Re: [Crypt::SSLeay] proxy with https

2001-10-08 Thread Joshua Chamas

Namsuk kim wrote:
> ...
> Now, I have new problem that I didn't have before.  First, the
> environment values for userid and passwd are not read and passed to the
> proxy.  The other problem is that it seems CA repository information is
> not also read.  Looks like I'm missing some components here.  if I use
> "proxy_authorization_basic("", "");", proxy
> authentication goes through.  But, it will bomb out at CA verification
> part giving me error like below.
> ...

I have comments about your code below which may help.
The gist I got from your mail was that you didn't care if 
you got a CA verification error, you just wanted to get 
through to the site via the proxy.

>  Following is the part of the code.
> -
> $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = 'http://proxy:8080';


I don't think you need this.  Comment it out until
you know that you do.

> $ENV{HTTPS_CERT_FILE} = 'certs/notacacert.pem';
> $ENV{HTTPS_KEY_FILE}  = 'certs/notacakeynopass.pem';
You probably don't want to set these client certs as they 
may just cause errors on the other end unless valid.

> $ENV{HTTPS_CA_FILE}   = 'certs/ca.crt';
> $ENV{HTTPS_CA_DIR}= 'certs/';
You probably don't want to set this since you want to 
ignore CA verification errors, right?  This will
create an error if verification fails.

> $ua->env_proxy();
You don't need this with Crypt::SSLeay.  In fact it 
may cause problems.

> my $req = new HTTP::Request('GET', '');

> #$req->proxy_authorization_basic("", "");
> $req->authorization_basic('share', 'share');
Don't set authorization_basic for the proxy here, only for the 
web page on the other side if necessary.

Also, you can set


for Crypt::SSLeay debug output to work through this issue.

If you want further help on this, you might want to take
this offline with me, and get me the URL that you are
trying to connect to, so I can see if I can get to it
over a local proxy setup.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tru64 4.0f BN_sqr test fail

2001-10-08 Thread Chris Adams

Once upon a time, Todd Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Actually, I'm encountering the same exact problem as Keith.  Clean build,
> but fails the Square test.  Look familiar?
>   ...
>   test BN_rshift
>   test BN_sqr
>   Square test failed!
>   make: *** [test_bn] Error 1
> But I don't think it's a gcc issue.  I get the same result on two different
> Tru64 machines using the Compaq compiler...
> OSF1 V5.1 732 alpha:
>   Compaq C V6.3-025 on Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1 (Rev. 732)
>   Compiler Driver V6.3-026 (sys) cc Driver
> OSF1 V4.0 1530 alpha:
>   Compaq C V6.4-214 (dtk) on Digital UNIX V4.0G (Rev. 1530)
>   Compiler Driver V6.4-014 (dtk) cc Driver

I'm having the same problem with openssl-0.9.6b on Tru64 5.1A with the
Compaq C compiler:

OSF1 V5.1 1885 alpha
Compaq C V6.4-009 on Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1A (Rev. 1885)
Compiler Driver V6.4-008 (sys) cc Driver

I installed GNU bc, but that has nothing to do with the problem because
the test never gets to running bc; it fails in running bntest.  The end
of the output of bntest looks like:

test BN_sqr
print "test BN_sqr\n"
-8C * -8C - 4DA8FEE60001
2BEFF * 2BEFF - 6159F8795207C11108201
Square test failed!

Any ideas?
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Crypt::SSLeay: Code works on Linux but not Solaris.. HELP!

2001-10-08 Thread Joshua Chamas

Del Simmons wrote:
> Ok, got past that one.. OpenSSL was looking for the certs.pem file where
> it didn't exist.. copied that over to the proper location and this
> problem was fixed.. Now I have hit an even uglier snag..
> SSL_connect:SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
> SSL_connect:SSLv3 write finished A
> SSL_connect:SSLv3 flush data
> SSL_connect:SSLv3 read finished A
> 500 (Internal Server Error) read failed:
> Net::SSL::die_with_error('Net::SSL=GLOB(0x356870)', 'read failed')
> called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/sun4-solaris/Net/ line
> 211

If its working on Linux, but not Solaris, I would make sure
that your versions of openssl & Crypt::SSLeay are exactly
the same.  If they are, I don't know why they would behave
differently.  Check that your perl versions are the same too.

The former problem tends to be more relevant in case you 
linked to an older version of OpenSSL before on one box,
and though you might have installed the latest OpenSSL,
Crypt::SSLeay is still using the old one.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Crypt::SSLeay: Peer Certificate Verification?

