SSL_connect and SSL_accept deadlock!

2010-11-02 Thread Md Lazreg
I have an SSL client that connects to an SSL server. The server is able to
process 1000s of clients just fine on a variety of platforms
[Window/Linux/HP/Solairs] for long periods of time.

The problem that is driving me nuts is that from time to time like once
every 24 hours some client fails to connect to the server at the handshaking
phase. This happens only on Linux and HP. Other platforms do not experience
this issue.

Here is a sketch of my client and server code. Please note that I am using non
blocking sockets:

common code:
int ssl_retry(int ret)
   int r;
   fd_set fds;
   struct timeval tv, *ptv=0;
   tv.tv_sec =  1;/*do a select for 1 second each time*/
   tv.tv_usec = 0;

   switch(SSL_get_error(m_ssl, ret)
 r = 1;
FD_SET(m_sock_fd, fds);
r=select(m_sock_fd + 1, fds, 0, 0, ptv);
if (r = 0  (Errno == EAGAIN || Errno == EINTR))/*if we timed out
with EAGAIN try again*/
r = 1;
FD_SET(m_sock_fd, fds);
r=select(m_sock_fd + 1, 0, fds, 0, ptv);
if (r = 0  (Errno == EAGAIN || Errno == EINTR))/*if we timed out
with EAGAIN try again*/
r = 1;
case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:/*The socket closed*/
r = 0;
 r = -1;
r = -1;
return r;

client code:
int time0 = time(NULL);
timeout=10 seconds;
while (ttimeout)
  r = SSL_connect(m_ssl);
  if (r  0)
  r = ssl_retry(r);
  if ( r = 0)
  t = time(NULL) - time0;
if (t=timeout)
  I timed out:(
if (r0)
  We are connected. Do work.
  Some kind of an issue.

server code:
int time0 = time(NULL);
timeout=10 seconds;
while (ttimeout)
  r = SSL_accept(m_ssl);
  if (r  0)
  r = ssl_retry(r);
  if ( r = 0)
  t = time(NULL) - time0;
if (t=timeout)
  I timed out:(
if (r0)
  We are connected. Do work.
  Some kind of an issue.

When this problem happens both the client and the server end up in the red
line above I timed out

With some debugging efforts I see that when this problem hits, both the
client and the server go repeatedly into the green section above, each one
of them seems to want to perform a read as the returned code
is SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ from both the SSL_connect and the SSL_accept calls.

This looks to me as a deadlock situation where both my server and my client
are wanting to do a READ until both of them timeout!

Can someone please suggest to me what is wrong with the above code and how
is this deadlock possible?? I am using openssl-1.0.0a


2009-08-26 Thread Md Lazreg
Here is how my ErrorSet is constructed :

  fd_set WriteSet;
  FD_SET(m_sock_fd, WriteSet);

  fd_set ErrorSet;
  FD_ZERO(ErrorSet );
  FD_SET(m_sock_fd, ErrorSet );

  status = select(m_sock_fd+1, NULL, WriteSet, ErrorSet ,

  if (FD_ISSET(m_sock_fd,WriteSet))
  cout  Socket in the write set  endl 
  if (FD_ISSET(m_sock_fd,ErrorSet))
  cout  Socket in the error set  endl 

I am not saying that that is how it should behave. I am saying that this is
how it is behaving. With the above code and when my server is down, my
Windows client will output Socket in the error set only. Which means that
the socket was put in the ErrorSet and was not put in the WriteSet.

Under the same conditions and using the same code, the UNIX client will put
the socket in the WriteSet.

Of course I do not know why Windows behaves this way, do you know?


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 6:42 PM, David Schwartz dav...@webmaster.comwrote:

 Md Lazreg wrote:

  I do not know why you think my new change allows me to detect soft
  failures. The only change I made is to change this:

  status = select(m_sock_fd+1, NULL, WriteSet, NULL, tv);

  to this:

  status = select(m_sock_fd+1, NULL, WriteSet, ErrorSet, tv);

  Are you saying that for a soft failure, Windows will still put
  the socket in the ErrorSet?

 How is your 'ErrorSet' constructed?

 And you're asking the wrong question. The question you should ask yourself
 is -- how can there be a hard error yet the socket not yet be ready for
 writing? What could I possibly still be waiting for?


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager


2009-08-25 Thread Md Lazreg
I do not know why you think my new change allows me to detect soft failures.
The only change I made is to change this:

status = select(m_sock_fd+1, NULL, WriteSet, NULL, tv);

to this:

status = select(m_sock_fd+1, NULL, WriteSet, ErrorSet, tv);

Are you saying that for a soft failure, Windows will still put the socket in
the ErrorSet?


On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 8:14 PM, David Schwartz dav...@webmaster.comwrote:

 Md Lazreg wrote:

  It is possible that the previous Windows behavior is correct but that
  is not the behavior I want.

 I think you are incorrect about that.

  I want the same behavior as UNIX which in my opinion is what my clients
  would want. My clients can connect to a set of servers in a raw, if one
  is not available for whatever reason I want them to move to the next one
  instead of having to wait the whole timeout before trying the next

 I agree. But that's not what your code does now. What your code does is
 stops trying the first server. What you want it to do is start trying the
 second server.

 Here's probably what you want:

 1) Start trying to connect to the first server.

 2) Wait a short amount of time to see if we have a connection.

 3) If we have a connection, we are done. We succeed.

