[openstack-dev] Subject: [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-07-26 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community,

We had a short but sweet meeting today, as all four core members were around 
for the first time in several weeks. The one action item from last week, 
reaching out to the people working on the GraphQL experiment, was done, but so 
far we have not heard back on their progress.

notmyname suggested that we investigate the IETF [7] draft proposal for Best 
Practices when building HTTP protocols [8] which may be relevant to our work, 
so we all agreed to review the document (all 30 pages of it!) by next week, 
where we will discuss it further.

Finally, we merged two patches that had had universal approval (yes, the 
*entire* universe), sending cdent's stats through the roof.

As always if you're interested in helping out, in addition to coming to the 
meetings, there's also:

* The list of bugs [5] indicates several missing or incomplete guidelines.
* The existing guidelines [2] always need refreshing to account for changes 
over time. If you find something that's not quite right, submit a patch [6] to 
fix it.
* Have you done something for which you think guidance would have made things 
easier but couldn't find any? Submit a patch and help others [6].

# Newly Published Guidelines

* Expand schema for error.codes to reflect reality

* Add links to error-example.json

# API Guidelines Proposed for Freeze

* None

# Guidelines that are ready for wider review by the whole community.

* None

# Guidelines Currently Under Review [3]

* Update parameter names in microversion sdk spec

* Add API-schema guide (still being defined)

* A (shrinking) suite of several documents about doing version and service 
  Start at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/459405/

* WIP: microversion architecture archival doc (very early; not yet ready for 

# Highlighting your API impacting issues

If you seek further review and insight from the API SIG about APIs that you are 
developing or changing, please address your concerns in an email to the 
OpenStack developer mailing list[1] with the tag "[api]" in the subject. In 
your email, you should include any relevant reviews, links, and comments to 
help guide the discussion of the specific challenge you are facing.

To learn more about the API SIG mission and the work we do, see our wiki page 
[4] and guidelines [2].

Thanks for reading and see you next week!

# References

[1] http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev
[2] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/
[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/api-wg,n,z
[4] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/API_SIG
[5] https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-wg
[6] https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/api-wg
[7] https://ietf.org/
[8] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-bcp56bis-06

Meeting Agenda
Past Meeting Records
Open Bugs

-- Ed Leafe

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Unsubscribe: openstack-dev-requ...@lists.openstack.org?subject:unsubscribe

[Openstack] (no subject)

2018-06-29 Thread Torin Woltjer
Installed masakari 4.0.0 on queens. Hostmonitor, instancemonitor, and 
processmonitor all running on compute nodes. API and engine running on 
controller nodes. I've tried using the masakari client to list/add segments, 
any of those commands does nothing and returns:

("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'auth_url'", ', mode 
'w' at 0x7f26bb4b71e0>)

Torin Woltjer

Grand Dial Communications - A ZK Tech Inc. Company

616.776.1066 ext. 2006

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[Openstack] (no subject)

2018-05-15 Thread hassan aloshari
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[Openstack] (no subject)

2018-02-12 Thread amogh patel
  Hello Openstack   goo.gl/WyF2m8 Amogh
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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2017-10-14 Thread Trinath Somanchi
What you really want to achieve ? What setup you are trying ?

Best Regards,
Trinath Somanchi | NXP | HSDC, INDIA

From: Raja Siddharth Raju [mailto:rsrajuoffic...@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 3:19 PM
To: openstack@lists.openstack.org
Subject: [Openstack] (no subject)

3:15 PM  I have been asked to.put host ip during installation of 
openstack . I am running ubuntu 16.43 in oracle virtual box.

Can you please help me with the solution ?
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[Openstack] (no subject)

2017-10-14 Thread Raja Siddharth Raju
3:15 PM ** I have been asked to.put host ip during installation
of openstack . I am running ubuntu 16.43 in oracle virtual box.

Can you please help me with the solution ?
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[openstack-dev] Subject: [all][api] POST /api-wg/news

2017-02-16 Thread Chris Dent

Greetings OpenStack community,

This week we talked quite a bit about what the API-WG will be trying to do next 
week at the PTG. We'll be sharing time and space with the Architecture working 
group, with rooms on both Monday and Tuesday of the cross-project period of the 
week. Topics are being planned on an etherpad [0], with some discussion there 
on which day will have which topics. This is going to be difficult to manage 
the day of as there will be lots of overlap of topics for interested parties. 
We'll try to provide information in the room as things happen and also make 
regular announcements to the #openstack-ptg IRC channel.

The other primary topic was the ongoing discussion surrounding the API 
compatibility and stability guideline [4]. We're nearly there, with mostly 
details to work out. There was agreement that the guideline, with its assertion 
that versioning is a requirement for the new stability tag will set a high bar 
for projects and this is OK.

One reminder: Projects should make sure that their liaison information is up to 
date at http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/liaisons.html . If not, 
please provide a patch to doc/source/liaisons.json to update it.

Because of the PTG there will be no API-WG meeting next week. We'll resume on 
March 2nd.

# Newly Published Guidelines

* Add guidelines for boolean names

# API Guidelines Proposed for Freeze

Guidelines that are ready for wider review by the whole community. Nothing at 
the moment, but feel free to get in early on the reviews below.

# Guidelines Currently Under Review [3]

* Define pagination guidelines

* Add API capabilities discovery guideline

* Refactor and re-validate api change guidelines

# Highlighting your API impacting issues

If you seek further review and insight from the API WG, please address your concerns in 
an email to the OpenStack developer mailing list[1] with the tag "[api]" in the 
subject. In your email, you should include any relevant reviews, links, and comments to 
help guide the discussion of the specific challenge you are facing.

To learn more about the API WG mission and the work we do, see OpenStack API 
Working Group [2].

Thanks for reading and see you next week!

# References

[0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ptg-architecture-workgroup
[1] http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev
[2] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/
[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/api-wg,n,z
[4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/421846/

Meeting Agenda
Past Meeting Records
Open Bugs

Chris Dent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   https://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent__
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
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Re: [openstack-dev] Subject: [Keystone][Tempest][QA] Tempest full fails with policy.v3cloudsample.json and gate is using old policy.json

2017-01-24 Thread Rodrigo Duarte
Hi Liam,

As you said, this is a known issue of the "policy.v3cloudsample.json"
policy file. The cloud_admin rule is supposed to be something like: or I
have a project scoped token for the "is_admin" project with the admin role,
or I have a domain scoped token for the specified domain with the admin

Currently, we are studying the possibility to merge both files. We also
have weekly meetings focused only on policy [1].

[1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Keystone_Policy_Meeting

On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Liam Young 

> Hi,
> Firstly, apologies for the cross post from openstack@l.o.o but I think
> this is a more appropriate mailing list and I'd like to add some more
> information.
> I have been running tempest full against a Keystone v3 enabled cloud using
> the stable newton policy.v3cloudsample.json *1 and it is failing for me. I
> then checked what was happening at Keystone gate *2 and saw that the v3
> gate jobs appear to be using the old policy.json *3 which I assume is
> deprecated for v3 as granting the admin role on anything in-effect gives a
> user cloud-admin.
> My questions are:
> 1) Should gate be using policy.v3cloudsample.json to run v3 tests?
> 2) Should I expect a tempest full run to pass against a Newton deployment
> using policy.v3cloudsample.json ?
> What I'm seeing is that some tests (like 
> tempest.api.compute.admin.test_quotas)
> fail when they try and list_domains. This seems to be because the test
> creates:
> 1) A new project in the admin domain
> 2) A new user in the admin domain
> 3) Grants the admin role on the new project to the new user.
> The test then authenticates with the new users credentials and attempts to
> list_domains. The policy.json, however, has:
> "cloud_admin": "role:admin and (token.is_admin_project:True or
> domain_id:363ab68785c24c81a784edca1bceb935)",
> ...
> "identity:list_domains": "rule:cloud_admin",
> From tempest I see:
> ==
> FAIL: tempest.api.compute.admin.test_quotas.QuotasAdminTestJSON.test_
> delete_quota[id-389d04f0-3a41-405f-9317-e5f86e3c44f0]
> tags: worker-0
> --
> Empty attachments:
>   stderr
>   stdout
> pythonlogging:'': {{{2017-01-23 15:57:09,806 2014 INFO
> [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request 
> (QuotasAdminTestJSON:test_delete_quota):
> 403 GET 0.066s}}}
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "tempest/api/compute/admin/test_quotas.py", line 128, in
> test_delete_quota
> project = self.identity_utils.create_project(name=project_name,
>   File "tempest/test.py", line 470, in identity_utils
> project_domain_name=domain)
>   File "tempest/lib/common/cred_client.py", line 210, in get_creds_client
> roles_client, domains_client, project_domain_name)
>   File "tempest/lib/common/cred_client.py", line 142, in __init__
> name=domain_name)['domains'][0]
>   File "tempest/lib/services/identity/v3/domains_client.py", line 57, in
> list_domains
> resp, body = self.get(url)
>   File "tempest/lib/common/rest_client.py", line 290, in get
> return self.request('GET', url, extra_headers, headers)
>   File "tempest/lib/common/rest_client.py", line 663, in request
> self._error_checker(resp, resp_body)
>   File "tempest/lib/common/rest_client.py", line 755, in _error_checker
> raise exceptions.Forbidden(resp_body, resp=resp)
> tempest.lib.exceptions.Forbidden: Forbidden
> Details: {u'message': u'You are not authorized to perform the requested
> action: identity:list_domains', u'code': 403, u'title': u'Forbidden'}
> In the keystone log I see:
> (keystone.policy.backends.rules): 2017-01-23 15:35:57,198 DEBUG enforce
> identity:list_domains: {'is_delegated_auth': False,
> 'access_token_id': None,
> 'user_id': u'3fd9e70825d648d996080d855cf9c181',
> 'roles': [u'Admin'],
> 'user_domain_id': u'363ab68785c24c81a784edca1bceb935',
> 'consumer_id': None,
> 'trustee_id': None,
> 'is_domain': False,
> 'trustor_id': None,
> 'token':  audit_chain_id=4cQHEfwhSvuvibK4TAjKUw)
> at 0x7fbcceaa33c8>,
> 'project_id': u'b48ba24e96d84de4a48077b9310faac7',
> 'trust_id': None,
> 'project_domain_id': u'363ab68785c24c81a784edca1bceb935'}
> (keystone.common.wsgi): 2017-01-23 15:35:57,199 WARNING You are not
> authorized to perform the requested action: identity:list_domains
> This appears to be project scoped. If I update the policy.json to grant
> cloud_admin if the project is the admin domain then that seems to fix
> things. The change I'm trying is:
>  3c3,4
> < "cloud_admin": "role:admin and (token.is_admin_project:True or
> domain_id:admin_domain_id)",
> ---
> > "bob": "project_domain_id:363ab68785c24c81a784edca1bceb935 or
> domain_id:363ab68785c24c81a784edca1bceb935",
> > "cloud_admin": "role:admin and (token.is_admin_project:True or
> rule:bob)",

[openstack-dev] Subject: [Keystone][Tempest][QA] Tempest full fails with policy.v3cloudsample.json and gate is using old policy.json

2017-01-24 Thread Liam Young

Firstly, apologies for the cross post from openstack@l.o.o but I think this
is a more appropriate mailing list and I'd like to add some more

I have been running tempest full against a Keystone v3 enabled cloud using
the stable newton policy.v3cloudsample.json *1 and it is failing for me. I
then checked what was happening at Keystone gate *2 and saw that the v3
gate jobs appear to be using the old policy.json *3 which I assume is
deprecated for v3 as granting the admin role on anything in-effect gives a
user cloud-admin.

