[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] meghdwar API - Need to zero on Edge Cloud Services specs

2016-10-27 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN

Hi all,
Need to freez specs based on our research and experiments for Meghdwar : Edge 
Cloud Gateway Services API
1. Setup our Edge Gateway on a Bare-mental Server(s)2. Use Senlin API calls 
define a Clusters and a Nodes3. One Cluster will support only one Edge 
Application (Constraint)4. The Node will be defined as a Baremetal which will 
have one hypervisor KVM or LXD5. The APIs for KVM  or LXD API will be asa, 
Refer https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/rest-api.md
b. Refer https://kernel.org/doc/Documentation/virtual/kvm/api.txt6. Once the 
Hypervisor is created on Baremetal, we can proceed to create VM or Continer to 
host the cloudlet at the edge.7. Can use existing Infrastructure based Cloudlet 
 VM for IaaS based Open Edge Computing (OEC) Cloudlet8. We will use new 
Platform based Cloudlet Containers for PaaS based Cloudlet (Refer Akamai 
Cloudlet : Build system apps to serve clodlets)
9. The only API Meghdwar will add will be to build and manage Cloudlet life 
cycle.10. Senlin APIs for Profile and Policies will be used extensively as it 
can scale Cloudlet for an Application across a cluster of edges and  focus in 
phase1 will be two edge gateways , one cluster, two nodes, one application, and 
one subscriber moving from first node to second. The application will be 
statefull and states will be managed through attaching / detaching volumes or 
state-files through metatdata specifications.prior design discussions and 
delebraions are in etherpad...

Please join us at   Developers Summit   CCIB - Center de Internacionel de 
Barcelona 9.00-9.40 Senlin - P1 134 (or continue on this if you o not want to 
join Gluon)
9.50 - 10.30 Gluon - P1 122
11.00- 11.40 Infra Workshop - P1 115 We will join Infrastructure work Session 
to validate the assumptions here. Post Infra we can have a lunch meeting to 
close on the specs.Lunch meeting of Meghdwar team 11.40-12.30 

ThanksPrakash Ramchandran
Driving the Cloudlet for Meghdwar Project 

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[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] Edge Cloud Gateway API and Wednesday meeting

2016-09-13 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN
Hi all ? 

lets meet  7-8am PDT (Wed 14:00-15:00 UTC)irc Channel?: 

You can edit the etherpad if you want to update agenda...or reply be email on 
item1-5 below.

1.a.Megdwar Gateway API discussions?
Focus is what APIs needed for minimum use case of two cloudlets on two edges 
running 1 app each and how to move one of the apps from source edge gateway to 
destination edge gateway on compute nodes through those gateways. refer latest 

1.b.Would like to discuss Joes idea about (use pull not push)
joehuang:  For API to move cloudlets, I propose to design API which can talk 
directly from destination edge gateway to the source gateway, for example,  
Pull( srcEdgeGateway, Cloudlet). Using pull will make the destination talk to 
the source directly, but not to introduce any broker or coordinator for the 
migration, otherwise all bits will flow to broker or coordinator first then to 
the destination, this kind of API will introduce latency, overhead, and 
bottleneck by the broker or coordinator.

1.c Proposed by Narinder based on LXD live migration 
APIs - requires Meghdwar service process will have configuration file for each 
cloudlet at the Edge gateway.
Dump (take Snapshot), Create , Read, List, Write, Start, Stop - Cloudlets
Refer live migration using LXD

2. What other modules are needed in OpenStack 'meghdwar' Catalog Refer Murano 
(May be we use it) - Our Catalog can be for ASP, CSP,NSP and integrated through 
ESP. Reviewed other Catalog modules (application-catalog-ui, murano, 
murano-agent to be tested) on Rackspace

To discuss Binder option for two cloudlets. as  one app in 1(a,b,c) 
Cloudlet Gateway Management  (Gateway Service Management) 
  d. python  Cloudlet  / MEC Gateway Management ?

