RE: using prompt=no option with multiple CNs

2002-10-11 Thread Zachary Denison

Thank You, I am still not sure what you mean though,
what command do I have to issue inside the loop?  When
I am done I only want 1 certificate.  I am not looking
to generate a seperate one for each server.

--- Marco \Kiko\ Carnut [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Zachary,
  I am using openssl 0.96 on redhat 7.1.
  I am trying to write a script to generate CERTs
  me, since I have hundreds of servers to generate
  for.  Because of this I want to use the prompt=no
  option for the openssl config file.  However I
  multiple CN entries in my config file and I am not
  sure how this translates to the Prompt=no format
  the config file, since the prompt=no takes a
  different config file format.
 You will have to generate a new temporary config
 from a master config file each time you generate
 new cert or CSR. You'd have something like:
   [ req ]
   default_bits= 1024
   distinguished_name  = req_distinguished_name
   prompt  = no
   [ req_distinguished_name ]
   C   = US
   ST  = Los Angeles
   L   = California
   O   = ZakDen
   OU  = IT Department
 Say this is master.cnf. Then in the inner loop of
 mass-generation script, you'd read master.cnf,
 all occurrences of %CURRENTCN% with the name of
 server and save it to, say, temp.cnf; then, use this
 file to do the actual generation.

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using prompt=no option with multiple CNs

2002-10-10 Thread Zachary Denison


I am using openssl 0.96 on redhat 7.1.

I am trying to write a script to generate CERTs for
me, since I have hundreds of servers to generate certs
for.  Because of this I want to use the prompt=no
option for the openssl config file.  However I have
multiple CN entries in my config file and I am not
sure how this translates to the Prompt=no format of
the config file, since the prompt=no takes a
different config file format.

This is my original config file format (excerpt only):

[ req ]
default_bits= 1024
distinguished_name  = req_DN
[ req_DN ]
0.countryName = 1. Country Name  
  (2 letter code)
0.countryName_min = 2
0.countryName_max = 2
0.countryName_default = US
0.stateOrProvinceName = 2. State or
Province Name   (full name)
0.stateOrProvinceName_default = Los Angeles
0.localityName= 3. Locality Name 
  (city name)
0.localityName_default= California
0.organizationName= 4. Organization
Name(company name) 
0.organizationName_default= ZakDen
0.organizationalUnitName  = 5. Organizational
Unit Name (department)   
0.organizationalUnitName_default  = IT Department
0.commonName  = 6. Common Name   
  (real fqdn)
0.commonName_max  = 64
0.commonName_default  =
1.commonName  = 6. Common Name   
  (real fqdn)
1.commonName_max  = 64
1.commonName_default  =
2.commonName  = 6. Common Name   
  (real fqdn)
2.commonName_max  = 64
2.commonName_default  =

and below you can see what currently I have for my
prompt=no version of the file:
(note: I have tried SEVERAL different ways.. NONE of
them works)

Does anyone know the correct syntax when dealing with
multiple CNs in a prompt=no scenario?
Thank you.


First try:

[ req ]
default_bits= 1024
distinguished_name  = req_distinguished_name
prompt  = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C   = US
ST  = Los Angeles
L   = California
O   = ZakDen
OU  = IT Department
CN  =
CN  =
CN  =
emailAddress= [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Second Try:

[ req ]
default_bits= 1024
distinguished_name  = req_distinguished_name
prompt  = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C   = US
ST  = Los Angeles
L   = California
O   = ZakDen
OU  = IT Department
emailAddress= [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Third Try:

[ req ]
default_bits= 1024
distinguished_name  = req_distinguished_name
prompt  = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C   = US
ST  = Los Angeles
L   = California
O   = ZakDen
OU  = IT Department
CN  = @cnlist
emailAddress= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ cnlist ]

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Re: netscape reacting strangely to SSL CERT

2002-01-10 Thread Zachary Denison

With the wildcard CERT which is signed by my own CA
cert I get no warning from netscape or IE.My
frustration was that IE was properly reading the
subjectAltName DNS tags but netscape was not... If you
know of a way to get netscape NOT to complain when
accessing a server with SEVERAL hostnames.. and
without doing in in wildcard, please let me know.

--- Peter Sylvester [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You haven't *wasted* your time. 
 Anyway, IMHO You are not right in accusing netscape
 (at least not for that part).
 THEY have created the rule 'if DN=hostname == no
 There is not rule in any PKIX text or X509
 that tell how to fill subjectaltnames or DNs.
 And what does IE tell You about these certificates
 wild cards?
 Have fun.

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RE: installing root CA certificates under windows NT and 2000

2001-11-13 Thread Zachary Denison

I do have rundll32.exe on NT, and netscape keeps
calling this program when I try to install the cert. 
what if I get rid of this program, will it work?

--- Luo, Feng (Exchange) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 check if you have rundll32.exe on NT
 -Original Message-
 From: Zachary Denison
 Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 9:43 AM
 To: OpenSSL Users
 Subject: installing root CA certificates under
 windows NT and 2000
 I have generated a root CA certificate for use
 my organization, using openssl, and intend to sign
 certificates with this root CA certificate.
 I want to install the root CA on the client
 workstations which are either NT or 2000 for people
 running both Explorer 5.5/6.0 and Netscape 4.7x/6.x,
 and I have the following problem:
 success on win2000:  I can install the root CA for
 explorer simply by double clicking on it,  for
 netscape if I drag it to the main netscape window,
 calls up the netscape rootca installer and installs
 failure on winNT: double clicking on the root ca,
 installs it for explorer.  However no matter what I
 try I cannot get netscape to install the cert. 
 dragging the cert to the netscape window invokes the
 EXPLORER installer.
 Is this a known problem on NT ?  Does anyone know
 I can do to get the root cert installed on netscape
 Thank you
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using own CA certs with various clients

2001-10-17 Thread Zachary Denison


I am using openssl to secure a number of services in
my organization: http, imap, smtp, ldap etc...

