
We are signing files with openssl. We use this command (UNIX machine):
       openssl smime -sign -binary -outform PEM -in myfile.dat -out 
myfile.dat.sig -signer cert.pem -inkey keyfile.pem

To verify the signed file, we use this other command (PC with Windows):
       openssl smime -verify -noverify -inform PEM -in myfile.fil.sig -signer 
cert.pem -content fichero.fil > NUL 2>myfile.log

The file to sing (myfile.dat) is a binary file.

This has always worked right, but some days ago, we are getting an error 
message when we try to verify a signed file.

The error is:

Verification failure
1072:error:21071065:PKSC7 routines:PKCS7_signatureVerify:digest failure:.\crypto
1072:error:21075069:PKSC7 routines:PKCS7_verify:signature failure:.\crypto\pkcs7

We are using openssl 1.0.0.

Please, could somebody help me to find what is the problem?



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