My questions are:
1) Should gate be using policy.v3cloudsample.json to run v3 tests?
2) Should I expect a tempest full run to pass against a Newton deployment
using policy.v3cloudsample.json ?

What I'm seeing is that some tests (like
tempest.api.compute.admin.test_quotas) fail when they try and list_domains.
This seems to be because the test creates:

1) A new project in the admin domain
2) A new user in the admin domain
3) Grants the admin role on the new project to the new user.

The test then authenticates with the new users credentials and attempts to
list_domains. The policy.json, however, has:

"cloud_admin": "role:admin and (token.is_admin_project:True or
"identity:list_domains": "rule:cloud_admin",

>From tempest I see:

tags: worker-0
Empty attachments:

pythonlogging:'': {{{2017-01-23 15:57:09,806 2014 INFO
[tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request
(QuotasAdminTestJSON:test_delete_quota): 403 GET 0.066s}}}

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tempest/api/compute/admin/test_quotas.py", line 128, in
project = self.identity_utils.create_project(name=project_name,
  File "tempest/test.py", line 470, in identity_utils
  File "tempest/lib/common/cred_client.py", line 210, in get_creds_client
roles_client, domains_client, project_domain_name)
  File "tempest/lib/common/cred_client.py", line 142, in __init__
  File "tempest/lib/services/identity/v3/domains_client.py", line 57, in
resp, body = self.get(url)
  File "tempest/lib/common/rest_client.py", line 290, in get
return self.request('GET', url, extra_headers, headers)
  File "tempest/lib/common/rest_client.py", line 663, in request
self._error_checker(resp, resp_body)
  File "tempest/lib/common/rest_client.py", line 755, in _error_checker
raise exceptions.Forbidden(resp_body, resp=resp)
tempest.lib.exceptions.Forbidden: Forbidden
Details: {u'message': u'You are not authorized to perform the requested
action: identity:list_domains', u'code': 403, u'title': u'Forbidden'}

In the keystone log I see:

(keystone.policy.backends.rules): 2017-01-23 15:35:57,198 DEBUG enforce
identity:list_domains: {'is_delegated_auth': False,
'access_token_id': None,
'user_id': u'3fd9e70825d648d996080d855cf9c181',
'roles': [u'Admin'],
'user_domain_id': u'363ab68785c24c81a784edca1bceb935',
'consumer_id': None,
'trustee_id': None,
'is_domain': False,
'trustor_id': None,
'token': ,
'project_id': u'b48ba24e96d84de4a48077b9310faac7',
'trust_id': None,
'project_domain_id': u'363ab68785c24c81a784edca1bceb935'}
(keystone.common.wsgi): 2017-01-23 15:35:57,199 WARNING You are not
authorized to perform the requested action: identity:list_domains

This appears to be project scoped. If I update the policy.json to grant
cloud_admin if the project is the admin domain then that seems to fix
things. The change I'm trying is:

< "cloud_admin": "role:admin and (token.is_admin_project:True or
> "bob": "project_domain_id:363ab68785c24c81a784edca1bceb935 or
> "cloud_admin": "role:admin and (token.is_admin_project:True or

I did notice this comment on Bug #1451987 *4:

If you see following errors for all identity api v3 tests, then please be
known that its not a a bug in tempest, rather you need to change keystone
v3 policy.json and make it more relaxed so tempest can authorize with users
created for each test with separate projects(tenants) because we set
tenant_isolation to True in tempest.conf ...

This suggests to me that it is expected for policy.json to need tweaking.


*3 https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/etc/policy.json

[openstack-dev] Subject: [all][api] POST /api-wg/news

2017-01-19 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community,

Today's meeting [0] was a relatively quiet one; I attribute it to cdent's 
absence. :)

Most of the meeting was concerned with reviews of existing issues, and those 
didn't generate much discussion. There was some discussion of cdent's response 
to the OpenStack Technical Committee's discussion on "Updating 
stability/compatibility guidelines". Chris created a patch "[WIP] Refactor and 
re-validate api change guidelines" at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/421846, 
and posted an email describing his take on the issue: 
All are encouraged to comment on the review. In Chris's words: "I wanted to be 
sure that the guideline got a rewrite to express that goal zero is to make 
users happy and that trumps everything"

Lots of other guidelines in progress and awaiting your feedback if you have 
time to give it (see below).

# Newly Published Guidelines

* Accurate status code vs. Backwards compatibility

* fix no sample file in browser

# API Guidelines Proposed for Freeze

Guidelines that are ready for wider review by the whole community.

* Add guidelines on usage of state vs. status

* Clarify the status values in versions

* Add guideline for invalid query parameters

# Guidelines Currently Under Review [3]

* Add guidelines for boolean names

* Define pagination guidelines

* Add API capabilities discovery guideline

# Highlighting your API impacting issues

If you seek further review and insight from the API WG, please address your 
concerns in an email to the OpenStack developer mailing list[1] with the tag 
"[api]" in the subject. In your email, you should include any relevant reviews, 
links, and comments to help guide the discussion of the specific challenge you 
are facing.

To learn more about the API WG mission and the work we do, see OpenStack API 
Working Group [2].

Thanks for reading and see you next week!

# References

[1] http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev
[2] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/
[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/api-wg,n,z

Meeting Agenda
Past Meeting Records
Open Bugs

-- Ed Leafe

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Unsubscribe: openstack-dev-requ...@lists.openstack.org?subject:unsubscribe

[Openstack] (no subject)

2017-01-07 Thread mehrdad nosrati

Greeting;I'm trying upload the image to the Image service using the QCOW2 disk 
format, bare container format, and public visibility so all projects can access 
it, using the following command
# glance image-create --name "cirros-0.3.4-x86_64" --file 
/tmp/images/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img \
  --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --visibility public --progress

but got the following error!

503 Service Unavailable
The server is currently unavailable. Please try again at a later time.

I try it without public either but no luck!

Any help would be appreciated beforehand.
Mailing list: http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack
Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org
Unsubscribe : http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack

Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2016-12-21 Thread Atif Munir
Thanks everyone for reply.

The problem got resolved by adding

SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache'

the /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py
file.and I was able to launch my first Instance.

This is really a great product and a game changer for the next 5-10 years.


On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 7:37 PM, Jose Manuel Ferrer Mosteiro <
jmferrer.paradigmatecnolog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Double check you have closed all ' and " in vars you changed.
> Maybe the problem could en in values of OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN,
> You can use meld to compare original configuration file and your
> configuration file.
> Regards,
>   Jose Manuel
> El 2016-12-21 12:57, Neil Jerram escribió:
> Hi Atif,
> There is incorrect Python indentation in the local_settings file,
> /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/
> local/local_settings.py.
> From the perspective of the vanilla Horizon project, I believe
> local_settings.py is a file that the user can create and/or modify in order
> to influence how their own web UI looks.  So it could be that you created
> that file yourself, or it could be that it was created by the install
> method that you are using.
> But either way, you can just open the file yourself and see if you can see
> and fix the indentation problem.
> Regards,
> Neil
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 11:45 AM Atif Munir  wrote:
>> After successful installation of openstack. I am getting this error while
>> I was going to open http://controller/horizon. The error message is for
>> Apache2 erro logs. Please advise. Thanks
>> Atif
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170646 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote] mod_wsgi (pid=5302): Target
>> WSGI script 
>> '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi'
>> cannot be loaded as Python module.
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170708 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote] mod_wsgi (pid=5302):
>> Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/usr/share/openstack-
>> dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi'.
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170734 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote] Traceback (most recent call
>> last):
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170757 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote]   File "/usr/share/openstack-
>> dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi", line 16, in 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170790 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote] application =
>> get_wsgi_application()
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170803 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/wsgi.py", line 14, in
>> get_wsgi_application
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170820 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote] django.setup()
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170830 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/__init__.py", line 17, in setup
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170844 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote]
>> configure_logging(settings.LOGGING_CONFIG, settings.LOGGING)
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170853 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 48, in
>> __getattr__
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170868 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote] self._setup(name)
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170894 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 44, in
>> _setup
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170910 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote] self._wrapped =
>> Settings(settings_module)
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170920 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 92, in
>> __init__
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170933 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote] mod =
>> importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE)
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170943 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 37, in import_module
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170957 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote] __import__(name)
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170973 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
>> 140489127257856] [remote 

Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2016-12-21 Thread Jose Manuel Ferrer Mosteiro

Double check you have closed all ' and " in vars you changed. 

Maybe the problem could en in values of

You can use meld to compare original configuration file and your
configuration file. 