For our internal servers we have been able to generate
CA certs with openssl and sign our own certificates
and all the services work great, EXCEPT the client
software always complains that the certificate chain
doesn't end with a trusted CA.  I am speaking
specifically about MS-outlook and netscape.  outlook
complains every single session where netscape at least
gives you the option to accept the certificate
Anyway I am sure other clients would complain too.

My question is how can I prevent these messages, how
can I get the client software to trust our own CA
cert.  On the web I searched and someone said to make
a pkcs12 client cert.. anyway I tried that in a number
of ways and it didnt work... And I really dont care
about verifying the client... I to just make the
client trust the homegrown ca.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: using own CA certs with various clients

2001-10-17 Thread Zachary Denison

Thank you all for posting solutions.. It was just a
matter of importing the rootCA into the client. On my
systems (outlook and netscape), I just needed to
import the rootCA and then it stopped complaining
about all certs signed by that root. It seems to have
worked  Do I need to import the server cert as

--- Sean O'Riordain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sorry, I was unclear - the client needs BOTH the
 server cert and your CA
 what i did was i puts the certs in a shared
 directory... and then each
 machine that wanted them just double clicked on the
 CA.cer and
 server.cer ... done...
 Steve Barnes wrote:
  I have the same problem... (sort of)..
  I have been trying a similar thing, and failing...
 I'm trying to be my own
  CA and generate a server cert so I can enable SSL
 on a IIS4 webserver.
  I made myself a CA by running the command...
  #openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:1024 -md5
 -keyout ./certs/CAkey.pem -out
  ./certs/CAcert.pem -days 365
  Then I made a Certificate request in IIS Key
 Manager and signed it using the
  #openssl ca -policy policy_match -days 365 -md md5
  ./certs/iis-ssl-cert.pem -keyfile
 ./certs/CAkey.pem -cert ./certs/CAcert.pem
  -outdir ./certs -infiles ./certs/iis-ssl-req.txt
  ... where iis-ssl-req.txt is the file from IIS Key
  I can then import the cert into IIS Key Manager
 and enable Secure Channel
  for my web server, but when I connect to
 https://secure-server, it gives me
  an error saying the cert is ok apart from the fact
 that it was  issued by a
  company you have chosen not to trust . When I try
 importing the cert into
  IE, it imports it ok, but then it doesn't appear
 in the  Trusted Root
  Certificate Authorities . So everytime I go to
 the site, it gives me the
  same error over  over
  If I rename the file from 'iis-ssl-cert.pem' to
 'iis-ssl-cert.cer', Windows
  Exploder recognises it as a Security Certificate,
 when i double click, I get
   Windows does not have enough information to
 verify this certificate 
  Any way I'm lost... I've gotten this far and
 it's really bugging me
  Can anyone help...?
  -Original Message-
  From: Sean O'Riordain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 17 October 2001 09:53
  Subject: Re: using own CA certs with various
  under windows 2000 (and nt4 afaik) with outlook
 2000 and IE5 (don't know
  if works for less than this) you can install the
 certificate in each
  client by hand quite easily... if the file name
 has ending .cer then
  windows appears to recognize it and calls it
 Security Certificate...
  double click on this and hit Install
 Certificate... / Next / Next /
  Finish / OK / OK ... thats it...
  getting the cert to the client is another matter
  Haikel wrote:
   I think you have to install the CA certificates
 in your client
   browser. I know two techniques you can use:
 1. your client can download your CA
 certificate from you web site (
you need to use the mime type
 application/x-x509-ca-cert in your
httpd.conf file)
 2. or you can generate, for each one of your
 end users, a PKCS#12
file containing his private key his
 certificate and your
CA certificate
   I' hope that my answer, be helpful
   Zachary Denison a écrit :
I am using openssl to secure a number of
 services in
my organization: http, imap, smtp, ldap etc...
For our internal servers we have been able to
CA certs with openssl and sign our own
and all the services work great, EXCEPT the
software always complains that the certificate
doesn't end with a trusted CA.  I am speaking
specifically about MS-outlook and netscape. 
complains every single session where netscape
 at least
gives you the option to accept the certificate
Anyway I am sure other clients would complain
My question is how can I prevent these
 messages, how
can I get the client software to trust our own
cert.  On the web I searched and someone said
 to make
a pkcs12 client cert.. anyway I tried that in
 a number
of ways and it didnt work... And I really dont
about verifying the client... I to just make
client trust the homegrown ca.
Any help would be much appreciated.
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wrong version number

2001-08-24 Thread Zachary Denison

I am trying to configure an application to use openssl
(courierimap to be exact).  I keep getting the error

starttls: accept: error:1408F10B:SSL
routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number

in the log files... Both the client and server are
usign the same exact version of openssl. namely
openssl 0.96b.  Does anyone know how to remedy this

Thank you.

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