>>> 在 11:15 下午 的 5/25/2011 上,在讯息
<20110525151556.ga5...@panix.com> 中,Thor Lancelot Simon <t...@panix.com>
写入:> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 07:45:34PM -0600, Guan Jun He wrote:
>> >>> ? 10:23 ?? ? 5/24/2011 ?????
>> <20110524142324.ga29...@panix.com> ??Thor Lancelot Simon <t...@panix.com>
>> ???> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 05:10:03PM +0800, GuanJun He wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >> 
>> >>    This is a patch to add a switch to openssl's compression
>> >> methords(if compression methords are configured to compile in, 'config
>> >> zlib').Add an environment variable to control compression methords on
>> >> and off.As you know,more and more architectures have hardware
>> >> compression methords already, to get benifit from the hardware
>> >> compression, and to get a good performance,we need a switch as this.
>> > 
>> > I don't understand this.  Are you suggesting that some hardware mechanism
>> > is trying to compress data _after_ OpenSSL handles it?  Turning off
>> > compression in OpenSSL won't help with this, since the resulting SSL/TLS
>> > stream will stil be basically uncompressible.
>> > 
>> I mean OpenSSL compresses data before the encryption(zlib compiled
>> in), having a massive performance impact (throughput decrease, CPU load
>> increase) on platforms with cryptographic hardware.
> It seems to me you've said two differnt things, and I don't know which
> you mean.  Do you mean "on platforms with hardware compression methods"
> or "on platforms with cryptographic hardware"?
> Or do you have a platform with both features, and a version of OpenSSL
> modified to take advantage of the platform's hardware cryptographic
> features, but not the platform's hardware compression features?  I was
> in that situation for some time.

Yes, I mean this.Have you made any progress on this?
Before the engine's enhancements, we probably should also provide users a way 
to work-around it.
For platforms with both features, there is really a performance reduction.
Till now, I can think of two methords to work-around it:
*#1* environment variable (easiest way)
*#2* add an item to configure file openssl.cnf (no essential difference from 
methord #1)
Do you agree this?
or what do you think about this?

> I personally think that compression in OpenSSL needs to be made a
> first-class transform such that it can be handed off to engines.  Though
> of course the engine interface needs other enhancements to deal with
> platforms that can do "fused" transforms like compress-then-encrypt-then-MAC,
> or full-on SSL record handling.  But it would be a start.
> I think it should also be the case that compression (or not) should be
> selectable via the existing interface for setting options on the SSL_CTX.
> That would provide a more elegant way of dealing with the issue you're
> seeing (which I assume is triggered by an increased number of peers who
> want to do compression at the SSL layer because of the support for this
> in Chrome and in Google's server software) rather than an environent
> variable work-around.
This is a good idea, make it negotiate-able in SSL session.and the work-around 
environent variable can also work with it together, and provide users a control 
use the compression or not.After the engine is enhanced, we can easily disable 
the environment variable or remove it.


> Thor
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> OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
> Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
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Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
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