 Jose Manuel 

El 2016-12-21 12:57, Neil Jerram escribió: 

> Hi Atif,
> There is incorrect Python indentation in the local_settings file, 
> /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py.
> From the perspective of the vanilla Horizon project, I believe 
> local_settings.py is a file that the user can create and/or modify in order 
> to influence how their own web UI looks. So it could be that you created that 
> file yourself, or it could be that it was created by the install method that 
> you are using.
> But either way, you can just open the file yourself and see if you can see 
> and fix the indentation problem.
> Regards, Neil
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 11:45 AM Atif Munir  wrote: 
>> After successful installation of openstack. I am getting this error while I 
>> was going to open http://controller/horizon [1]. The error message is for 
>> Apache2 erro logs. Please advise. Thanks 
>> Atif 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170646 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] mod_wsgi (pid=5302): Target 
>> WSGI script 
>> '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi' cannot 
>> be loaded as Python module. 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170708 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] mod_wsgi (pid=5302): 
>> Exception occurred processing WSGI script 
>> '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi'. 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170734 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] Traceback (most recent call 
>> last): 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170757 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] File 
>> "/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi", line 
>> 16, in  
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170790 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] application = 
>> get_wsgi_application() 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170803 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] File 
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/wsgi.py", line 14, in 
>> get_wsgi_application 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170820 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] django.setup() 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170830 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] File 
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/__init__.py", line 17, in setup 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170844 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] 
>> configure_logging(settings.LOGGING_CONFIG, settings.LOGGING) 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170853 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] File 
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 48, in 
>> __getattr__ 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170868 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] self._setup(name) 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170894 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] File 
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 44, in 
>> _setup 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170910 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] self._wrapped = 
>> Settings(settings_module) 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170920 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] File 
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 92, in 
>> __init__ 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170933 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] mod = 
>> importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE) 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170943 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] File 
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 37, in import_module 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170957 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] __import__(name) 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170973 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] File 
>> "/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/../../openstack_dashboard/settings.py",
>>  line 317, in  
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170991 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] [remote [2]] from local.local_settings 
>> import * # noqa 
>> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171047 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 
>> 140489127257856] 

Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2016-12-21 Thread Neil Jerram
Hi Atif,

There is incorrect Python indentation in the local_settings file,

>From the perspective of the vanilla Horizon project, I believe
local_settings.py is a file that the user can create and/or modify in order
to influence how their own web UI looks.  So it could be that you created
that file yourself, or it could be that it was created by the install
method that you are using.

But either way, you can just open the file yourself and see if you can see
and fix the indentation problem.


On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 11:45 AM Atif Munir  wrote:

> After successful installation of openstack. I am getting this error while
> I was going to open http://controller/horizon. The error message is for
> Apache2 erro logs. Please advise. Thanks
> Atif
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170646 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] mod_wsgi (pid=5302): Target
> WSGI script
> '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi'
> cannot be loaded as Python module.
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170708 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] mod_wsgi (pid=5302):
> Exception occurred processing WSGI script
> '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi'.
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170734 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] Traceback (most recent call
> last):
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170757 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
> "/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi", line
> 16, in 
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170790 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] application =
> get_wsgi_application()
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170803 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/wsgi.py", line 14, in
> get_wsgi_application
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170820 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] django.setup()
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170830 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/__init__.py", line 17, in setup
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170844 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote]
> configure_logging(settings.LOGGING_CONFIG, settings.LOGGING)
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170853 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 48, in
> __getattr__
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170868 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] self._setup(name)
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170894 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 44, in
> _setup
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170910 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] self._wrapped =
> Settings(settings_module)
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170920 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 92, in
> __init__
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170933 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] mod =
> importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE)
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170943 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 37, in import_module
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170957 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] __import__(name)
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170973 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
> "/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/../../openstack_dashboard/settings.py",
> line 317, in 
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170991 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] from local.local_settings
> import *  # noqa
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171047 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote]   File
> "/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/../../openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py",
> line 322
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171061 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] 'profile_support': None,
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171066 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] ^
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171071 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
> 140489127257856] [remote] IndentationError: unexpected
> indent

Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2016-12-21 Thread Turbo Fredriksson
On 21 Dec 2016, at 11:33, Atif Munir  wrote:

> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170646 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 140489127257856] 
> [remote] mod_wsgi (pid=5302): Target WSGI script 
> '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi' cannot 
> be loaded as Python module.

Does this file exists? Is it executable, is it a python script?

> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171047 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 140489127257856] 
> [remote]   File 
> "/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/../../openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py",
>  line 322
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171061 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 140489127257856] 
> [remote] 'profile_support': None,
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171066 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 140489127257856] 
> [remote] ^
> [Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171071 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid 140489127257856] 
> [remote] IndentationError: unexpected indent

What do the ten lines before and after line 322 look like?
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[Openstack] (no subject)

2016-12-21 Thread Atif Munir
After successful installation of openstack. I am getting this error while I
was going to open http://controller/horizon. The error message is for
Apache2 erro logs. Please advise. Thanks


[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170646 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] mod_wsgi (pid=5302): Target
WSGI script
cannot be loaded as Python module.
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170708 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] mod_wsgi (pid=5302): Exception
occurred processing WSGI script
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170734 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] Traceback (most recent call
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170757 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote]   File
"/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi", line
16, in 
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170790 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] application =
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170803 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote]   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/wsgi.py", line 14, in
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170820 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] django.setup()
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170830 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote]   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/__init__.py", line 17, in setup
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170844 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote]
configure_logging(settings.LOGGING_CONFIG, settings.LOGGING)
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170853 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote]   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 48, in
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170868 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] self._setup(name)
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170894 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote]   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 44, in
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170910 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] self._wrapped =
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170920 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote]   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 92, in
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170933 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] mod =
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170943 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote]   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 37, in import_module
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170957 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] __import__(name)
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170973 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote]   File
line 317, in 
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.170991 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] from local.local_settings
import *  # noqa
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171047 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote]   File
line 322
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171061 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] 'profile_support': None,
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171066 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] ^
[Wed Dec 21 16:30:36.171071 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 5302:tid
140489127257856] [remote] IndentationError: unexpected
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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2016-11-15 Thread Hakan Unal
hello prasad , is your deployment
product or test environment ?

first time i see a tacker questions .  i think tacker will be most important 
part of openstack .
Hakan .

Saygılar & Sevgiler

 Original message 
From: prasad kokkula <prasadkokk...@gmail.com>
Date: 15/11/2016 19:31 (GMT+03:00)
To: openstack@lists.openstack.org
Subject: [Openstack] (no subject)


[Tacker]   I have tried to launch the vnf Instance using Tacker. vnf is 
launched succesfully and able to do SSH.

I have faced the issue, the connection points (CP2, CP3) are not getting ip 
addreess except managament CP (CP1). Could you please let me know is this 
Tacker issue or any configuration mismatch.

I have installed openstack newton release on Centos 7. Please let me know if 
you need any other configuration.

Below are the net-list ip's

[root@localhost (keystone_admin)]# neutron net-list
| id   | name| subnets  
| 55077c0e-8291-4730-99b4-f280967cb69e | public  | 
39256aad-d075-4c38-bf2c-14613df2252e<>  |
| 73bbaf70-9bdd-4359-a3a2-09dbd5734341 | private | 
09b9018c-ca3b-46ee-9a4e-507e5124139f<>  |
| d0560ee9-9ab0-4df8-a0d2-14064950a17c | vnf_mgmt| 
01d2b67c-ee28-4875-92e0-a8e51fdf8401<> |
| f98f38b8-8b6c-4adb-b0e9-a265ce969acf | vnf_private | 
61d39f59-2ff7-4292-afd9-536f007fd30c<> |
[root@localhost (keystone_admin)]#

Tosca file used for vnf creation.

[root@localhost (keystone_admin)]# cat sample-vnfd.yaml

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0

description: Demo vCPE example

  template_name: sample-tosca-vnfd

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Tacker
num_cpus: 1
mem_size: 512 MB
disk_size: 1 GB
image: cirros1
availability_zone: nova
mgmt_driver: noop
user_data_format: RAW
config: |
  param0: key1
  param1: key2

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker
management: true
- virtualLink:
node: VL1
- virtualBinding:
node: VDU1

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker
anti_spoofing_protection: false
- virtualLink:
node: VL2
- virtualBinding:
node: VDU1

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker
anti_spoofing_protection: false
- virtualLink:
node: VL3
- virtualBinding:
node: VDU1

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
network_name: vnf_mgmt
vendor: Tacker

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
network_name: vnf_private
vendor: Tacker

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
network_name: private
vendor: Tacker


Mailing list: http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack
Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org
Unsubscribe : http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack

[Openstack] (no subject)

2016-11-15 Thread prasad kokkula

[Tacker]   I have tried to launch the vnf Instance using Tacker. vnf is
launched succesfully and able to do SSH.

I have faced the issue, the connection points (CP2, CP3) are not getting ip
addreess except managament CP (CP1). Could you please let me know is this
Tacker issue or any configuration mismatch.

I have installed openstack newton release on Centos 7. Please let me know
if you need any other configuration.

Below are the net-list ip's

[root@localhost (keystone_admin)]# neutron net-list
| id   | name| subnets
| 55077c0e-8291-4730-99b4-f280967cb69e | public  |
39256aad-d075-4c38-bf2c-14613df2252e  |
| 73bbaf70-9bdd-4359-a3a2-09dbd5734341 | private |
09b9018c-ca3b-46ee-9a4e-507e5124139f  |
| d0560ee9-9ab0-4df8-a0d2-14064950a17c | vnf_mgmt|
01d2b67c-ee28-4875-92e0-a8e51fdf8401 |
| f98f38b8-8b6c-4adb-b0e9-a265ce969acf | vnf_private |
61d39f59-2ff7-4292-afd9-536f007fd30c |
[root@localhost (keystone_admin)]#

Tosca file used for vnf creation.

[root@localhost (keystone_admin)]# cat sample-vnfd.yaml

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0

description: Demo vCPE example

  template_name: sample-tosca-vnfd

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Tacker
num_cpus: 1
mem_size: 512 MB
disk_size: 1 GB
image: cirros1
availability_zone: nova
mgmt_driver: noop
user_data_format: RAW
config: |
  param0: key1
  param1: key2

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker
management: true
- virtualLink:
node: VL1
- virtualBinding:
node: VDU1

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker
anti_spoofing_protection: false
- virtualLink:
node: VL2
- virtualBinding:
node: VDU1

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker
anti_spoofing_protection: false
- virtualLink:
node: VL3
- virtualBinding:
node: VDU1

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
network_name: vnf_mgmt
vendor: Tacker

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
network_name: vnf_private
vendor: Tacker

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
network_name: private
vendor: Tacker


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Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org
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Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Subject: Re: [openstack-manuals] Create a stable/newton branch for openstack-manuals

2016-11-12 Thread Olena Logvinova
Thanks Clark! And thanks Andreas for the update!


