Monthly Status Report (December)

2021-01-11 Thread Paul Nelson
I participated in a number of meetings:

OTC Face-to-Face meetings on 12/8, beginning of meeting on 12/10 FIPS Sponsors 
meeting on 12/7

I reviewed FIPS documents and set up a place in the otc-private repo for them. 
The three main documents are the security policy draft, vendor evidence draft 
and the finite state model. Other documents received from Acumen will be saved 
here as well. I will take over scheduling of FIPS meetings starting in January. 
The first meeting is scheduled for Jan 11 with Acumen.

I have built OpenSSL 3.0.0 on my Macintosh and have experimented debugging into 
the FIPS module. I need to understand how the FIPS module will be built by 
users in the future. Right now, the user just pulls OpenSSL from a repo and 
builds it, then follows directions for installing the FIPS module. This seems 
to be only useful for the first release of OpenSSL 3.0.0. There are some 
inconsistencies in the FIPS documentation in the 3.0.0 master branch, and I 
will be addressing these in January.

I worked on identifying the parts of OpenSSL that are needed to build the FIPS 
module. There appear to be 351 source files used to build the module including 
header files. There are 72 header files, 24 assembly language and 6 inc files. 
There are 208 files in the crypto tree, 103 in the providers tree, 38 in the 
include tree and 2 in the ssl tree.

If we can identify only those issues that require a change to these files, we 
know what issues affect the FIPS module. This will be difficult but should be 

I had a number of interactions with support customers, sending invoices. I did 
not handle this process well and a number of mistakes were made. Mark and I 
have discussed how to rectify these and I will be able to handle these tasks 
with much greater care in the future.

Paul Nelson 

Monthly Status Report (December)

2021-01-11 Thread Matt Caswell
As well as normal reviews, responding to user queries, wiki user
requests, OMC business, support customer issues, handling security
reports, etc., key activities this month:

- PRs to fix the sanitzer CI builds
- Fixed no-sock and no-dtls
- Incorporated "no-legacy" into run-checker
- Fixed no-legacy
- Fixed no-tls1_3
- Fixed no-err
- Fixed no-dsa
- Created patches for, and wrote security advisory for the EDIPARTYNAME
security issue
- Performed the 1.1.1 and 1.0.2 security release
- Fixed typos in EVP_PKEY-DH pod file
- Fixed no-threads
- Fix to ensure DTLS free functions can handle a "NULL"
- PR to fix a crash in muli-threaded applications using the FIPS Module:
this introduces a new test which also identified further issues
- Fix to cache various digest constants to improve performance
- Optimised OPENSSL_init_crypto and additional "atomics" functions


NSA Releases “Eliminating Obsolete Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Configurations”

2021-01-11 Thread Christian Heinrich

Christian Heinrich