Re: Check the private key

2010-08-21 Thread Ingo Naumann
Hi Mounir,

> As you can see from the ASN.1 dump, it starts with the version, followed by
> the algorithm identifier and then the RSAPrivateKey encoding inside an
> OctetString.

Yes, you are right, of course. The structure I was referring to is the
one inside.

> Concerning Vladimir's question, the answer is simple : your key is OK and it
> was verified successfully by OpenSSL. The error message you are getting is
> due to the fact that in the source code of the rsa utility there is a line
> that dumps the errors on OpenSSL stack and in this case there is an error
> that is harmless and that is caused by the way OpenSSL tries to decode the
> PEM content.

Interesting, good to know.

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Re: Check the private key

2010-08-20 Thread Mounir IDRASSI

 Hi Ingo,

You are mistaken : this keys is not an encoded RSAPrivateKey as defined 
by PKCS#1 but it's an encoded PrivateKeyInfo as defined in PKCS#8. Here 
is the ASN.1 definitions :

PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
  version Version,
  privateKeyAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{PrivateKeyAlgorithms}},
  privateKey PrivateKey,
  attributes [0] Attributes OPTIONAL }

Version ::= INTEGER {v1(0)} (v1,...)
PrivateKey ::= OCTET STRING

As you can see from the ASN.1 dump, it starts with the version, followed 
by the algorithm identifier and then the RSAPrivateKey encoding inside 
an OctetString.

Concerning Vladimir's question, the answer is simple : your key is OK 
and it was verified successfully by OpenSSL. The error message you are 
getting is due to the fact that in the source code of the rsa utility 
there is a line that dumps the errors on OpenSSL stack and in this case 
there is an error that is harmless and that is caused by the way OpenSSL 
tries to decode the PEM content.

In the file "apps/rsa.c", at line 335, there is the following  :
if (r == -1 || ERR_peek_error() != 0) /* should happen only if 
r == -1 */

goto end;

A more correct version would be to change "||" in the if test by "&&", 
and thus there will be no misleading error.

I hope this clarifies things.


On 8/20/2010 4:25 PM, Ingo Naumann wrote:


To me, your key looks like a standard 1024 RSA private key, in PKCS#1
format (see below). And, I'm getting the same error when I type

openssl rsa -check

   RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
   version   Version,
   modulus   INTEGER,  -- n
   publicExponentINTEGER,  -- e
   privateExponent   INTEGER,  -- d
   prime1INTEGER,  -- p
   prime2INTEGER,  -- q
   exponent1 INTEGER,  -- d mod (p-1)
   exponent2 INTEGER,  -- d mod (q-1)
   coefficient   INTEGER,  -- (inverse of q) mod p
   otherPrimeInfos   OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL

Your key:

30 : SEQUENCE (Length: 0x277)
  02 : Integer (Length: 0x01)
  30 : SEQUENCE (Length: 0x0D)
   06 : Object Identifier (OID): 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 rsaEncryption
   05 : NULL
  04 : Octet String (Length: 0x261)
  30 : SEQUENCE (Length: 0x25D)
   02 : Integer (Length: 0x01)
   02 : Integer (Length: 0x81)
C5 F1 4E FF 1C 97 02 A2 02 A1 C7 A0 8D E6 9F 9D EF D5 56 87
D7 B2 BF A3 7B 68 73 4E 34 A4 5E FE 41 86 3E 3E 7D 55 6F 9D
F1 42 D6 FB CC 27 BB 0C D3 C6 C8 0E 40 CA 53 F8 5A 81 E2 90
18 A8 94 C0 12 72 15 98 0F 1C A2 8F 75 A9 26 E6 A0 8A 7B AB
[0x0030 bytes skipped.]
   02 : Integer (Length: 0x03)
01 00 01
   02 : Integer (Length: 0x81)
90 06 E3 5A 11 2D 78 06 F6 2F 4D 17 EF E8 6D 1F F8 50 9C E3
BE F9 1B 24 13 39 8F 1C CA 85 07 71 AD AF C6 3E A5 E7 B2 8D
93 EC F4 8C C6 A1 EA 22 8D 3D C8 77 46 81 71 D3 F5 D7 28 49
7D 07 BD 23 33 AD 3D A7 76 33 6C 47 D7 A2 5B 62 58 A7 06 5B
[0x0030 bytes skipped.]
   02 : Integer (Length: 0x41)
F7 D7 7F 0E C3 04 7D B3 69 AE 54 4F 70 A5 47 E3 D5 1F DC DE
40 AB 99 6D 93 BD 96 4F 31 92 11 F8 43 54 D5 9C EC 3D DF B6
AA 9B AA 3D 60 14 A5 A3 C7 78 DD DE E5 A1 7C C4 5C DF 5F 56
2F EC 41 DB
   02 : Integer (Length: 0x41)
CC 75 52 E6 9A 0A 1B B7 35 7C D1 D0 51 65 D8 B0 35 BE EA AE
D3 88 53 7C AF A5 36 C5 41 09 95 CF 66 73 8F 3D 57 87 FB A0
77 7E B1 D2 95 9D 83 5E 92 5B 95 AB 2A CF 9F FA F7 01 2B 69
4D C7 52 C3
   02 : Integer (Length: 0x40)
17 3B 24 D6 BE 62 EA 61 69 D3 84 65 99 DA 74 3D 9F D9 87 BB
71 76 64 40 48 2B EA 2D EC 28 93 F4 A0 63 10 4E D0 3A 10 81
2F C6 BD 93 59 31 36 41 7E CE 0E 85 F9 22 44 EE A7 01 ED 0E
C8 19 2E 27
   02 : Integer (Length: 0x41)
BC 97 5F DF 8B A8 D5 45 DA 15 87 67 33 1D D1 91 40 12 19 61
27 87 71 12 EA E5 67 2E ED BD CC AC E1 20 A8 B8 79 5B DA 33
7A E5 A7 5A CA 5C DF 47 45 93 2A EC 16 F2 2A EC 10 18 C9 15
3A 04 28 87
   02 : Integer (Length: 0x40)
20 4C 8C 60 52 94 CA 42 30 DC 1B EF 3D 1E 5F 84 82 40 D1 25
84 BE 1E 18 35 0F F9 4A 5A 40 16 B0 E2 8F 5B 9B C3 FC C5 E7
08 0A BC F0 D1 BA 01 4B 47 08 08 60 15 48 80 A2 C1 98 03 56
OpenSSL Project
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OpenSSL Project
User Support

