Re: [openstack-dev] Somebody posted this on #openstack-meetng-4

2016-03-21 Thread Anita Kuno
On 03/21/2016 11:59 AM, Sukhdev Kapur wrote:
> I just noticed that somebody posted this on the above meeting channel.

Yes, that took place over the weekend and pleia2 removed that user.

Should you see spam occur in irc channels please notify someone in
#openstack-infra so they can address the issue. Posting to the mailing
list will likely make the problem worse rather than better as you
spreading whatever spam they are trying to disseminate.

Thank you,

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] Somebody posted this on #openstack-meetng-4

2016-03-21 Thread Sukhdev Kapur
I just noticed that somebody posted this on the above meeting channel.

[23:22:31]   Allah is doing

[23:22:42]   sun is not doing Allah is doing

[23:22:42]   *yamamoto* (
left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)

[23:22:54]   moon is not doing Allah is doing

[23:23:10]   stars are not doing Allah is doing

[23:23:22]   planets are not doing Allah is doing

[23:23:35]   galaxies are not doing Allah is doing

[23:23:47]   oceans are not doing Allah is doing

[23:23:51]   *Sukhdev* (~textual@ left IRC (Ping timeout: 246

[23:24:04]   mountains are not doing Allah is doing

[23:24:16]   trees are not doing Allah is doing

[23:24:29]   mom is not doing Allah is doing

[23:24:38]   dad is not doing Allah is doing

[23:24:50]   boss is not doing Allah is doing

[23:24:59]   job is not doing Allah is doing

[23:25:11]   dollar is not doing Allah is doing

[23:25:23]   degree is not doing Allah is doing

[23:25:41]   medicine is not doing Allah is doing

[23:25:59]   customers are not doing Allah is doing

[23:26:20]   you can not get a job without the permission of

[23:26:43]   you can not get married without the permission of

[23:27:05]   nobody can get angry at you without the permission
of allah

[23:27:18]   light is not doing Allah is doing

[23:27:29]   fan is not doing Allah is doing

[23:27:30]   *amotoki* ( joined
the channel

[23:27:40]   businessess are not doing Allah is doing

[23:27:52]   america is not doing Allah is doing

[23:28:12]   fire can not burn without the permission of allah

[23:28:28]   knife can not cut without the permission of allah

[23:28:45]   rulers are not doing Allah is doing

[23:29:01]   governments are not doing Allah is doing

[23:29:13]   sleep is not doing Allah is doing

[23:29:26]   hunger is not doing Allah is doing

[23:31:37]   food does not take away the hunger Allah takes away
the hunger

[23:31:54]   *amotoki* ( left
IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)

[23:32:03]   water does not take away the thirst Allah takes
away the thirst

[23:32:18]   seeing is not doing Allah is doing

[23:32:33]   hearing is not doing Allah is doing

[23:32:47]   seasons are not doing Allah is doing

[23:33:01]   weather is not doing Allah is doing

[23:33:10]   humans are not doing Allah is doing

[23:33:20]   animals are not doing Allah is doing

[23:33:42]   the best amongst you are those who learn and teach

[23:34:39]   *spzala* (~spzala@ joined the channel

[23:35:17]   one letter read from book of Allah amounts to one
good deed ten times

[23:35:55]   one letter read from book of Allah amounts to one
good deed and Allah multiplies one good deed ten times

[23:36:34]   hearts get rusted as does iron with water to remove
rust from heart recitation of Quran and rememberance of death

[23:36:37]   *Jeffrey4l__* (~Jeffrey@ joined the channel

[23:36:44]   heart is likened to a mirror

[23:37:09]   when a person commits one sin a black dot sustains
the heart

[23:38:38]   Allah is doing

[23:38:55]   sun is not doing Allah is doing

[23:39:31]   *spzala* (~spzala@ left IRC (Ping timeout: 248

[23:39:34]   *user_9876* (779dcd38@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ left IRC (Quit: - A
hand crafted IRC client)

[23:41:51]   *yamamoto* (
joined the channel
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)