2001-10-08 Thread Joshua Chamas

Del Simmons wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Sorry if this has been answered already. I'm using LWP to post data to a
> https server. The client cert and key is passed properly and the server
> verify's me fine when I submit my POST, but I always get the following
> warning header from LWP/Protocol/ "Client-SSL-Warning: Peer
> certificate not verified". After seeing a post by Lutz Jaenicke, it
> seems that the bottom line is that Crypt::SSLeay doesn't support the
> certificate verification process.

Crypt::SSLeay does support peer cert verification via 
environment variable configuration.  But, you will still
end up with the Client-SSL-Warning, as that it automatically
set in the LWP layer.

  $ENV{HTTPS_CA_FILE}   = 'certs/ca.crt';
  $ENV{HTTPS_CA_DIR}= 'certs/';

The perl XS code looks like:

CAdir =getenv("HTTPS_CA_DIR");

if(!CAfile && !CAdir) {
SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL);
} else {
SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL);

I believe that when the CA verification is occuring,
there will be an error if the CA cert is not verified.

You can use the ./net_ssl_test script with a special 
argument -CAfile, perldoc Crypt::SSLeay for more info,
and check out the CERT section.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DSA_generate_parameters not returning a better seed?

2001-10-08 Thread Francis Chan

I'm using the crypto 
lib and am trying to generate good DSA key data sets with the seed and 
cnt.  According to the function description of DSA_generate_parameters (), 
if I give it a rotten seed value, it should stuff a better one back to me?  
Or so it seems from the description.  But I can't seem to get it to return 
a seed value back to me?
If this isn't the 
case, how can I retrieve the seed and count information from the key I generate 
using the crypto libs?

Also I passed 
DSA_generate_parameters a FIPS seed value and sure enough, I can reproduce the 
cnt value so at least that works.
Thanks in 

Re: configuration problems - jsse....

2001-10-08 Thread Eric Rescorla

"Nancy Pawlowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Does anyone recognize this error?
> I've had jsse with tomcat configured under linux - and it is running ok;
>but am having problems running it under windows2000.
This isn't an OpenSSL issue. Why are you posting it here?

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

configuration problems - jsse....

2001-10-08 Thread Nancy Pawlowski

Does anyone recognize this error?

I've had jsse with tomcat configured under linux - and it is running ok;
   but am having problems running it under windows2000.

when i startup tomcat - i get an error right away.

- have my jsse jars loaded;
- have my file configured:

- have my tomcat startup file configured/server.xml:


Running Tomcat with a SecurityManager...
ERROR reading c:\java\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\conf\server.xml
At Line 252 /Server/ContextManager/Connector/Parameter/

FATAL: configuration error
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.NoClassDef
oundError: com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/Provider
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector.string2SocketFactory(PoolTcpConne> >

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rsa signature values

2001-10-08 Thread Vadim Fedukovich


one good way to get this resolved is to outline ISO signature,
namely data format, digest and padding used as well as other
relevant details. A signature example (and the key used to make it)
could also help.

What is "intermediate signature"?


On Mon, 8 Oct 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I am attempting to utilise the OpenSSL RSA functionality to verify UN
> standard Edifact files with AUTACK messages containing a signature which has
> been generated using the SHA-1 digest. Also I need to produce a
> corresponding outgoing AUTACK with an embedded signature attached to the Ack
> or Nak message.
> I have been able to sign and verify locally using the SSL software but my
> problem is the intermediate signature does not match that expected by the
> 3rd parties we deal with. Indeed they do not match examples given by the
> Edifact documentation in the worked examples. I get the expected digest
> values but the RSA  generated signature is completely different.
> The Edifact documentation says the RSA verification should comply with
> ISO9796-1. I can find no mention of ISO standards at all in the release so
> maybe you can confirm whether or not this might be the problem.
> Thanks in advance,
> Bill Cotton
> _
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> OpenSSL Project
> User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: About and

2001-10-08 Thread Michael H. Warfield

On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 09:28:52AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


> "Rawhide" is not another version of Linux, it is simply the name of a
> repository for optional updates to the current version of RedHat Linux. Of
> course, that question is a little off-topic for this list.

No, it's not optional updates to the current release.  It's
an alpha thread that you use at your own risk.  It's basically a
pre-beta rolling release.  It is definitely a good spot to catch up
on recent kernel releases before they make it to the main updates site.