On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 8:53 PM, Andreas Jaeger  wrote:

> On 11/11/2016 12:41 PM, Olena Logvinova wrote:
>> Thanks Clark!
>> The HEAD git ref is fine.
> FYI, Clark just did this - thanks!
> Andreas
> --
>  Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter: jaegerandi
>   SUSE LINUX GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
>GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton,
>HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)
> GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F  FED1 389A 563C C272 A126

Best regards,
Olena Logvinova,
Technical Writer | Mirantis | 38, Nauki av., Kharkiv, Ukraine
ologvin...@mirantis.com | +380950903196
OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Subject: Re: [openstack-manuals] Create a stable/newton branch for openstack-manuals

2016-11-12 Thread Andreas Jaeger

On 11/11/2016 12:41 PM, Olena Logvinova wrote:

Thanks Clark!

The HEAD git ref is fine.

FYI, Clark just did this - thanks!

 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter: jaegerandi
  SUSE LINUX GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
   GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton,
   HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)
GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F  FED1 389A 563C C272 A126

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

[OpenStack-Infra] Subject: Re: [openstack-manuals] Create a stable/newton branch for openstack-manuals

2016-11-11 Thread Olena Logvinova
Thanks Clark!

The HEAD git ref is fine.

Best regards,
Olena Logvinova,
Technical Writer | Mirantis | 38, Nauki av., Kharkiv, Ukraine
ologvin...@mirantis.com | +380950903196

Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2016 09:18:28 -0800
From: Clark Boylan <cboy...@sapwetik.org>
To: openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [OpenStack-Infra] [openstack-manuals] Create a
stable/newton branch for openstack-manuals
Content-Type: text/plain

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016, at 08:46 AM, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> On 11/10/2016 11:31 AM, Clark Boylan wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 10, 2016, at 04:17 AM, Olena Logvinova wrote:
> >> Hi Infra team!
> >>
> >> We need a stable/newton branch to be created for the openstack-manuals
> >> repo, please. The date announced in the mailing list is November, 11
> >> (tomorrow).
> >>
> >>
> >> Who would be able to do that?
> >
> > The release team has been handling release related branch management for
> > projects. If they are unable to do this for you the infra team as Gerrit
> > admins can sort it out as well.
> openstack-manuals has no tags and is not handled by release team - and I
> asked the release team in one session in Barcelona about it.
> So, it needs an infra-root to do it again, please

In that case just let us know what git ref we need to base stable/newton
on and we can create it when you are ready.

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

[Openstack] (no subject)

2016-07-30 Thread Farhad Sunavala
Yes, this was intentionally done.The logical-source-port is important only at 
the point of classification.All successive classifications rely only on the 5 
tuple and MPLS label (chain ID).
Consider an extension of the scenario you mention below.
Sources: (similar to your case)a b
Port-pairs: (added ppe and ppf)ppcppdppeppf
Port-pair-groups: (added ppge and ppgf)ppgcppgdppgeppgf
Flow-classifiers:fc1: logical-source-port of a && tcpfc2: logical-source-port 
of b && tcp
Port-chains:pc1: fc1 && (ppgc + ppge)pc2: fc2 && (ppgd + ppgc + ppgf)

The flow-classifier has logical-src-port and protocol=tcpThe logical-src-port 
has no relevance in the middle of the chain.
In the middle of the chain, the only relevant flow-classifier is protocol=tcp.
If we allow it, we cannot distinguish TCP traffic coming out of ppgc (and 
subsequently ppc) as to whether to mark it with the label for pc1 or the label 
for pc2.
In other words, within a tenant the flow-classifiers need to be unique wrt the 
5 tuples.
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 18:01:05 +0300
From: Artem Plakunov <art...@lvk.cs.msu.su>
To: openstack@lists.openstack.org
Subject: [Openstack] [networking-sfc] Flow classifier conflict logic
Message-ID: <579b6fb1.3030...@lvk.cs.msu.su>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

We have two deployments with networking-sfc:
mirantis 8.0 (liberty) and mirantis 9.0 (mitaka).

I noticed a difference in how flow classifiers conflict with each other 
which I do not understand. I'm not sure if it is a bug or not.

I did the following on mitaka:
1. Create tenant 1 and network 1
2. Launch vms A and B in network 1
3. Create tenant 2, share network 1 to it with RBAC policy, launch vm C 
in network 1
4. Create tenant 3, share network 1 to it with RBAC policy, launch vm D 
in network 1
5. Setup sfc:
    create two port pairs for vm C and vm D with a bidirectional port
    create two port pair groups with these pairs (one pair in one group)
    create flow classifier 1: logical-source-port = vm A port, protocol 
= tcp
    create flow classifier 2: logical-source-port = vm B port, protocol 
= tcp
    create chain with group 1 and classifier 1
    create chain with group 2 and classifier 2 - this step gives the 
following error:

Flow Classifier 7f37c1ba-abe6-44a0-9507-5b982c51028b conflicts with Flow 
Classifier 4e97a8a5-cb22-4c21-8e30-65758859f501 in port chain 
Neutron server returns request_ids: 

The only thing neutron logs have is this from server.log:
2016-07-29 14:15:57.889 18917 INFO neutron.api.v2.resource 
0b807c8616614b84a4b16a318248d28c 9de9dcec18424398a75a518249707a61 - - -] 
create failed (client error): Flow Classifier 
7f37c1ba-abe6-44a0-9507-5b982c51028b conflicts with Flow Classifier 
4e97a8a5-cb22-4c21-8e30-65758859f501 in port chain 

I tried the same in liberty and it works and sfc successfully routes 
traffic from both vms to their respective port groups

Liberty setup:
neutron version 7.0.4
neutronclient version 3.1.1
networking-sfc version 1.0.0 (from pip package)

Mitaka setup:
neutron version 8.1.1
neutronclient version 5.0.0 (tried using 3.1.1 with same outcome)
networking-sfc version 1.0.1.dev74 (from master branch commit 

I'll attach the output of commands neutron port-list, port-pair-list, 
port-pair-group-list, flow-classifier-list and port-chain-list.

Is this an intended flow classifier behavior? If so, why? The port 
chains and all their participants are different.
-- next part --
root@node-8:~# neutron port-list
| id                                  | name | mac_address      | fixed_ips     
| 0a75ef50-3d06-467b-8321-a0b9dc406a2b |      | fa:16:3e:e0:48:81 | 
{"subnet_id": "533598bc-0bfd-4e92-9133-33ffe5043d57", "ip_address": 
""}  |
| 0c88fc4a-83f7-4194-bb9c-1b5864795e18 |      | fa:16:3e:f3:e9:ea | 
{"subnet_id": "69838436-ff18-40c4-bc62-8811e4ef6c7c", "ip_address": 
""}  |
| 0f6bddbb-a5a6-459a-a9b3-d4ae0806e5a6 |      | fa:16:3e:f7:27:1f | 
{"subnet_id": "1e69d4a3-9696-49c0-a5b7-5de71d7db0b5", "ip_address": 
""}    |
| 1731aae5-cd3a-4373-b9b9-6bca775ea4c6 |      | fa:16:3e:d7:0f:87 | 
{"subnet_id": "69838436-ff18-40c4-bc62-8

Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2016-06-23 Thread Eugen Block

Before you can execute any administrational tasks you have to authenticate.
So according to the docs I use  
you need some credentials in your environment, at least

OS_TOKEN (only for initializing the identity service)

The example looks like this:

export OS_TOKEN=294a4c8a8a475f9b9836
export OS_URL=http://controller:35357/v3

The token is created in a previous step, so make sure you have  
followed the guide you are using, otherwise you won't get very far. ;-)


Zitat von venkat boggarapu :

Hi All,

We are getting the below error while installing glance service in our

[root@controller ~]# openstack user create --domain default
--password-prompt glance
Missing parameter(s):
Set a username with --os-username, OS_USERNAME, or auth.username
Set an authentication URL, with --os-auth-url, OS_AUTH_URL or auth.auth_url
Set a scope, such as a project or domain, set a project scope with
--os-project-name, OS_PROJECT_NAME or auth.project_name, set a domain scope
with --os-domain-name, OS_DOMAIN_NAME or auth.domain_name.

can some please help regarding this issue.

With regards

Eugen Block voice   : +49-40-559 51 75
NDE Netzdesign und -entwicklung AG  fax : +49-40-559 51 77
Postfach 61 03 15
D-22423 Hamburg e-mail  : ebl...@nde.ag

Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: Angelika Mozdzen
  Sitz und Registergericht: Hamburg, HRB 90934
  Vorstand: Jens-U. Mozdzen
   USt-IdNr. DE 814 013 983

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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2016-06-23 Thread zhaolihuisky
You should execute command ". admin-openrc"  first.
boggarapu <venkat.boggar...@gmail.com>Send Time:2016年6月23日(星期四) 
19:12To:openstack <openstack@lists.openstack.org>Subject:[Openstack] (no 
Hi All,
We are getting the below error while installing glance service in our 

[root@controller ~]# openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt 
glanceMissing parameter(s):Set a username with --os-username, OS_USERNAME, or 
auth.usernameSet an authentication URL, with --os-auth-url, OS_AUTH_URL or 
auth.auth_urlSet a scope, such as a project or domain, set a project scope with 
--os-project-name, OS_PROJECT_NAME or auth.project_name, set a domain scope 
with --os-domain-name, OS_DOMAIN_NAME or auth.domain_name.
can some please help regarding this issue.

With regards

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[Openstack] (no subject)

2016-06-23 Thread venkat boggarapu
Hi All,

We are getting the below error while installing glance service in our

[root@controller ~]# openstack user create --domain default
--password-prompt glance
Missing parameter(s):
Set a username with --os-username, OS_USERNAME, or auth.username
Set an authentication URL, with --os-auth-url, OS_AUTH_URL or auth.auth_url
Set a scope, such as a project or domain, set a project scope with
--os-project-name, OS_PROJECT_NAME or auth.project_name, set a domain scope
with --os-domain-name, OS_DOMAIN_NAME or auth.domain_name.

can some please help regarding this issue.

With regards
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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2015-10-09 Thread nithish B
Hi Ayushi,
The below link should answer your question:


Nitish B.

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 12:59 AM, Ayushi Kumar 

> Hi,
> why cant we use object storage for launching a vm. Please help .
> Regards
> Ayushi
> ___
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[Openstack] (no subject)

2015-10-08 Thread Ayushi Kumar

why cant we use object storage for launching a vm. Please help .

