Hey all,

We had a couple sessions over the last month or two analyzing RBAC in
other systems. The notes from the sessions can be found in etherpad [0].
The discussions and outcomes are useful for thinking about how we want
things to work in the near future, specifically highlighting the
importance of the current roadmap [1].

I wanted to give everyone a heads up that we will be continuing these
sessions after the New Year. I'll send out a note for scheduling once
that gets a bit closer. In the meantime, if you have anything you'd like
to go over, please add it to the etherpad [0] and we'll be sure to
pickup there in the next session.



[0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/analyzing-other-policy-systems
[1] https://trello.com/b/bpWycnwa/policy-roadmap

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