Hello All!

   The storyboard team has created another blog post to help you learn how
some of the more utilized capabilities of launchpad work in Storyboard so
please take a look! [1]

And if you missed our previous post discussing why we want to move to
Storyboard please take a look at that too [2] :)

Lastly, if you want to play around with it [3], read the documentation [4],
attend our weekly meetings with feedback [5], or check out the real thing
[6] please feel free to do so.


Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo) and the Storyboard Team

[1] https://storyboard-blog.io/mapping-launchpad-to-storyboard.html
[2] https://storyboard-blog.io/why-storyboard-for-openstack.html
[3] https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/
[4] http://docs.openstack.org/infra/storyboard/
[5]  https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard
[6] https://storyboard.openstack.org/
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