Hello Tackers,

Here is a high level summary (delayed!) of the Tacker design sessions [1] at 
the summit. Please feel free to add/comment on the notes in case I have missed 

Fishbowl session:

Topic-1: VMware / vCloud, Public Cloud
There is a need for supporting VIMs beyond OpenStack in Tacker. It was 
suggested that native VMware deployment using vcloud is typical in customer 
deployments. There was also discussion on VMware integrated OpenStack as a 
deployment choice. Both options were explored and the general agreement was to 
use the vCloud api to talk to VMware VIM. The open vCloud API is able to 
support complex resource requests from Tacker with a rich set of REST APIs. 
Action items include revisiting the current VIM API that will allow any VIM to 
be registered in Tacker and reference OpenStack driver be part of VIM module, 
drivers including VMware will reside outside Tacker project. CI options - 3rd 
party CI testing similar to Nova VMware driver tests needs to be integrated in 
Tacker. Tacker feature compatibility such as - scaling, monitoring, mgmt 
driver, auto network, auto flavor creation need to be evaluated and implemented 
specific to vCloud API.

Topic 2: Containerized VNFs
The topic was around exploring the current options for launching VNFs as 
containers. Zun project provides API for containers life cycle management. 
There are still questions around how to consume zun's REST APIs and its
interaction with container networking project such as Kuryr. Also, the role of 
VIM in container management such as OpenStack using Zun, VMware vCloud using 
photon was discussed to identify the support required by VIM for container 
management. It was agreed that a spec needs to be created to come with a plan 
for 1st iteration of container support in Tacker.

Work sessions:

Topic 1: NSD - Mistral Integration
The role of workflow composer such as mistral was discussed to implement the 
NSD feature. Given, NSD template describes a complex network service, there are 
benefits in bringing mistral to process the template with dependency 
requirements or to initiate resource requests in parallel. Also, any error 
scenarios or forking sub tasks on certain matching VNF criteria can be handled 
with mistral support, especially for forwarding graphs. The action items 
identified was to build a basic translator that can map simple NSD TOSCA 
templates to Mistral workflow files in the 1st iteration for Ocata cycle. This 
can later be evolved to handle more complex requirements of NSD.

Topic 2: EM Interface Evolution
The discussion was around defining the API interactions between Tacker and 
external EM interface for VNF management. It was agreed that there is no 
standard way to define and implement this feature. The orchestrator and 
framework should implement a basic version of this interaction and later evolve 
it as more requirements are gathered. There needs to be a feedback loop from EM 
interface to Tacker to drive the policies and performance SLAs of VNFs. The 
orchestrator needs to provide the calls to EM interface for VNF configuration 
management. Also, VNF change notifications should be monitored by the EM 
interface and the data sent as a loopback to Tacker to trigger action requests.

Topic 3: Senlin Integration:
Senlin team provided a good overview of the project and described cluster 
management for scaling and HA policies in Tacker. Heat-translator provides 
supports for senlin resources. Also, senlin integration generates multiple 
templates including profiles and clusters that will have to be handled and 
managed within Tacker. There needs to be support for specifying target set of 
nodes/VDUs that needs to be scaled out/scaled in by senlin. There are 
challenges in translating tosca scaling policies and vnf properties to senlin 
resource types such as profile, cluster and policy as there is no 1:1 mapping 
of these resources between tosca template and senlin heat templates. It was 
agreed that an initial support can be brought in as an alternative to heat auto 
scaling if senlin is deployed on the system.

Cross project discussions
Topic: 4 tosca-parser/heat-translator:
The TP/HT folks updated the team on the 2 features that are brought in for 
Ocata cycle. 1. nested-templates which is required for target VDU scaling and 
2.substitution mappings required for NSD implementation. The team discussed on 
supporting forwarding graph in NSD in tosca-parser project. The action item 
identified was to find the gaps between the NSD spec in tosca profile and 
tosca-parser support and TP team will correspondingly follow up with the 
required fixes.

Topic 5: networking-sfc:
Tacker is now using networking-sfc to implement forwarding graphs. The ask was 
to rely on a stable branch of networking-sfc to bring in the functional tests 
for forwarding graphs in Tacker. The networking-sfc team will create newton 
release in December and will follow the regular release schedule going forward 
from Ocata cycle. The usage guide for networking-sfc will be revisited to make 
it more intuitive for newcomers and users of networking-sfc. The mandatory 
network_source_port_id specification in networking-sfc for ODL backend driver 
will be taken up as a bug and followed up by networking-sfc team. Also, the 
source_port_id requirement for ovs reference driver need to be revisited, team 
agreed to sync up again on identifying an alternate solution.


[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tacker-ocata-summit

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