Re: MacOSX Universal Static Libs

2006-12-13 Thread Alicia da Conceicao
> The build process for Universal binaries on the Mac explicitly demands
> separate building, and then gluing the parts together.  Xcode does
> this automatically for its projects, but for Makefile-based projects
> you pretty much have to do it yourself.
> Please see for more information.

Hi Kyle:

Thank you for your quick response.  For my own universal binaries, I
have no difficulties compiling and linking using gcc/g++ with the
"-arch ppc -arch i386" arguments, including building universal static
libraries with ar+ranlib.  I use the __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ &
__BIG_ENDIAN__ macros in my code for any endian dependant part.  So
it is possible to have a single build in one step for universal MacOS/
Darwin binaries without separately building then glueing the ppc &
i386 parts together. 

However, for OpenSSL, I was wondering what can be done for any CPU
dependant parts like assembler code in the *.s files.  I was hoping
that other MacOSX developers might have some patches for the darwin
universal build.

It is looking like I will have to make separate builds for PPC & i386
and manual glue them together myself.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MacOSX Universal Static Libs

2006-12-13 Thread Alicia da Conceicao

Does anyone have any experience configuring openssl-0.9.8d to compile
Universal (PowerPC + i386) static libraries for Darwin (MacOSX)?
Although MacOS 10.4 has a port of openssl universal, it's openssl
library is dynamic, and I would much prefer to use static.

The configure script for openssl-0.9.8d only provides the following
preconfigured ports for Darwin: "darwin-i386-cc" & "darwin-ppc-cc", but
not universal.

Unfortunately, since the i386 port for OpenSSL contains assembler, so
simply adding the "-arch ppc -arch i386" arguments to gcc won't help.

Would it be best to build openssl separately for both the "darwin-i386-cc"
& "darwin-ppc-cc" ports, and then glue the static libraries together?

Thank you in advance,

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: change/convert 512 bit long modulus to 2048 on private key?

2006-05-19 Thread Alicia da Conceicao
> > Can this be done with out having to make a new private
> > key? Or am I just barking up the wrong tree?
> Absolutely not.
> It's like saying, can I make a two-digit number into a three-digit number. 
>  (You could add leading zero's, but that misses the whole point.)

Not quite.  For RSA, the highest bit in the modulus must be set.  In
other words, for all 2048 bit RSA keys, the value of their modulus
(which is a product of the two secret primes) must be greater than
2^2047.  You cannot add leading zeros to the 512 bit modulus to make
it bigger than 2^2047, that is impossible, in the same way that 1+1=3
is impossible.

Note that all RSA public and private key operations involve applying
a mod (division remainder) with the modulus.

You cannot avoid it, you need to bute down the bullet and generate
new RSA keyes,

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Changing existing certificates from 512 bits to 2048 bits

2006-05-17 Thread Alicia da Conceicao
> Thank you for getting back to me
> I need to take the Root CA certificate/private key and
> change the modulus from 512 bit to 2048 bit. I assume
> that I have to make a new Root CA Certificate request
> and then sign it with the old one?
> The problem that I have is newer devices are not
> allowing me to insert our internal CA root as a trust
> root CA. The error message says the root CA is 512bits
> and must be 2048 bits before it can be accepted.

Dear Ray:

You cannot change the RSA key in the root CA certificate from
512 bit to 2048 bits.  There is no way to convert a 512 bit RSA
key to a 2048 bit key, since the bit size of a RSA key refers to
THE HIGH BIT OF THE MODULUS number in the RSA key.  You need a
brand new RSA key.

You need to proceed with the following steps:

Step-1) generate a brand new RSA private key with a 2048 bit modulus

Step-2) generate a new self-signed root CA certificate the contains
the RSA public key from Step-1 and a new X509 subject that
is different from the old CA certificate, and is signed with
the RSA private key from Step-1

Please note that special care in obtaining random data from multiple
sources is needed for Step-1 in order to obtain a secure RSA private
key for your CA.

OpenSSL has a number of command line options that can be used for
Step-1 & Step-2.  You should find lots of examples on how to do this
if you use a search engine (Google).