> As I have said repeatedly, openssl is included with RedHat 7.1. openssh,
> sendmail and bind all rely on the package being there. This has been the
> case since RedHat 7.0, and will undoubtedly be the case for 7.2. I haven't
> checked out roswell (aka 7.1.93) yet, as RedHat have locked off the file
> permissions on their ftp site! 

Looks like they just did that a couple of days ago.  I had downloaded
both Beta1 and Beta2 from but
permissions are now set to deny.  Simultanious to that, a 7.2 directory has
now appeared as /pub/redhat/linux/7.2 also with access permissions denied.
Looks like we are on the verge of the 7.2 release and they are preping the
site...  :-)  Wheee...

> RPM packages contain either pre-built binaries or a source package that will
> compile in a pre-arranged way (specified in a "spec" file). They are useful
> for maintaining a common installation on multiple systems, or for
> administrators who haven't a clue what "make" or "configure" does.

> Anyone who upgrades or changes openssl without using the RedHat updates
> (details at runs the risk of breaking a lot of code.
> Also, the version of openssl with RedHat 7.1 is "hobbled" and does not
> include all the cipher support. I've asked an employee of RedHat who has
> OK'd the making available of a package that contains all the support for
> non-US users. I've yet to get round to doing that though.

Relative to the latest RawHide SRPMS (openssl-0.9.6b-9.src.rpm)...

1) Replace the openssl-engine-0.9.6b-usa.tar.bz2 source ball
with the real thing from the OpenSSL site.  (The source
tarball with the RPM has had some things stripped.  That's
part of the hobbling.)

2) Edit the spec file and remove the "-usa" from "Source".

2) Down in %prep, kill off %{SOURCE1} by commenting it out.  (That's
another part of the hobbling).

3) Remove no-idea, no-rc5, etc on the config line.  (Last part of
the hobbling.)

4) Build.  All the RedHat "patches" seem to be compatible with the
non-crippled source tarball.

5) Enjoy.

> - 
> John Airey
> Internet systems support officer, ITCSD, Royal National Institute for the
> Blind,
> Bakewell Road, Peterborough PE2 6XU,
> Tel.: +44 (0) 1733 375299 Fax: +44 (0) 1733 370848 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 Michael H. Warfield|  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (The Mad Wizard)  |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9  |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471|  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nonblocking sockets + peek

2001-10-08 Thread Eric Rescorla

Wirta Ville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   Yes, there is someone listening. And the whole thing works if client
> doesn't use non blocking sockets. For some reason non blocking
> BIO_do_connect doesn't send anything with it's first few attempts (it's
> fourth or fifth time that makes things work) and that's why (I suppose)
>   got = recv (conn->s, buf, 100, MSG_PEEK);
> hangs and doesn't see anything coming from the socket.
>   Theres something terrible wrong and I bet I have caused it as usual
> :-) I just can't figure out what am I missing here.
Have you tried doing a tcpdump to see what's actually happening on
the wire?

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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MIME encoding and CMS

2001-10-08 Thread Don Zick

I need to be able to do the following:

Encrypt Data
- Convert a stream of bytes to the MIME encoding
- Encrypt MIME encoded bytes using normal CMS rules
- Use encrypted bytes as the value of the EncryptedContent field within

Sign Data
- Convert a stream of bytes to the MIME encoding
- Sign MIME encoded bytes using CMS object of type ContentInfo
- Possibly add countersignature attribute

Can I use OpenSSL routines to do this?  If so, can you please tell me
what routines I need to call?

Thank you,

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED] , mod_ssl.c ???

2001-10-08 Thread David Jordan

Hello everyone.  I'm new to this list.  

I'm running SuSE 7.2 and have installed openssl and 
openssh.  I'm am trying to use SSL for https security but my 
httpd.conf is looking for the shared object to load.  
I don't find 
this object on my system anywhere.   
Also, ssh and sshd seem to work fine.  But I 
haven't completely figured out why sftp keeps on asking for a password.  
I've generated all the keys and installed where I think they're supposed to go 
but still no luck.  Do the users on each system have to be 
the same -   johnx is sftp'ing to johnx.    I 
need it to sftp to work without a password.
Thanks for any help and ideas.

rsa signature values

2001-10-08 Thread Bill . Cotton


I am attempting to utilise the OpenSSL RSA functionality to verify UN
standard Edifact files with AUTACK messages containing a signature which has
been generated using the SHA-1 digest. Also I need to produce a
corresponding outgoing AUTACK with an embedded signature attached to the Ack
or Nak message.

