Earlier today I learned that we have a few repositories with linter jobs
failing (or at least reporting warnings) because they are running
"python setup.py check" to test that the packaging meta-data is OK.

This method of testing has been deprecated in favor of using the command
"twine check", which requires a bit of extra setup but performs multiple
checks on the built packages. Luckily, test-release-openstack-python3
job already runs "twine check".

Since it is part of the publish-to-pypi-python3 template, any
python-based projects that are releasing using the new job template
(which should be all official projects now) have
test-release-openstack-python3 configured to run when any files related
to packaging are modified.

Therefore, rather than updating the failing linter jobs to perform the
steps necessary to run twine, teams should simply remove the check and
allow the existing test job to perform that check. In addition to
avoiding redundancy, this means we will be able update the job in one
place instead of having to touch every repo when twine inevitably
changes in the future.

Sean is working on a set of patches to fix up some of the repos that
have issues, so please approve those quickly when they come in.


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