4. How do we go about priority?
Consider two cloudlet Binders and see if we can use LXD and LXC: live migration 
as 1st API implementation for Meghdwar.LXD 2.0: Live migration [9/12] | 
St?phane Graber's website in 1.c

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[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] use case for meghdwar API and Wednesday meeting

2016-09-06 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN
Hi all   
 You can edit the etherpad if you want to update agenda...or reply be email on 
item1-4 below.

Would like to meet for discussions for BOF and agenda as we can not wait for 
2nd Wednesday, so lets meet Wednesday 
from 7-8am PDT (Wed 14:00-15:00 UTC)irc Channel : #openstack-meghdwar
Follow up on same points with updates  from last meeting.
1 Megdwar Gateway API discussions based on use case
Focus is what APIs needed for minimum use case of two cloudlets on two edges 
running 1 app each and how to move one of the apps from source edge gateway to 
destination edge gateway on compute nodes through those gateways.
APIs - requiredMeghdwar service process will have configuration file for each 
cloudlet at the Edge gateway.Dump (take Snapshot), Create , Read, List, Write, 
Start, Stop - Cloudlets
Reviewed other Catalog modules (application-catalog-ui, murano, murano-agent to 
be tested) on Rackspace
2. What other modules are needed in OpenStack 'meghdwar' Catalog Refer Murano 
(May be we use it) - Our Catalog can be for ASP, CSP,NSP and integrated through 

To discuss Binder option for two cloudlets. as for two cloudlets with one app 
in 1 above.   c. Cloudlet Gateway Management  (Gateway Service Management) 
   d. python  Cloudlet  / MEC Gateway Management  4. How do we go about 
Consider two cloudlet Binders and see if we can use LXD and LXC ;live migration 
as 1st API implementation for Meghdwar.LXD 2.0: Live migration [9/12] | 
Stéphane Graber's website

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[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] use case for meghdwar API - Continuing email discussions (CANCELLED-Meeting 24th Aug)

2016-08-22 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN

Hi all,

CANCELLED: Meeting Wednesday 24th August      (14 Hr-15 Hr UTC )   [7AM-8AM PDT]

Follow up on same points with updates aslast meeting.
1 Megdwar Gateway API discussions based on use case
Focus is what APIs needed for minimum use case of two cloudlets on two edges 
running 1 app each and how to move one of the apps from source edge gateway to 
destination edge gateway on compute nodes through those gateways.
APIs - requiredMeghdwar service process will have configuration file for each 
cloudlet at the Edge gateway.Dump (take Snapshot), Create , Read, List, Write, 
Start, Stop - Cloudlets
Reviewed other Catalog modules (application-catalog-ui, murano, murano-agent to 
be tested) on Rackspace
2. What other modules are needed in OpenStack 'meghdwar' Catalog Refer Murano 
(May be we use it) - Our Catalog can be for ASP, CSP,NSP and integrated through 
To discuss Binder option for two cloudlets. as for two cloudlets with one app 
in 1 above.   c. Cloudlet Gateway Management  (Gateway Service Management) 
   d. python  Cloudlet  / MEC Gateway Management  4. How do we go about 
Consider two cloudlet Binders and see if we can use LXD and LXC ;live migration 
as 1st API implementation for Meghdwar.LXD 2.0: Live migration [9/12] | 
Stéphane Graber's website

|   |  
LXD 2.0: Live migration [9/12] | Stéphane Graber's website
 Stéphane Graber's website -  |  |



Please respond back if you have any other suggestions. Note since the Edge 
Cloud Presentation at OpenStack Meghdwar was not selected, we plan for Bird of 
Feather (BOF) session and if you are interested in joining please add your name 
to the etherpad.OpenStack Etherpad

|   |  
OpenStack Etherpad
   |  |




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[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] Incubation Patches and irc call agenda

2016-08-10 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN
Please join the meeting  for Incubation and ptaches decision 

