I promised during the DVR IRC meeting yesterday to re-run the L3 agent
experiments that I've been doing that have led to performance based patches
over the last two months and to provide an etherpad with both the results
and the methodology.

The etherpad is up for folks to review at [1].  While writing this, I
decided to no longer call this work "O(n)" or "Linear Execution Time" but
rather "Hyper-Scale" (because that sounds so much more cool (smile)).  Most
of what is there is methodology - while I've got some results from
yesterday, but I need to dig down some more, so I'll be updating that part
either tomorrow or early next week.

One thought that Kyle and I were discussing was should the "how" part go
into a devref, so that we aren't dependent on an etherpad.  I'm thinking
it's not a bad idea, but I'm wondering if it should only be in neutron or
if it should be elsewhere (like user docs that go along with code that
would implement [2] in oslo...

Thoughts and comments are welcome,
Ryan Moats (regXboi)

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/hyper-scale
[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1512864
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