 4) If we don't have a connection, add another attempt to another server, if

 5) If all connection possibilities have failed, stop. We fail.

 6) Go to step 2.

 Note that this does not require the change you made, which allows you to
 detect soft failures. If you get a soft failure, there is no reason to
 the attempt -- it still might succeed. And why would you want to wait 60
 seconds or so if a server is not responding at all if you have another
 server you could try?

  Thanks for your help.

 You're welcome. I'm glad you got it working the way you think you want it.
 But I don't think it's working the way you should want it. There is no rush
 to abort a connection attempt that might ultimately succeed, no matter how
 unlikely. Just don't wait for it -- keep going, and if it fails, no loss.
 it succeeds later, you still win.


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager


2009-08-24 Thread Md Lazreg
Thanks all.

Both UNIX and Windows will return EINPROGRESS and WSAEWOULDBLOCK
successively after a non blocking connect. [I was confused about this before
but now I understand it.]

The difference between UNIX and Windows is in the select system call that
comes after the connect call.

On UNIX the select will return after signaling the write set [ as
On Windows the select will return after signaling the _error_ set [The MSDN
documentation says that you need to check the write set].

My problem was that my select was checking only for write-ability [which is
what the documentation says for both Windows and UNIX]. So on Windows I was
forced to timeout while on UNIX I was returning immediately.

Now I changed my select to check for both write-ability and error-ability on
Windows. Then I call getsockopt which returns WSAECONNREFUSED as I have been

Thanks again.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 12:40 AM, David Schwartz dav...@webmaster.comwrote:

 Md Lazreg wrote:

  When my SSL server is up and running everything works as expected.
  When my SSL server is down, my client times out in 20 seconds because
  WSAGetLastError() returns WSAEWOULDBLOCK even when my server is not

  I expect WSAGetLastError() to return WSAECONNREFUSED when my server
  is not listening...

  The problem I have with this is that my client is forced to wait for
  20 seconds before giving up. I expect it to return immediately if the
  SSL server is not listening...

  Am I missing something? Thanks.

 Why? The SSL server might be restarting. Perhaps it will be listening again
 in a second or two. It takes as long as it takes to ensure that the server
 is not listening and will not resume listening.

 This is one of the differences between Windows and traditional UNIX
 On Windows, if a server is overloaded, it refuses connections rather than
 silently ignoring them. As a result, when a client gets a connection
 refused, it cannot assume the server is not listening. It's possible the
 server is overloaded. So it has to try again, which takes some time.

  My question is why _using the same code_ Windows is returning
  WSAEWOULDBLOCK instead of WSAECONNREFUSED when my server is down?
  while UNIX correctly returns ECONNREFUSED...

 Because Windows cannot tell whether your server is down or overloaded. UNIX
 assumes that it is down, which may or may not be correct.

 The Windows client behavior you are seeing is correct, but only because it
 is assuming Windows server behavior that is incorrect. The UNIX behavior is
 incorrect -- it cannot be sure your server is actually down, but assumes so
 anyway -- but only because it assumes the server will behave correctly.

 Because Windows servers do not behave correctly, Windows clients are forced
 to behave incorrectly. I have yet to figure out why things are this way,
 this is the way they are. It appears to be a deliberate Microsoft decision
 that we all have to live with.

 The summarize: When Windows server are overloaded, they reject connections
 rather than ignoring them. Thus, a client that sees a rejected connection
 cannot be sure the server is not running -- it could just be overloaded.
 you are correctly told the connection could not be made at that time, but
 might succeed later.)

 It's also possible the server is restarting, and will be accepting
 connections again in a second or two. The Windows client checks for this as


 OpenSSL Project
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 Automated List Manager


2009-08-24 Thread Md Lazreg
With my new code, if my server is overloaded and cannot accept a connection
immediately, my Windows client does not wait the whole timeout. This is the
behavior I want. I do not want it to be sitting there just in case my server
becomes available again or is on the process of being restarted.

My original code was behaving like this:


1) Make a nonblocking connect call


3) Do a select call that checks for writability of the socket [as man UNIX
documentation says]

4) The select returns BEFORE the timeout and getsockopt shows me an error of
ECONNREFUSED. [This is the behavior I want]

On Windows:

1) Make a nonblocking connect call


3) Do a select call that checks for writability of the socket [as MSDN
documentation says]

4) The select returns AFTER the timeout   [This is the behavior I did not
like because since my server is down I want my client to return immediately,
I do not care if the server is going to be restarted, or if it was
temporarily overloaded or else]

My new code changes step 3) in the Windows code to check for writability and
errorability by changing the following:

status = select(m_sock_fd+1, NULL, WriteSet, NULL, tv);

to this:

status = select(m_sock_fd+1, NULL, WriteSet, ErrorSet, tv);

Now Windows and UNIX behave the same. When my server is down or overloaded,
the select call in the Windows client puts the socket in the ErrorSet and
returns immediately, calling the getsockopt show me an error of

It is possible that the previous Windows behavior is correct but that is not
the behavior I want. I want the same behavior as UNIX which in my opinion is
what my clients would want. My clients can connect to a set of servers in a
raw, if one is not available for whatever reason I want them to move to the
next one instead of having to wait the whole timeout before trying the next

Thanks for your help.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 6:47 PM, David Schwartz dav...@webmaster.comwrote:

 Md Lazreg wrote:

  On UNIX the select will return after signaling the write set
  [ as documented].
  On Windows the select will return after signaling the _error_
  set [The MSDN documentation says that you need to check the write set].