Meeting Wednesday 10th (14 Hr-15 Hr UTC )   [7AM-8AM PDT]

irc #openstck-megdwar

Follow up1 The last week agenda and actions taken or pending 2 Meghdwar Gateway 
API discussions https://review.openstack.org/#/c/319466/


3. What other modules are needed in OpenStack 'meghdwar'   a. Cloudlet 
(existing) - https://github.com/openedgecomputing
   b  Cloudlet Client (existing) - refer see fab install in provisioning
   c. Cloudlet Gateway Management  (Cluster Management) - Under Discussion
   d. python  Cloudlet  Cluster Management - Needs Discussion
   e. Cloudlet Agent - Need Dscussion
   f. Cloudlet horizon plugin for supporting d & e as GUI instead as CLI - 
Testing Murano
4. How do we go about priority - How to build and introduce Cloudlet Library , 
 5. Any other missing items.
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[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] meghdwar API and infra and repo integration issues and BOF help sought

2016-08-03 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN

Summary of Call and follow ups on Aug 3 for next Aug 10 irc call 
Conclusions on today's call:
1. Need to get Cloudlet python client working on CLI on Ubuntu 16.04
?Cloudlet failure on Ubuntu 16.04 to be reviewed after testing xenial VM on 
Openstack install
This using ssh keypair from testing linux terminal to openstcack host with
nova  keypair-add --pub-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub defaultorneed a key upload via 
horizon dashboard and then create image and instance to log into 16.04 xenial 
for testing fabTest earlier "fab install" showed "useradd stack kvm" was 
failing and could be python3 issue or some library is missing refer
link http://forum.openedgecomputing.org/t/fab-module-support-for-ubuntu-16-04/92
If you find solution or answers post it to the above link or reply back and 
will post it.
2. Update README.rst file explaining the "Edge Cloud Gateway Services" and 
update using cookiecutter template from openstack to get master repo over infra 
linkOriginal mater: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/319466/New Ptach: 
Merge or rebase them as suggested by infra teamshould  merge the to original 
master 319466 after or before fixing errors
 3. Error in new patch 
ERROR:   py34-constraints: InterpreterNotFound: python3.4ERROR:   
py27-constraints: commands failedERROR:   pypy-constraints: 
InterpreterNotFound: pypy  pep8-constraints: commands succeededBut see python3 
-VPython 3.5.1+
so its installed on submitting host?Do we need to apply tox constraints as 

and add to tox.ini the py27/34 constraints to help pass tox tests?
Any idea on this please respond?
4. doc & specs for Megdwar DevelopmentC-Create, R-Read, U-Update, D-Delete, 
Considering adding Specs for Edge Cloud Gateway services
CRUDX [Edge Cloud Gateway] = All-in-one devstack controller
CRUDX [Edge Server] = Compute nodesCLI = Cloudlet lib (fab) install as on KVM 
on Ubuntu 16.04 (see item 1) (Should this be Python-Cloudlet-clinet a seperate 
CRUDX [Cloudlet] = OEC Cloudlet 
Register/Deregister [ ECloud-CCloud] where ECloud is on Edge Cloud Gateway and 
C-Cloud on NSP (ASP registers to CSP registers to NSP)CRUDX Catalog [ECloud / 
CCLoud]For Catalog should we use Magnum or its Horizon application-catalog-ui 
with Image, Orchestration for both components and Applications (Cloudlet) or 
build our own?For Managing Cloudlet Should we ask Senlin to be modified for 
Cloudlet distribution as a new requirement for which Meghdwar will provide two 
node cluster with binding requirements one Application per VM on a compute node 
or build our own simple Catalog Binder to serve application from edge 
provisioning mobility with Handoff. 

This specs for API will be debated and  pushed under doc specs.
5. Any volunteers to support BOF at Barcelona for Meghdwar please help by 
setting appropriate etherpad entry and let everyone know. We do intend a BOF 
session, how do we register for it?