Re: Check the private key

2010-08-20 Thread Ingo Naumann

To me, your key looks like a standard 1024 RSA private key, in PKCS#1
format (see below). And, I'm getting the same error when I type

openssl rsa -check

  RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
  version   Version,
  modulus   INTEGER,  -- n
  publicExponentINTEGER,  -- e
  privateExponent   INTEGER,  -- d
  prime1INTEGER,  -- p
  prime2INTEGER,  -- q
  exponent1 INTEGER,  -- d mod (p-1)
  exponent2 INTEGER,  -- d mod (q-1)
  coefficient   INTEGER,  -- (inverse of q) mod p
  otherPrimeInfos   OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL

Your key:

30 : SEQUENCE (Length: 0x277)
 02 : Integer (Length: 0x01)
 30 : SEQUENCE (Length: 0x0D)
  06 : Object Identifier (OID): 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 rsaEncryption
  05 : NULL
 04 : Octet String (Length: 0x261)
 30 : SEQUENCE (Length: 0x25D)
  02 : Integer (Length: 0x01)
  02 : Integer (Length: 0x81)
   C5 F1 4E FF 1C 97 02 A2 02 A1 C7 A0 8D E6 9F 9D EF D5 56 87
   D7 B2 BF A3 7B 68 73 4E 34 A4 5E FE 41 86 3E 3E 7D 55 6F 9D
   F1 42 D6 FB CC 27 BB 0C D3 C6 C8 0E 40 CA 53 F8 5A 81 E2 90
   18 A8 94 C0 12 72 15 98 0F 1C A2 8F 75 A9 26 E6 A0 8A 7B AB
   [0x0030 bytes skipped.]
  02 : Integer (Length: 0x03)
   01 00 01
  02 : Integer (Length: 0x81)
   90 06 E3 5A 11 2D 78 06 F6 2F 4D 17 EF E8 6D 1F F8 50 9C E3
   BE F9 1B 24 13 39 8F 1C CA 85 07 71 AD AF C6 3E A5 E7 B2 8D
   93 EC F4 8C C6 A1 EA 22 8D 3D C8 77 46 81 71 D3 F5 D7 28 49
   7D 07 BD 23 33 AD 3D A7 76 33 6C 47 D7 A2 5B 62 58 A7 06 5B
   [0x0030 bytes skipped.]
  02 : Integer (Length: 0x41)
   F7 D7 7F 0E C3 04 7D B3 69 AE 54 4F 70 A5 47 E3 D5 1F DC DE
   40 AB 99 6D 93 BD 96 4F 31 92 11 F8 43 54 D5 9C EC 3D DF B6
   AA 9B AA 3D 60 14 A5 A3 C7 78 DD DE E5 A1 7C C4 5C DF 5F 56
   2F EC 41 DB
  02 : Integer (Length: 0x41)
   CC 75 52 E6 9A 0A 1B B7 35 7C D1 D0 51 65 D8 B0 35 BE EA AE
   D3 88 53 7C AF A5 36 C5 41 09 95 CF 66 73 8F 3D 57 87 FB A0
   77 7E B1 D2 95 9D 83 5E 92 5B 95 AB 2A CF 9F FA F7 01 2B 69
   4D C7 52 C3
  02 : Integer (Length: 0x40)
   17 3B 24 D6 BE 62 EA 61 69 D3 84 65 99 DA 74 3D 9F D9 87 BB
   71 76 64 40 48 2B EA 2D EC 28 93 F4 A0 63 10 4E D0 3A 10 81
   2F C6 BD 93 59 31 36 41 7E CE 0E 85 F9 22 44 EE A7 01 ED 0E
   C8 19 2E 27
  02 : Integer (Length: 0x41)
   BC 97 5F DF 8B A8 D5 45 DA 15 87 67 33 1D D1 91 40 12 19 61
   27 87 71 12 EA E5 67 2E ED BD CC AC E1 20 A8 B8 79 5B DA 33
   7A E5 A7 5A CA 5C DF 47 45 93 2A EC 16 F2 2A EC 10 18 C9 15
   3A 04 28 87
  02 : Integer (Length: 0x40)
   20 4C 8C 60 52 94 CA 42 30 DC 1B EF 3D 1E 5F 84 82 40 D1 25
   84 BE 1E 18 35 0F F9 4A 5A 40 16 B0 E2 8F 5B 9B C3 FC C5 E7
   08 0A BC F0 D1 BA 01 4B 47 08 08 60 15 48 80 A2 C1 98 03 56
   FC A4 D9 DC
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Check the private key