 That makes no sense.

  My problem was that my select was checking only for write-ability
  [which is what the documentation says for both Windows and UNIX].
  So on Windows I was forced to timeout while on UNIX I was returning

 Your code was correct.

  Now I changed my select to check for both write-ability and
  error-ability on Windows. Then I call getsockopt which returns
  WSAECONNREFUSED as I have been expecting.

 That makes no sense. I'm glad it's working for you, but that doesn't make
 any sense.

 What does your code do now if the server is overloaded and cannot accept a
 connection immediately?


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager


2009-08-23 Thread Md Lazreg

I have a Windows client that tries to connect to an SSL server using the
following code :

   int status = ::connect( m_sock_fd,(sockaddr *)m_addr,sizeof(m_addr));
   if (status == 0)
  return true;
  struct timeval tv;
  tv.tv_sec = 20;
  tv.tv_usec = 0;
  fd_set myset;
  FD_SET(m_sock_fd, myset);
  status = select(m_sock_fd+1, NULL, myset, NULL, tv);
  /*some other code  here*/
 else if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAECONNREFUSED)
  return false;
/*some other code*/

The socket I am using is NONBLOCKING.

When my SSL server is up and running everything works as expected. When my
SSL server is down, my client times out in 20 seconds because
WSAGetLastError() returns WSAEWOULDBLOCK even when my server is not

I expect WSAGetLastError() to return WSAECONNREFUSED when my server is not

The problem I have with this is that my client is forced to wait for 20
seconds before giving up. I expect it to return immediately if the SSL
server is not listening...

Am I missing something? Thanks.


2009-08-23 Thread Md Lazreg

I have a Windows client that tries to connect to an SSL server using the
following code :

   int status = ::connect( m_sock_fd,(sockaddr *)m_addr,sizeof(m_addr));
   if (status == 0)
  return true;
  struct timeval tv;
  tv.tv_sec = 20;
  tv.tv_usec = 0;
  fd_set myset;
  FD_SET(m_sock_fd, myset);
  status = select(m_sock_fd+1, NULL, myset, NULL, tv);
  /*some other code  here*/
 else if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAECONNREFUSED)
  return false;
/*some other code*/

The socket I am using is NONBLOCKING.

When my SSL server is up and running everything works as expected. When my
SSL server is down, my client times out in 20 seconds because
WSAGetLastError() returns WSAEWOULDBLOCK even when my server is not

I expect WSAGetLastError() to return WSAECONNREFUSED when my server is not

The problem I have with this is that my client is forced to wait for 20
seconds before giving up. I expect it to return immediately if the SSL
server is not listening...

Am I missing something? Thanks.


2009-08-23 Thread Md Lazreg
Thank you Ger for your reply.

It is true that by using a nonblocking connect I want an instant answer but
most importantly I want a correct answer.

Using the same code under UNIX I get two instant correct answers:

ECONNREFUSED   [If my SSL server is down]
EINPROGRESS   [If my SSL server is up and listening]

But under Windows I get the same answer regardless of the state of my SSL


My question is why _using the same code_ Windows is returning WSAEWOULDBLOCK
instead of WSAECONNREFUSED when my server is down? while UNIX correctly


On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Ger Hobbelt wrote:

 Since you use a nonblocking connect, you're essentially telling the
 software you want instant return. Which is what you get.

 Given that a TCP connection takes a little time (three network travels
 at least), that's definitely more time than you wish to wait given
 your nonblocking intent, so the IP stack properly and correctly tells
 you it'll take some time before you get the final result --

 The next bit is where I'm a bit rusty (read as: the peculiarities of
 WinSock have eroded in my brain), but a glance at the code shows
 you're only select()ing for writing and IIRC a finalized non-blocking
 connect is equivalent to a 'ready-for-READING' select signal - for
 which you are not listening in your select as that argument is NULL.
 Hence my advise to also pass your handle in a separate fdset to
 select(read), i.e

status = select(m_sock_fd+1, myreadset, mywriteset,
 NULL, tv);

 (so you can tell upon return which one fired)

 and lastly there's the ever-there mind-you nitpick that nonblocking
 I/O is well served with a statemachine around it, i.e. a loop, which
 tracks the current state of your connections/activity and acts upon
 that - it's the long way of saying that a connection may take longer
 than 20 seconds to establish, so an if-chain and a long wait isn't the
 end-all there, but this nitpick is not your problem. Yet. And the code
 structure is not enough to prove there's no statemachine already there
 in your code; the current code layout is a (very) weak hint, 's all.

 Anyway, a tip: this is generic TCP/IP socket programming we're talking
 about here and do yourself a favor and get a hold of the books by W
 Richard Stevens (R.I.P.). It's what I grew up with and those books of
 his have been among the very few which have never let me down in the
 hour of need.  They're still 100% applicable and for IPv6 specifics,
 there's little enough change that the internet and manpages suffice
 for that. They are not WinSock specific, but for that one's
 peculiarities (such as the WSASelect limits) there's MSDN.

 Take care,



2009-08-23 Thread Md Lazreg
Here is what MSDN says:

With a nonblocking socket, the connection attempt cannot be completed
immediately. In this case, *connect* will return SOCKET_ERROR, and *
WSAGetLastError* will return
In this case, there are three possible scenarios:

   - Use the 
to determine the completion of the connection request by checking
   to see if the socket is writeable.

