
I'm playing around with openSSL now for a while and set up my own CA.

I would like to create now signed binary Documents (Word, Excel, PDF 
etc.) which can be downloaded from a Webserver. My Idea is that the 
signature of the binary document will be validated from the Browser at 
the Download like with Jar archives. Is that possible?

Which MIME Type would be suitable for the Signed Documents? How to 
create the Signed Documents?

PGP offered the possiblity to generate a detached ASCII Signature File, 
but I don't like to depend on a client based validation tool.

Any ideas?

                  Stefan Thom
             MobilCom Multimedia GmbH
       System Technology - Standardization
   Hollerstraße 126, 24782 Büdelsdorf, Germany
         54°N18'56" 09°E42'04" GMT-1:00
Phone: +49(4331)69-3733 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax:   +49(4331)69-2105 |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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