I have been able to sign and verify locally using the SSL software but my
problem is the intermediate signature does not match that expected by the
3rd parties we deal with. Indeed they do not match examples given by the
Edifact documentation in the worked examples. I get the expected digest
values but the RSA  generated signature is completely different.

The Edifact documentation says the RSA verification should comply with
ISO9796-1. I can find no mention of ISO standards at all in the release so
maybe you can confirm whether or not this might be the problem.

Thanks in advance,

Bill Cotton

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Re: About and

2001-10-08 Thread Joe Orton

Hi, I've written up a page which hopefully answers these questions:

Let me know if anything is not clear. As John said, the RPM you need is
from Raw Hide, so none of this stuff is supported or recommended by Red
Hat. On your own head be it...


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: About and

2001-10-08 Thread John . Airey

>-Original Message-
>From: Xia Shang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 05 October 2001 13:55
>Subject: About and
>I know now that KDE 2.2 is not for Redhat 7.1 but for Roswell, 
>but what is Rawhide? 
>Another version of Redhat Linux?
>I have downloaded "openssl0.9.6b" from and  
>unpacked it, but I still 
>can't find "" and "".
>I guess I must install it so that these two files can be 
>created. Am I right?
>Another foolish question:What's the difference between the 
>installations from "*.rpm" 
>package and from "*.tar.gz" package(with "make",
>"install" and so on)?
>Thank you
Correction to my previous post, RawHide is indeed another version of Linux,
but it is not supported, might destroy all your data, etc. However, I have
taken packages from it (apache-mod_ssl 1.3.20-2.8.4 for example) and they've
worked for me.

Details are at

John Airey
Internet systems support officer, ITCSD, Royal National Institute for the
Bakewell Road, Peterborough PE2 6XU,
Tel.: +44 (0) 1733 375299 Fax: +44 (0) 1733 370848 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


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OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: About and

2001-10-08 Thread John . Airey

>-Original Message-
>From: Xia Shang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 05 October 2001 13:55
>Subject: About and
>I know now that KDE 2.2 is not for Redhat 7.1 but for Roswell, 
>but what is Rawhide? 
>Another version of Redhat Linux?
>I have downloaded "openssl0.9.6b" from and  
>unpacked it, but I still 
>can't find "" and "".
>I guess I must install it so that these two files can be 
>created. Am I right?
>Another foolish question:What's the difference between the 
>installations from "*.rpm" 
>package and from "*.tar.gz" package(with "make",
>"install" and so on)?
>Thank you
"Rawhide" is not another version of Linux, it is simply the name of a
repository for optional updates to the current version of RedHat Linux. Of
course, that question is a little off-topic for this list.

As I have said repeatedly, openssl is included with RedHat 7.1. openssh,
sendmail and bind all rely on the package being there. This has been the
case since RedHat 7.0, and will undoubtedly be the case for 7.2. I haven't
checked out roswell (aka 7.1.93) yet, as RedHat have locked off the file
permissions on their ftp site! 

RPM packages contain either pre-built binaries or a source package that will
compile in a pre-arranged way (specified in a "spec" file). They are useful
for maintaining a common installation on multiple systems, or for
administrators who haven't a clue what "make" or "configure" does.

Anyone who upgrades or changes openssl without using the RedHat updates
(details at runs the risk of breaking a lot of code.
Also, the version of openssl with RedHat 7.1 is "hobbled" and does not
include all the cipher support. I've asked an employee of RedHat who has
OK'd the making available of a package that contains all the support for
non-US users. I've yet to get round to doing that though.

John Airey
Internet systems support officer, ITCSD, Royal National Institute for the
Bakewell Road, Peterborough PE2 6XU,
Tel.: +44 (0) 1733 375299 Fax: +44 (0) 1733 370848 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


NOTICE: The information contained in this email and any attachments is 
confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the 
intended recipient you are hereby notified that you must not use, 
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you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender 
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attachments generated by its staff are free from viruses. However, it 
cannot accept any responsibility for any viruses which are 
transmitted. We therefore recommend you scan all attachments.

Please note that the statements and views expressed in this email 
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RNIB Registered Charity Number: 226227


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

client connection through proxy

2001-10-08 Thread SeshaKalyan Manyam

I have a terrible problem with my server program. It works absolutely fine
for the connections made to it from the browser with in the intranet.But if
the browser makes connection through a proxy server I am getting connection
refused by the peer (i.e SSL_read() returns -1 with the error saying
connection refused by the peer).

I would be very greatful if anybody could help me in going about with this
problem. I am blocked at this.

Thanks very much

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SeshaKalyan Manyam.vcf
Description: Binary data