Re: One certificate for both hostname and IP

2009-01-27 Thread Marco De Vitis

Il giorno 27/gen/09, alle ore 06:01, Crypto Sal ha scritto:

settings and things should be alright and you'll see if browsers  
choke too or its M$ products. I would also try Thunderbird and other  
email clients on the email server side of things.

Indeed, I now tried with Thunderbird and it happily accepts both  
hostname and IP.
My problem is that I cannot avoid the use of Outlook and OE by users.  
But maybe this is the proof that what I need cannot be done, because M 
$ mail clients do not support subjectAltName? Can this really be true?  
I thought SSL support was nowadays (sort of) standardized... sigh.

Can you do an s_client and dump the cert to OpenSSL's x509 and  
read the cert? Do the SubjectAltNames appear in the X509v3  
Subject Alternative Name section when doing so?

How can I dump the certificate using s_client? I can't see anything  
about this in its man page.
openssl s_client -connect HOST_NAME:PORT -starttls pop3 | openssl  
x509 -text -noout.

Alternatively, openssl x509 -text -noout -in YOUR_CERT_HERE, and you  
can read the text output of the certificate instead of it's hashed  

Oh yes, I often used the second one, and yes, the subjectAltName value  
always appears in the right place.

Usually Outlook will display a box with a series of checks and red  
X's. I am pretty sure it has three areas and in most cases it is the  
last one that it fails on. I wish I had a screenshot for you. I just  
saw one the other day too.

No checks or X's here. Here is the warning I get from Outlook 2007  
Translating literally, it just tells that the main destination name  
is wrong.


OpenSSL Project
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Automated List Manager

Re: One certificate for both hostname and IP

2009-01-26 Thread Marco De Vitis

Il giorno 26/gen/09, alle ore 05:14, Crypto Sal ha scritto:

Do any other clients (s_client, web browser, etc) exhibit the same  
behavior or an error message? If yes, what's the error response?

Well, I currently do not know how to apply that certificate to an HTTP  
server to test it with browsers. Both Firefox and IE refuse to connect  
on POPS port 995, of course.

For s_client see below.

When you use s_client to connect to your mail server does it pass  
verification through both ways, IP and DNS?

I never used s_client before, I tried it now, but it doesn't seem to  
care at all about the CN difference: as long as I can see, and as long  
as I pass it the CA cert with the -CAfile option, it doesn't return  
any verification error, not even when I connect to the server with a  
totally different name from the ones stored in CN or subjectAltName!

It just outputs verify return:1 for both the server and CA  
certificates which build up the chain.

So, s_client seems a bit too relaxed to me, or am I missing anything?

Can you do an s_client and dump the cert to OpenSSL's x509 and read  
the cert?  Do the SubjectAltNames appear in the X509v3 Subject  
Alternative Name section when doing so?

How can I dump the certificate using s_client? I can't see anything  
about this in its man page.

What is the *exact* error you get with the Microsoft Products when  
you use this format? Hostname Mismatch? Untrusted Cert?

I'd say Hostname Mismatch. Both OE and Outlook just show a dialog  
containing no deep tech info, but they simply complain about the name  
of the server not being the same contained in the provided certificate.



OpenSSL Project
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Re: One certificate for both hostname and IP

2009-01-25 Thread Marco De Vitis

Il giorno 24/gen/09, alle ore 16:54, Dr. Stephen Henson ha scritto:

You don't say which give a warning. If you use the IP version in
subjectAltname do you get a warning for the hostname or the IP  

If the hostname but not IP address try adding a second value,

If I use:

subjectAltName = IP:

...then both OE and Outlook show a warning when I set them up to use  
the IP address.

In other words, they behave as if the Alternative Name did not exist.

I do not understand if your suggestion was meant for this case, but I  
tried it anyway, using:

subjectAltName = IP:,

...where is the same hostname as the main CN, but both  
mail clients show the same warning, nothing changed.

Any more ideas?
Thank you very much.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

One certificate for both hostname and IP

2009-01-24 Thread Marco De Vitis

running my own CA on a Debian Etch machine (openssl 0.9.8c) I need to  
create a certificate for a private mailserver, which must be reachable  
both using its hostname and its IP address. So the certificate needs  
to contain both, to prevent warnings at the client side. The mail  
clients used will be, among others, Outlook Express and Outlook 2007  
(I cannot avoid this).

I tried various solutions, to no avail.

I first generated a certificate containing two Common Names, and it  
was ok for Oulook Express, but not for Outlook, which shows a security  
warning when using the second name.

I then tried various subjectAltName configurations, but none of these  
seems to be supported by either OE or Outlook, they both always show a  
security warning for one of the names. Here are some configurations I  

subjectAltName = IP:IP address

subjectAltName = otherName:;UTF8:IP address

subjectAltName = dirName:dir_sect
C = IT
O = bla bla
OU = bla bla
CN = IP address

subjectAltName = @alt_names
IP.1 = IP address

All other needed parameters in openssl.cnf are correctly in place,  
AFAICT, because the subjectAltName values are correctly visible in the  
generated certificate.

I can post the full openssl.cnf if needed.

Any clues?


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