This is a status of our work to bring Integration jobs in our CI:

* we successfully deploy a stack with Keystone WSGI and running tempest
tests (v2 and v3 API) on both centos7 & trusty (kilo)
* blocker: we need to bump puppetlabs-mysql:
* blocker: we need to decide where to put bash scripts:
* need review on deployment ( ) and
testing ( )

Please be kind with the last point: we are building a proof of concept with
basic design. Of course we will improve the way to run Tempest (Tempest
team is actually helping us) so we can be more flexible to cover different
use cases.
The scenario is quite basic right now, and this is what we want. We will
improve it as soon as we have feedback after some tests in our CI.

Thank you for your help,
Emilien Macchi
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