With https://review.openstack.org/324068 (thanks ☺), the key parts of user 
based policies as currently deployed would be covered in the short term. 
However, my understanding is that this functionality needs to be replaced with 
something sustainable in the long term and consistent with the approach that 
permissions should be on a per-project basis rather than a per-instance/object.

Looking at the use cases:

-          Shared pools of quota between smaller teams

-          Protection from a VM created by one team being shutdown/deleted/etc 
by another

I think much of this could be handled using nested projects in the future.


-          Given a project ‘long tail’, smaller projects could be created under 
that which would share the total ‘long tail’ quota with other siblings

-          Project ‘higgs’ could be a sub-project of ‘long tail’ and have its 
own role assignments so that the members of the team of sub-project ‘diphoton’ 
could not affect the ‘higgs’ VMs

-          The administrator of the project ‘long tail’ would be responsible 
for setting up the appropriate user<->role mappings for the sub projects and 
not require tickets to central support teams

-          This could potentially be taken to the ‘personal project’ use case 
following the implementation of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/324055 in 
Keystone and implementation in other projects

Does this sound doable ?

The major missing piece that I would see for the implementation would the 
nested quotas in Nova/Cinder. The current structure seems to be try to build a 
solution on top of the delimiter library but this is early days.

I’d be happy for feedback on the technical viability of this proposal and then 
I can review with those who have raised the need to see if it would work for 


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