And here is what man connect says on UNIX:

 The socket is non-blocking and the  connection  cannot
be  completed  immediately.   It  is  possible  to
 select(2)  or
poll(2)  for  completion  by
selecting  the  socket for writing. After select(2) indicates
 writability, use getsockopt(2) to read the *SO_ERROR*
option at level *SOL_SOCKET* to determine  whether  *con-*
 *nect*()  completed  successfully  (*SO_ERROR*  is zero)
or unsuccessfully (*SO_ERROR* is one of the usual error
 codes listed here, explaining the reason for the failure).

So it seems that after select I need to check for writability, which is what
I have been doing.

Just as a test I started checking for read/write/error events by changing my
code to this:

  fd_set myrset;
  FD_SET(m_sock_fd, myrset);
  fd_set mywset;
  FD_SET(m_sock_fd, mywset);
  fd_set myeset;
  FD_SET(m_sock_fd, myeset);
  status = select(m_sock_fd+1, myrset, mywset, myeset,
  if (FD_ISSET(m_sock_fd,myrset))
  cout  read set  endl  flush;
  if (FD_ISSET(m_sock_fd,mywset))
  cout  write set  endl  flush;
  if (FD_ISSET(m_sock_fd,myeset))
  cout  error set  endl  flush;

To my surprise, Windows puts the socket in the error set!!! which to my
knowledge is not documented.

Once select returns after signaling the error set, I call this:

 getsockopt(m_sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)(valopt), lon)

Now valopt is set to WSAECONNREFUSED.

On the UNIX side, you are right, the connect returns EINPROGRESS, then the
select signals the write set [ as documented ], the getsockopt then gives me

I think this is a bug on Windows or at least the documentation is wrong. It
should say to check on the error set not on the write set using the select

Thanks. I have solved my problem.

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Ger Hobbelt wrote:

 Probably the difference is due to timing; to get the connection
 refused response, the client needs to at least transmit a packet and
 either never see a response (timing out) or receive a RST or (in some
 cases) an ICMP host-unreachable packet. Any way, the minimum time
 required to give you the 'connection refused' response is two network
 travels at the absolute minimum. Which means: it takes time.

 'nonblocking' simply means 'I don't want to wait', so theoretically
 the IP stack doesn't have to wait even a milli/micro/femtosecond
 before returning to you. Which is what winsock does: queue request,
 instant return, hence wouldblock. Apparently (and this can be due to a
 myriad of reasons) your UNIX box either already 'knows' the server is
 down or has an IP stack which waits a short while before returning
 from connect, even in nonblocking conditions, so it is able to deliver
 a 'connection refused' to you on the initial return.

  It is true that by using a nonblocking connect I want an instant answer
  most importantly I want a correct answer.

 The answer is correct, because the answer is depending on time.
 This may sound weird to you as it looks like the whole time/async
 behaviour pattern here are what's troubling you, but the nonblocking
 means the 'wouldblock' behaviour is the behaviour you would /expect/
 from the system; the fact that the other machine isn't doing this is,
 at best, something to frown and ponder. /That/ one worries me, not the
 Win box.
 How can that machine know /instantaneously/ that the server at other
 end of the wire is down? There's no paranormal vibe there, so... is
 it's IP stack implemented to wait /anyway/ (bad!), despite the fact
 that it knows it's got a nonblocking request from the application? Is
 it at all /aware/ that this is a 

SSL_shutdown crashes a solaris server

2009-03-24 Thread Md Lazreg

I have an SSL server that runs fine on Windows and on Linux. However
on Solaris and IBM platforms, if the client is a windows one, my
server crashes when the client exits.

I was able to track the crash to the second call of SSL_shutdown below
in my server code:


Anyone knows why would SSL_shutdown crash?

The OpenSSL documentation says this about the return value of SSL_shutdown:


The shutdown is not yet finished. Call SSL_shutdown() for a second time, if
a bidirectional shutdown shall be performed. The output of
be misleading, as an erroneous SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL may be flagged even
though no error occurred.

I did verify that at the crash time, the returned value is 0. Once the
second SSL_shutdown is called then the server is dead.

If the client is anything other than a windows client, then this
problem does not occur!!...

I am using :


Thanks for any help.


2009-01-08 Thread Md Lazreg
I have solved my problem.

The problem in my case was a server one. I use a non-blocking socket for the
server to receive information from the clients, so the server performs a
select with a timeout of 1 second to read information. It turns out that
when they are network issues, 1 second is not enough and the select times
out with a 0 return value, so the server was assuming that the client is
gone and closes the connection

Now, when the select times out I check the errno and if it is EAGAIN, I try
select again... This solved the problem and all clients now are handled

What confused me is the man select documentation which states that select
sets errno only if the return value is -1... it seems that even if it
returns 0 errno might be set...

I have seen this problem on Linux and Hp platforms...


On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Andrey Koltsov kolt...@cyberplat.comwrote:

 I have the same problem with my client Openssl application. The server side
 is MS IIS. And all other parties use Microsoft based clients and have no
 such problems.
 It seems that a client side is a source of trouble not a server side.

 Suggestions from anyone are welcome.


 I have an SSL server handling many clients successfully using
 openssl-0.9.8e. From time to time however, there are some clients that
 to connect to it. Debugging shows that the problem happens when the client
 attempts the first SSL_read, which unexpectedly returns 0.