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[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] use case for meghdwar API irc call agenda

2016-08-02 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN
Hi all,
Please join the meeting  for API and codes decision 
Meeting Wednesday 3rd August      (14 Hr-15 Hr UTC )   [7AM-8AM PDT]

irc #openstck-megdwar
Follow up on same points with updates aslast meeting.Since we had a irc issues 
last week we plan to conduct this meeting instead of skipping and discuss 
following agenda based on review and updates later in the week,
Summary of last irc meeting July 27th and updates for Aug 3rd meeting:
1 The last meeting  agenda and actions taken or pending 
We looked  Cloudlet failure on Ubuntu 16.04 and filed a request with Cloudlet 
upstream developers for Ubuntu 16.04 library support for Fabric (FUSE) suport 
in OEC 
The summary of previous week on Senlin was it has nodes to add to cluster and 
scale but not distribute. But if we can setup an yaml profile and policies we 
can distribute cloudlet nodes with a special meghdwar driver and may review it 
at Ocata summit, once we plan that through etherpad entries and engage with 
Senlin team(TBD)
2 Megdwar Gateway API discussions based on use case
Focus is what APIs needed for minimum use case of two cloudlets on two edges 
running 1 app each and how to move one of the apps from source edge gateway to 
destination edge gateway on compute nodes through those gateways.
Reviewed other Catalog modules (application-catalog-ui, murano, murano-agent to 
be tested) on Rcakspace3. What other modules are needed in OpenStack 'meghdwar' 
a. Cloudlet (existing) -  b Cloudlet Client (existing)To discuss Binder option 
for two cloudlets instead of clusters.   c. Cloudlet Gateway Management  
(Cluster Management) 
   d. python  Cloudlet  Cluster Management  To review murano-agent and API 
   e. Cloudlet Agent To review application-catalog-gui with images, 
orchestraton and Murano with Application adn Components
   f. Cloudlet horizon plug-in for supporting d & e as GUI instead as CLI
4. How do we go about priority 
Consider two cloudlet Binders instead of Clusters
5. Any other missing items. 
The Directory structure to start from templates in OpenStack or codes upstream?
6. Plan for Barcelona Summit (TBD)
If any of our developers  have any comments to discuss on topics here or more 
feel free to add to the end, and will update the Wiki as we continue of our 
efforts to freez APIs and Architecture to suport Edge Services.

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[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] Base code to use and irc call agenda

2016-07-26 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN
Hi all,
Please join the meeting  for API and codes decision 
Meeting Wednesday 27th (14 Hr-15 Hr UTC )   [7AM-8AM PDT]

irc #openstck-megdwar
Follow up 1 The last meeting  agenda and actions taken or pending 
2 Megdwar Gateway API discussions 
3. What other modules are needed in OpenStack 'meghdwar'   a. Cloudlet 
   b  Cloudlet Clinet (existing)
   c. Cloudlet Gateway Management  (Cluster Management)
   d. python  Cloudlet  Cluster Management 
   e. Cloudlet Agent 
   f. Cloudlet horizon plug-in for supporting d & e as GUI instead as CLI
4. How do we go about priority 
5. Any other missing items. 

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[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] Base code to use and irc call agenda

2016-07-13 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN
Hi all,
We plan to meet at 7 AM (PDT)  =  14 PM UCT  =  19.30 PM India 
Agenda:    Review of  API for Edge Cloud services 1. Cloudlet Objects for a 
simple two node cluster (assume one Compute Node can have one or more VMs)  
   a. Compute node and connecting 2 VMs in a POD (kubernetes 
definition)     b. VM in two different PODS  and connecting them 
through Cluster (or should it be a Binder)    c.  What are the 
hooks to start, stop, pause, update and abort a Cloudlet application  process 
within VM.    d. What is difference between Package Management vs. 
Metadata management    e. Do we cache, attach/detach stores to VM 
for state contexts or should we stick to soft states only   f. 
Limitations of current Cloudlets like CPU emulation dependencies etc. 2. Report 
on Senlin and Scaling demo on Backspace by Satya/Prakash 3. What about OEC 
specs - should we focus on Element Management like Cluster first? 4. Is 
hierarchy of Central and Edge for application partitioning correct approach, 
what are other options? 5. Review of any missing items and plan for next 
meeting and action plans
Thanks Prakash
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[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] Base code to use

