Hi all,

For those of us who use the global team etherpad for helping organize reviews for subteams, I just wanted to give a heads up that I've copied over the content from the Rocky etherpad [1] and created a new etherpad for us to use for Stein [2]. I've removed some things that appeared completely unused.

Please feel free to start using the Stein etherpad to help organize review for your subteam (note: this is separate from runways and is just a way for subteams to coordinate review of non-runway work, like bug fixes, etc). If you have a subteam or topic that is missing from the etherpad, feel free to add it and use the space for organizing your subteam reviews.

Let me know if you have any questions.


[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rocky-nova-priorities-tracking
[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stein-nova-subteam-tracking

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