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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2015-09-29 Thread Abhishek Shrivastava
Hi Twinkle,

You can use the following link for contributing to OpenStack nova:

   - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/How_To_Contribute

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Twinkle Chawla 

> Hello,
> I am an openstack aspirant, seeking to contribute in 'nova' but as I am
> new to this, could not find any way.. Need help!
> Regards,
> Twinkle Chawla
> ___
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> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack
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*Thanks & Regards,*
*Cloudbyte Inc. *
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[Openstack] (no subject)

2015-09-29 Thread Twinkle Chawla
I am an openstack aspirant, seeking to contribute in 'nova' but as I am new
to this, could not find any way.. Need help!

Twinkle Chawla
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[Openstack] (no subject)

2015-09-28 Thread Vaishali Sharma
Hello...I am an outreachy 2015 aspirant...and I was looking for some bugs I
could work on...as I am totally new to this I am having difficulty in
choosing one...so any one who can help me with it?
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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2015-09-28 Thread Alexandra Settle
Hi Vaishali,

Thanks for your email!
Please join us in #openstack-opw channel on 
irc.freenode.org<http://irc.freenode.org/>. We can chat about different 
projects and helping you get started with OpenStack.


Alexandra Settle
Information Developer II
Rackspace Private Cloud, Australia

phone: +61 1800 722 577
mobile: +61 437 234 494



From: Vaishali Sharma <vsha...@gmail.com<mailto:vsha...@gmail.com>>
Date: Monday, 28 September 2015 10:11 pm
To: "openstack@lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack@lists.openstack.org>" 
Subject: [Openstack] (no subject)

Hello...I am an outreachy 2015 aspirant...and I was looking for some bugs I 
could work on...as I am totally new to this I am having difficulty in choosing 
one...so any one who can help me with it?

Rackspace Hosting Australia PTY LTD a company registered in the state of 
Victoria, Australia (company registered number ACN 153 275 524) whose 
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[Openstack] (no subject)

2015-07-28 Thread sumanth udupa
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[Openstack] (no subject)

2015-05-08 Thread Marco Marino
Hi, after an upgrade from havana to icehouse i think neutron database is
corrupted. I'm using neutron + gre with ml2 and openvswitch and i have 2
networks with the same segmentation id (the external shared network and a
private tenant network!)

This is the current state of the db:

mysql select * from networks;
| tenant_id| id   |
name   | status | admin_state_up | shared |
| cc0f763bc9aa4ed89abef084580d45a7 | a4c9c004-b0f5-46d5-9e02-ee29ef5ca0b7 |
test-net   | ACTIVE |  1 |  0 |
| 71ec4fc643564bb5aa9f0650126856c7 | b03f34e6-988b-4164-8b3d-463cda887e67 |
cvg-on-net | ACTIVE |  1 |  0 |
| 71ec4fc643564bb5aa9f0650126856c7 | b5e35f6f-240f-4fd4-8684-3a3e35c18264 |
cvg-net| ACTIVE |  1 |  0 |
| 71ec4fc643564bb5aa9f0650126856c7 | e2633c4e-e9ad-4162-9d6a-774b7acd50f3 |
Ext_Net| ACTIVE |  1 |  1 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from ml2_network_segments;
| id   | network_id
  | network_type | physical_network | segmentation_id |
| 3d8bd871-f026-470e-8687-c808c41f11a6 |
21ee3bbe-def0-4150-b8c6-0249b07fab88 | gre  | NULL |
3 |
| a3a2c27f-02b5-4990-b5c5-583a85f9f0d9 |
e2633c4e-e9ad-4162-9d6a-774b7acd50f3 | gre  | NULL |
2 |
| 9cd69ce4-27c8-4178-b3c0-bda426821964 |
f56d46df-0c88-4e7b-9e1f-a0291891c96b | gre  | NULL |
1 |
| c88f996d-e838-462b-805b-abace9a6d67c |
f7b39864-b611-4118-af05-65c7c8cf13a9 | gre  | NULL |
1 |
| 1bf39cdd-ccd8-4c61-aef2-1598f8614fda |
b5e35f6f-240f-4fd4-8684-3a3e35c18264 | gre  | NULL |
2 |
| 3a0ff483-c0d5-45fc-884a-bd348971ce23 |
013422f3-5972-4b25-81ca-3bde55997bfe | gre  | NULL |
3 |
| 27a76433-ef5e-4bbd-9f31-37579a7372d2 |
b03f34e6-988b-4164-8b3d-463cda887e67 | gre  | NULL |
3 |
| eecdb5b6-cbf2-4663-8f4a-f99ba8b7f3dc |
a4c9c004-b0f5-46d5-9e02-ee29ef5ca0b7 | gre  | NULL |
1 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from ml2_gre_allocations where gre_id  7;
| gre_id | allocated |
|  1 | 0 |
|  2 | 1 |
|  3 | 1 |
|  4 | 0 |
|  5 | 0 |
|  6 | 0 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

First, note that networks are not deleted from the ml2_network_segments
table. How is this possible? Furthermore, i see that only gre_id 2 and 3
are allocated, but i have an active network (test-net) with
segmentation_id = 1 Another important point is that the external (shared)
network Ext_Net has the same segmentation_id (=2) of the cvg_net. Why?
When i create a new private network (eg: gre_id = 1), i see that in the
ml2_gre_allocations the flag allocated goes to 1 and the network works
(dhcp), but after few minutes the allocated flag goes to 0, the gre
tunnel disappear from the compute and the network node and hence the
network doesn't works.
How can i adjust this situation? Please help me. I don't want to drop the
entire neutron database because i don't want lose all security groups
Thank you
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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2015-02-22 Thread Mark collier
If you are attempting to sign in to vote on summit sessions, please email 
sum...@openstack.org with the details. That will open a support ticket, and our 
summit team will follow up. 

 On Feb 21, 2015, at 11:55 PM, Israel Koffman isra...@runcom.com wrote:
 I still can't sign in to the Openstack  website with my email and password, 
 please check !
 Best Regards,
 Israel Koffman
 Runcom Technologies. Ltd.
 Direct Phone:+972-3-9428874
 Office Phone:+972-3-942
 Mobile Phone:+972-545-303110
 USA Mobile Phone: 1-646-530-1502
 Skype: Israel.Koffman
 Websites: www.runcom.com and 
  Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you.
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[Openstack] (no subject)

2015-02-21 Thread Israel Koffman

I still can't sign in to the Openstack  website with my email and
password, please check !





Best Regards,


Israel Koffman


Runcom Technologies. Ltd.

Direct Phone:+972-3-9428874

Office Phone:+972-3-942

Mobile Phone:+972-545-303110

USA Mobile Phone: 1-646-530-1502

Skype: Israel.Koffman 


Websites: www.runcom.com http://www.runcom.com/  and


 Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you.


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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2015-01-19 Thread Nikesh Kumar Mahalka
actually swift was disable in my local.conf of devstack but below
things were uncommented



So after unstack and clean,i commented these entries and again tried
stack and run tempest tests and now no error.


On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 12:04 AM, Anne Gentle a...@openstack.org wrote:
 Is it related to needing to cap boto version 2.35.0?

 Read through this for more:


 On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 12:11 PM, Nikesh Kumar Mahalka
 nikeshmaha...@vedams.com wrote:

 below test case is failing on lvm in kilo devstack

 FAIL: tearDownClass
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 _StringException: Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /opt/stack/tempest/tempest/test.py, line 301, in tearDownClass
   File /opt/stack/tempest/tempest/thirdparty/boto/test.py, line 272, in
 raise exceptions.TearDownException(num=fail_count)
 TearDownException: 1 cleanUp operation failed

 did any one face this?


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[Openstack] (no subject)

2015-01-19 Thread Nikesh Kumar Mahalka
below test case is failing on lvm in kilo devstack

FAIL: tearDownClass
Traceback (most recent call last):
_StringException: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /opt/stack/tempest/tempest/test.py, line 301, in tearDownClass
  File /opt/stack/tempest/tempest/thirdparty/boto/test.py, line 272,
in resource_cleanup
raise exceptions.TearDownException(num=fail_count)
TearDownException: 1 cleanUp operation failed

did any one face this?

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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2014-11-07 Thread Sadia Bashir
Hi All,

I fixed the stack_user_domain ID not set in heat.conf falling back to
using default error by following links given below:


but soon after this I started getting oslo rootwrap error in nova.log,
openvswitch-agent.log and in celometer-api.log files while glance, keystone
and heat commands and services are working correctly.

I followed the link:
to resolve the problem but even after reinstalling and reconfiguring nova
and neutron services, verified existence of nova and neutron rootwrap files
in /usr/bin/, I am still getting these errors:


2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova Traceback (most recent call last):
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File /usr/bin/nova-api, line
10, in module
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova sys.exit(main())
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/cmd/api.py, line 53, in main
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova server =
service.WSGIService(api, use_ssl=should_use_ssl)
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/service.py, line 330, in __init__
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova self.manager =
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/service.py, line 374, in
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova return manager_class()
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/api/manager.py, line 30, in __init__
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/network/linux_net.py, line 666, in
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova iptables_manager.apply()
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/network/linux_net.py, line 434, in
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova self._apply()
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/openstack/common/lockutils.py, line
249, in inner
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova return f(*args, **kwargs)
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/network/linux_net.py, line 454, in
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova attempts=5)
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/network/linux_net.py, line 1211, in
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova return utils.execute(*cmd,
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/utils.py, line 165, in execute
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova return
processutils.execute(*cmd, **kwargs)
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova   File
line 195, in execute
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova cmd=sanitized_cmd)
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected
error while running command.
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova Command: sudo nova-rootwrap
/etc/nova/rootwrap.conf iptables-save -c
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova Exit code: 1
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova Stdout: u''
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova Stderr: u'Traceback (most recent
call last):\n  File /usr/bin/nova-rootwrap, line 6, in module\n  $
2014-11-07 13:40:30.609 30639 TRACE nova
2014-11-07 13:40:30.701 30652 INFO nova.openstack.common.service [-] Parent
process has died unexpectedly, exiting
2014-11-07 13:40:30.702 30647 INFO nova.openstack.common.service [-] Parent
process has died unexpectedly, exiting
2014-11-07 13:40:30.702 30645 INFO nova.openstack.common.service [-] Parent
process has died unexpectedly, exiting
2014-11-07 13:40:30.702 30652 INFO nova.wsgi [-] Stopping WSGI server.
2014-11-07 13:40:30.702 30647 INFO nova.wsgi [-] Stopping WSGI server.
2014-11-07 13:40:30.702 30645 INFO nova.wsgi [-] Stopping WSGI server.
2014-11-07 13:40:30.702 30652 INFO nova.wsgi [-] WSGI server has stopped.
2014-11-07 13:40:30.703 30647 INFO nova.wsgi [-] WSGI server has stopped.
2014-11-07 13:40:30.703 30645 INFO nova.wsgi [-] WSGI server has stopped.
2014-11-07 13:40:30.705 30651 INFO nova.openstack.common.service [-] Parent
process has died unexpectedly, exiting
2014-11-07 13:40:30.706 30650 INFO nova.openstack.common.service [-] Parent
process has died unexpectedly, exiting
2014-11-07 13:40:30.701 30649 INFO nova.openstack.common.service [-] Parent
process has died unexpectedly, exiting
2014-11-07 13:40:30.706 30651 INFO nova.wsgi [-] Stopping WSGI server.