2016-06-08 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN

Hi all,Appreciate the initiative taken by individuals to join and discuss the 
possibility of using codes from different Cloudlet projects.We know the 
requirements cross the boundaries of Nova and Neutron and hence the chalenge is 
to ensure we have a better specification.Thus reviewing codes will give us the 
state of ark of Cloudlet, but we need to persue ause case that will be simple 
and commercially useful for providers to use the megdwar cloudlet platform as a 
service. The Edge Cloud Services differ from Central cloud even under MEC, OEC, 
OpenFog to name a few. IOT archietcures require an Aggregator and host gateway 
at edge to offer IOT services. Thus all road lead to Edge Application gateway 
services. Lets first study few we have at hand and plan for code init and 
migrations accordingly.refer
Here are details and lets debate till next meetingNext meeting: Meghdwar on irc 
June 15th 7am-8am PDT #opnestack-meghdwarMeetings: Wednesday's from 7-8am PDT 
(Wed 14:00-15:00 UTC) irc Channel : #openstack-meghdwarMeghdwar-irc June 8th 
7am-8am PDT #opnestack-meghdwar summaryTopic : What is meghdwarlink 
https://launchpad.net/meghdwar This is a follow up project to create a project 
for Edge Cloud Services im Openstack Earlier effort for a Micro Service API as 
Cloud let failed link https://launchpad.net/cloudlet Cloudlet as defined by 
CMU/OEC is a VM at the edge supporting AR/VR applications In a three tier the 
client is an UE/Mobile equipment/Smartphone with client and connecting to edge 
Cloudlet The edge cloudlet serves the AR/VR application from within the VM The 
Central Cloud is where you may register and downlaod applications or apps link 
http://beyondtheclouds.github.io/ Review the Video of Discovery initiative, 
mainly supported through the Inria Project Labs program and the I/O labs, a 
joint lab between Inria and Orange Labs. The aim of project is to try build 
sustainable (power reduction) network Pops distrubuted as IaaS.The 8 minute 
video shows how openstack is used to deliver the Discovery service with Nova 
and Redis in-meory data structure stores. link 
https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01320235 Revising OpenStack Internals to Operate 
Massively Distributed Clouds is on this link.action on satyak - Support to 
resolve Devstack ticket for Mitaka action on prakash - Ask Kiryong Ha CMU to 
provide bitucket access to Cloudlet code for Proevisioning and Openstack 
projects in CMU ija or OEC action on prakash/ad_rien - Review 
beyondclouds.github.io and work with ad_rien to see if we can use it along 
CMU/OEC Cloudlet or independednt of itNext meeting same time Wednesday 7AM-8 AM 
PDT /Attendees: ad_rien: adrien.le...@inria.fr pramchan: pramc...@yahoo.com 
narinder: narinder.gu...@canonical.com satyak: satyavit...@gmail.com
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[openstack-dev] [Meghdwar] Weekly IRC meeting proposed on Wedneday 7AM-8AM PST same as UTC 2.00PM-3.00PM

2016-06-05 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN

Hi openstack-dev folks,
I am planning to arrange weekly irc meetings Wednesday 7-8 AM on 
#openstack-meghdwar IRC -use http://webchat.freenode.net/
Agenda for 1st meeting on June 8, 2016 : 7AM-8AM PST same as UTC 2.00PM-3.00PM
1. Brief description of proposed megdwar project with background to Cloudlet 
and should we enter openstack as Library only efforts?
Refer : https://launchpad.net/cloudlet & https://launchpad.net/meghdwar
code: https://github.com/OpenEdgeComputing/elijah-openstack

2. Should we Abandon the OpenStack meghdwar efforts till we have a github 
version in pubic ready for Cloudlet in Mitakas and  start afresh?
3. WIll we need change to provisioning of Cloudlet for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with 
Miataka (What are our options) -Code review (Any Volunteers for code review?)
https://github.com/cmusatyalab/elijah-provisioning4. WIll we need change to 
update Devstack for  Miataka install before using Cloudlet (What are our 
options- discussions with code 
5. Please add your self to above and if you think we should pull the code from 
past edit COMMENTS and give me a minus 1 to hold till we can compile a 
reasonable working code to pull on deciding based on 1 and 2 on 8th June. So 
minus 1 review is most welcome for change.

