#openstack-doc: docteam

Meeting started by pkovar at 16:01:40 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* roll call  (pkovar, 16:02:04)

* Docs retention policy changes  (pkovar, 16:06:21)
  * LINK:
    (pkovar, 16:06:27)
  * LINK:
    (pkovar, 16:06:49)
  * Good progress, waiting on changes to be merged  (pkovar, 16:06:56)
  * Flagging deprecated releases  (pkovar, 16:11:15)
  * LINK:
    (pkovar, 16:11:21)

* Rocky PTG  (pkovar, 16:17:59)
  * LINK: https://www.openstack.org/ptg/  (pkovar, 16:18:06)
  * Planning etherpad for docs+i18n created  (pkovar, 16:18:13)
  * LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/docs-i18n-ptg-rocky  (pkovar,
  * Sign up and tell us your preference wrt parcel time into small
    chunks or have full-day focus on one team agenda?  (pkovar,
  * ... on the eherpad  (pkovar, 16:18:51)
  * we will be joined by people involved in the contrib guide effort
    (pkovar, 16:19:36)
  * ... and upstream institute  (pkovar, 16:20:07)
  * LINK: Contributor Guide https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/
    (pkovar, 16:20:30)
  * ACTION: add your own topics to the planning etherpad  (pkovar,

* removed unused docs:follows-policy tag  (pkovar, 16:23:11)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/524217/  (pkovar, 16:23:18)
  * new docs tags to be discussed at PTG  (pkovar, 16:23:24)

* changes to the docs core team  (pkovar, 16:24:14)
  * Anne Gentle stepped down from the core team  (pkovar, 16:24:31)
  * thanks Anne for your leadership and involvement in the docs project
    since the very beginning!  (pkovar, 16:24:37)

* Project Liaisons for  First Contact SIG  (pkovar, 16:25:58)
  * LINK: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/First_Contact_SIG  (pkovar,
  * Anyone interested in being the docs project liaison?  (pkovar,

* PDF builds  (pkovar, 16:29:22)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/509297/  (pkovar, 16:29:30)
  * LINK:
    (pkovar, 16:32:43)
  * ACTION: follow up on the pdf build thread  (pkovar, 16:33:07)

* Bug Triage Team  (pkovar, 16:44:08)
  * LINK: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams
    (pkovar, 16:44:21)
  * chason signed up for
    (pkovar, 16:47:33)
  * ACTION: file bugs, triage bugs, repeat  (pkovar, 16:48:10)

* Open discussion  (pkovar, 16:50:14)
  * next meeting scheduled for Jan 10 2018  (pkovar, 16:52:46)

Meeting ended at 16:55:37 UTC.

People present (lines said)

* pkovar (93)
* ianychoi (11)
* jamesmcarthur (10)
* AJaeger (6)
* chason (6)
* openstack (3)

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