[openssl-dev] [openssl.org #1596] Re: wrong AKI in cert

2016-02-05 Thread Rich Salz via RT
we updated the doc in commit 724a1d2 for master.
closing ticket.
Rich Salz, OpenSSL dev team; rs...@openssl.org

Ticket here: http://rt.openssl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=1596
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Re: [openssl.org #1596] Re: wrong AKI in cert

2007-10-26 Thread Simon McMahon via RT
>Since x509 -signkey is supposed to create self-signed certificates, it's 
supposed to set AKID == SKID.

It also has to set the SKID if it plugs in a new public key which I dont 
think it does either.

I think the same problem is in "openssl x509 ... -CA ..."  which also can 
create a new cert from an existing cert and preserves the extensions by 
just copying them.

P.S. thanks for the rt action on this one. I think I am still stumped 
though as there is no workaround for my certs since they all have the SKID 
& AKID in the extensions.

Actually it would work for me except for the validation failure in the 
second command as the self-signed cert is just a temporary and my final 
cert is the same subject/issuer as the original so it will match the 
extensions again. If the validation is using the AKID then it will never 


Simon McMahon

"Kyle Hamilton via RT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
25/10/2007 07:48 PM
Please respond to


[openssl.org #1596] Re: wrong AKI in cert

I think you're right, there's an issue with AKID/SKID in x509 - 
signkey.  (I'm sending this on to [EMAIL PROTECTED], to open a ticket 
for it.)

Repeat the mantra: "Only the Certifier has AKID == SKID. 
Certificates have AKID == CA's SKID."

Now, forget the mantra, cuz the only exception is self-signed 
certificates.  (which is all a CA's certificate really is, if it's a 
trust anchor.)

Since x509 -signkey is supposed to create self-signed certificates, 
it's supposed to set AKID == SKID.

Now.  I'm on OpenSSL 0.9.8e 23 Feb 2007, and I just did the following 

mkdir phase1
mkdir phase2
CA.pl -newca (generate demoCA/cacert.pem and demoCA/private/ 
cakey.pem) (SKID A8:2E, AKID A8:2E)
CA.pl -newcert (generate newcert.pem and newkey.pem) (SKID D8:75, 
AKID D8:75)
mv *.pem phase1
CA.pl -newreq (generate newreq.pem and newkey.pem)
CA.pl -sign (generate newcert.pem) (SKID FB:9E, AKID A8:2E)
mv *.pem phase2
cd phase2
openssl x509 -in newcert.pem -out intermediary.pem -signkey newkey.pem

intermediary.pem reports SKID FB:9E, AKID A8:2E.  It should set AKID 
= SKID for -signkey, and so the AKID should be FB:9E.

-Kyle H

On Oct 24, 2007, at 11:01 PM, Simon McMahon wrote:

> Hi,
> cross ref on support list: "Re: refresh validity dates on a 
> certificate".
> While trying to refresh validity on certs I noticed that "openssl 
> x509 ...
> -signkey filename" modifies the issuer name. It also preserves the
> extensions but appears to copy them verbatum. If there is a "X509v3
> Authority Key Identifier" in there then it may not match the 
> issuers key
> in the resulting cert. If it is producing a self-signed cert then 
> surely
> the AKI and the SKI should be the same.
> Other openssl commands appear to try to verify this resulting cert and
> fail.
> I think if openssl is going to set the issuer and resign the cert 
> then it
> should also update the AKI if it is present in the extensions.
> If it sets the subject public key then it should also update the 
> "X509v3
> Subject Key Identifier" extension if present.
> I was using 9.8b.
> This is a cert where subject = issuer but ski != aki. In this case it
> should be aki = ski.
> Certificate:
> Data:
> Version: 3 (0x2)
> Serial Number: 15 (0xf)
> Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
> Issuer: C=AU, ST=Queensland, O=IBM, L=Gold Coast, OU=GSKit,
> CN=sslcln
> Validity
> Not Before: Oct 25 04:00:23 2007 GMT
> Not After : Aug 14 04:00:23 2010 GMT
> Subject: C=AU, ST=Queensland, O=IBM, L=Gold Coast, OU=GSKit,
> CN=sslcln
> Subject Public Key Info:
> Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
> RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
> Modulus (1024 bit):
> 00:a9:b1:99:5a:c2:d5:83:a6:6d:ea:d1:1f:f2:8c:
> bf:43:6c:a2:09:07:f8:14:2f:f7:07:e4:cb:57:d9:
> 53:2e:55:68:86:c8:4d:8f:d2:3a:5a:81:ca:65:b0:
> 83:0a:97:6e:5a:15:f5:df:65:8f:e0:27:e3:dc:d1:
> 84:3a:ac:a2:d8:a9:9e:69:e1:5f:1d:88:10:72:85:
> 7e:ea:a4:db:79:43:0b:63:6b:4f:e0:8f:ee:09:9a:
> 66:14:bb:b1:48:2d:17:0f:da:c0:f9:12:8e:a2:98:
> a5:61:86:85:14:10:30:c2:28:00:fd:0c:cb:ca:71:
> 9f:34:e0:8e:f5:25:f0:73:93
> Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
> X509v3 extensions:
> X509v3 Basic Constraints:
> Netscape Comment:
> OpenSSL Generated Certificate

Re: [openssl.org #1596] Re: wrong AKI in cert

2007-10-26 Thread Simon McMahon
>Since x509 -signkey is supposed to create self-signed certificates, it's 
supposed to set AKID == SKID.

It also has to set the SKID if it plugs in a new public key which I dont 
think it does either.

I think the same problem is in "openssl x509 ... -CA ..."  which also can 
create a new cert from an existing cert and preserves the extensions by 
just copying them.

P.S. thanks for the rt action on this one. I think I am still stumped 
though as there is no workaround for my certs since they all have the SKID 
& AKID in the extensions.

Actually it would work for me except for the validation failure in the 
second command as the self-signed cert is just a temporary and my final 
cert is the same subject/issuer as the original so it will match the 
extensions again. If the validation is using the AKID then it will never 


Simon McMahon

"Kyle Hamilton via RT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
25/10/2007 07:48 PM
Please respond to


[openssl.org #1596] Re: wrong AKI in cert

I think you're right, there's an issue with AKID/SKID in x509 - 
signkey.  (I'm sending this on to [EMAIL PROTECTED], to open a ticket 
for it.)

Repeat the mantra: "Only the Certifier has AKID == SKID. 
Certificates have AKID == CA's SKID."

Now, forget the mantra, cuz the only exception is self-signed 
certificates.  (which is all a CA's certificate really is, if it's a 
trust anchor.)

Since x509 -signkey is supposed to create self-signed certificates, 
it's supposed to set AKID == SKID.

Now.  I'm on OpenSSL 0.9.8e 23 Feb 2007, and I just did the following 

mkdir phase1
mkdir phase2
CA.pl -newca (generate demoCA/cacert.pem and demoCA/private/ 
cakey.pem) (SKID A8:2E, AKID A8:2E)
CA.pl -newcert (generate newcert.pem and newkey.pem) (SKID D8:75, 
AKID D8:75)
mv *.pem phase1
CA.pl -newreq (generate newreq.pem and newkey.pem)
CA.pl -sign (generate newcert.pem) (SKID FB:9E, AKID A8:2E)
mv *.pem phase2
cd phase2
openssl x509 -in newcert.pem -out intermediary.pem -signkey newkey.pem

intermediary.pem reports SKID FB:9E, AKID A8:2E.  It should set AKID 
= SKID for -signkey, and so the AKID should be FB:9E.

