Please find attached patch, introducing two new options for s_server:
one specify maximum number of connections s_server will accept. It will
exit clearly after completing last connection
the other tells s_server to show each completed connection duration and
data transfer rate.

These options exceptionally usable for profiling, debugging and test

Patch correctly applied to openssl-1.0.2-stable-SNAP-20130108

In order to apply patch you may use command:
 patch -p0 -l -u -b -i s_server_limit_show_speed_long.patch
 patch -p1 -l -u -b -i s_server_limit_show_speed_doc.patch

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Attachment: s_server_limit_show_speed_long.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: s_server_limit_show_speed_doc.patch
Description: Binary data

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