I have a situation where my application is trying to open 5000 SSL connections 
with server, one after another, I see the very first ssl connect is blocking 
nearly 25seconds and times out.
(Interestingly this blocking time is in proportion to the number of connections 
im intending to open. For eg, if im trying to open 10000 connections the delay 
is proportionately increases approx to 40 sec for the first ssl connect that is 

However Subsequent connections (4999 out of 5000)  succeeds without any 
blockage and seems normal...

There was a post on this long time back, however I could not able to find the 
resolution if any exists for the same... 

Im using version 1.0.1c of open ssl on windows 7 OS.

Any clue on the above behavior? Is there any fix or workaround available to 
avoid the blockage


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