[Openstack] (no subject)

2014-09-09 Thread Ashish Chandra

In Horizon dashboard, under Admin- System Info we have service lists for
Compute and Block Storage. I have filed a blueprint to populate the Swift
services there.
But while going through the implementation details of Compute Services and
Block Storage Services i got to know that the details there is populated
through api calls to python-novaclient and python-cinderclient respectively
which in turn uses nova service-list and cinder service-list to return
the details.

Whereas no such method is implemented in python-swiftclient to get the list
of services.

So my question is,

1) Do we have plans to include swift service-list in swiftclient ?
If yes then I would be filing a blueprint in python-swiftclient to
implement the same coz I require it to populate under the Admin - System
Info - Object Storage Services.

2) Is there any other way through which I can get the details of the swift
services (s-proxy, s-account, s-container, s-object) .

As a side note I can also see it has also not been implemented in some
other services like glance and heat. Is it a design decision or the feature
has not been simply impemented.


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   ,-_,,,_-.   '=jf=' `.   _   .','--__--'.
 /  .  \/\ /'-___-'\/:|\
(_) . (_)  /  \   / \  (_)   :|   (_)
 \_-'--/  (_)(_) (_)___(_)   |___:||
  \___/ || \___/ |_|

Thanks and Regards

Ashish Chandra
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[Openstack] (no subject)

2014-04-17 Thread Soumaya Almorabeti

I have i problem :

when i run nova network-create vmnet
--fixed-range-v4= --multi-host=T

this command gives me an error

ERROR: HTTPConnectionPool(host='controller', port=8774): request time out
please help me
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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2014-04-17 Thread Ken Peng

于 2014-4-17 18:29, Soumaya Almorabeti 写道:

this command gives me an error

ERROR: HTTPConnectionPool(host='controller', port=8774): request time out

can you run the command:
telnet controller 8774 ?

it's maybe due to the network issues with the API host.

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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2014-03-28 Thread Roman Kravets

I understend it, but I see that Swift always make object-replication for
all date on cluseter.
It make big load to hard drives on server.
Is it normal?

Best regards,
Roman Kravets

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Adam Lawson alaw...@aqorn.com wrote:

 Swift is said to be eventually consistent because the data is stored then
 eventually distributed in a balanced way. You don't need to manually
 re-balance the rings constantly. Swift will do that for you. Re-balancing
 rings is usually initiated after you *change the ring structure*(add/remove 
 regions, add/remove zones, change device weights, etc).

 In your case since you only have one node, Swift will distribute the
 replicas across all 3 zones assuming you've configured 3x replication. When
 you add a node and update the rings, yes you'll want to re-balance. That
 will tell Swift to put a replica on the new node since Swift default
 behavior is to keep replica placements as unique as possible. That's the
 actual Swift vernacular everyone uses. ; )

 Unique replica placement strategy is as follows:

 Region (if defined)  Zone  Node  Device  Device with fewest replicas

 Good luck.


 *Adam Lawson*
 AQORN, Inc.
 427 North Tatnall Street
 Ste. 58461
 Wilmington, Delaware 19801-2230
 Toll-free: (888) 406-7620

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Roman Kravets soft...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dear Adam,

 I have one storage server and 12 hard drives on it.
 For test I split disk to 4 zones. If I rightly understood, swift load
 date during re-balance ring and load data right away to correct node.

 Best regards,
 Roman Kravets

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Adam Lawson alaw...@aqorn.com wrote:

 Probably has to do with the fact you (I'm guessing) don't have very many
 drives on that server. Is that a correct statement? I know that even with
 50 drives across a cluster (still very small), rings balance is at 100%
 until the rings are adequately balanced. Look at your ring stats, drive
 count and 5 zones for more consistent reports.

 *Adam Lawson*
 AQORN, Inc.
 427 North Tatnall Street
 Ste. 58461
 Wilmington, Delaware 19801-2230
 Toll-free: (888) 406-7620

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Кравец Роман soft...@gmail.comwrote:


 I installed Openstack Swift to test server and upload 50 gb data.
 Now I see it in the log:
 root@storage1:/var/staff/softded# tail -n 1000 -f /var/log/syslog  |
 grep  replicated
 Mar 27 19:44:24 storage1 object-replicator 112746/187053 (60.27%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (375.81/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:47:44 storage1 object-replicator 187053/187053 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 499.71s (374.32/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 19:53:14 storage1 object-replicator 112863/187068 (60.33%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (376.20/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:56:29 storage1 object-replicator 187068/187068 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 494.53s (378.27/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:01:59 storage1 object-replicator 112343/187080 (60.05%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.47/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 20:05:18 storage1 object-replicator 187080/187080 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 498.55s (375.25/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:10:48 storage1 object-replicator 112417/187092 (60.09%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.71/sec, 3m remaining)

 Why object-replicator show different percent every time?

 Thank you!

 Best regards,
 Roman Kravets

 Mailing list:
 Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org
 Unsubscribe :

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[Openstack] (no subject)

2014-03-27 Thread Кравец Роман

I installed Openstack Swift to test server and upload 50 gb data.
Now I see it in the log:
root@storage1:/var/staff/softded# tail -n 1000 -f /var/log/syslog  |
grep  replicated
Mar 27 19:44:24 storage1 object-replicator 112746/187053 (60.27%)
partitions replicated in 300.01s (375.81/sec, 3m remaining)
Mar 27 19:47:44 storage1 object-replicator 187053/187053 (100.00%)
partitions replicated in 499.71s (374.32/sec, 0s remaining)
Mar 27 19:53:14 storage1 object-replicator 112863/187068 (60.33%)
partitions replicated in 300.01s (376.20/sec, 3m remaining)
Mar 27 19:56:29 storage1 object-replicator 187068/187068 (100.00%)
partitions replicated in 494.53s (378.27/sec, 0s remaining)
Mar 27 20:01:59 storage1 object-replicator 112343/187080 (60.05%)
partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.47/sec, 3m remaining)
Mar 27 20:05:18 storage1 object-replicator 187080/187080 (100.00%)
partitions replicated in 498.55s (375.25/sec, 0s remaining)
Mar 27 20:10:48 storage1 object-replicator 112417/187092 (60.09%)
partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.71/sec, 3m remaining)

Why object-replicator show different percent every time?

Thank you!

Best regards,
Roman Kravets

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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2014-03-27 Thread Adam Lawson
Probably has to do with the fact you (I'm guessing) don't have very many
drives on that server. Is that a correct statement? I know that even with
50 drives across a cluster (still very small), rings balance is at 100%
until the rings are adequately balanced. Look at your ring stats, drive
count and 5 zones for more consistent reports.

*Adam Lawson*
427 North Tatnall Street
Ste. 58461
Wilmington, Delaware 19801-2230
Toll-free: (888) 406-7620

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Кравец Роман soft...@gmail.com wrote:


 I installed Openstack Swift to test server and upload 50 gb data.
 Now I see it in the log:
 root@storage1:/var/staff/softded# tail -n 1000 -f /var/log/syslog  |
 grep  replicated
 Mar 27 19:44:24 storage1 object-replicator 112746/187053 (60.27%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (375.81/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:47:44 storage1 object-replicator 187053/187053 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 499.71s (374.32/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 19:53:14 storage1 object-replicator 112863/187068 (60.33%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (376.20/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:56:29 storage1 object-replicator 187068/187068 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 494.53s (378.27/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:01:59 storage1 object-replicator 112343/187080 (60.05%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.47/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 20:05:18 storage1 object-replicator 187080/187080 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 498.55s (375.25/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:10:48 storage1 object-replicator 112417/187092 (60.09%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.71/sec, 3m remaining)

 Why object-replicator show different percent every time?

 Thank you!

 Best regards,
 Roman Kravets

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 Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org
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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2014-03-27 Thread Clay Gerrard
because it's on repeat.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Кравец Роман soft...@gmail.com wrote:


 I installed Openstack Swift to test server and upload 50 gb data.
 Now I see it in the log:
 root@storage1:/var/staff/softded# tail -n 1000 -f /var/log/syslog  |
 grep  replicated
 Mar 27 19:44:24 storage1 object-replicator 112746/187053 (60.27%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (375.81/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:47:44 storage1 object-replicator 187053/187053 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 499.71s (374.32/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 19:53:14 storage1 object-replicator 112863/187068 (60.33%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (376.20/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:56:29 storage1 object-replicator 187068/187068 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 494.53s (378.27/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:01:59 storage1 object-replicator 112343/187080 (60.05%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.47/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 20:05:18 storage1 object-replicator 187080/187080 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 498.55s (375.25/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:10:48 storage1 object-replicator 112417/187092 (60.09%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.71/sec, 3m remaining)

 Why object-replicator show different percent every time?

 Thank you!

 Best regards,
 Roman Kravets

 Mailing list:
 Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org
 Unsubscribe :

Mailing list: http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack
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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2014-03-27 Thread Roman Kravets
Dear Adam,

I have one storage server and 12 hard drives on it.
For test I split disk to 4 zones. If I rightly understood, swift load date
during re-balance ring and load data right away to correct node.

