for the 
SSL_CTX_set_timeout() function.  Looks like the current timeout is 300 



   Solitude vivifies; isolation kills.

-Joseph Roux


PKCS#7 enveloped objects and ciphers

2002-09-17 Thread TJ Saunders

Hello, OpenSSL developers.  I ran across an interesting thing while
working with openssl-0.9.7beta2, and am wondering if it's a bug, or is
intentional.  I have signed some data, creating a PKCS7 signed object.
I've then encrypted that signed object, creating an enveloped object.  At
each step in this process, I'm displaying the various attributes and
structs members (in a way that unhealthily violates the opacity of
objects, I admit).  The interesting case is this: I write the enveloped
object out via PEM_write_bio_PKCS7(), and then read it back in using
PEM_read_bio_PKCS().  The enveloped object read back in seems to be same
as that written out -- except that p7-d.enveloped-enc_data-cipher is
NULL, where it was not NULL when being written out.

I looked into the PKCS7_dataDecode() routine, to see how it decrypted an
eveloped object's encrypted contents without using that cipher.  It
apparently does so by using p7-d.enveloped-enc_data-algorithm to get
the matching(?) cipher by name.

Is this use (and lack of) of that enc_data-cipher member intentional?  Or
perhaps this is a case specific to working with enveloped objects?  Or,
most likely, I am missing something. =)



   Absence is to love what wind is to fire: it extinguishes the small, it
   enkindles the great.

-Comte de Bussy-Rabutin

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OpenSSL and PKCS#9's signingDescription

2002-09-10 Thread TJ Saunders

Are there any plans to add PKCS#9's signingDescription attribute to
OpenSSL's repertoire?



   This truth - to prove, and make thine own:
Thou hast been, shalt be, art, alone.

-Matthew Arnold

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[ #268] Very minor documentation patch

2002-09-04 Thread TJ Saunders via RT

In the doc/openssl.txt document in openssl-0.9.7beta2, there is a very
minor mistake in an example subjectAltName line in the config file:

--- openssl.txt Tue Sep 19 17:50:25 2000
+++ /home/tj/openssl.txtSun Sep  1 22:08:10 2002
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@


-subjectAltName=email:copy,email:[EMAIL PROTECTED],URL:
+subjectAltName=email:copy,email:[EMAIL PROTECTED],URI:
 subjectAltName=email:[EMAIL PROTECTED],RID:

 Issuer Alternative Name.

The comments above say URI, but the example shows URL.




   Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.

 -Anais Nin


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Re: Compression BIO

2001-09-04 Thread TJ Saunders

jaltmaWhat benefit is there to this over the ZLIB support already
jaltmain the TLS transport?

It was intended to be another tool in the BIO collection, for applications
that would like to make use of OpenSSL, but not necessarily for TLS



   Be glad of life for it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play,
   and to look at the stars.

 -Henry Van Dyke


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Compression BIO

2001-08-30 Thread TJ Saunders

Hello, all.  I recently finished working on a zlib-based compression
filter BIO for OpenSSL, and would like to contribute this to the project.

The code can be found at:

and includes a README, POD, and the files themselves.

My next question is: what to do with this code from here?



   The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship.

-Francis Bacon


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