We are currently implementing file time stamping for our
invoices and we are using a time stamping service that implements
RFC3161, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol
(TSP), over HTTP.


                Three days ago I started looking at the openssl as a
possible solution for a TSP client. It wasn't a smooth ride, not by a
long shot.


                First, by default, openssl doesn't include support for
time stamping, and you have to compile it from sources with a TS patch


                But the last patch was for version 0.9.8c  and it is
almost 3 years old. So, I downloaded, 0.9.8c sources, patched them,
compiled them, and then I was able to use openssl ts to generate a sign


                But when I tried to use tsget to send the request to the
time stamping service, all hell broke loose.


                First, I tried to run it, and I received a lot of errors


Bareword "CURLOPT_VERBOSE" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
./tsget line 43.

Bareword "CURLOPT_FAILONERROR" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
./tsget line 44.

Bareword "CURLOPT_USERAGENT" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
./tsget line 45.

Bareword "CURLOPT_UPLOAD" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
./tsget line 48.


                So I had to remove the "use strict;" line from the
script. I tried again, but I received this error:


Undefined subroutine &WWW::Curl::easy::new called at ./tsget line 39.


                The problem is that it should use WWW::Curl::Easy, not
WWW::Curl::easy. So I had to replace easy with Easy everywhere in the


After trying again, I received this error:


/root/test.tsq: fatal error: could not get timestamp, http code: 400,
curl code: 22 (The requested URL returned error: 400)


After using tcpdump and Wireshark to figure out what was wrong, I found
out that curl has the questionable habit of using "Expect: 100-continue"
headers in the HTTP post requests, a header that is not implemented, or
not implemented properly by many HTTP servers.


So I had to disable the 100-continue header by adding an empty "Expect:
" header, like this:



                ["Content-Type: application/timestamp-query",

                "Accept: application/timestamp-reply",

                "Expect: "]);


Finally, I was able to get a response from the TS server.


Now, all that was left was to validate the response against the
certificate of the TS service. However, it didn't work, I received this
error trying to validate it:


Verification: FAILED

12855:error:2107C080:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_get0_signers:signer
certificate not found:pk7_smime.c:365:


I googled it, all I could found were some references to UTF-8 in the
certificate, but it didn't seem to be the case for me. Then I tried to
use gdb (and I really hate command line debuggers), to determine what
was wrong. But by default openssl is not compiled with debugging symbols
so I had to recompile it. But I couldn't find how to compile it with
debugging support.


./config --help doesn't tell you what the options mean, and anyway the
-d option was not documented. I found it in the INSTALL file. But it
didn't work:


Operating system: x86_64-whatever-linux2

This system (debug-linux-x86_64) is not supported. See file INSTALL for


                But I just came from the INSTALL file, and it only said:


     On some systems, you can include debugging information as follows:


       $ ./config -d [options]


                But it didn't tell me how can I include debugging
information on OTHER systems.


                After googling about an hour, I found another not
documented option: -g . This worked.


But only with gdb, I wasn't able to find what is going on. Then I tried
to use emacs as a front-end to GDB, but the GDB-UI didn't work properly.
Then I tried download and compile a more recent version of emacs, but it
refused to compile on my system.


Then I installed Eclipse to use it as a debugger. After a few hours of
tweaking Eclipse settings, I was able to set breakpoints and do step by
step execution through the PKCS7_get0_signers function.


I wasn't able to find much either. The debugger jumped like crazy up and
down when during step by step execution, and it didn't display the
values of some variables, but apparently the function is called with the
p7 parameter referencing a object, the certs parameter is null, and the
flags set to 0. Then X509_find_by_issuer_and_serial (p7->d.sign->cert,
ias->issuer,  ias->serial) returns null, causing the error.


I was starting to think that there is a problem with the certificate
even though MS Windows thinks the certificate is OK after adding it to
the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities", so I tried to validate it
with openssl verify, and I received this errors:


/root/tsa.cer: /CN=certSIGN Test TimeStamping Authority

error 32 at 0 depth lookup:key usage does not include certificate

/CN=certSIGN Test TimeStamping Authority

error 32 at 0 depth lookup:key usage does not include certificate

/CN=certSIGN Test TimeStamping Authority

error 32 at 0 depth lookup:key usage does not include certificate

/CN=certSIGN Test TimeStamping Authority

error 32 at 0 depth lookup:key usage does not include certificate

/CN=certSIGN Test TimeStamping Authority

error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate


It seems self signed certificates having only timestamp purpose cannot
be verified, because they don't' have certificate signing purpose.


Because then I tried to validate a root VeriSign certificate that came
with MS Windows, and can be used for "All" purposes, and it validated


[Later Edit]


                Now we received a new certificate for the time stamping
service, complete with a trust chain, and it validated OK, so it appears
the problem only occurs for self signed certificates having only
timestamp purpose.



Vladimir Nicolici
Application Development Manager
Telemobil SA
Splaiul Independentei
Nr. 319, Sector 6, 060044
Bucuresti, Romania

Mobil:     +40 78 810 10 08
Tel:         +40 21 402 33 33
Fax:        +40 21 402 32 02
Website: www.zapp.ro <http://www.zapp.ro/> 

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