Welcome to the twenty-eightiest edition of a weekly update in TripleO world!
The goal is to provide a short reading (less than 5 minutes) to learn
what's new this week.
Any contributions and feedback are welcome.
Link to the previous version:

| General announcements |

+--> We're still preparing the first release candidate of TripleO Rocky,
please focus on Critical / High bugs.
+--> Reminder about PTG etherpad, feel free to propose topics:
+--> Juan will be the next PTL for Stein cycle, congratulations!

| Continuous Integration |

+--> Sprint theme: migration to zuul v3, including migrating from legacy
bash to ansible tasks/playbooks (More on
+--> The Ruck and Rover for this sprint  are Gabriele Cerami (panda) and
Rafael Folco (rfolco). Please tell them any CI issue.
+--> Promotion on master is 2 days, 9 day on Queens, 0 days on Pike and 7
days on Ocata.
+--> More: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting

| Upgrades |

+--> No updates this week.

| Containers |

+--> The team is looking at podman/buildah support for Stein cycle. More
discussions at the PTG, but doing some ground work now.

| config-download |

+--> No updates this week..

| Integration |

+--> No updates this week.

| UI/CLI |

+--> No updates this week.

| Validations |

+--> No updates this week.

| Networking |

+--> No updates this week.

| Workflows |

+--> Progress on the Mistral tempest plugin and testing on the
containerized undercloud job.
+--> More: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-workflows-squad-status

| Security |

+--> Discussion around secret management.
+--> Last meeting notes:
+--> More: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-security-squad

| Owl fact  |
Owl Wings Are Helping Silence Airplanes, Fans, and Wind Turbines
Nice reading:
Thanks Cédric for this contribution!

Thank you all for reading and stay tuned!
Your fellow reporter, Emilien Macchi
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