I hope there will be many inputs before the irc meeting on #openstack-meghdwar 
this wednesday and there is another forum if you like to 

Scoping, specs and Resource needed we can discuss during the irc call or by 
email.This   openstack-dev announcement for Wednesday irc meeting should 
jumpstart  long term association with edge cloud efforts.
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[openstack-dev] [Cloudlet] Need help in creating RST file for specs

2016-05-05 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN

Hi all,
Bit rusty returning after Havana to OpenStack for Dev issues.
Goal : Need help in creating a new proposal for Cloudlet...Any takers please 

Am sure with knowledgeable folks like we have in OpenStack dev,  all I need to 
say is this like a Data Center at the Edge in a VM or Container on a Host or 
cluster (Host aggregation). So few things already exit on OpenStack Liberty, 
but need the Network Based management of Cloudlet with hand-off between edges 
(not exactly a live migration) but a kind of Base + Delta (Image of disk +mem), 
so obviously lies between Nova compute and Neutron Network which is the real 
pain point. Once we have functional piece covered via API and API engine, we 
will deal with low latency, throughput and all those cool stuff.
My limitations are getting back to basics to be able to surmount the CI/CD 
pipeline of the Project creation and once basic project is created will help 
get Cloudlet to be a major initiative for OpenStack.
Those who can build we have a long journey and will need your consistent 
So finally we all will see this is worth the efforts to move the mountains to 
get Cloud to an intermediary Cloudlet.

Here is two years of history if you really need background.
But all we need for now is a Project created as Cloudlet with specs borrowed 
from history below and start the 4O's of OpenStack to bring it next wave 
besides OPNFV.

 Fresh from 
OpenStack Austin Summit trying to launch 

Including the current Nova PTL, Matt Riedemann.
These topics are probably best discussed on the openstack-dev mailing list.
Have you submitted a spec for this yet, as requested on the blueprint?For more 
details please see:

The nova unconference sessions at the summit are designed to give people a 
chance to raise topics like this one, and get quick feedback on them, as 
described in the summit schedule. That works best if you have already submitted 
your spec.
Please note we are in the process of removing all the Nova API extension 
points. They have been deprecated for a few cycles now.

I think my previous response on this topic was that I consider this out of 
scope for Nova:http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/project_scope.html
And honestly it feels like something that would be better done on top of 
magnum, or something like magnum.
Many thanks,
PSParticular company affiliation is not important here.But diverse affiliation 
within a group is very helpful when forming these sorts of ideas.
On 5 May 2016 at 02:53, Prakash Ramchandran  
John and Armando, I have a project called "cloudlet" which has two parts one 
for extending Nova API and that also deals with low latency handoff at the 
edge.Been struggling to get it accepted either in Nova or Neutron and tried 
reaching through Telco as well Product Working Groups. All ends up in PTLs to 
decide if this is good use case to allow for creating of a new project. Here is 
the first attempt in Liberty with a Blueprint in 
Nova.https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/cloudlet Next I attempted 
through Telco/OPNFV channel that lead to following use case approval scenario. 
Now with two summits gone I am still not ready with a project to work in Open 
with 4'Os under Project creation requirements for OpenStack. Is it possible for 
any PTL Nova or Neutron to recommend this using exiting Blueprint and assign it 
to a new project called cloudlet? I spoke to Jermy Stanley in infrastructure 
team and he gave links to 
Openstack-Project-team-guidehttp://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide I 
tried follow it but with so many items like Zuul, Gerrit, name space, I find it 
difficult to cover  all aspects to reach a simple project creation.Is it 
possible to convert the Blueprint in nova as above with specs for Cloudlet and 
give me an name space "cloudlet" to start organizing a separate project. Any 
help from you all will help, and my OpenStack userid is connected with 
pramc...@yahoo.com and am ccing myself. Not expecting any miracles but a simple 
help from any one of you can at least get me on the road to new project 
creation.If you want to add a committer from HP or Intel or rackspace I will 
certainly work with them to get all RST files etc if that helps. ThanksPrakash__
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[openstack-dev] Please propose and join me for the first meeting of new Project Cloudlet