-Kyle H

On Oct 24, 2007, at 11:01 PM, Simon McMahon wrote:

> Hi,
> cross ref on support list: "Re: refresh validity dates on a 
> certificate".
> While trying to refresh validity on certs I noticed that "openssl 
> x509 ...
> -signkey filename" modifies the issuer name. It also preserves the
> extensions but appears to copy them verbatum. If there is a "X509v3
> Authority Key Identifier" in there then it may not match the 
> issuers key
> in the resulting cert. If it is producing a self-signed cert then 
> surely
> the AKI and the SKI should be the same.
> Other openssl commands appear to try to verify this resulting cert and
> fail.
> I think if openssl is going to set the issuer and resign the cert 
> then it
> should also update the AKI if it is present in the extensions.
> If it sets the subject public key then it should also update the 
> "X509v3
> Subject Key Identifier" extension if present.
> I was using 9.8b.
> This is a cert where subject = issuer but ski != aki. In this case it
> should be aki = ski.
> Certificate:
> Data:
> Version: 3 (0x2)
> Serial Number: 15 (0xf)
> Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
> Issuer: C=AU, ST=Queensland, O=IBM, L=Gold Coast, OU=GSKit,
> CN=sslcln
> Validity
> Not Before: Oct 25 04:00:23 2007 GMT
> Not After : Aug 14 04:00:23 2010 GMT
> Subject: C=AU, ST=Queensland, O=IBM, L=Gold Coast, OU=GSKit,
> CN=sslcln
> Subject Public Key Info:
> Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
> RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
> Modulus (1024 bit):
> 00:a9:b1:99:5a:c2:d5:83:a6:6d:ea:d1:1f:f2:8c:
> bf:43:6c:a2:09:07:f8:14:2f:f7:07:e4:cb:57:d9:
> 53:2e:55:68:86:c8:4d:8f:d2:3a:5a:81:ca:65:b0:
> 83:0a:97:6e:5a:15:f5:df:65:8f:e0:27:e3:dc:d1:
> 84:3a:ac:a2:d8:a9:9e:69:e1:5f:1d:88:10:72:85:
> 7e:ea:a4:db:79:43:0b:63:6b:4f:e0:8f:ee:09:9a:
> 66:14:bb:b1:48:2d:17:0f:da:c0:f9:12:8e:a2:98:
> a5:61:86:85:14:10:30:c2:28:00:fd:0c:cb:ca:71:
> 9f:34:e0:8e:f5:25:f0:73:93
> Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
> X509v3 extensions:
> X509v3 Basic Constraints:
> Netscape Comment:
> OpenSSL Generated Certificate

[openssl.org #1596] Re: wrong AKI in cert

2007-10-25 Thread Kyle Hamilton via RT
I think you're right, there's an issue with AKID/SKID in x509 - 
signkey.  (I'm sending this on to [EMAIL PROTECTED], to open a ticket  
for it.)

Repeat the mantra: "Only the Certifier has AKID == SKID.   
Certificates have AKID == CA's SKID."

Now, forget the mantra, cuz the only exception is self-signed  
certificates.  (which is all a CA's certificate really is, if it's a  
trust anchor.)

Since x509 -signkey is supposed to create self-signed certificates,  
it's supposed to set AKID == SKID.

Now.  I'm on OpenSSL 0.9.8e 23 Feb 2007, and I just did the following  

mkdir phase1
mkdir phase2
CA.pl -newca (generate demoCA/cacert.pem and demoCA/private/ 
cakey.pem) (SKID A8:2E, AKID A8:2E)
CA.pl -newcert (generate newcert.pem and newkey.pem) (SKID D8:75,  
AKID D8:75)
mv *.pem phase1
CA.pl -newreq (generate newreq.pem and newkey.pem)
CA.pl -sign (generate newcert.pem) (SKID FB:9E, AKID A8:2E)
mv *.pem phase2
cd phase2
openssl x509 -in newcert.pem -out intermediary.pem -signkey newkey.pem

intermediary.pem reports SKID FB:9E, AKID A8:2E.  It should set AKID  
= SKID for -signkey, and so the AKID should be FB:9E.

