Today during our meeting we discussed about release note management.

In Mitaka, we started to use Reno [1], here is an example with
puppet-openstack_spec_helper [2].
In few months ago, when we decided that we would use reno, we wanted
to educate people using it so this is what we decided to do when a
patch was submitted without release note:

* if the patch is done by a member of Puppet OpenStack core team, -1
is accepted if the release note is missing in the patch. As a team, we
need to show the example.
* if the patch is done by someone outside our core team, instead of
-1, we encourage people to comment on the patch explaining that a
release note is missing, even proposing some help to write it, but
don't block the patch.

I encourage everyone using reno and if you're not familiar with the
tool, you can have a look at [3].
If you need any help, please ping us on IRC #puppet-openstack.



Emilien Macchi

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