Best regards,
Roman Kravets

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Adam Lawson alaw...@aqorn.com wrote:

 Probably has to do with the fact you (I'm guessing) don't have very many
 drives on that server. Is that a correct statement? I know that even with
 50 drives across a cluster (still very small), rings balance is at 100%
 until the rings are adequately balanced. Look at your ring stats, drive
 count and 5 zones for more consistent reports.

 *Adam Lawson*
 AQORN, Inc.
 427 North Tatnall Street
 Ste. 58461
 Wilmington, Delaware 19801-2230
 Toll-free: (888) 406-7620

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Кравец Роман soft...@gmail.com wrote:


 I installed Openstack Swift to test server and upload 50 gb data.
 Now I see it in the log:
 root@storage1:/var/staff/softded# tail -n 1000 -f /var/log/syslog  |
 grep  replicated
 Mar 27 19:44:24 storage1 object-replicator 112746/187053 (60.27%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (375.81/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:47:44 storage1 object-replicator 187053/187053 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 499.71s (374.32/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 19:53:14 storage1 object-replicator 112863/187068 (60.33%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (376.20/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:56:29 storage1 object-replicator 187068/187068 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 494.53s (378.27/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:01:59 storage1 object-replicator 112343/187080 (60.05%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.47/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 20:05:18 storage1 object-replicator 187080/187080 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 498.55s (375.25/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:10:48 storage1 object-replicator 112417/187092 (60.09%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.71/sec, 3m remaining)

 Why object-replicator show different percent every time?

 Thank you!

 Best regards,
 Roman Kravets

 Mailing list:
 Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org
 Unsubscribe :

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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2014-03-27 Thread Кравец Роман
If I understood rightly, swift will be check all data on all hard disk
for make sure that all node have correct data?
It make very much load to hard drive when node is idle. And make
problem when user load date to cluster (to reduce load speed).
Is it normal situation for Openstack Swift? Or I can make very lover
speed to this process for unnecessary load from hard drive?

Best regards,
Roman Kravets

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:12 PM, Clay Gerrard clay.gerr...@gmail.com wrote:
 because it's on repeat.

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Кравец Роман soft...@gmail.com wrote:


 I installed Openstack Swift to test server and upload 50 gb data.
 Now I see it in the log:
 root@storage1:/var/staff/softded# tail -n 1000 -f /var/log/syslog  |
 grep  replicated
 Mar 27 19:44:24 storage1 object-replicator 112746/187053 (60.27%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (375.81/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:47:44 storage1 object-replicator 187053/187053 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 499.71s (374.32/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 19:53:14 storage1 object-replicator 112863/187068 (60.33%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (376.20/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:56:29 storage1 object-replicator 187068/187068 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 494.53s (378.27/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:01:59 storage1 object-replicator 112343/187080 (60.05%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.47/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 20:05:18 storage1 object-replicator 187080/187080 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 498.55s (375.25/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:10:48 storage1 object-replicator 112417/187092 (60.09%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.71/sec, 3m remaining)

 Why object-replicator show different percent every time?

 Thank you!

 Best regards,
 Roman Kravets

 Mailing list:
 Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org
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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2014-03-27 Thread Adam Lawson
Swift is said to be eventually consistent because the data is stored then
eventually distributed in a balanced way. You don't need to manually
re-balance the rings constantly. Swift will do that for you. Re-balancing
rings is usually initiated after you *change the ring
structure*(add/remove regions, add/remove zones, change device
weights, etc).

In your case since you only have one node, Swift will distribute the
replicas across all 3 zones assuming you've configured 3x replication. When
you add a node and update the rings, yes you'll want to re-balance. That
will tell Swift to put a replica on the new node since Swift default
behavior is to keep replica placements as unique as possible. That's the
actual Swift vernacular everyone uses. ; )

Unique replica placement strategy is as follows:

Region (if defined)  Zone  Node  Device  Device with fewest replicas

Good luck.


*Adam Lawson*
427 North Tatnall Street
Ste. 58461
Wilmington, Delaware 19801-2230
Toll-free: (888) 406-7620

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Roman Kravets soft...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dear Adam,

 I have one storage server and 12 hard drives on it.
 For test I split disk to 4 zones. If I rightly understood, swift load date
 during re-balance ring and load data right away to correct node.

 Best regards,
 Roman Kravets

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Adam Lawson alaw...@aqorn.com wrote:

 Probably has to do with the fact you (I'm guessing) don't have very many
 drives on that server. Is that a correct statement? I know that even with
 50 drives across a cluster (still very small), rings balance is at 100%
 until the rings are adequately balanced. Look at your ring stats, drive
 count and 5 zones for more consistent reports.

 *Adam Lawson*
 AQORN, Inc.
 427 North Tatnall Street
 Ste. 58461
 Wilmington, Delaware 19801-2230
 Toll-free: (888) 406-7620

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Кравец Роман soft...@gmail.com wrote:


 I installed Openstack Swift to test server and upload 50 gb data.
 Now I see it in the log:
 root@storage1:/var/staff/softded# tail -n 1000 -f /var/log/syslog  |
 grep  replicated
 Mar 27 19:44:24 storage1 object-replicator 112746/187053 (60.27%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (375.81/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:47:44 storage1 object-replicator 187053/187053 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 499.71s (374.32/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 19:53:14 storage1 object-replicator 112863/187068 (60.33%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (376.20/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 19:56:29 storage1 object-replicator 187068/187068 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 494.53s (378.27/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:01:59 storage1 object-replicator 112343/187080 (60.05%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.47/sec, 3m remaining)
 Mar 27 20:05:18 storage1 object-replicator 187080/187080 (100.00%)
 partitions replicated in 498.55s (375.25/sec, 0s remaining)
 Mar 27 20:10:48 storage1 object-replicator 112417/187092 (60.09%)
 partitions replicated in 300.01s (374.71/sec, 3m remaining)

 Why object-replicator show different percent every time?

 Thank you!

 Best regards,
 Roman Kravets

 Mailing list:
 Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org
 Unsubscribe :

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[Openstack] (no subject)

2014-03-25 Thread Ageeleshwar Kandavelu
That is right.

Thishttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/45232/ however is more convincing.

Thank you

Message: 20
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:17:01 +0700
From: Kai phamtungdu...@gmail.com
To: Li Ma skywalker.n...@gmail.com
Cc: Openstack Milis openstack@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack] QoS solutions for Neutron?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hi Li,

We had tried you suggestion, but we found that if we use nova-network (for
using flavor), we cannot use neutron. Is it right?
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Re: [openstack-dev] Subject: [nova][vmware] VMwareAPI sub-team status 2013-12-08

2013-12-18 Thread Gary Kotton
Would it be possible that an additional core please take a look at 

From: Shawn Hartsock harts...@acm.orgmailto:harts...@acm.org
Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 6:32 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) 
Subject: Subject: [openstack-dev][nova][vmware] VMwareAPI sub-team status 

Greetings Stackers!

BTW: Reviews by fitness at the end.

It's Wednesday so it's time for me to cheer-lead for our VMwareAPI subteam. Go 
team! Our normal Wednesday meetings fall on December 25th and January 1st 
coming up so, no meetings until January 8th. If there's a really strong 
objection to that we can organize an impromptu meeting.

Here's the community priorities so far for IceHouse.

== Blueprint priorities ==










== Bugs by priority: ==

The priority here is an aggregate, Nova Priority / VMware Driver priority where 
the priorities are determined independently.

* High/Critical, needs review : 'vmware driver does not work with more than one 
datacenter in vC'


* High/High, needs one more +2/approval : 'VMware: NotAuthenticated occurred in 
the call to RetrievePropertiesEx'


* High/High, needs review : 'VMware: spawning large amounts of VMs concurrently 
sometimes causes VMDK lock error'


* High/High, needs review : 'VMWare: AssertionError: Trying to re-send() an 
already-triggered event.'


* High/High, needs review : 'VMware: timeouts due to nova-compute stuck at 100% 
when using deploying 100 VMs'


[Openstack] (no subject)

2013-11-05 Thread Giuliano
Hi stackers, i have a doubt on configuration files in Havana.

Following the OVS multinode
noticed that I have to modify the /etc/nova/nova-compute.conf file.

However, that file in my host (compute node) already has the following


It doesn't seem to be the classic INI format. I suppose its a parameter
that is appended once the program is executed.

Is it safe to append to it the following content (as specified in the
mentioned  guide, chapter 4.6)?


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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2013-11-05 Thread Giuliano
I solved my problem. The problem was that i forgot to update the repository
with the command

add-apt-repository cloud-archive:havana

so the config files showed some kind of old format.

2013/11/5 Giuliano ine...@gmail.com

 Hi stackers, i have a doubt on configuration files in Havana.

 Following the OVS multinode 
  noticed that I have to modify the /etc/nova/nova-compute.conf file.

 However, that file in my host (compute node) already has the following


 It doesn't seem to be the classic INI format. I suppose its a parameter
 that is appended once the program is executed.

 Is it safe to append to it the following content (as specified in the
 mentioned  guide, chapter 4.6)?



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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2013-09-25 Thread Aaron Rosen
Hi Albert,

Are you sure this is happening. I'm positive that neutron's dhcp agent will
only hand out ip addresses for ports that it knows about and I'm sure
nova-network does the same as well.


On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Albert Vonpupp vonp...@gmail.com wrote:


 I'm trying DevStack at the university lab. When I tried to deploy a VM I
 noticed that all the machines from the lab started renewing their leases
 with the DevStack DHCP server. That is inconvenient for me since I'm not
 the only user of this lab and it could cause troubles. I thought that
 perhaps changing the default port on the controller as on the compute nodes
 would work, but I don't know how to do that.

 How can I change the dnsmasq DHCP port on DevStack? (controller and
 compute nodes)

 Thanks a lot!


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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2013-09-25 Thread John Griffith
On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Aaron Rosen aro...@nicira.com wrote:

 Hi Albert,

 Are you sure this is happening. I'm positive that neutron's dhcp agent
 will only hand out ip addresses for ports that it knows about and I'm sure
 nova-network does the same as well.


 On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Albert Vonpupp vonp...@gmail.comwrote:


 I'm trying DevStack at the university lab. When I tried to deploy a VM I
 noticed that all the machines from the lab started renewing their leases
 with the DevStack DHCP server. That is inconvenient for me since I'm not
 the only user of this lab and it could cause troubles. I thought that
 perhaps changing the default port on the controller as on the compute nodes
 would work, but I don't know how to do that.