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Changing existing certificates from 512 bits to 2048 bits

2006-05-17 Thread Alicia da Conceicao
> I know this is a noob question but I have inherited an
> existing CA based on openssl. I need to change some
> existing certificates from 512 bit to 2048 bit. I have
> the private keys and was wondering if the proper
> approach was to renew the certificate and modify them
> there? Or is this not possible? Possible but through
> another mechanisms?

Dear Ray:

Your question is unclear.  I assume that you are referring
to RSA keys with 512 bit and 2048 bit modulus, correct?
Even then, your question is needs additional clarification.

Do the existing certificates issued by your CA for each
entity have:

1) a 512 bit RSA public key that corresponds to that
entity's 512 bit RSA private key

2) a digital signature that was generated by the CA's 512
bit RSA private key when signing the certificate

In the case of (1), each entity needs to generate a brand new
RSA private key with a 2048 bit RSA modulus, and then issue a
certificate requested (which need to be validated) before the
CA can issue the replacement certificates.

In the case of (2), if you have a copy of the original
certificate requests, you can simply re-sign them with your
new 2048 bit RSA signing key for your CA.  Or if you don't,
you can use openssl and other tools to extract the data from
any issued certificate (RSA public key, X509 subject, X509v3
extensions, etc.) and then re-issue brand new certificates
from that data, which you then sign with your new 2048 bit
RSA signing key for your CA.  Note that for (2) you will
need to generate a brand new CA (root) self-signed
certificate that contains the corresponding 2048 bit RSA
public key of the CA signing key.  Also that new CA
certificate should also have a different subject to
distinguish it from the old CA root certificate.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

no PKCS#5 padding in DES_cbc_encrypt/DES_cbc_decrypt

2005-11-14 Thread Alicia da Conceicao
For some reason, the DES routines for CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)


do not appear to add the required PKCS#5 padding.  Is their another
routine I should be using that works with the DES_key_schedule type?

Thanks in advance,

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt and padding

2005-08-29 Thread Alicia da Conceicao

The DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt() routine does not appear to properly pad
data to fill out the last block.

Consider, if the last block contains 4 bytes for the unencrypted
text "test", DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt() is only padding the remaining
characters with NULL characters:


But shouldn't it be padded as follow:


with the last byte containing the number of padded bytes.  Note that
if the last block is full, then an additional block of padding is
added with 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08.

Is CBC padding in OpenSSL handled by a separate routine?  Shouldn't
CBC padding be handled by the CBC routine?

Thanks in advance.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The breaking of SHA1

2005-03-14 Thread Alicia da Conceicao
Hi everybody:

Bruce Schneier said it best on his blog (dated 18 Feb 2005):
Earlier this week, three Chinese cryptographers showed that SHA-1 is not
collision-free. That is, they developed an algorithm for finding collisions
faster than brute force.

SHA-1 produces a 160-bit hash. That is, every message hashes down to a 160-bit
number. Given that there are an infinite number of messages that hash to each
possible value, there are an infinite number of possible collisions. But
because the number of possible hashes is so large, the odds of finding one by
chance is negligibly small (one in 2^80, to be exact). If you hashed 2^80
random messages, you'd find one pair that hashed to the same value. That's
the "brute force" way of finding collisions, and it depends solely on the
length of the hash value. "Breaking" the hash function means being able to
find collisions faster than that. And that's what the Chinese did.

They can find collisions in SHA-1 in 2^69 calculations, about 2,000 times
faster than brute force. Right now, that is just on the far edge of feasibility
with current technology.


For the average Internet user, this news is not a cause for panic. No one is
going to be breaking digital signatures or reading encrypted messages anytime
soon. The electronic world is no less secure after these announcements than it
was before.

Basically SHA1 is broken in the mathematical sense in that the Chinese
cryptographers developed a method to find SHA1 collisions in only 2^69
calculations on average, which is 2048 times faster than the brute force
method of finding it in 2^80 calculation.  So we are only taking about 3
orders of magnitude decrease in finding SHA1 collisions compared to brute

Of course, having a method in 2^69 calculations that find a second message
that has the same SHA1 hash as a first message does not mean that the second
message would be of any use to an attacker/forger.

Although this work is brilliant, it does not mean that at this point that
digital signatures, certificates, and SSL/TLS handshaking that use SHA1
hashing is no longer secure.  

