I would like to request an FFE for murano/appcatalog-dashboard-reorg 
A little back story: we’ve agreed to start merging murano-dashboard and 
app-catalog-ui under the same structure back in Austin. For app-catalog-ui the 
process is pretty easy and straightforward, since it’s mostly a js/angular 
style plugin to horizon. But for murano-dashboard it required a bit more work 
with tests and renames. The job is finished there, i.e we have green set of 
patches for murano-dashboard 
https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/catalog-dashboard-reorg Here is the 
link to the etherpad we used to coordinate the activities 

What still needs to be done: update app-catalog-ui for the new structure (a 
pretty straightforward patch) and make sure, that both parties agree on the new 
structure of the dashboard.

Overall I see the changes as mostly safe and not bringing any new 
features/functionalities to the dashboard.

My ETA for landing the code/agreeing on the new structure is end of next week. 

Since I’m the one who should approve this FFE from murano side — I’m going to 
consider it granted for murano, unless there are some objections. Feel free to 
sound your concerns if any =)

Kirill Zaitsev
Murano Project Tech Lead
Software Engineer at
Mirantis, Inc

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