 Checking then for the SSL error shows that it has the value
 SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN. According to the SSL documentation this should
 only if the SSL connection has been closed. I do know that my server is
 closing it since it is handling many other clients correctly, I also know
 that for the clients facing this problem, the handshake phase is done
 correctly it is only when the first SSL_read happens that somehow the
 connection is dropped I have no idea why if anyone can help me.


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager


2009-01-05 Thread Md Lazreg

I have an SSL server handling many clients successfully using
openssl-0.9.8e. From time to time however, there are some clients that fail
to connect to it. Debugging shows that the problem happens when the client
attempts the first SSL_read, which unexpectedly returns 0.

Checking then for the SSL error shows that it has the value
SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN. According to the SSL documentation this should happen
only if the SSL connection has been closed. I do know that my server is not
closing it since it is handling many other clients correctly, I also know
that for the clients facing this problem, the handshake phase is done
correctly it is only when the first SSL_read happens that somehow the
connection is dropped I have no idea why if anyone can help me.


Here is what the documentation says about SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:

/* The TLS/SSL connection has been closed.  If the protocol
   version is SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0, this result code is returned
   only if a closure alert has occurred in the protocol, i.e.,
   if the connection has been closed cleanly.  Note that in
   this case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN does not necessarily indicate
   that the underlying transport has been closed. */

Re: client crash or network issue?

2008-11-05 Thread Md Lazreg
Thank you again David,

It seems that now I understand all the crash scenarios and my server can
deal with them correctly. Thank you for your guidance.

As for the network issue scenarios here are some details about the last

1)The server is running on UNIX, the client is running on windows or unix.

unplug the client or the server. The server does not report anything! it
does not detect that its connection to the client is lost... SSL_read is not
even called because my select does not detect any change on the socket
This surprised me.

2)The server is running on windows, the client is either on windows or on

2.1)unplug the server. It reports ECONNRESET. This is probably the bug you
are talking about. How should I go about checking the interface here? any
specific APIs to use? my server is in C/C++. Thanks.

2.2)unplug the client. My server reports nothing, similar to 1). This again
surprised me but I am by no means an expert on sockets.

While I can work around 2.1) by checking the interface as you suggested, I
am at loss with 2.2) and 1). Because now my server has a situation where
clients are no longer connected but it does not even know it... My server
does a select on each client socket to wait for incoming messages, so I was
hoping that a network disconnection is also an information that the select
should detect but apparently this is not the case... Is there a way my
server can be notified? if not, is there a way my server can proactively
look for such clients? I am concerned about my server CPU usage in case they
are too many disconnected clients...

The reason I need all of this is that my server is using some important
resources for each client. If a client connects then there is a network
issue, the client might have finished its work, exited, but the server is
still using the resources...

Thanks again for all your help.

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 8:37 PM, David Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks David.

  Unfortunately option 1) and 3) are not possible for my clients.

 In other words, you cannot engineer a sensible option and have to fake it.
 That's fine, but solutions that aren't engineered tend to be poor.

  option 2) seems the way to go for me, but so far it proved unreliable.

 That was the downside of that option.

  Here are some scenarios I have been playing with:

  1)Crash a client running on unix:

  The SSL_read returns 0 . The SSL error code is
  SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL [An SSL I/O error occurred]. The errno is 0!

 Seems reasonable. No unread data was pending, so the TCP connection closed

 You would definitely infer a crash in this case. Network failures don't
 normally close connections.

  2)Crash a client running on windows:

  The SSL_read returns -1 . The SSL error code is SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL
  [An SSL I/O error occurred]. The errno is ECONNRESET
  [Connection reset by peer]

 So there was some pending unread data in this case. You would definitely
 infer a crash in this case. A network failure won't reset a connection, but
 a rebooting host might. So you can't be sure the client didn't crash.

  3)Leave the client running on unix or on windows and unplug the network:

  The SSL_read returns -1 . The SSL error code is SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL
  [An SSL I/O error occurred].
  The errno is ECONNRESET [Connection reset by peer]

 Did you unplug the client or server? Was the server running Windows? You
 need to explain this case in detail. If you unplugged the *server*
 interface, then that's a very unusual special case that you need to
 specifically test for by checking the interface. (Due to an unfortunate
 Windows bug. It reports ECONNRESET when it loses a network interface even
 though the connection was *not* reset by the peer.)

  As you can see this does not seem to be reliable to distinguish
  between what really happened.

 The first two cases seem perfectly sensible. You didn't explain the third
 case in early enough detail for me to comment on it.


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: client crash or network issue?

2008-11-04 Thread Md Lazreg
Thanks David.

Unfortunately option 1) and 3) are not possible for my clients.

option 2) seems the way to go for me, but so far it proved unreliable. Here
are some scenarios I have been playing with:

1)Crash a client running on unix:

The SSL_read returns 0 . The SSL error code is SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL [An SSL I/O
error occurred]. The errno is 0!

2)Crash a client running on windows:

The SSL_read returns -1 . The SSL error code is SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL [An SSL
I/O error occurred]. The errno is ECONNRESET [Connection reset by peer]

3)Leave the client running on unix or on windows and unplug the network:

The SSL_read returns -1 . The SSL error code is SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL [An SSL
I/O error occurred]. The errno is ECONNRESET [Connection reset by peer]

As you can see this does not seem to be reliable to distinguish between what
really happened.

Thank you for any other ideas.