Additional SHA1 compromises would be needed to be found before attackers/
forgers have a method to generate useful messages that have the same SHA1
message as a known message.  So we are safe for now against having attackers/
forgers having a method of generating blocks of data that can be added to a
message so that it SHA1 hashes to a know message.

But there is an old saying inside the NSA: "Attacks always get better; they
never get worse.".  So although digital signatures, certificates, and SSL/TLS
handshaking using SHA1 hashing are still secure for now, it is time to find
and use better hashing algorithms that do not have the vulnerabilities that
MD* & SHA* have.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What binary data format is used by openssl enc?

2004-08-02 Thread Alicia da Conceicao
Hi Steve:

> Its not ASN1 because the OpenSSL ASN1 code isn't fully streaming and to do so
> would be a massive undertaking which has so far not attracted any interest.
> The data following the salt is the raw encrypted data using standard block
> padding. This isn't conformant with any public standard.

Thank you for clearing things up for me regarding "openssl enc" encoding
format.  :-) 

But now that you mentioned it, I would have to say that it would be more
than a massive undertaking to use DER encoding for "openssl enc" streaming,
it would be impossible, since DER encoding always puts an object's length
before an object's contents.  You would first need to dump the entire
stream contents into a temporary location before you can obtain and DER
encode the stream length, and to do so would not qualify as streaming
since nothing comes out until everything is put in.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What binary data format is used by openssl enc?

2004-08-01 Thread Alicia da Conceicao

I was wondering what type of data format is used by "openssl enc"?

Specifically, when I type:

openssl enc -des-ede3-cbc -e < fileName > fileName.3des

The resulting binary output file from "openssl enc", which is 3DES (triple-
DES) encrypted with a password, it not DER encoded.  In fact, the binary
output file begins with the text "Salted__", which I am guessing is for
the 3DES CBC mode initialization vector.

This means that "openssl enc" does not appear to use any ANS.1 format, like
PKCS-7 EncryptedData, that I can decern.  So what is this mystery format?
Is it proprietary to OpenSSL, or does it conform to some public standard

If the "openssl enc" format does conform to some public standard, then it
should be specified in the man page so that other encryption librarie
can conform to it.

Thanks in advance.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Limited Intermediate Certificates

2004-04-18 Thread Alicia da Conceicao
>   I have a question about creating intermediate certificates with limited
> CN's that they can sign for. If I have my own fully-trusted root
> certificate, can I create a limited intermediate CA certificate for a
> particular subdomain that can sign certificates only for subdomains of that
> domain?
>   For example, can I create a '*' CA cert that can sign
> certificates for things like '' and ''? (But not
> '' of course.) I would then give that intermediate cert to the
> owners of the domain ''.

A certificate is a kind of signed digital document, and there is nothing
that prevents any certificate and RSA private key from signing and issuing
any certificate.

There might be some X509v3 extension (or you can easily create one)
that you can put in a parent certificate, that can specify restrictions
the child certs signed by the parent.  However, I doubt that most of
the standard clients (like Netscape/Mozilla, Microsoft IE/Outlook,
etc.) would be able to handle that type of X509v3 extension for
restrictions in a certificate chain.  But if the certs are only
intended for a closed client application that is based on OpenSSL, then
that application can be modified to use that extension to restrict
client certs in the manner that you want.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Algorithm used to convert passphase provided in callback to cipher key.

2003-10-30 Thread Alicia da Conceicao

I am working on making some embedded encryption code interop with
openssl.  To that end, I would appreciate if someone could please
outline step-by-step how a pass-phase provided in a password
callback is converted into an encryption key for a symmetric
cipher.  Whatever means openssl uses, it is not a simple hashing,
since the commonly used digests only provide 128-160 bits per
hash, and 168 bits is needed for ciphers like 3DES (Triple-DES).

Specially, if a pass-phase of "hello-world" is provided, how does
openssl convert that into a 168 bit 3DES (Triple-DES) encryption
key used by the "EVP_des_ede3_cbc()" cipher.  This way, I can
have my software generated the same cipher key that openssl does
when the same pass-phase is provided.

Thank you in advance.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Constructing RSA key from know primes, exponents, coefficents, etc.