-Kyle H

On Oct 24, 2007, at 11:01 PM, Simon McMahon wrote:

> Hi,
> cross ref on support list: "Re: refresh validity dates on a  
> certificate".
> While trying to refresh validity on certs I noticed that "openssl  
> x509 ...
> -signkey filename" modifies the issuer name. It also preserves the
> extensions but appears to copy them verbatum. If there is a "X509v3
> Authority Key Identifier" in there then it may not match the  
> issuers key
> in the resulting cert. If it is producing a self-signed cert then  
> surely
> the AKI and the SKI should be the same.
> Other openssl commands appear to try to verify this resulting cert and
> fail.
> I think if openssl is going to set the issuer and resign the cert  
> then it
> should also update the AKI if it is present in the extensions.
> If it sets the subject public key then it should also update the  
> "X509v3
> Subject Key Identifier" extension if present.
> I was using 9.8b.
> This is a cert where subject = issuer but ski != aki. In this case it
> should be aki = ski.
> Certificate:
> Data:
> Version: 3 (0x2)
> Serial Number: 15 (0xf)
> Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
> Issuer: C=AU, ST=Queensland, O=IBM, L=Gold Coast, OU=GSKit,
> CN=sslcln
> Validity
> Not Before: Oct 25 04:00:23 2007 GMT
> Not After : Aug 14 04:00:23 2010 GMT
> Subject: C=AU, ST=Queensland, O=IBM, L=Gold Coast, OU=GSKit,
> CN=sslcln
> Subject Public Key Info:
> Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
> RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
> Modulus (1024 bit):
> 00:a9:b1:99:5a:c2:d5:83:a6:6d:ea:d1:1f:f2:8c:
> bf:43:6c:a2:09:07:f8:14:2f:f7:07:e4:cb:57:d9:
> 53:2e:55:68:86:c8:4d:8f:d2:3a:5a:81:ca:65:b0:
> 83:0a:97:6e:5a:15:f5:df:65:8f:e0:27:e3:dc:d1:
> 84:3a:ac:a2:d8:a9:9e:69:e1:5f:1d:88:10:72:85:
> 7e:ea:a4:db:79:43:0b:63:6b:4f:e0:8f:ee:09:9a:
> 66:14:bb:b1:48:2d:17:0f:da:c0:f9:12:8e:a2:98:
> a5:61:86:85:14:10:30:c2:28:00:fd:0c:cb:ca:71:
> 9f:34:e0:8e:f5:25:f0:73:93
> Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
> X509v3 extensions:
> X509v3 Basic Constraints:
> Netscape Comment:
> OpenSSL Generated Certificate
> X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
>  8B:44:9A:12:AE:E1:D0:7F:6F:0C:60:87:1E:A6:8A:D8:9C:3D:57:57
> X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
>  keyid:89:9E:C2:C4:E6:87:4E:C2:DC:9E:DE:A7:D5:BE:64:F6:BF:2C:1E:2C
> X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
> Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
> 3a:15:9e:2d:0f:01:aa:b7:a2:86:b8:09:47:6b:00:7f:16:3a:
> 32:46:11:be:06:16:f0:b8:cc:67:6e:8e:fe:32:14:5d:87:1c:
> ea:da:fa:81:e8:e7:e8:9f:c5:e1:06:4b:cc:2e:de:f7:bc:df:
> 9e:60:be:94:23:67:b9:76:c9:47:4d:0c:ab:61:a5:eb:5e:3e:
> d3:50:c5:4b:4c:d3:92:a3:7e:31:03:dd:68:64:6a:e3:53:df:
> 26:0b:c0:a0:d7:ff:a6:7d:5b:29:6f:50:8a:b7:8e:45:90:c8:
> 1f:2e:a2:43:14:69:54:32:82:3c:90:b1:70:b2:8e:c1:b7:5d:
> df:f7
> Simon McMahon
> __
> OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
> Development Mailing List   openssl-dev@openssl.org
> Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List   openssl-dev@openssl.org
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]