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 4:55 PM, David Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Md Lazreg wrote:

  Actually the same question is valid even if I am not using SSL sockets.
  So is there a way to distinguish between if a socket was closed because
  of a client crash or because of a netwrok issue?. If yes, is there an
  equivalent under SSL sockets?

 You have three choices:

 1) Always assume the client might return. Delay returning resources for a
 reasonable amount of time.

 2) Guess based on the error code. For ECONNRESET, assume the client might
 come back. For ETIMEDOUT, assume it won't. For an apparently normal close
 (but at an unexpected time), assume it crashed. You'll be right some
 fraction of the time, depending on what types of errors happen.

 3) Code a reliable method to tell. For example, code a way to probe if the
 client machine is still around (perhaps a separate daemon to report
 or report the crash of the client program). Code a proxy on the client
 is reliable enough to 'almost never' crash) that can report the loss of the
 other end of the proxy (the real client program) or similarly engineer a


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: client crash or network issue?

2008-11-04 Thread Md Lazreg
Actually the same question is valid even if I am not using SSL sockets. So
is there a way to distinguish between if a socket was closed because of a
client crash or because of a netwrok issue?. If yes, is there an equivalent
under SSL sockets?


On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Md Lazreg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi I have an ssl server where clients are connecting, requesting whatever
 they need then shutting down...

 The problem I have is that some clients will not shut down correctly, so my
 ssl server needs to handle the client disconnection.

 They are two types of disconnections:

 1) The client crashed and was not able to send a clean shutdown


 In this case my ssl server needs to return whatever the resources that this
 client was using.

 2) The client did not crash and is still running but there is was some
 network issue [a cable unplugged for example]


 In this case my ssl server should not release the resources for that client
 and show wait for it to reconnect once the network issue is solved.

 The problem I have is that my ssl server is not able to distinguish between
 the two situations. My SSL_read returns -1 in both cases... and a call to
 SSL_get_error(m_ssl, r) returns ***SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL

 *Is there a way I can distinguish between the two different situations?

 Thanks a lot.

client crash or network issue?

2008-10-29 Thread Md Lazreg
Hi I have an ssl server where clients are connecting, requesting whatever
they need then shutting down...

The problem I have is that some clients will not shut down correctly, so my
ssl server needs to handle the client disconnection.

They are two types of disconnections:

1) The client crashed and was not able to send a clean shutdown

In this case my ssl server needs to return whatever the resources that this
client was using.

2) The client did not crash and is still running but there is was some
network issue [a cable unplugged for example]

In this case my ssl server should not release the resources for that client
and show wait for it to reconnect once the network issue is solved.

The problem I have is that my ssl server is not able to distinguish between
the two situations. My SSL_read returns -1 in both cases... and a call to
SSL_get_error(m_ssl, r) returns ***SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL

*Is there a way I can distinguish between the two different situations?

Thanks a lot.

Re: SSL_accept hangs

2008-03-21 Thread Md Lazreg
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 9:29 PM, David Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 To Md Lazreg:

 I think I found it.

I think you did find it.

Now I am able to process more than 1000 clients without hanging.

This is great. Thanks a lot for your expertise.

Re: SSL_accept hangs

2008-03-20 Thread Md Lazreg
Thanks Steve.

If this helps anyone fixing this issue here is the backtrace once SSL_accept



On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 8:22 AM, Steve West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  We experienced a similar problem and had to back rev to 9.8.d


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Md Lazreg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Wednesday, March 19, 2008 8:04 PM
 *Subject:* SSL_accept hangs


 I have setup an SSL server that works fine up to 400 connected clients.

 When I try to have more then 400 clients, then my server hangs in the
 SSL_accept call This happens very randomly, sometimes beyond 1000
 connected clients...

 The server is dead once this happen and no other client can connect.

 Please note that I am using non blocking sockets so SSL_accept _should_
 return... but for whatever reason it does not.

 I am using openssl-0.9.8e

 Any suggestions please?



 No virus found in this incoming message.
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Re: SSL_accept hangs

2008-03-20 Thread Md Lazreg
Hi David,

My code looks like this:

1  while(1)
2  {
3r = SSL_accept(m_ssl);
4if (r  0)
6 break;
8r = ssl_retry(r);
9if ( r = 0)
10 {
11  break;

The issue is not that it is going into an infinite while loop. The issue is
that SSL_accept on line 3 never returns!. My socket is a non blocking one so
as far as I know SSL_accept should return.

A backtrace shows that when this happen the server gets stuck in:


after calling SSL_accept.


On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:44 AM, David Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  I have setup an SSL server that works fine up to
  400 connected clients.

  When I try to have more then 400 clients, then my server hangs in the
  SSL_accept call This happens very randomly, sometimes beyond 1000
  connected clients...

  The server is dead once this happen and no other client can connect.

  Please note that I am using non blocking sockets so SSL_accept _should_
  return... but for whatever reason it does not.

 What is your code *supposed* to do if SSL_accept bails out of accept
 immediately with EMFILE? If you keep looping and calling SSL_accept
 then your code is going to loop forever.

ret=accept(sock,(struct sockaddr *)from,(void *)len);
if (ret == INVALID_SOCKET)
if(BIO_sock_should_retry(ret)) return -2;
goto end;


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SSL_accept hangs

2008-03-20 Thread Md Lazreg
Hi David,

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:38 PM, David Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi David,

  My code looks like this:

 1  while(1)
 2  {
 3r = SSL_accept(m_ssl);
 4if (r  0)
 6 break;
 8r = ssl_retry(r);
 9if ( r = 0)
 10 {
 11  break;

 Well, that's obviously badly broken. It's probably not precisely your
 but it's related. Since the socket is non blocking, there is no place for
 this code to block waiting for the connection!