2002-08-01 Thread Alicia da Conceicao


If I know all of the values of an RSA key, including its primes,
exponents, coefficents, etc., can I construct an openssl RSA object
from it?  The "RSA_generate_key" appears to only allow the building
of a new RSA key from scratch, with random values that will not
match the desired values of a known key.  

For example, if we take a trival 128 bit RSA key that has know

Private-Key: (128 bit)
publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)

What can we do in OpenSSL so that we can import these values into
an OpenSSL RSA object, and simply use "PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey"
to generate the following input?


And can I do the same for the public key?  If I have the
following values?

Modulus (128 bit):
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)

Can I also import these values into an OpenSSL RSA object of the
public key, and simply use "PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey" to
generate the following output?


My goal is to be able to import RSA keys into OpenSSL from a
various sources, including those generated from Linux's FreeSwan
IPSec "rsasigkey".

Thanks in advance.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Constructing RSA key from know primes, exponents, coefficents, etc.

2002-08-01 Thread Alicia da Conceicao


If I know all of the values of an RSA key, including its primes,
exponents, coefficents, etc., can I construct an openssl RSA object
from it?  The "RSA_generate_key" appears to only allow the building
of a new RSA key from scratch, with random values that will not
match the desired values of a known key.  

For example, if we take a trival 128 bit RSA key that has know

Private-Key: (128 bit)
publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)

What can we do in OpenSSL so that we can import these values into
an OpenSSL RSA object, and simply use "PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey"
to generate the following input?


And can I do the same for the public key?  If I have the
following values?

Modulus (128 bit):
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)

Can I also import these values into an OpenSSL RSA object of the
public key, and simply use "PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey" to
generate the following output?


My goal is to be able to import RSA keys into OpenSSL from a
various sources, including those generated from Linux's FreeSwan
IPSec "rsasigkey".

Thanks in advance.

Looking for 2 different plaintexts with same MD5 hash.

2000-08-30 Thread Alicia da Conceicao

A number of months ago, I came across a website that had illustrated
a MD5 weakness by providing two different pieces of readable English
plaintext, with one or more words changed from the other, that had
the exact same MD5 hash.

I have spend many, many hours looking for that URL (and banging my
head against the wall for not archiving it when I first came across
it).  I have tried the openssl archives and various search engines
without any luck.

Does anyone know the URL, or does anyone know of any pair of different
readable English plaintext with the same MD5 hash?

Thank you in advance.
Sincerely, Alicia (who's head is still throbbing from wall banging).
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Howto use missing X509 objects in subject and not in X509v3 extensions!

2000-08-26 Thread Alicia da Conceicao

Greetings all:

These very useful X509 objects are missing from OpenSSL and "objects.h".

owner (
roleOccupant  (
name  (
streetAddress (
telephoneNumber   ( 
facsimileTelephoneNumber  (

In fact a lot of others X509 oids missing as well, as you can see at:

I can add these objects into my OpenSSL apps by using:

nid = OBJ_create ("", "Tel", "telephoneNumber");

And I can used these objects as a X509v3 extension by using something like:

X509V3_EXT_add_alias (nid, NID_netscape_comment); // *** this works

However, since these are X509 objects, I wish these objects not be used as
X509v3 extensions, and to be used within the X509 subject.  

X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_NID (&nameEntry, nid,
(unsigned char *) "+1-416-860-9378", -1); // *** this fails

If I try to alias the NID of an X509 object, it fails:

X509V3_EXT_add_alias (nid, NID_commonName);  // ** this fails

In fact I cannot find any functions within OpenSSL to add missing X509
objects and use this in certificate subjects.

I would be most grateful if someone has any advice on how this might done
using OpenSSL.

Thank you in advance.  Sincerely, Alicia.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

X509v3 extensions for root CA certs to support OCSP?

2000-08-23 Thread Alicia da Conceicao

My contacts at Netscape mentioned that a few CA'a like Versign have
issued new root CA certs that support the new OCSP (Online Cert Status
Protocol), specified in RFC 2560.  He also mentioned that OCSP support
will not only be included in future Netscape browser/messenger
releases, but will be also turned on (enabled) by default.

