Greetings everyone!

In my rush to get the email sent, I somehow put the wrong time on the email.

The correct date and time is Tuesday, July 17th, at 12:00 UTC.


On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 12:28 PM, Julia Kreger
<> wrote:
> Fellow ironicans!
> Lend me your ears!  With the cycle quickly coming to a close, we
> wanted to take a couple hours for high bandwidth discussions covering
> the end of cycle for Ironic, as well as any items that need to be
> established in advance of the PTG.
> We're going to use bluejeans[1] since it seems to work well for
> everyone, and I've posted a rough agenda[2] to an etherpad. If there
> are additional items, please feel free to add them to the etherpad.
> -Julia
> [1]:
> [2]:

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