2010-08-19 Thread Christian Hohnstaedt
Hi Vladimir,

$ openssl asn1parse  
> Hi,
> I've got private key file priv.key with the following contents
> oI3mn53v1VaH17K/o3toc040pF7+QYY+Pn1Vb53xQtb7zCe7DNPGyA5AylP4WoHi
> kBiolMASchWYDxyij3WpJuaginurwqAwYOB3XyxZqWP7xNaWLhLIdhLG72b7n8fX
> /vL+m3Xp7hxzjHVdXTjqVkk+S0/RAgMBAAECgYEAkAbjWhEteAb2L00X7+htH/hQ
> nOO++RskEzmPHMqFB3Gtr8Y+peeyjZPs9IzGoeoijT3Id0aBcdP11yhJfQe9IzOt
> Pad2M2xH16JbYlinBlsdo6do5On2i0u2FTs/xA2Pirs3zIzzf94ybDcPUFN9u8SQ
> Ry2MxXNW8D7OUO9H+DkCQQD3138OwwR9s2muVE9wpUfj1R/c3kCrmW2TvZZPMZIR
> +ENU1ZzsPd+2qpuqPWAUpaPHeN3e5aF8xFzfX1Yv7EHbAkEAzHVS5poKG7c1fNHQ
> UWXYsDW+6q7TiFN8r6U2xUEJlc9mc489V4f7oHd+sdKVnYNekluVqyrPn/r3AStp
> TcdSwwJAFzsk1r5i6mFp04Rlmdp0PZ/Zh7txdmRASCvqLewok/SgYxBO0DoQgS/G
> vZNZMTZBfs4OhfkiRO6nAe0OyBkuJwJBALyXX9+LqNVF2hWHZzMd0ZFAEhlhJ4dx
> EurlZy7tvcys4SCouHlb2jN65adaylzfR0WTKuwW8irsEBjJFToEKIcCQCBMjGBS
> lMpCMNwb7z0eX4SCQNElhL4eGDUP+UpaQBaw4o9bm8P8xecICrzw0boBS0cICGAV
> SICiwZgDVvyk2dw=
> When I try to check key consistency I'am confusing with the following output
> RSA key ok
> 3076933256:error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong
> tag:tasn_dec.c:1320:
> 3076933256:error:0D06C03A:asn1 encoding
> routines:ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:832:
> 3076933256:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding
> routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:752:Field=n,
> Type=RSA
> 3076933256:error:04093004:rsa routines:OLD_RSA_PRIV_DECODE:RSA
> lib:rsa_ameth.c:115:
> So, the first string says that key is ok, but what these error strings mean?
> Unfortunately, I don't know this private key format. Can I do this (is it
> PKCS#1, PKCS#12 or others)? And what do I need to do to disapear error
> strings?
> Thank you!
> -- 
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> Sent from the OpenSSL - User mailing list archive at
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> OpenSSL Project
> User Support Mailing
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User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Check the private key

2010-08-19 Thread VladimirShushkov


I've got private key file priv.key with the following contents


When I try to check key consistency I'am confusing with the following output

RSA key ok
3076933256:error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong
3076933256:error:0D06C03A:asn1 encoding
routines:ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:832:
3076933256:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding
routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:752:Field=n,
3076933256:error:04093004:rsa routines:OLD_RSA_PRIV_DECODE:RSA

So, the first string says that key is ok, but what these error strings mean?
Unfortunately, I don't know this private key format. Can I do this (is it
PKCS#1, PKCS#12 or others)? And what do I need to do to disapear error

Thank you!

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