RE: [ #1790] [Patch] Windows CE 5 and following support

2009-01-16 Thread

Please find attached an updated version for Windows CE 5 and following compile 
support of the openssl trunk.
Some changes needed to be done to the build system, the source changes 
themselves are a little bit cleaner.

Also followed some of Roumen Petrov recommendations, like
- not always linking against crypt32.lib, only when the desktop version does it 
- proper include position for winsock2.h
- updated the documentation on requirements

Best Regards,
Maurice Kalinowski

Description: wince_trunk_090115.patch

Re: [ #1790] [Patch] Windows CE 5 and following support

2008-11-24 Thread Maurice Kalinowski


ext Roumen Petrov wrote:

Some notes about patch:

First, thank you for having a look at it.

   perl by MSYS what is this ?
   If this is perl build from mingw32 project ? I can't found perl issue
in mingw32 bug tracker. Since the issue is not confirmed you can't write
that a package don't work.
Sorry, I meant the one from the mingw32 project. I use msysgit in my 
environment, thus I mixed up with the names. In any case, if I use that 
perl version, then nmake is not capable of parsing the generated 
makefiles. I can send a diff of both versions to this thread or create 
another request, if you prefer that.

- apps/ocsp.c
   why extra include of winsock2.h? this mean that e_os.h patch is
I was tempted to add the include in e_os.h, but as this is the only file 
requiring this header I felt it to be much cleaner. If the general 
consensus is that e_os should be responsible for header inclusion 
ignoring that other files will use it for no purpose, I can change the 
patch accordingly.

- ms/do_ms.bat
   please keep changes minimal
There seemed to be a line-ending mixup or sth. It basically just adds 
enable-experimental-jpake to the WinCE makefile generator.

- util/pl/
   please don't remove flags that affect warnings. WX-Wall ?
As stated in the mail, I needed to disable WX to have at least a 
successful compilation. WX treats warnings as errors and thus it will 
fail on two instances, where my knowledge about OpenSSL insides is 
limited. As already mentioned, I can send both compile warnings(errors) 
to this list and somebody can have a look at them.

   why is linked with crypt32 ?
The additional dependency results from using Cert* functions inside of 

Best Regards,
Maurice Kalinowski

Maurice Kalinowski - maurice.kalinowski (AT)
Software Engineer - Nokia, Qt Software
Rudower Chaussee 13, 12489 Berlin, Germany

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ #1790] [Patch] Windows CE 5 and following support

2008-11-21 Thread Maurice Kalinowski via RT

as offered in a previous discussion I have updated the 
patch for Windows CE 5 and following support for the cvs repository, 
which represents the 0.9.9 version.

Please find attached the patch.

I would like to give some additional comments on it:
   * The documentation file (INSTALL.WCE) states that there is another 
version available using a 'PortSDK'. Unfortunately all links referring 
to it are dead by now. I did not touch the documentation/code as I am 
unsure how the project is going to handle this situation (remove it or 
try to contact the author?)
   * I removed the statement that static linking is not possible for 
Windows CE as that is wrong and most people actually use static linking 
on Windows CE to avoid memory fragmentation. I do not know anything 
about the situation when using PortSDK though due to above reasons.
   * The change in dso_win32 is only to avoid a warning about a unused 
variable on Windows CE.
   * I needed to enable experimental-jpake support by default. The script does not seem to be able to disable the functions and 
thus a .def file gets generated containing the declarations. As a 
consequence linking fails due to undefined references. Maybe someone 
with a deeper knowledge about this part can help me out, so that there 
is no need to auto-enable experimental parts. Note that the 
jpaketest.exe also reports error currently.
   * Unfortunately I needed to remove the /WX option as two warnings 
about implicit casts are reported during compilation. In case someone is 
interested in it, feel free to ask me, I can send you the compile output.

Beside the jpaketest executable all other tests seem to pass.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,
Maurice Kalinowski

Maurice Kalinowski - maurice.kalinowski (AT)
Software Engineer - Nokia, Qt Software
Rudower Chaussee 13, 12489 Berlin, Germany

RCS file: /v/openssl/cvs/openssl/INSTALL.WCE,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -d -u -r1.7 INSTALL.WCE
--- INSTALL.WCE 6 Nov 2005 20:52:25 -   1.7
+++ INSTALL.WCE 21 Nov 2008 14:10:56 -
@@ -4,14 +4,16 @@
  Building OpenSSL for Windows CE requires the following external tools:
-  * Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 or later
+  * Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 or Visual Studio 2005 and later
   * Appropriate SDK might be required
   * Perl for Win32 [commonly recommended ActiveState Perl is available
+from]. Note that
+perl by MSYS does not create correct makefiles.
   * wcecompat compatibility library available at
-  * Optionally ceutils for running automated tests (same location)
+* Windows CE 4.2 and earlier
+* all Windows CE versions
+  * Optionally ceutils for running automated tests (
@@ -20,11 +22,7 @@
   * CMD command interpreter (same location)
  As Windows CE support in OpenSSL relies on 3rd party compatibility
- library, it's appropriate to check corresponding URL for updates. For
- example if you choose wcecompat, note that as for the moment of this
- writing version 1.2 is available and actually required for WCE 4.2
- and newer platforms. All wcecompat issues should be directed to
+ library, it's appropriate to check corresponding URL for updates.
  Why compatibility library at all? The C Runtime Library implementation
  for Windows CE that is included with Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ is
@@ -35,6 +33,10 @@
  redirects IO to active sync link, while PortSDK - to NT-like console
  driver on the handheld itself.
+ With Windows CE 5 and following a lot of standard functionality has been
+ added to the core system, making some parts of the wcecompat lib deprecated.
+ More information is available at
@@ -43,6 +45,10 @@
   C:\Program Files\Microsoft eMbedded Tools\EVC\WCE300\BIN\WCEARM.BAT
+ For Visual Studio 2005 and following there might be similar script depending
+ on the SDK OpenSSL is supposed to be build for. Follow the SDK documentation
+ to get more information how to setup a cross-compiler environment.
  Next pick compatibility library according to your preferences.
  1. To choose wcecompat set up WCECOMPAT environment variable pointing
@@ -51,6 +57,10 @@
  set WCECOMPAT=C:\wcecompat
+ OpenSSL for Windows CE uses the same environment variables for compilation
+ as wcecompat does. Thus, there might be more settings needed. For more
+ information follow the wcecompat documentation.
  2. To choose PortSDK set up PORTSDK_LIBPATH to point at hardware-
 specific location where your portlib.lib is 

Re: [ #1790] [Patch] Windows CE 5 and following support

2008-11-21 Thread Roumen Petrov

Some notes about patch:
  perl by MSYS what is this ?
  If this is perl build from mingw32 project ? I can't found perl issue 
in mingw32 bug tracker. Since the issue is not confirmed you can't write 
that a package don't work.

- apps/ocsp.c
  why extra include of winsock2.h? this mean that e_os.h patch is 

- ms/do_ms.bat
  please keep changes minimal
- util/pl/
  please don't remove flags that affect warnings. WX-Wall ?
  why is linked with crypt32 ?

OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]