Because of this, we think it is wise for us to also add OCSP support to
our root CA certs.  The folks at Netscape mentioned that I only have a
few days to resubmit replacement root certs with OSCP support, in
order to make the cutoff for the Mozilla 6.0 release.  If we add OCSP
support to our root certs by the cutoff, it would avoid having to
reissue our root certs in a year or so.  Unfortunately they did not
give me any idea how to do this.

I do not know what we need to add to our root CA certs in order to allow
it to support OCSP for issued certs.  Since OCSP is recent, I would
assume it would be some type of X509v3 extension is needed to our root
CA certs.  But I have no details of what extension is needed and what
object identifiers it uses.

Unfortunately, I do not have any of the new root CA certs from Verisign
(or others) that support OCSP, so I cannot examine those certs for
comparison, and look for X509v3 extensions.  Do you know where we can
download these new certs, I can't find them on Verisign's website?
(BTW, none of the older Verisign root CA certs except the newest one in
Mozilla 6.0 pr2 has OCSP support.  And none of the Thawte root CA certs
have it either.)

I would be most greatful if anyone have any info that might help.  We
do not need to impliment OCSP yet, but we would like to make sure that
our root certs support it now, so that we don't have to reissue
replacement root CA certs in the near future, especially since our 
root CA certs will be bundled into webbrowsers.

BTW, it is cool that Richard Levitte managed to put together an OCSP
patch for openssl.  Hopefully we can get permission from CertCo to  
use they code in openssl, or we can replace the CertCo code, so that
we can bundle it into the next openssl release. 

Thank you in advance.  Yours truly, Alicia.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Additional custom fields in DN in X509 certificate?

1999-03-23 Thread Alicia da Conceicao


Is it possible to add additional customized fields to the DN (Distinguished
Name) of a standard X509 certificate.  Since the DN appears as text, with
fields delimited by the forward slash character '/', in the subject of the
X509 certificate, it should be easy enough to adds these extra fields.

For example, the DN in my personal certificate is:

/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Toronto/O=CyberStation Inc./OU=

And if we add a new field for my telephone number "/T=416-860-9378" to my
/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Toronto/O=CyberStation Inc./OU=/T=416-860-9378

or if we add it to the end of the DN:

/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Toronto/O=CyberStation Inc./OU=
/CN=Alicia da [EMAIL PROTECTED]/T=416-860-9378

Are any of the above "extended" DN's valid?  Would the X509 certificates
that contain these DN's still be valid certs?  Instead of adding fields
to the DN's, would it be better to add extra fields within an extention
to the X509 certificate (like the extra netscape fields like "nsCertType")?

Thank you in advance.  Sincerely, Alicia.

PS. If it possible to safely add extra fields to a client certificate, then
is it also possible with SSL3 or TLS to only allow those client
certificates to be submitted in an encrypted manner, to a SSL
server, after the client application first validates the server
certificate?  That way, the client's certificate can contain private
data in its fields that only trusted servers are allowed to see.
(This is method would be very useful for decentralized databasing.)

begin:  vcard
fn: Alicia da Conceicao
n:  da Conceicao;Alicia
org:Cyberstation Inc.
adr:121 Richmond Street West, Suite 1104;;;Toronto;Ontario;M5H-2G4;Canada
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:  VP of Technology
tel;work:   416-860-9378
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: TRUE

Re: spam

1999-02-14 Thread Alicia da Conceicao

> > Doesnt majordomo support a feature to let you allow only people registerd on
> > the list to post and not have to approve them?
> Sorry, what exactly do you mean? Sure, registered users (= subscribers) are
> always allowed to post without approval, of course. That's already the case.
> We talk about the guys who post but are _NOT_ subscribed.  For this I've to
> either approve it manually (as I already do for openssl-dev) or we open the
> list so they can post without approval (as it's the case for openssl-users
> currently).

While we are on the subject of mailing list options, is there any way we
can get the openssl mailing lists to prepend a [openssl-*] to the e-mail
subject headers, like we get with the old [ssl-users] mailing list, the
[apache-ssl] mailing list, and the current [ssl] talk mailing list?

Some of us get hundreds of e-mails a day, and even with mail filters to
sort e-mail, we are still being swamped.  Adding subject info would
really help.

Thanks in advance.  Sincerely, Alicia.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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