Well, that is not true and I am sorry I did not give you the full code as it
is quite complicated but the snipet you see above is called after  a new
connection is already accepted. So I have an outer loop that does a select
and once a new connection is detected and accepted without errors, I go
ahead establishing the ssl part... Something like:

  ready_sockets = ::select(m_max_socket + 1, rfds, 0, 0,tv);
  if (ready_sockets  0)
 if (FD_ISSET(s-get_sock(),p-get_rfds()))
if (s-accept(new_s))
   call the code above which will call SSL_accept
 /*error handling*/

So when the SSL_accept is called I already know that accept succeed and no
EMFILE or ENFILE is generated.

I am setting the socket as non blocking by simply calling:

if (fcntl(m_sock_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
return false;

I am confused when you say if my BIO is non-blocking too. I thought that it
is non blocking since the underlying socket is non blocking. Is this a wrong
assumption? if so how can I make the BIO non blocking [BIO_set_nbio?]

Thank you for you help.

  The issue is not that it is going into an infinite while loop.

 That's just pure luck.

  The issue is that SSL_accept on line 3 never returns!.
  My socket is a non blocking one so as far as I know
  SSL_accept should return.

 How did you make it non blocking exactly? And is the BIO non-blocking too?

  A backtrace shows that when this happen the server gets stuck in:

  after calling SSL_accept.

 Sounds like you're lucky. The BIO is actually blocking and that's saving
 your code from looping. At least you're not burning the CPU. ;)

 What is your design intention if 'accept' returns EMFILE or ENFILE? If
 answer is I have no idea or I never really thought about it, then it's
 no surprise your code mishandles this case.


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SSL_accept hangs

2008-03-20 Thread Md Lazreg
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 6:51 PM, David Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  ready_sockets = ::select(m_max_socket + 1, rfds, 0, 0,tv);
  if (ready_sockets  0)
 if (FD_ISSET(s-get_sock(),p-get_rfds()))
if (s-accept(new_s))
   call the code above which will call SSL_accept
 /*error handling*/

 Where is the call to 'accept' (the system's 'accept')? Did you cut out a
 line before 'new_s-set_non_blocking'? Is 's-accept(new_s)' a wrapper
 around 'accept'? Can you paste the code to this wrapper?

Yes the 's-accept(new_s)' is a wrapper around the system 'accept'. Here is
the code for it:

bool csocket::accept ( csocket * new_socket ) const
int addr_length = sizeof ( m_addr );
new_socket-m_sock_fd = ::accept ( m_sock_fd, ( sockaddr * ) m_addr, (
socklen_t * ) addr_length );
if ( new_socket-m_sock_fd = 0 )
return false;
return true;

So as you can see if accept returns EMFILE or ENFILE, I go immediately to
the error handling section.

I have added BIO_set_nbio call to my code following your advice :

  m_sbio = BIO_new_socket(m_sock_fd, BIO_NOCLOSE);
  SSL_set_bio(m_ssl, m_sbio, m_sbio);

Unfortunately this did not make a difference and SSL_accept still hangs,
sometimes after processing more than a 1000 clients...

Thanks again.

  I am setting the socket as non blocking by simply calling:

if (fcntl(m_sock_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
return false;

 This does not make the BIO non-blocking. That may or may not matter, but
 tell I need to see where the actual call to the system's 'accept' function
 is taking place. And you still haven't pasted that code.

  I am confused when you say if my BIO is non-blocking too.
  I thought that it is non blocking since the underlying socket
  is non blocking. Is this a wrong assumption? if so how can I make
  the BIO non blocking [BIO_set_nbio?]

 Right. A blocking BIO with a non-blocking socket can cause serious

 Where is the actual call to 'accept' to accept the connection? What
 if 'accept' returns EMFILE or ENFILE?


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SSL_accept hangs

2008-03-19 Thread Md Lazreg

I have setup an SSL server that works fine up to 400 connected clients.

When I try to have more then 400 clients, then my server hangs in the
SSL_accept call This happens very randomly, sometimes beyond 1000
connected clients...

The server is dead once this happen and no other client can connect.

Please note that I am using non blocking sockets so SSL_accept _should_
return... but for whatever reason it does not.

I am using openssl-0.9.8e

Any suggestions please?


Re: d2i_X509 segmentation violation

2008-01-24 Thread Md Lazreg

I was able to fix the issue by adding the following flags to my openssl
configure step:

no-asm no-shared -fPIC -DPIC

I do not know why this fixes the SEGSEGV but it does.

On Jan 23, 2008 12:37 AM, Md Lazreg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have the following code:

 unsigned char SERVER_certificate[1406]={

 0xb4, 0x78, 0xc6, 0x5a, 0x2d, 0x4c, 0xf9, 0xde, 0x7a

const unsigned char * p = SERVER_certificate;

X509 * server_cert = d2i_X509(NULL,p,sizeof(SERVER_certificate));


 It works on all platforms except on a machine as follow:

 cat [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/issue
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 2)
 Kernel \r on an \m
 uname -a
 Linux bromden 2.6.9-22.EL #1 SMP Mon Sep 19 17:54:55 EDT 2005 ia64 ia64
 ia64 GNU/Linux

 In such a configuration it crashes in the d2i_X509 function with a
 segmentation violation!

