Increasing key size from 1024 to 2048?

2013-10-10 Thread int0x80

I've been asking this on the OpenVPN mailinglist, but didn't get an answer so 
far. Therefore I hope you can help me.
We use OpenVPN in our company with the default cipher suite, which should be: 

So RSA is used for authentication, Blowfish in CBC mode for symmetric 
encryption. The keys for Blowfish are derived from ephermal Diffie-Hellman and 
changed every hour.
We use a keysize of 1024 bit for RSA and therefore a modulus of 1024 bit for 
Diffie-Hellman (OpenVPN uses the Easy RSA scripts. These scripts use a variable 
"KEY_SIZE" when the Diffie-Hellman parameter or the RSA keys ar built. This 
variable is set to 1024). Furthermore we  use a self-signed CA.

Some days ago I recommended to update the key size to 2048 bit, mainly because 
some sources say 1024 bit aren't enough anymore. Because quite a lot of our 
staff uses OpenVPN, they asked me, if it is possible, to not update all keys at 
once - but only issue user certs with 2048 from now on for new OpenVPN users 
(and leave the old ones in places for later update).
The process of doing that should look like that:

a) Change variable KEY_SIZE used in Easy RSA scripts from 1024 to 2048 (bit).
b) Create new Diffie-Hellman params with the Easy RSA build-dh script (will 
create the params with 2048 bit modulus).
c) Update the OpenVPN server config with the path of the new Diffie-Hellman 
param file.

Now here are my concerns and why _I_ think, that is a bad idea:
If I do it like that, new users would get 2048 bit keys/cert as requested by 
the company. But theses certs would still be signed by our self signed CA which 
still uses the old 1024 bit key/cert. Given that an attacker has enough 
computing power, he could factorize "n" (from the pub key in the CA cert) to 
get "p" and "q". With that he would have our CA's private key, being able to 
create a faked server cert and sign it with the CA key. With that server 
certificate the attacker could launch a man in the middle attack. That would 
mean: Authentication via RSA would be "leveraged".

So my question are:
I.  Am I right, or is that rubbish?

II. Is an attacker able to get the CA cert at all? It looks as if during TLS 
handshake only the User certificate and the Server certificates are 
transmitted, but not the CA cert.

III. To complicate things a bit more:
OpenVPN supports a so called "tls-auth" directive which takes a 160 bit key. 
According to the OpenVPN documentation this key is used to generate a HMAC over 
every packet during TLS handshake (and append it?). It looks as if this is not 
part of TLS itself, but a modified implementation of TLS. They say, that 
without the key, not even the handshake would work.
So my last question is:
If the CA cert, can be requested from the OpenVPN Server somehow, that wouldn't 
work anymore, if such a key is used. Is that correct?

Thanks a lot for your help!
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Updating key size - security related questions

2013-10-10 Thread int0x80

I've been asking this on the OpenVPN mailinglist, but didn't get an answer so 
far. Therefore I hope you can help me.
We use OpenVPN in our company with the default cipher suite, which should be: 

So RSA is used for authentication, Blowfish in CBC mode for symmetric 
encryption. The keys for Blowfish are derived from ephermal Diffie-Hellman and 
changed every hour.
We use a keysize of 1024 bit for RSA and therefore a modulus of 1024 bit for 
Diffie-Hellman (OpenVPN uses the Easy RSA scripts. These scripts use a variable 
"KEY_SIZE" when the Diffie-Hellman parameter or the RSA keys ar built. This 
variable is set to 1024). Furthermore we use a self-signed CA.

Some days ago I recommended to update the key size to 2048 bit, mainly because 
some sources say 1024 bit aren't enough anymore. Because quite a lot of our 
staff uses OpenVPN, they asked me, if it is possible, to not update all keys at 
once - but only issue user certs with 2048 from now on for new OpenVPN users 
(and leave the old ones in places for later update).
The process of doing that should look like that:

a) Change variable KEY_SIZE used in Easy RSA scripts from 1024 to 2048 (bit).
b) Create new Diffie-Hellman params with the Easy RSA build-dh script (will 
create the params with 2048 bit modulus).
c) Update the OpenVPN server config with the path of the new Diffie-Hellman 
param file.

Now here are my concerns and why _I_ think, that is a bad idea:
If I do it like that, new users would get 2048 bit keys/cert as requested by 
the company. But theses certs would still be signed by our self signed CA which 
still uses the old 1024 bit key/cert. Given that an attacker has enough 
computing power, he could factorize "n" (from the pub key in the CA cert) to 
get "p" and "q". With that he would have our CA's private key, being able to 
create a faked server cert and sign it with the CA key. With that server 
certificate the attacker could launch a man in the middle attack. That would 
mean: Authentication via RSA would be "leveraged".

So my question are:
I. Am I right, or is that rubbish?

II. Is an attacker able to get the CA cert at all? It looks as if during TLS 
handshake only the User certificate and the Server certificates are 
transmitted, but not the CA cert.

III. To complicate things a bit more:
OpenVPN supports a so called "tls-auth" directive which takes a 160 bit key. 
According to the OpenVPN documentation this key is used to generate a HMAC over 
every packet during TLS handshake (and append it?). It looks as if this is not 
part of TLS itself, but a modified implementation of TLS. They say, that 
without the key, not even the handshake would work.
So my last question is:
If the CA cert, can be requested from the OpenVPN Server somehow, that wouldn't 
work anymore, if such a key is used. Is that correct?

