Hi all,

At the Ironic mid-cycle sprint in San Francisco, we talked a bit about ramdisk 
image building and where it should be located. Currently the ramdisk build 
tooling for the ironic-python-agent CoreOS ramdisk lives entirely in the 
ironic-python-agent repo. This isn’t ideal, as we’d like to reuse this code to 
create ramdisks for ironic-discoverd and potentially other things.

To that end; I’ve proposed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155868/ to add 
openstack/coreos-image-builder. The initial repository is a direct 
filter-branch from the imagebuild/ directory in ironic-python-agent, but I 
expect to quickly refactor it into something more generic (would like to do 
that work in gerrit; hence proposing it now) in order for other projects to be 
able to consume this at their leisure.

Thanks all!

-Jay Faulkner

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