2016-04-29 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN
Hi all 

I am trying to organize a new module called "Cloudlet" in OpenStack. At the 
Product Working Group and after discussions with Infrastructure team decided to 
start putting together pieces of past work and plan for new "Cloudlet" project 
for Edge Cloud Services using Cloudlet in OpenStack.

As you all know OpenStack is a loosely coupled  Infrastructure services that 
include  compute, networking , storage and some global services like ID 
Management, End Point Management and Image Management services binding them 
together to serve the Cloud Administrators and Application administrators or 
end users.
OpenStack serves a Central or Core Cloud, Can it serve Edge Cloud?

An Edge Cloud Service is one at the  Edge(Provider {Data Center close to Base 
Station}or Customer Premise{WiFi Access Point ) Gateway  and serves the mobile 
or nomadic user clients through a VM (or composition of VMs) who are authorized 
to use them by the Provider. This Edge Service through Cloudlet  may be a free 
or paid service as the Provider chooses.
Provider uses a standard base VM. We will use VM built from Ubuntu14.04  or 
Centos 7.3 with minimum 4 or 8GB foot print.These VMs will have running 
applications within it to service the provider offer to the customer.
Two commercial use cases we consider:1. Smart City Garbage Collection services 
for the City of San Jose, California
2. Forest Fire Fighting for state of California.
These are typical utility services for Smart City all over the world as well 
disaster prevention due to various natural calamity.One can have slow response 
times where as the other requires real time response, the orders of hours to 
minutes is what we state for simplicity but actual applications may seek better 
latency and through puts as they evolve. Here the idea is to derive work flow 
and see what APIs will be needed to fulfill these requirements.
We can have a doodle pole once I know how many folks are interested and when 
shall we meet?
Agenda for irc meetin on #openstck-dev
1. What is the state of Cloudlet in world todaya. Open Edge Computing & OPNFV
b. OpenFogc. Do the use cases listed above is good start point review specs and 
codes used by OpenStack++ by CMUd.Should we proceed with new project Cloudlet & 
what was Gap analysis feedback from PTLs and cross project teams at Product 
WOrking Group.e. Who are willing to volunteer to get the new "Cloudlet" module 
as initial committers  and contributors?f. Any other items missed and finally 
Action Items  and plan for next meet (irc)
Please send your feedback and we will try get O4 requirements of OpenStack 
before ensuring Cloudlet gets its due at next Barcelona Summit.

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[openstack-dev] Lookig for suggessions on a new module "cloudlet" in OprnStack under bigtent

2016-04-28 Thread prakash RAMCHANDRAN
Hi all,
Having attempted to introduce Cloudlet API in Nova for Liberty and later trying 
to bring use case to Product Working Group (PWG) it appears we need volunteers 
and advisors who can help get us a new project in Openstack. Any past PTLs who 
can steer this efforts are welcome too to look at this new opportunity to lead 
and guide us. I am open to leading it but would like prople with better skills 
and experience in OpenStack to drive it.

Driving Cloudlet into Openstack » OpenStack Open Source Cloud Computing Software

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Driving Cloudlet into Openstack » OpenStack Open Source Cloud Computing Sof...
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I am still hopeful in meeting PWG team and let me know the etherpad where I can 
try put my request for Edge cloud or cloudlet before coming Friday.

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