 How can I change the dnsmasq DHCP port on DevStack? (controller and
 compute nodes)

 Thanks a lot!


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 Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org
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 Hi Albert,

I inadvertently did this once in our lab.  The issue I believe (if my
memory is correct) you're probably using nova-networking and you've
configured FlatDHCP.  The problem is that you're that your public network
is accessing your internal/private network (check your bridge setting) so
the result is that external DHCP requests can be received from your
OpenStack private network.

It might be helpful if you include your localrc file and some info
regarding your systems nics and how they're configured.

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Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2013-09-25 Thread Albert Vonpupp
Thanks Aaron and John for your fast answers.

Unfortunatelly I forgot to include the subject on this message.

To be honest I'm not totally sure what is going on, but what I notice is
that when I do start a VM on top of OpenStack, after the bridge br100 is
created, I cannot login the rest of the machines on the lab (those which
are not related to the OpenStack tests, but on the same physical network)

*Here is a cat of my /var/log/messages on the controller node*

[root@*controller* ~]# *tail -20 /var/log*/messages

Sep 25 16:51:40 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
e0:b9:ba:ae:78:dd no address

Sep 25 16:51:41 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
4c:bc:a5:92:e1:c7 no address

Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPINFORM(br100)

Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPACK(br100)

Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
30:39:26:83:7c:6a no address

Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
84:8f:69:c7:45:26 no address

Sep 25 16:51:44 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
4c:b1:99:83:77:82 no address available
Sep 25 16:51:45 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: BOOTP(br100)
14:5a:05:1e:43:1a no address available
Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
18:3f:47:ba:0b:a8 no address available
Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
e0:b9:ba:ae:78:dd no address available
Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPREQUEST(br100)
Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPACK(br100)
fa:16:3e:64:cd:82 ubuntu01
Sep 25 16:51:50 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
30:39:26:83:7c:6a no address available
Sep 25 16:51:51 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
84:8f:69:c7:45:26 no address available
Sep 25 16:51:52 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
7c:c3:a1:ac:a1:ed no address available
Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
4c:b1:99:83:77:82 no address available
Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPINFORM(br100) 00:25:11:cf:f0:54
Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPACK(br100)
00:25:11:cf:f0:54 sed06
Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
7c:c3:a1:ac:a1:ed no address available
Sep 25 16:51:55 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
7c:c3:a1:ac:a1:ed no address available

I don't think I'm using neutron, as far as I know I'm using nova-network.
On the example I booted an ubuntu VM and it got the IP, and then I
cound't logon on another computer from the lab.

*Here are some lines from dmesg from a regular workstation that was already
logged in while DevStack has a running VM:*

albert ~ $ dmesg
[23898.208033] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
[23898.212053] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
[23907.504018] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
[23907.504038] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
[23907.504041] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
[23921.824036] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
[24041.754304] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br OK
[24041.754316] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br OK
[24101.753756] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br OK
[24161.753178] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br OK
[24161.808018] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still

*Here is my localrc (controller)*

[stack@*controller* ~]$ *cat devstack/localrc*

# Stop DevStack polluting /opt/stack

# Switch to use QPid instead of RabbitMQ
disable_service rabbit
disable_service n-cpu
enable_service qpid
#enable_service qpid, n-cpu,n-net,n-api,n-vol

# Replace with your primary interface name

# Replace with whatever password you wish to use

# Pre-populate glance with a minimal image and a Fedora 17 image


*Here is my localrc on any compute node:*

[stack@*compute02* ~]$ cat *devstack/localrc*
# Stop DevStack polluting /opt/stack

Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2013-09-25 Thread Calvin Austin
It is also worth looking to see what dnsmasq processes you have (ps -ef|
grep dnsmasq)
2 (and only 2) dnsmasq processes are  configured/launched by nova-network
to a listen address which should be the ip address of the br100 bridge eg . the only interface it explicits excludes is lo (loopback)

The suspicious thing for me is that the server also did an ack for
192.168.20.* and 192.168.30.* as well as the 10 network.


On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Albert Vonpupp vonp...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks Aaron and John for your fast answers.

 Unfortunatelly I forgot to include the subject on this message.

 To be honest I'm not totally sure what is going on, but what I notice is
 that when I do start a VM on top of OpenStack, after the bridge br100 is
 created, I cannot login the rest of the machines on the lab (those which
 are not related to the OpenStack tests, but on the same physical network)

 *Here is a cat of my /var/log/messages on the controller node*

 [root@*controller* ~]# *tail -20 /var/log*/messages

 Sep 25 16:51:40 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 e0:b9:ba:ae:78:dd no address

 Sep 25 16:51:41 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 4c:bc:a5:92:e1:c7 no address

 Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPINFORM(br100)

 Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPACK(br100) 00:1b:b1:28:64:ae

 Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 30:39:26:83:7c:6a no address

 Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 84:8f:69:c7:45:26 no address

 Sep 25 16:51:44 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 4c:b1:99:83:77:82 no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:45 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: BOOTP(br100)
 14:5a:05:1e:43:1a no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 18:3f:47:ba:0b:a8 no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 e0:b9:ba:ae:78:dd no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPREQUEST(br100)
 Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPACK(br100)
 fa:16:3e:64:cd:82 ubuntu01
 Sep 25 16:51:50 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 30:39:26:83:7c:6a no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:51 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 84:8f:69:c7:45:26 no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:52 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 7c:c3:a1:ac:a1:ed no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 4c:b1:99:83:77:82 no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPINFORM(br100) 00:25:11:cf:f0:54
 Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPACK(br100)
 00:25:11:cf:f0:54 sed06
 Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 7c:c3:a1:ac:a1:ed no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:55 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 7c:c3:a1:ac:a1:ed no address available

 I don't think I'm using neutron, as far as I know I'm using nova-network.
 On the example I booted an ubuntu VM and it got the IP, and then I
 cound't logon on another computer from the lab.

 *Here are some lines from dmesg from a regular workstation that was
 already logged in while DevStack has a running VM:*

 albert ~ $ dmesg
 [23898.208033] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
 [23898.212053] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
 [23907.504018] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
 [23907.504038] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
 [23907.504041] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
 [23921.824036] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still
 [24041.754304] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br OK
 [24041.754316] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br OK
 [24101.753756] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br OK
 [24161.753178] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br OK
 [24161.808018] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding, still

 *Here is my localrc (controller)*

 [stack@*controller* ~]$ *cat devstack/localrc*

 # Stop DevStack polluting /opt/stack

 # Switch to use QPid instead of RabbitMQ
 disable_service rabbit
 disable_service n-cpu
 enable_service qpid
 #enable_service qpid, n-cpu,n-net,n-api,n-vol

 # Replace with your primary interface name

 # Replace with whatever password you wish to use

Re: [Openstack] (no subject)

2013-09-25 Thread Albert Vonpupp
Thanks for your answer Calvin,

It seems ok for me, what do you think?

[stack@*controller* ~]$ ps aux | grep dnsmasq
nobody   24107  0.0  0.0  13160   688 ?S11:55   0:00
/sbin/dnsmasq --strict-order --bind-interfaces --conf-file=
--listen-address= --except-interface=lo
--dhcp-script=/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge --leasefile-ro --domain=novalocal
root 24108  0.0  0.0  13160   324 ?S11:55   0:00
/sbin/dnsmasq --strict-order --bind-interfaces --conf-file=
--listen-address= --except-interface=lo
--dhcp-script=/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge --leasefile-ro --domain=novalocal
stack24247  0.0  0.0 109404   912 tty1 S+   12:01   0:00 grep
--color=auto dnsmasq


On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Calvin Austin caus...@bitglass.com wrote:

 It is also worth looking to see what dnsmasq processes you have (ps -ef|
 grep dnsmasq)
 2 (and only 2) dnsmasq processes are  configured/launched by nova-network
 to a listen address which should be the ip address of the br100 bridge eg . the only interface it explicits excludes is lo (loopback)

 The suspicious thing for me is that the server also did an ack for
 192.168.20.* and 192.168.30.* as well as the 10 network.


 On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Albert Vonpupp vonp...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks Aaron and John for your fast answers.

 Unfortunatelly I forgot to include the subject on this message.

 To be honest I'm not totally sure what is going on, but what I notice is
 that when I do start a VM on top of OpenStack, after the bridge br100 is
 created, I cannot login the rest of the machines on the lab (those which
 are not related to the OpenStack tests, but on the same physical network)

 *Here is a cat of my /var/log/messages on the controller node*

 [root@*controller* ~]# *tail -20 /var/log*/messages

 Sep 25 16:51:40 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 e0:b9:ba:ae:78:dd no address

 Sep 25 16:51:41 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 4c:bc:a5:92:e1:c7 no address

 Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPINFORM(br100)

 Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPACK(br100) 00:1b:b1:28:64:ae

 Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 30:39:26:83:7c:6a no address

 Sep 25 16:51:42 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 84:8f:69:c7:45:26 no address

 Sep 25 16:51:44 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 4c:b1:99:83:77:82 no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:45 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: BOOTP(br100)
 14:5a:05:1e:43:1a no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 18:3f:47:ba:0b:a8 no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 e0:b9:ba:ae:78:dd no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPREQUEST(br100) fa:16:3e:64:cd:82
 Sep 25 16:51:48 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPACK(br100)
 fa:16:3e:64:cd:82 ubuntu01
 Sep 25 16:51:50 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 30:39:26:83:7c:6a no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:51 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 84:8f:69:c7:45:26 no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:52 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 7c:c3:a1:ac:a1:ed no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 4c:b1:99:83:77:82 no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPINFORM(br100) 00:25:11:cf:f0:54
 Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPACK(br100) 00:25:11:cf:f0:54 sed06
 Sep 25 16:51:53 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 7c:c3:a1:ac:a1:ed no address available
 Sep 25 16:51:55 controller dnsmasq-dhcp[5860]: DHCPDISCOVER(br100)
 7c:c3:a1:ac:a1:ed no address available

 I don't think I'm using neutron, as far as I know I'm using nova-network.
 On the example I booted an ubuntu VM and it got the IP, and then I
 cound't logon on another computer from the lab.

 *Here are some lines from dmesg from a regular workstation that was
 already logged in while DevStack has a running VM:*

 albert ~ $ dmesg
 [23898.208033] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding,
 still trying
 [23898.212053] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding,
 still trying
 [23907.504018] lockd: server lua.eclipse.ime.usp.br not responding,
 still trying
 [23907.504038] lockd: server