At the kolla design summit yesterday in Barcelona, someone said there is no
tool to search words in the logs of an OpenStack IRC channel.

The OpenStack IRC logs have invaluable information and solutions to many

Attached is a little script I wrote to search regular expressions in the
#openstack-kolla IRC channel.  It can be updated to search words in any
OpenStack IRC channel.

For example, if you need help about the error "DockerException: Error while
fetching server API version" in the logs of the #openstack-kolla IRC channel,
just do the following.

$ ./ ".*DockerException: Error while fetching server API 
Found in

Below is the snippet in the IRC log.


Hope it helps and let me know if you find any bug in the script!

Vikram Hosakote
IRC:  vhosakot
#! /usr/bin/python

# Author:  Vikram Hosakote (
# This script searches a regular expression in OpenStack Kolla's IRC logs
# in a multi-threaded manner.
# The "link" variable in this script can be changed to search any 
# OpenStack project's IRC logs.
# For example:  To search OpenStack Neutron IRC logs, set
# link = "";
# Usage:   ./ <Regular expression to search in quotes>
# Examples:
# To search a whole word, escape \b as \\b
# $ ./ "\\bvhosakot\\b"
# [u'vhosakot']
# $ ./ "\\bvho\\b"
# $ ./ "vhosakot"
# [u'vhosakot']
# $ ./ "vhosakot.*"
# [u'vhosakot has joined #openstack-kolla15:30']
# $ ./ ".*akot"
# [u'*** vhosakot']
# $ ./ ".*akot.*"
# [u'*** vhosakot has joined #openstack-kolla15:30']

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from multiprocessing import Pool
import re
import sys
import urllib

def print_usage():
    print "\
        $ ./ \"\\\\bvhosakot\\\\b\"  \n\
        [u'vhosakot']  \n\
        $ ./ \"\\\\bvho\\\\b\"  \n\
        $ ./ \"vhosakot\"  \n\
        [u'vhosakot']  \n\
        $ ./ \"vhosakot.*\"  \n\
        [u'vhosakot has joined #openstack-kolla15:30']  \n\
        $ ./ \".*akot\"  \n\
        [u'*** vhosakot']  \n\
        $ ./ \".*akot.*\"  \n\
        [u'*** vhosakot has joined #openstack-kolla15:30']  \n\

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print "\nNothing to search."
    print "\nUsage:   ./ <Regular expression to search in quotes>\n"
    print "Examples:"

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    print "\nEnter the regular expression to search in quotes."
    print "\nUsage:   ./ <Regular expression to search in quotes>\n"
    print "Examples:"

regexp_to_search = sys.argv[1]

# The link below can be changed to search any OpenStack project's IRC logs
# For example:  To search OpenStack Neutron IRC logs, set
# link = "";

link = "";
f = urllib.urlopen(link)
irc_page =

def t_search_in_each_irc_link(irc_link, regexp_to_search):
    f = urllib.urlopen(irc_link)
    html_page =
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page, "lxml")
    irc_logs = soup.text
    r = re.findall(regexp_to_search, irc_logs, re.IGNORECASE)
    if r != []:
        print "Found in ", irc_link

pool = Pool(processes=100)

for line in irc_page.splitlines():
    if ".html" in line and "href" in line:
        link_suffix = re.findall(r'"([^"]*)"', line)[0]
        irc_link = link + link_suffix
        pool.apply_async(t_search_in_each_irc_link, (irc_link, regexp_to_search))

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