about Crypt Init

2001-11-30 Thread rival


I'm currently playing with the EVP interface,
I'm afraid of having misunderstood some basic encryption
behavior or policy.

Lets say i want to encrypt a series of short messages,
and i want a third party to be able to decrypt those messages.

my thought are :

i must init IV to a value each time i encrypt a new message
the third part must do the same to decrypt.

then i EVP_BytetoKey() each time with the fixed key,

am i right, or am i misusing IV init etc..?!

- rival.

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beginner question.

2001-09-16 Thread rival


I got a problem related to EVP primitives, and i can't find where the
problem is.

in the docs, it says :
..EVP_DecryptInit(), EVP_DecryptUpdate() and EVP_DecryptFinal() are the
corresponding decryption operations. EVP_DecryptFinal() will return an
error code if padding is enabled and the final block is not correctly
formatted. ...

I don't understand the final block is not correctly formatted, what is
the format ?! or what are the wrong format which make this function to fail ?.
(excepted null)

I've just coded 2 functions,

char *crypt(char *str, char *key) (which works fine)
int decrypt(char *dest, char *str, char *key)

using EVP primitives, i've done the test by using EVP_enc_null()
as encryption/decryption algorithm, which mean that my text was only
base128 armored, and it was working fine, but as long as i put a real
algorithm like EVP_bf_cbc or EVP_bf_cfb (blowfish is the one i want)
it just fails, the length returned by both EVP_DecryptUpdate and Final
is 0, but the input is non null.

any ideas ?!



OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
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Re: beginner question.

2001-09-16 Thread rival

On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Dr S N Henson wrote:

  I got a problem related to EVP primitives, and i can't find where the
  problem is.
  in the docs, it says :
  ..EVP_DecryptInit(), EVP_DecryptUpdate() and EVP_DecryptFinal() are the
  corresponding decryption operations. EVP_DecryptFinal() will return an
  error code if padding is enabled and the final block is not correctly
  formatted. ...
  I don't understand the final block is not correctly formatted, what is
  the format ?! or what are the wrong format which make this function to fail ?.
  (excepted null)

 The output of EVP_EncryptFinal() uses the correct format. Its
 effectively saying that the only place it will notice something wrong
 (due to the wrong key, corrupted data etc) is in the final block and
 then not always.

Ok the thing is i'm armoring the crypted datas, to use for display
using base[64|128] encoding.

Here are the functions i told you about :

#define ALGO EVP_bf_cbc()

char *crypt(char *str, unsigned char *key)
unsigned char outbuf[1024];
unsigned char iv[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
int outlen, tmplen;

EVP_EncryptInit(ctx, ALGO, key, iv);
EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, outbuf, outlen, str, strlen(str));
EVP_EncryptFinal(ctx, outbuf + outlen, tmplen);
outlen += tmplen;
return base128_encode(outbuf, outlen);

int decrypt(char *dest, char *str, char *key)
unsigned char iv[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
int outlen, tmplen, b128_len;
char *b128;

b128 = base128_decode(str, b128_len);
EVP_DecryptInit(ctx, ALGO, key, iv);
if(!EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx, dest, outlen, b128, b128_len))
perror(EVP error);
return 0;
if(!EVP_DecryptFinal(ctx, dest + outlen, tmplen))
return 0;
return 1;

when i define ALGO as EVP_enc_null() it works fine, no encryption
just base128 encoded.
If i switch back to EVP_bf_cbc(), it just fails on the decryption routine
and return nothing..(null) string.

base128_[encode|decode] does the allocation  return ptr to the encoded

i might have done a stupid error, but obviously i can't see it :)

thanks for feedback.

  I've just coded 2 functions,
  char *crypt(char *str, char *key) (which works fine)
  int decrypt(char *dest, char *str, char *key)
  using EVP primitives, i've done the test by using EVP_enc_null()
  as encryption/decryption algorithm, which mean that my text was only
  base128 armored, and it was working fine, but as long as i put a real
  algorithm like EVP_bf_cbc or EVP_bf_cfb (blowfish is the one i want)
  it just fails, the length returned by both EVP_DecryptUpdate and Final
  is 0, but the input is non null.
  any ideas ?!

 Impossible to do anything other than guess without seeing your code.
 However a common mistake is to assume that functions like strlen() can
 be used on the output of EVP_Encrypt*(). They can't because the result
 is not null terminated ASCII data, its binary and can contain embedded
I did this error and corrected already using what the EVP primitives
returns me for memcpy|strncpy.
the code is above.




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