Re: [openstack-dev] [ironic] ironic 5.0.0, the rest of mitaka, and beyond

2016-03-14 Thread Jim Rollenhagen
On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 04:51:31PM -0800, Jim Rollenhagen wrote:


> And code that we should land for the 5.1.0 release:
> * Anything fixing critical/high bugs
> * Partition image support for agent drivers
>   *
>   *
> * Others? I haven't done a full sweep of everything out there. I'd love
>   suggestions on what else should land in Mitaka. :)
>   * (this has been made harder by not keeping up to date on approving RFEs)

Started an etherpad to track things here:

Also, we need to release IPA again before the end of the cycle.

// jim

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [ironic] ironic 5.0.0, the rest of mitaka, and beyond

2016-03-14 Thread Thiago Paiva
Hi all,

Our team at UFCG is working on polishing this spec[0] and the code 
implementation for that[1] for some time now. It's not a priority to the 
community since it is vendor specific, but since we are the only ones working 
on that and we consider it mature enough, we would like you to consider landing 
this still on Mitaka, if you would be so kind as to spare some review slots on 
that. :)

Thanks in advance,


Thiago Paiva Brito 
Lead Software Engineer 
OneView Drivers for Openstack Ironic

- Mensagem original -
De: "Jim Rollenhagen" 
Enviadas: Sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2016 21:51:31
Assunto: [openstack-dev] [ironic] ironic 5.0.0, the rest of mitaka, and 

Hi all,

(grab some coffee, this is a bit long)

Today we released ironic 5.0.0. Congrats to the team, and thank you for
your hard work so far this cycle! You've all done an amazing job getting
things done. The release notes[0] show how many awesome things we've
shipped this cycle. Even Doug complimented us on making our notes
awesome :D

 jroll : I have to say, now that I've seen the announcement
email: nice job with reno release notes there! :-)

Now, that said, there's still some things I'd like to get done this
cycle; some are action items from the midcycle, and some are patches
we'd like to land in ironic 5.1.0, which will be the basis of
stable/mitaka. We'll need everyone to pitch in to get this stuff done.

First though, I'm really sad to say we need to bump the networking work
to Newton. We got a lot of the underpinnings in, which is great, but
moving forward from here is a pretty large change in our core driver
code, and API changes. I'd rather not rush those through, especially
when the Mitaka versions of our client, and Nova, won't have them done.
Let's keep working on those and land them first thing in Newton.
To be clear, this was the main item I wanted to get done in Mitaka. I
failed to sufficiently herd all of the cats needed to finish this. We
got a late start, and made an even later decision that the pluggability
of it was the wrong direction and needed to be rewritten. That's totally
on me, and I feel pretty bad about it. Sorry, community. :(

That said, things we need to do.

Follow-up items from the midcycle, that we should do soon. Most of these
are "before summit" rather than "before end of Mitaka".

* jroll is going to work on a priorities dashboard that we can use
  during Newton to help focus on the right thing.

* Deva is going to lead the work on setting up a timebox in our meeting
  to triage a few specs, as far as if it's worth looking at in the short
  term. We should also be sure to triage all RFEs, and make sure we
  continue to keep them triaged each week.
  * Let's get a few specs cores in an audio (and video?) conference for
a couple hours next week to push through all of the existing RFEs,
and make a plan to keep them up to date.

* Keep working on our gate.

* Julia is going to write a spec for the reference implementation of
  * We also should be reviewing the spec for the data model for all the
data that needs to be passed to ironic.

* jroll to separate specs for the filter API from the claims API.

* Review the "VLAN aware baremetal" spec
  * tl;dr unbinds user-facing neutron networking from physical infra

* Plan summit sessions! Please put your ideas here:

And code that we should land for the 5.1.0 release:

* Anything fixing critical/high bugs

* Partition image support for agent drivers

* Others? I haven't done a full sweep of everything out there. I'd love
  suggestions on what else should land in Mitaka. :)
  * (this has been made harder by not keeping up to date on approving RFEs)

Last, (again), we need to keep hacking on the neutron integration code
and get that all ready to land ASAP in Newton.

As a reminder, April 1 is the last day to cut the 5.1.0 release:

If you got this far, thanks for reading. I'm confident we can get this
stuff done in a timely fashion. Thanks in advance for helping. :)

// jim


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [ironic] ironic 5.0.0, the rest of mitaka, and beyond

2016-03-11 Thread Jim Rollenhagen
Hi all,

(grab some coffee, this is a bit long)

Today we released ironic 5.0.0. Congrats to the team, and thank you for
your hard work so far this cycle! You've all done an amazing job getting
things done. The release notes[0] show how many awesome things we've
shipped this cycle. Even Doug complimented us on making our notes
awesome :D

 jroll : I have to say, now that I've seen the announcement
email: nice job with reno release notes there! :-)

Now, that said, there's still some things I'd like to get done this
cycle; some are action items from the midcycle, and some are patches
we'd like to land in ironic 5.1.0, which will be the basis of
stable/mitaka. We'll need everyone to pitch in to get this stuff done.

First though, I'm really sad to say we need to bump the networking work
to Newton. We got a lot of the underpinnings in, which is great, but
moving forward from here is a pretty large change in our core driver
code, and API changes. I'd rather not rush those through, especially
when the Mitaka versions of our client, and Nova, won't have them done.
Let's keep working on those and land them first thing in Newton.
To be clear, this was the main item I wanted to get done in Mitaka. I
failed to sufficiently herd all of the cats needed to finish this. We
got a late start, and made an even later decision that the pluggability
of it was the wrong direction and needed to be rewritten. That's totally
on me, and I feel pretty bad about it. Sorry, community. :(

That said, things we need to do.

Follow-up items from the midcycle, that we should do soon. Most of these
are "before summit" rather than "before end of Mitaka".

* jroll is going to work on a priorities dashboard that we can use
  during Newton to help focus on the right thing.

* Deva is going to lead the work on setting up a timebox in our meeting
  to triage a few specs, as far as if it's worth looking at in the short
  term. We should also be sure to triage all RFEs, and make sure we
  continue to keep them triaged each week.
  * Let's get a few specs cores in an audio (and video?) conference for
a couple hours next week to push through all of the existing RFEs,
and make a plan to keep them up to date.

* Keep working on our gate.

* Julia is going to write a spec for the reference implementation of
  * We also should be reviewing the spec for the data model for all the
data that needs to be passed to ironic.

* jroll to separate specs for the filter API from the claims API.

* Review the "VLAN aware baremetal" spec
  * tl;dr unbinds user-facing neutron networking from physical infra

* Plan summit sessions! Please put your ideas here:

And code that we should land for the 5.1.0 release:

* Anything fixing critical/high bugs

* Partition image support for agent drivers

* Others? I haven't done a full sweep of everything out there. I'd love
  suggestions on what else should land in Mitaka. :)
  * (this has been made harder by not keeping up to date on approving RFEs)

Last, (again), we need to keep hacking on the neutron integration code
and get that all ready to land ASAP in Newton.

As a reminder, April 1 is the last day to cut the 5.1.0 release:

If you got this far, thanks for reading. I'm confident we can get this
stuff done in a timely fashion. Thanks in advance for helping. :)

// jim


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)