Thanks a lot for your help!
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: seed/$RANDFILE confusion

2012-10-05 Thread int0x80
> On computers that don't have a good /dev/*random, the randomness used
> by OpenSSL comes only from things happening on the computer during the
> few moments when the openssl tool is running.  To gather up more
> randomness, the openssl tool tries to accumulate randomness over
> multiple runs as follows:
> 1. At the end of each run that used the random number generator,
> write a file of random bits (computed so they have a lot of entropy but
> do not reveal any of the random numbers already generated).
> 2. At the start of each such run, read in that file and use it as an
> initial pool of random bits to be mixed with any random system activity
> observed during the run.
Thanks for the explanation, that clarified things! 
How does the OpenSSL tools know if /dev/{random,urandom} is "good"?

> So the seed written to ${HOME}/.rnd is supposed to stay around until the
> next time you run the openssl tool, and reveals very little about keys
> you alredy created.  But it may reveal something about the next key you
> create, which is why the file is/should be written with permissions so
> only you can read it.
I saw some people getting their randomness from /dev/random via
dd if=/dev/random of=/root/.rnd... and using the -rand parameter to give
the seed to openssl. If I got you right, that is a redundant step, since 
takes its randomness from /dev/random as well. Using -rand would only be 
if one has a hardware random number generator (for example). Is that right?
So my to go would be:
Set $RANDFILE to /root/.rnd and leave it up to openssl to use the file,
without filling it myself. I only need to make sure the permissions are set
correctly. Is that right?

> Now why OpenSSL keeps doing this on platforms with a good OS random
> source (such as non-historic Linux versions, some BSDs, recent Solaris
> versions, non-historic Windows versions) is a mystery to me.
Can somone else bring some light into this?

Thank you very much Jakob!
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

seed/$RANDFILE confusion

2012-10-02 Thread int0x80

If I try to create Diffie-Hellman key parameter (OpenSSL 1.0.0)  via
openssl dhparam -out $KEY_DIR/dh1024.pem 1024 
I get the following output:

"Generating DH parameters, 1024 bit long safe prime, generator 2
This is going to take a long time 
.+.  [...]
unable to write 'random state'"

I get the error since neither $HOME nor $RANDFILE is set. So if I do an
export RANDFILE=/root/.rnd 
the command above works and I don't get an error.

Now I have several questions:
1. Why do I need to specify the path to the seed (RANDFILE) if I don't provide 
the seed (I dont use the -rand option.)? /root/.rnd doesn't exist before I run 
the command. After I ran the openssl command it is created under /root/.rnd and 
contains the seed (or is this something else?).
2. If openssl creates the file on his own, why doesn't it delete if after the 
DH key parameter were created? Isn't it a security risk if one doesnt delete 
the seed, since an attacker could generate exactly the same key parameter if he 
would get access to the seed?


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Missing entries in index.txt database - Generating CRL

2012-08-13 Thread int0x80

> > After that I generated a CRL (I own the CA) which then contained the 
> > certificate with the serial 0x06.
> >
> > My question now is, would that be a proper workaround or is there a better 
> > solution? Since the CRL
> > only contains the serial numbers of the certificates, this seems to work 
> > although it is not a very good
> > solution.
> It is a workaround if you consider the "ca" and "crl" commands as
> the only officially blessed way to manage certificats,. just because it
> looks convenient at first glance.
> You may consider not to use the "ca" command at all, generate certs
> using "x509" instead, manage their status in whatever database you like
> and, in order to create a crl using "crl", you just create a temporary
> file with the R entries, etc.
> You may even go further and not use "crl" at all but create an asn.1
> input for "asn1parse", I leave this idea as an exercise ..
> in other words, once you have understood that you only need some
> file that has "R"s and numbers, ... your mind should be
> free to create them in any way you want.

Thanks for your help, that clarified things! 
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Missing entries in index.txt database - Generating CRL

2012-08-09 Thread int0x80
I have a index.txt database where all the "R" (revoked) and "E" (expired) lines 
were removed, 
only the "V" (valid) entries are left. When I generate a new CRL it doesn't 
contain any certificates
since this process parses the database and can't find any revoked certificates.

The problem now is, that I need a proper CRL. That's why I tried the following:

Every database entry looks like that:

The 4th column contains a serial number which is incremented by 0x01 everytime 
a new certificate
is added. If I find a gap in the serial numbers in two consecutive database 
entries, I just fill this
missing entry with a dummy revoke entry.

I have a database which contains those two consecutive entries. The first has 
the serial 0x05, the second 0x07.
The entry with the serial 0x06 is missing, since it was an "R" or "E" entry and 
someone deleted it.

Now I would add and entry to the database, so that the database looks like that:

After that I generated a CRL (I own the CA) which then contained the 
certificate with the serial 0x06.

My question now is, would that be a proper workaround or is there a better 
solution? Since the CRL 
only contains the serial numbers of the certificates, this seems to work 
although it is not a very good 

Thanks for your help,
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
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