 The same code works on
 uname -a
 Linux unagi 2.6.5-7.97-default #1 SMP Fri Jul 2 14:21:59 UTC 2004 ia64
 ia64 ia64 GNU/Linux
 cat /etc/issue
 Welcome to SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (ia64) - Kernel \r (\l).

 Any ideas please why d2i_X509 does not work on redhat 4 ia64?


d2i_X509 segmentation violation

2008-01-22 Thread Md Lazreg

I have the following code:

unsigned char SERVER_certificate[1406]={
0xb4, 0x78, 0xc6, 0x5a, 0x2d, 0x4c, 0xf9, 0xde, 0x7a

   const unsigned char * p = SERVER_certificate;

   X509 * server_cert = d2i_X509(NULL,p,sizeof(SERVER_certificate));

It works on all platforms except on a machine as follow:

cat [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/issue
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 2)
Kernel \r on an \m
uname -a
Linux bromden 2.6.9-22.EL #1 SMP Mon Sep 19 17:54:55 EDT 2005 ia64 ia64 ia64

In such a configuration it crashes in the d2i_X509 function with a
segmentation violation!

The same code works on
uname -a
Linux unagi 2.6.5-7.97-default #1 SMP Fri Jul 2 14:21:59 UTC 2004 ia64 ia64
ia64 GNU/Linux
cat /etc/issue
Welcome to SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (ia64) - Kernel \r (\l).

Any ideas please why d2i_X509 does not work on redhat 4 ia64?


public key in the binary

2007-10-03 Thread Md Lazreg

I am encrypting a file using a private key, and my program is decrypting it
using the public key compiled in the binary.

The question is how to protect my public key against binary analysis within
the binary? I do not want someone to replace it with their own public key
and hence encrypting my program's input using their private key. Any ideas


Re: public key in the binary

2007-10-03 Thread Md Lazreg
On 10/3/07, Victor Duchovni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 10:04:26AM -0500, Md Lazreg wrote:

  I am encrypting a file using a private key, and my program is decrypting
  using the public key compiled in the binary.

 Private keys don't encrypt they sign. The public key *verifies*.
 If you want to encrypt, you use the public key to encrypt, and the
 holder of the private key can decrypt.

Private keys do encrypt using the function :

The holder of the private key is me. And it is my application compiled with
my public key that will decrypt whatever I have encrypted with my private
key. My application will behave differently depending on what it finds in
the decrypted information.

 The question is how to protect my public key against binary analysis
  the binary? I do not want someone to replace it with their own public
  and hence encrypting my program's input using their private key. Any

 Sorry, keys are protected by OS permissions of separate key files, or
 by dedicated hardware that provides access to operations that use key,
 but not the key itself.

 If you are protecting data from the user of your application (DRM),
 you are mostly out of luck.

I just want to make sure the user does not instrument  my application  by
changing the public key compiled within it.

Basically I am looking for some mathematical operations that will scatter my
public key around my executable to make it hard to figure it out.


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: public key in the binary

2007-10-03 Thread Md Lazreg
On 10/3/07, Victor Duchovni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 10:42:59AM -0500, Md Lazreg wrote:

  Private keys do encrypt using the function :

 Of course they do, but when a private key encrypts, it is
 called signing, because the public key is presumed to be (drum
 roll...) public i.e. not held in confidence exclusively by a single
 recipient. So encrypting with a private key yields signatures, not

Ok I understand. Thanks.

 The holder of the private key is me. And it is my application compiled
  my public key that will decrypt whatever I have encrypted with my
  key. My application will behave differently depending on what it finds
  the decrypted information.

 Are you signing instructions that the application authenticates, and
 should ignore if not signed by the right key, or sending confidential
 data for the eyes of the application only?

 If you are signing, your model is fine, and embedding the public key in
 the binary is exactly the right thing to do. If you are encrypting,
 use a symmetric algorithm, the public key algorithm is just confusing

Yes I am signing. And the application will not work unless it is me who
signed the input to it. That is why I do not want  someone to change the
public key within the application, because if they do they will be able to
sign the input using their private key and make my application behave the
way they want...

I need a way to hide the public key in the binary...


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: public key in the binary

2007-10-03 Thread Md Lazreg
On 10/3/07, Victor Duchovni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 10:57:39AM -0500, Md Lazreg wrote:
 Is this DRM? DRM is not possible without
 trusted hardware, and even then is difficult.

Yes it is DRM in  a way. I know it is not possible to have a 100% protection
using only software.  I am only looking  to make it a little bit harder by
smartly hiding  the public key in the application.

What problem does preventing the user from fielding a modified application

 It solves the problem of preventing the user from running my application in
a mode they did not pay for.


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: public key in the binary

2007-10-03 Thread Md Lazreg
On 10/3/07, David Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I need a way to hide the public key in the binary...

 You can't ask in public for a good hiding place.

 Note that your question has *nothing* to do with OpenSSL or even public
 encryption for that matter. Your question is basically how do I make a
 tamperproof executable.

That is true.  The OpenSSL users however are  the best suited to answer such
questions in my opinion. The suggestion by  Marek Marcola to get the book
Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++ is a great one. I have already
ordered this book and hopefully I will get some ideas there.

Thanks all for your help.