RE: OpenSSL 0.9.7f released

2005-03-23 Thread Matthias Miller
I've been compiling OpenSSL on a Windows machine using the default nt.mak.
OpenSSL 0.9.7e compiled fine this way, but I'm having trouble with 0.9.7f:

nasmw -f win32 -o crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.obj
.\crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.asm:30: error: operation size not specified
.\crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.asm:265: error: operation size not specified
.\crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.asm:267: error: operation size not specified
.\crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.asm:271: error: operation size not specified
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'nasmw' : return code '0x1'

When I use the previous version of /crypto/rc4/asm/, it compiles
fine.  This was obviously triggered by the changes seen here:

I've included excerpts of the diff that show which parts of the script are
generating the compile errors.

Thanks in advance.

Matthias Miller

stack_push(3); # 3 temp variables
 add(  $d, 8);
-   and(   $x, 0xff);
+   # detect compressed schedule, see commentary section in
+   # in 0.9.7 context ~50 bytes below RC4_CHAR label remain redundant,
+   # as compressed key schedule is set up in 0.9.8 and later.
+   cmp(DWP(256,$d),-1);
+   je(label(RC4_CHAR));
 lea(  $ty,DWP(-8,$ty,$in));


+   jmp(label(finished));
+   align(16);
+   # this is essentially Intel P4 specific codepath, see rc4_skey.c,
+   # and is engaged in 0.9.8 and later context...
+   set_label(RC4_CHAR);
+   lea($ty,DWP(0,$in,$ty));
+   mov(swtmp(2),$ty);
+   # strangely enough unrolled loop performs over 20% slower...
+   set_label(RC4_CHAR_loop);
+   movz   ($tx,BP(0,$d,$x));
+   add(LB($y),LB($tx));
+   movz   ($ty,BP(0,$d,$y));
+   movb   (BP(0,$d,$y),LB($tx));
+   movb   (BP(0,$d,$x),LB($ty));
+   add(LB($ty),LB($tx));
+   movz   ($ty,BP(0,$d,$ty));
+   xorb   (LB($ty),BP(0,$in));
+   movb   (BP(0,$out),LB($ty));
+   inc(LB($x));
+   inc($in);
+   inc($out);
+   cmp($in,swtmp(2));
+   jb (label(RC4_CHAR_loop));
dec(   $x);

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unexpected record when client renegotiates

2005-02-16 Thread Matthias Miller
I am experiencing some problems with OpenSSL renegotiations.  The scenario
is quite simple: If a server is sending data to the client while the client
requests a renegotiation, the client will fail because it encountered an
unexpected application data record.

I'm unsure whether this is behavior is a bug or whether it is expected
behavior.  I checked the OpenSSL documentation but was unable to find
anything that related this problem.  I searched the mailing list archives
and discovered that others have already asked about this problem, but I
could find no responses to these questions.  Here are four related posts,
with the most recent posts listed first:


This problem can be demonstrated in the s_server and s_client sample
programs.  I have tested this with the last stable release (openssl-0.9.7e)
as well as with Monday's snapshot (openssl-SNAP-20050214.tar.gz).

Here's how to duplicate:

-Launch the server and client, using default settings--no command line
parameters, and using the certs in apps folder -In the server type a message
such as Hello, but do not press enter.
-In the client press 'R'; it will display a RENEGOTIATING message.
-In the server, press enter to send the Hello message.

The client will fail with the following error:

3520:error:140940F5:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:unexpected

In a real-world environment, it appears that when the client requests a
renegotiation while the server is streaming data, the client will fail
because it received unexpected application data from the server.  Is this a
limitation of the SSL protocol, of the OpenSSL library, or of the s_server
and s_client samples?  Also, what is the appropriate way of dealing with
this problem?  Will OpenSSL eventually support this, or is this something
that must be built in each application's protocol?

Thank you.

Matthias Miller

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]